Volkswagen Race Touareg 2 for Dakar rally

Volkswagen Race Touareg 2

Volkswagen’s entry for the 2009 Dakar rally is the Volkswagen Race Touareg 2. Four units of these offroad racing monsters will be piloted by Spaniard Carlos Sainz and his French navigator Michel Perlin; Giniel de Villiers (South Africa) and Dirk von Zitzewith (Germany); Mark Miller (USA) and Ralph Pitchford (South Africa) and Dieter Depping partnered with fellow German Timo Gottschalk.

The Race Touareg 2 is built from an aluminium tube frame, with the body panels fitted over it, much like how the Racing Lancer is constructed. The racers will be supported by a team of support and service trucks. The racers and the support trucks together with parts and equipment will be shipped to Le Havre, France for scrutineering before being shipped over to South America for the Dakar race.

Powering the Race Touareg 2 racers are 2.5 litre TDI engines which can produce 280 PS, build by Volkswagen Motorsport in Hanover, Germany.

Look after the jump for photos of the tube frame.

Volkswagen Race Touareg 2

Volkswagen Race Touareg 2

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • rexis (Member) on Oct 25, 2008 at 8:15 am

    it is yet another fierce looking 4×4.

    Seriously is there a limit to turbo diesel in extracting more horsepower?

    Navara 2.5 170 ps
    This 2.5, 280 ps


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  • White Jack (Member) on Oct 25, 2008 at 8:24 am

    Wow I can’t even recognise it is a Touareg !!

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  • ALPINA BMW (Member) on Oct 25, 2008 at 10:35 am


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  • hybridmind (Member) on Oct 25, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    It not TOUAREG at all, it match the sponsor well : THE RED BULL (but with blue color and without twin horn) haha

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  • ericfoong81exe (Member) on Oct 25, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    wow…just like a hotrod body wearing the touareg cover. Think the driver will be dead in the first place by absorbing all the vibration during the heavy accident rather than the car spoilt due to the strong “hotrod”…

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  • Xx- Ferrari -xX (Member) on Oct 25, 2008 at 4:18 pm

    not bad…. the structure of the toareg is designed specifically for full-offroad…

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  • csv (Member) on Oct 25, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    looks nothing like the oringinal touareg.

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  • car_craze (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 12:23 am

    I hope VW wins the rally this time. They have been playing second fiddle to Mitsubishi the last few years. They are still the team to beat.

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  • runpandarun (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 9:05 am

    when will they show it on tv..and when..

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  • fighter_B2500 (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 9:26 am

    Powering the Race Touareg 2 racers are 2.5 liter TDI engines which can produce 280 PS
    the toughest endure race in the world…the toughest car, xkan guna engine dat produce only 280 ps? can anyone explain this?

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  • fighter_B2500 (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 9:27 am

    Powering the Race Touareg 2 racers are 2.5 liter TDI engines which can produce 280 PS
    the toughest endure race in the world…the toughest car, xkan guna engine dat produce only 280 ps? can anyone explain this? why not 450ps or 550 ps ? hehhee

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  • motherker (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    fighter_B2500 said,

    Powering the Race Touareg 2 racers are 2.5 liter TDI engines which can produce 280 PS
    the toughest endure race in the world…the toughest car, xkan guna engine dat produce only 280 ps? can anyone explain this? why not 450ps or 550 ps ? hehhee

    ever heard of something called reliability bro?

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  • ALPINA BMW (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    fighter_B2500 said,

    Powering the Race Touareg 2 racers are 2.5 liter TDI engines which can produce 280 PS
    the toughest endure race in the world…the toughest car, xkan guna engine dat produce only 280 ps? can anyone explain this? why not 450ps or 550 ps ? hehhee

    ever heard of something called reliability bro?
    MISTHUBISHI WINS THIS EVERY YEAr, so they are the most reliable?

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  • theanswer (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 5:50 pm

    in this kind of race..they’r not fully depending on raw’s abt driving technique n engine reliability. i think the engineer focus more on torque..not hp. they’r using the vehicle in the middle of the they dont really need high powered+fast vehicle.
    n btw, to be a reliability is PART of it.

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  • ALPINA BMW (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    if proton joins, sure die

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  • ignas (Member) on Oct 26, 2008 at 11:07 pm

    if proton joins, not necessary will die. it’ll has all the sponsorships and helps it can get, especially from our G. but does it even qualify lol.

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  • fighter_B2500 (Member) on Oct 27, 2008 at 12:06 am

    ALPINA BMW said,

    October 26, 2008 @ 3:55 pm

    fighter_B2500 said,

    Powering the Race Touareg 2 racers are 2.5 liter TDI engines which can produce 280 PS
    the toughest endure race in the world…the toughest car, xkan guna engine dat produce only 280 ps? can anyone explain this? why not 450ps or 550 ps ? hehhee

    ever heard of something called reliability bro?
    MISTHUBISHI WINS THIS EVERY YEAr, so they are the most reliable?
    last dakar rally on early stage was lead by tuoareg drive by carlos sainz, only after his car crash (hit the tree, if im not mistake) then the mitsu overtake and lead the race untill the end…

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
  • ALPINA BMW (Member) on Oct 27, 2008 at 8:56 pm

    fighter_B2500 said,

    October 27, 2008 @ 12:06 am

    ALPINA BMW said,

    October 26, 2008 @ 3:55 pm

    fighter_B2500 said,

    Powering the Race Touareg 2 racers are 2.5 liter TDI engines which can produce 280 PS
    the toughest endure race in the world…the toughest car, xkan guna engine dat produce only 280 ps? can anyone explain this? why not 450ps or 550 ps ? hehhee

    ever heard of something called reliability bro?
    MISTHUBISHI WINS THIS EVERY YEAr, so they are the most reliable?
    last dakar rally on early stage was lead by tuoareg drive by carlos sainz, only after his car crash (hit the tree, if im not mistake) then the mitsu overtake and lead the race untill the end…
    this year no more colin mcrae….wat about bmw, are they in this year?

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  • fighter_B2500 (Member) on Oct 27, 2008 at 10:35 pm

    this year no more colin mcrae….wat about bmw, are they in this year?
    last time there was X3 drive by an arabic sheikh…but its indipendence team, not factory dont hope so much that they can beat the factory support mitsu and VW

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  • BanyakMasukWorkshop (Member) on Oct 28, 2008 at 9:10 am

    ignas said,
    October 26, 2008 @ 11:07 pm

    if proton joins, not necessary will die. it’ll has all the sponsorships and helps it can get, especially from our G. but does it even qualify lol.

    its got nothing to do with qualification. if you decide to enter the dakar, you take money out(sponsored or otherwise), and build a car for the class you want to enter. the dakar is all about getting the right team, the right strategy, and lots of luck.
    and how do you explain proton going racing with government money? if you cant, maybe you should just can those type of comments.

    proton has raced internationally, and has been successful on many occasions and i give tribute to them for doing it. its not like someone sitting behind a computer typing on a keyboard and just talking about it.

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  • ALPINA Bukard Bovensiepen GMBH + Co. KG (Member) on Oct 29, 2008 at 8:13 pm

    then there’s those nissans, ktm….

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