ACA clamps down on Perodua executive

An 31 year old executive in Perodua has been detained by the Anti-Corruption Agency for arranging faster delivery for the Perodua Myvi car, which currently has a reported waiting list of seven months long.

The man had been working with certain Perodua dealers to enable their customers to get their Perodua Myvi delivered faster at an additional cost of about RM2-4K each. This fees was to be split 50-50 between him and the dealers.

The ACA also detained a 41-year old car dealer from Klang involved in this scheme. One that is found guilty of corruption can be fined up to RM10,000 or five times the bribe amount, whichever is higher, and between two weeks to 20 years in jail.

The Star reports initial investigations have shown the man had transactions which earned him up to RM40-50K so far. That would mean a RM200,000 fine.

Source: The Star

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • neurra on Oct 07, 2005 at 6:48 pm

    LoL.. got so many other cars wat.. pity those who's gonna wait 7 months..

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  • jenall on Oct 07, 2005 at 7:09 pm

    How bout this


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  • Marmitecrab on Oct 07, 2005 at 7:23 pm

    They should also go after the Toyota salesmen. Look at the waiting list for Avanza – 1 year, Innova, 1 year. I'm sure got a lot of under-table dealings there.

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  • ACA is blind or been sleeping,

    This is a "OLD" trade ma, it happen during the P1 Iswara, wira time too. BUT at least P2 took action, at least P2 did not want this kind of dealing happening in their office.

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  • deutsche volks on Oct 07, 2005 at 7:49 pm

    theres no place whre ppl come clean..come on,..!.thats life..

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  • Wilfred on Oct 07, 2005 at 7:59 pm

    Corruption inside their office make P2 feel ashame n they attempt to avoid it by put these ppl to justice…

    of coz that will slightly hurt the sale….as more ppl will hav to wait long then turn to other options….

    but if one's sale is low….won care of it anymore….sale the most and get most profit as possible…is their target to survive…corruption happens when survival is important than image…

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  • honda_driver on Oct 07, 2005 at 8:28 pm

    There is no where at all in the report that mentions Perodua reporting this incident and turning in their own employee to the ACA. So why are you guys coming up with your own assumptions?

    There is no way a company will call in the ACA to investigate one of their own employees. It will only become a PR nightmare, and looks bad for the company.

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  • e-Nabill on Oct 07, 2005 at 8:36 pm

    typical third world , its sooo rediculous to wait as long as a new born baby for a car…i dont tink it explains the huge demand,bt lack of efficiency and poor research of how demand will be , n i wish the ACA wd be honest abt their work…rather than jus showing the media n ppl that thy r actually working…i pitty our PM fighting corruption.looks like sting that cant be won!

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  • e-Nabill: FYI, this kind of thing is not third world. the Toyota Prius in the US has a super long waiting line to the extent that a 2nd hand Toyota Prius can be sold for a profit, more expensive than a brand new one.

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  • rainbow7j on Oct 07, 2005 at 9:50 pm

    Wow, that is hard to believe paul,

    Prius if I am not wrong is a hybrid?

    is the US crowd gotten warm towards a tiny car already? instead of their Giant SuV haha

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  • p2 reports to police,aca? really? hahahhahhhaaahh….you guys to naivelah or simply p2 ultras….

    it's the consumer like us lah who report…those who report this, come forward, i really salute you all!

    as far as i know this happen since proton's wira already……i guess p1, p2, eon all are the same people who running them, 'kluar p1 masuk eon, kluar eon masuk p2', that's why same attitude!

    we consumers should start to unite and have a powerful consumer ngos to look after us (just that all ngos are into politics in this country!)

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  • aksMs on Oct 07, 2005 at 11:23 pm

    honda_driver: biasalah tu…typical Malaysian. that's what most Malaysians are so proud of, what. i didnt say all. but most of them. read the headlines then make assumptions, judgemental lot. and then always blame other people. so very Malaysian. LOL!

    rainbow7j: i don't think there's anything to laugh about that. do u think that the ice melting in the north and south pole are funny? do u think oil price hike is funny? do u think inhaling toxicated gas is funny? do u think being environmental friendly is funny too? do u?

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  • I think ACA are still sleeping…..this happened ages ago…in Proton…especially….HELLO…wake up la…just bcoz this poor guy become the scape goat….a big Hooooo Hahhhhhh happens

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  • Well i not sure which basket is that in the klang 1 who was snatched, my bro's gf had ordered a Myvi (Manual) in June and was told she could collect her car at September…now that basket told her tat until next year not sure whether got car, while the other fren of mine who's a p2 salesman phoned me up and told me manual need not wait so long…around 2 month.

    Now atlease someone kena snatched (not sure is the same salesman) and i probably can tell that basket i will report police if he got more hanky panky…nice timing :P

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  • Handsfree on Oct 08, 2005 at 1:45 am



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  • all have to blame is pro2 it self.

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  • FiveElements on Oct 08, 2005 at 3:10 am

    See What is this ACA doing????

    Go around and catch the small little fries!!!

    What about the BIG FISH out there??? YEah those in the polictics..


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  • Johan on Oct 08, 2005 at 4:13 am

    you mean BIG FISH….like AP isssue? ……FiveElements

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  • macspeed on Oct 08, 2005 at 5:30 am

    the new volkwagen golf has a long waiting list two…..up to 10 months,,,

    Volvo XC90…evn more gila….A YEAR PLUS.when it was launched…fuiyooooooooooo

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  • gforce on Oct 08, 2005 at 6:11 am

    ACA better check the branch P2 also..esp at jln ipoh……heard something there…..

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  • gforce on Oct 08, 2005 at 6:13 am

    under table banyak sangat….

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  • Sleephollow on Oct 08, 2005 at 6:52 pm

    They are juz scapegoats…green eyes monster probably cant stand 'em anymor coz they didnt manage to get a single cent…REPORT 'em to ACA!

    I should say..Probably most Sales Advisors have lobangs on such thingy.

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  • e-Nabill on Oct 09, 2005 at 12:20 am

    typical third world i meant the way a company excutive takes advantage of the companys sales…dats wat i meant …wer personal greediness comes first ,bt it has been hapening for a long time…the surprising ting is that the ACA is actually doing sting now,lets hope for the best

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  • sinleong on Oct 09, 2005 at 3:17 am

    Justice is served.. BUT WHERE'S MY MYVI???

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  • ya. go n catch a big fish stupid ACA !. i think ACA mouth n their ass have been pop money by this big fish !

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  • bobcat on Oct 10, 2005 at 4:24 am

    Aca should go after the toyota salesmen at miri. My bro in law was asked to wait for 1 year for his new avanza. booking made sometime in Sep 04. Amt is 3k. Until end aug 05 no news from salesmen. But amazingly my cousin booked his on jul 05 and got his avanza end of aug 05. i ask him the trick, he said just pay extra la..!!! Bloody hell. Now my bro in law canx his booking. lose 3

    k booking fees. imagine that!!!

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  • Ronin on Oct 10, 2005 at 11:21 pm

    If you feel that some big fish or some other salesman requires an interview with ACA, please report that person and oh yeah, make sure there is eveidence.

    I doubt ACA went after P2 on its own, some pissed off customer must have reported it to them. That might explain why Proton was never in trouble… nobody care to report it, actually most people think that it is ok to pay extra if you want something, be it to get a car faster or to avoid the RM300 summon.

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