Shafie: No more petrol price hikes this year

In a news flash by The Star, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Shafie Apdal has given assurance to the rakyat that there would be no more petrol price increases this year, following the steep hike of petrol by 30 cents across the board this morning. The government expects to save RM4.4 billion a year in reduced fuel subsidies which they say can be used for development.

We’d better get used to this price. I will be taking the Putra LRT to my client’s offices more often, as they are all in the KLCC/Jalan Tun Razak vicinity. However, the safety of my car while parked at the LRT station is a concern, sigh.

BTW, I made a mistake yesterday. It seems Shell V-Power has not gone up 30 cents to RM2.02 a litre. It went up by 43 cents and it is now RM2.15 a litre. Shell V-Power is a RON97 petrol, the same as Shell Super but it is a different formula which contains extra additives, so it is more expensive. Demand for V-Power is likely to go down, so that’s probably why Shell increased the price by a larger margin.

In other related news, Malaysia Motorcycle and Scooter Dealers Association’s president Wee Hong expects the sales of motorcycles and scooters to go up following the increase in petrol prices, especially the ones in the 125cc range. These cost between RM5 to RM7 to fill up, according to Wee Hong.

Related: View on the effects of the price hike.

Source: Bernama, The Star SMS Flash

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • suanie (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 3:34 am

    i need a motorcycle license!

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  • E-Nabill (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 4:07 am

    i dont think the government can say that this is the last hike for this year,i mean how about if the uncertainties in oil supllies and politics play their game and sudenly a barel shoots to U$100 ….surely thy wil raise again…actua;lly alot of ppl are predicting that the price for oil wil end up around the U$80 mark this year…god bless us all , bt lets be hopeful abit,its not so gloomy…ppl shouldnt take it as a burden…we jus got to live with the situation , cheer up everybody!!

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  • SM4 (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 4:08 am

    Hahahaha, luckily I have a B2 licence, can ride motorcycle up to 250cc.

    They better don't increase the petrol price anymore, or else really have to "mati kasi dia tengok" liau

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  • Esshige (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 4:58 am

    honestly, i wldnt mind the fuel hike if the 'development' were not to fund more scandals to bail out lost making GLCs less AP toprofits those richs surplus from subsidy to build better places homes for the poor kampung folks, n who knows wht kind of 'development' it is. many complains of hsing area but nvr was repaired till years or ppl has died only the authority do sthg abt it. i wldnt mind the fuel price if the 'development' has brought abt less potholes in our country and lotsa real development can be made, tho small but its the small thgs tht matter the most. like clean street with litters, tht can bring great reputation on itsself. if u know wht i mean, sincere developments

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  • Wai (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 5:22 am

    in the name of development, this statement is the hardest to swallow.

    hahaha, we shud all save money and migrate legally elsewhere

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  • gowin (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 5:27 am

    How the government will going to spent RM 4.4 BILLION…….? such a huge figure !!! Hopefully this fund may go to the right place like improve our transport sistem-bus, taxi, LRT…ect to make the service more efficient, quality, affortable… everbody can enjoy their time and lesser jam in traffic BUT not let the fund go to few "people" to make them RICH and more RICHER !!!

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  • Initial D (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 6:17 am

    its inevitable…………i pity everybody as well as myself.

    wat to do, we r unconsiously dependent on oil.

    being suck into the black hole , now we hv to bear the consequences as we reach the centre of the hole.

    hope we won't be crushed!!!

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  • thetruth12 (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 6:26 am

    develop more h/ways with tols dun make me put aggressive and abusive remarks in this blogs development??? what to develop when our economy is on the brink why not give some projects to the public sector just closed down those ineffective govt. sectors like khaz…come on G we have plenty resources and reserves dun tell me the nonsense of our previous G spend all the money on projects think y all the foreigner and local funds were move to other countries y? tak ada projek bagi privatise co. tak ada businesslah bile tak ada business semua withdraw duit buat projek kat negara lainlah tak progrssive betul kita punya think tank economics dummy like me also taulah. We are just human my phylosophies in life is simple…dun just take it has to be give and take. If u take only then commonsense if u have any will tell u there will be a negative reactions. Well act and react simple ok faham tak G. Dr.M initiate so many progressive projects for what u think for his own cronies u may think but i guess he just need someone who can do the job. Well everyone dapat cari makanlah petrol naik tak apa as long as business as usual everyone dapat cari makan petrol naik sikit pun tak apa. Tapi sekarang business merosot, invester semua lari, tak ada projek untuk public co. sahaja few individual, business tak dapat collect duit dari govt. juga. Apa ini u ingat family business ke this is a country consist of ppl which has feelings and pain which we are all feeling very much and tq for your effortless leadership…

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  • E-Nabill (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 7:56 am

    thetruth12 :

    i tink best u either comment in english or bm! dont mix n match la

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  • gc (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 7:58 am

    >>Demand for V-Power is likely to go down, so that’s probably why Shell >>increased the price by a larger margin.

    Actually I do not think the demand for V-Power will decrease by much. Those that use V-Power can afford and willing to pay for better quality fuel.

    I am using V-Power as it saves me money (at the old price) on my Volvo S40 2005. When compared to conventional fuel, it gives 10-15% better fuel economy. This is not based on 'feel', but actual fuel economy reading from the in-built computer.

    On a trip to Ipoh, the computer showed 8L/100km using V-Power. On my way back the petrol station was out of V-power, so I filled it up with Super. The same trip back the fuel economy was 8.9L/100km. This is running at 140km/h for approximately 180 km. (FYI this car can go 6.8L/100km if driven at 'economical' 120 km/h).

    At the old price, I am saving money by using more expensive petrol. But now that the price difference is more than 10%, it does cost a bit more, but I will still be using V-Power.


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  • Paul Tan on Mar 01, 2006 at 8:07 am

    Nice. I will try V-Power to see if it behaves the same way on my car.

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  • Initial D (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 8:37 am

    but V-power is vry expensive now. i cna't tahan liao.

    may the car manufacturer go out?

    now we welcome bicycle manufacturers, our new ambition is to be a global bicycle hub.

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  • gc (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 8:40 am


    Give it a try, keep a log book for the stats. The difference is more obvious on start/stop city driving. (I am getting 15% more km per liter)

    I know my 1.5L Wira (old '92 car) ends up using more V-power petrol/km but the 'oomph' is more noticable in my Wira. In a 2.4L Volvo, you don't really feel he additional power, but I guess I end up pressing in more gas without realizing it. The fuel economy display is a fun feature. It helps you learn to drive more economically. (eg. accelerating hard can give you 2-3% less km per liter). I also learn that by staying in slipstream of a MPV (eg Harrier) I use 0.8L/100km less fuel at 120km/h.



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  • rexis (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 4:46 pm

    Yeah when your car using V-power you can squezz out more MPG and your car can feel more power. But since the 1.62 era i has stopped pumping V-power, it is too expensive, too fun to drive(your car get more power) and end up you drive more and finally, more refill…

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  • rexis (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 4:49 pm

    This is absurd, they r just playing us around! Think, rob you once and say we wont rob you anymore this year. Is he playing funny or what. The fact is, it is not just once, but for the rest of our life, we will have 1.92 petrol to fill. Think again.

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  • Harry S (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 4:51 pm

    NO more hike this year? Gheee after 18.51% increase in price that statement is an insult to the poor people!!!!

    subsidies which they say can be used for development??? yeah right. MAS bailout cost RM2B, national service cost rm600m, bakun bailout, soft loan to build bridge to spore, sending idiot to the space, sending local councils for honeymoon in egypt, purchase more submarines from stupid crony company, buy Adnan for the army and then leave it to rot…what kind of development is that…

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  • Joe v2.0 (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 5:24 pm

    first it was the global price didnt went up at all, allthough still high but it was decreased after it hit the USD70 mark(that put up the fuel price up to RM1.62) to USD60 per barrel.. then theres the transportation thing on the fuel price hike.. i really think that is just another big fat BS. Why? for the transportation thing surely you can built it phase by phase, but rather by doing that, you'll spend a whole bunch of money to do all of it by taking out money for fuel sub. All this thing of price hike were done several time within 12 months.. Then he dares to say that is for the sake of rakyat.. is somebody is dumb on maths or what? 30 sen up for fuel, diesel and gas.. yeah rite la, this is one hell of a benefit especially the one the kampung, low income people added with groceries price up and a whole lots more just waiting.. want to control the price and inflation like this? in your dream laa.. this is just like the MAS story, but in larger scale – country scale.. in MAS they can always sacrifice the workers by kick'in their ass out to cut off budget because of their dumb management, but in this case…

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  • waimak (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 5:26 pm

    No more price hike this year. BUT next year we will raise again

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  • Harry S (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 5:29 pm

    i want to add:

    If tunku abdul rahman is known as Bapa Kemerdekaan,

    Pak Lah – Bapa Naik Minyak?

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  • Tracks (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 5:37 pm

    Ofcourse no more price hike this year, they increase all at one go already with the Rm 0.30 increase. But wait and see next year, Petronas announced that they make billions again and then wham, price hike in fuel again. The government is trying to show the world that we have a top 10 company in the world using our hard earned money.

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  • waimak (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 5:53 pm

    "The government expects to save RM4.4 billion a year in reduced fuel subsidies which they say can be used for development"

    You see, when we eat at a restaurant, we pay the govt tax. When we book a hotel room, we pay govt tax. When we use highway, we pay the tolls. The list will go on..

    Do we really get better service when we dine in restaurant? Or are the hotel rooms/ service getting better? or are our highways really serve us well or is it safe to use in the first place?

    How else the governtment wants to squeeze us? I just cant accept that RM4.4 billion justification. I think the govt just want to get rid of their headache.

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  • Jay (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 6:44 pm

    To all friends out there……some advise;

    1. try to use public transport often…unless you don't have 1 near you area

    2. use your existing model….don't change cars unless you're rich.

    3. car pooling…i think this is not an easy one

    4. plan your destination well

    5. what else can we do…if everything we SPEND is taxable….. solution IS what we want to see, the results on the G's developents.

    G says development……what new developments have we seen in the past 1-2 years…i mean good ones

    Anyway .. I live in puchong….and man I tell you the roads there sucks…port holes has increased in days & weeks. But some people are just too good … to even have the courtesy to stop their car & but a block or signage to alert the public on the damaged road….when not even the local councils do it.

    Divides are not painted, roads are not resurfaced properly….drainage system sucks. Where is our money all going ?

    I really wouldn't be surprise if the petrol price goes up again !

    I would recon smaller cars for time being. If you have a bigger car use it during the weekends, and use smaller cars to work. It does save you a lot.

    Some choices….Savvy AMT, Perodua Kelisa, Perodua Kancil, Kenari, MYVI & Iswara.

    The G is supporting Proton badly….time to come national cars will be a loser in competing with japanese & korean models. Already 10 years behind technology……iswara, wira, waja & perdana…all have no airbags…unless pay more. Not standardized….

    Thumbs up to Perodua for introducing airbags & abs (started in early 80's)….in their new models Myvi.

    So guys spend wisely….i know it's hard…..but what else can we do ? Will our pain taken into consideration ? NEVER !

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  • Initial D (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 7:29 pm

    just get on with it. at least we hv peace in malaysia. other countries dun hv that.

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  • mycar_stolen (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 9:36 pm

    aiseh where got peace here, you walk alone at broad daylight also people whack you for your money.rape cases more than 5 everyday last stolen (oh pity my car) motobike stolen everyday.

    this fuel price inrease will create domino effects will later lead to more burgalaries, snatch theft,rape(b'coz no money to go to red light, money all used to buy petrol)

    this peace will not last for long, not perfoming company will sack their staffs will increase jobless people than creat bigger problem.

    study hard and work hard be smart come on migrate to other countries.

    Australia is good option.singapore also can.may god bless you.BAPAK NAIK MINYAK

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  • Ajis (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 9:43 pm

    Hmmm… Developments? Yeah…. More highway will invite more tolls that we need to pay everyday… hmmm… Come on… We're in a tropic climate country plus our Public Transportation service is not that efficient and i think having a car is a need… What i mean by inefficient of Public Transportation is that in a lot of place there is still no Public Transportation…. There's another one that i'm pity of.. the small boats fisherman… Diesel raise will cost them a lot… In Pasar Malam people used generators… those needs fuel as well… hmmm… effects everyone…

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  • Initial D (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 10:34 pm

    wat to do? as i said, fuel is running out, when things are going to habis, price sure increase, how can the price stay the same when the bahan is habis"ing" ????

    use ur common sense la. blame the person who discover oil la. and blame ourself for being so dependent on that particular liquid. knowing that it is going to "kong", we still dun wan to use alternatives, instead continue as if nothing has happen.

    ur fantasy world where oil is omnipresent is no here on earth, la. u might as well migrate to another planet.

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  • Jay (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 10:59 pm

    Eh Initial D…you talk like a scientistlah…..don't belagaklah…..The forum here is on the suffering of the people undergoing (with the hike in oil price)….

    You say look for other alternatives ? as tho people don't know. Sometimes you talk is cheap ! Change your attitude man.

    You need to read more…are you sure fuel is running out ? First of all do you know what makes fuel ? If you know you would not ask this question. If you have a car, trying using something that is not oil….and if you can come up with something……people sure salute you…

    So…stop talking & gain more knowledge firt before hinting the people.

    Don't simply show offlah !

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  • Jay (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 11:03 pm

    Eh initial D…don't talk about hybrid vehicles at present ok ! talk about what can you think off ? Try to understand what the people are feeling !

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  • Initial D (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 11:06 pm

    bcoz u complain oso no use. u complain in newspaper or worse in the net. anything will happen?

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  • rexis (Member) on Mar 01, 2006 at 11:47 pm

    Seriously we do not have any alternative at all. Except to eat less earn less spend more travel less… aka CONSERVE. Yup, petroleum resource is running out, this is bloody true, no matter you want to believe it or not.

    Actually you shouldn't ask gov hv saved 4.4 billion and where this money will go. This 4.4 billion is the money saved, doesn't mean that gov hv 4.4 billion sitting in bank negara and dont use. Gov dont hv the money.

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  • revver (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 12:27 am

    last time there was kapcai with extra pedal so that u can cycle if 1. u want to save u r fuel 2. no money to buy fuel 3. running out of fuel.

    we r going backward. i think the story of malaysian wearing kulit kayu and daun kayu entering their twin tower will be come true.

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  • mycar_stolen (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 12:48 am

    now the fun is gone, I've start working five years ago work so hard to earn money, after 5 years with increment I think my income still do not tally with my spending because every price going up more than my feel like back to year 2001, car pass by me I cant afford, an apartment also cant afford.everything is backward.if 2001 i earn monthly 1000 only enough for me now even double to 2000 still enough fr life not so beautiful LIVING IN MALAYSIA HELL SO HIGH THE COST OF LIVING.hopefully we able to face the increase of crime rate if we could

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  • sarur (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 1:57 am

    y'all yang dah kejer complain.. what do u think i and my fellow students kat universiti?? dulu naik moto, paling kuat seminggu rm10.. now rm15.. i bet u my ass that very soon the food price will increase, then this year also heard they (the G) nak naikkan lagi harga ciggarettes.. what the hell? i now working while studying also money cukup2 makan.. scares me to death at how i'm gonna survive when going out to join the workforce with a measly rm1.5k every month.. what with the ptptn i have to pay back, what with then the petrol will probably be above rm2, what with me wanna buy a house and a car and start my own family.. if this continues, i' damn sure my vote in the upcoming election will go to someone else other than the barisan.. damn this is unfair for my generation..

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  • sarur (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 2:11 am

    although i doubt it VERY seroiusly that even with a new G there will be a drop in petrol prices and thus our everyday expenses.. hmm.. i want MAHATHIR back on the cabinet.. at times like this i really do miss that old chap.. :((

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  • HatukNgkau (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 3:11 am

    well, not that the opposition will do better job than BN are doing now, but simply just as a reminder to BN that they're not the absolute power here.

    do u think mahathir will be able to do anything even if he's back in power? he has foreseen all these long time ago… dats y cepat2 cuci tangan… his policy of overspeed development (white elephant mega projects, unprofitable heavy industries etc.), mostly financed by borrowing money from Japan, now comes back to haunt us.

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  • vague (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 6:09 am

    tu lah malaysian…. omong2 di belakang jerr…

    well, the G knows the rakyat will not or could not do anything.. tht's why la.

    or maybe they are trying the 30 sen 1st pas tu 1 linggit. u guys agree??

    they know or maybe they are saying "aiya.. tak pa, the rakyat panas for a while aje… msk kiri exit kanan (telinga la!!) after few months they will adapt coz they have no choice, so all you kat cabinet ni make sure u all bagi h/p punya nombor kat TV3 and media dulu…. pas tu create a hotline, 1-800 or whatever… macam bro JKR kiter tu. kah kah kah. tht is very original. i like that"…

    So mister G, u have lost one vote!!

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  • Initial D (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 6:22 am

    agree with hatuk

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  • sarur (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 1:02 pm

    i remember sum'n that mahathir said during his speech at uniten recently.. he said that even govt spend money, it will eventually come back to them in the forms of taxes.. like, if they spend billions to built a new housing area, the ppl that choose to stay there will eventually return the G's money by cukai pintu, cukai tanah etc etc.. so, i say, tell Pak Lah this theory that mahathir used.. pay the subsidies for us.. the money will eventually come back to them, no? why pain us and make the G richer? at least have the decency to give a better reason than just telling us it's for developing other things for the sake of rakyat.. what kind of bullshit is that? if we're in the early days of independance, mungkin rakyat will just buy that kind of bullshit.. but ppl are clever and not as stupid as back then.. no?

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  • stewpid (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 5:19 pm

    its not the idea to make the G richer… its shows us how pak Lah's manage the bolehland. The inflation is getting higher and they also deny it. The increasing oil price surely will nothing related to goods price, but it will surely affected because its the Service & Rental. The G always forgot that service is the kind of thing that we must to pay and it must be included when they are considering to increase the oil price and reduce its subsidary. What arr epu?? they forgot ar to those earn low income?? There are no increasing in our salary then…. then if they say "We have the lowest petrol/diesel price in the world…" ??? this such thin' are irrelevant becoz of we also pay tax for road, car (which we pay crap P1, and imported car is way too high price becoz of lotsa tax), insurance somemore (which the G cannot have control), toll (highways should't have traffic jam, so we suppose not to pay tolls dont we?) and the public transport are 'very' inefficient… (taxis are not using meters, the new Rapid bus are covered irrelevant routes, Feeder bus that always rare and late). Very stupid ah….

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  • cavino (Member) on Mar 02, 2006 at 11:46 pm

    Rexis is right in saying the gov does not have the 4.4billion.

    By passing the bucket to car users, the govt save 4.4 billion of cash that it does not have. If not raising fuel price, the govt have to scrap 4.4 billion from other development projects to push in here. Now those projects will be saved, as money allocated to those politician pockets will continue to flow.

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  • mycar_stolen (Member) on Mar 03, 2006 at 1:00 am

    a comment from fellow classmate I've return to work in Msia he choosed to stay and marry ang guess who is regretting

    I've been living out of Malaysia long enough that I

    don't know much about the economic condition in

    Malaysia at the moment. But I've lived long enough in

    Australia that there's a lot of things here that our

    country should take example of.

    One thing I really like about Australia is the

    honesty, kindness and humbleness of it's people in

    general, guided by their strong sense of

    responsibility. It's surprising that even though a

    lot of the Australian don't have any religion, or not

    religious at all, they can be more honest and kinder

    that some people who think they are religious and

    following the way of the religion.

    I've lost mobile phones in the bus, and got it

    returned. People still pay to go to watch movie in

    the cinema even though no one is checking their

    tickets. I often left my car unlock and nothing ever

    happen to the car. I have left my house keys hanging

    at the front door and no one touch it for many hours.

    At the australian airport, the immigration always

    greets me with smile and friendliness. Office politics

    is at its minimum. Working here is as relaxing and

    easy going as relaxing at home during my holiday.

    Managers/bosses easily accept mistakes that it is a

    way for us to learn, thus I'm not afraid of making and

    admiting my mistakes.

    Politician doesn't expect the celebration and parties

    whenever their come out to the public. I can talk to

    them and meet them just as I meet my friends and

    colleagues. They cars they are driving is the same as

    the cars we normal people drive.

    With that kind of mental attitude, corruption is very

    low here and thus, wealth are evenly distributed among

    all the people who work and live here.

    Even though a lot of foreign media has labelled

    australian as a lazy, easygoing group of people who

    drinks a lot with racist minds, my experience here is

    way far from that. Australia are a group of highly

    responsible people who like to enjoy and live their

    life to the fullest.

    Here, work is not everything, of life is not revolving

    around our job. Instead, it's only a portion of our

    life, the rest if for enjoying life and fulfilling

    other things that we want to do.

    As with the relation between Australian government and

    it's people, it's a two way communication in which

    both have some controls of each other.

    Oil price skyrocketted here in Australia about 6

    months ago, but it went down again at the moment.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, the problem that I see in

    Malaysia is that our democracy does not work. Leaders

    are supposed to be afraid of the people, and not the

    other way around. And it's not only the leaders

    resposiblility to make the country's right. We as the

    poeple has also our own resposiblity to make the

    country right.

    Sense of responsibility is what we Malay is lacked of.

    A good sense of responsibility would make us an

    honest people and will always treat other people

    whoever they are with respect and kindness.

    A lot of us do not have our own inititative to do

    something, we always need to be pushed all the time.

    Just look at our youth in schools and universities as

    a prove.

    Alright, that's all I can say for now. I'm not a good

    writer but I just want to give my views on things.


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  • HatukNgkau (Member) on Mar 03, 2006 at 1:50 am

    dont forget GST is coming next year… somethings will be cheaper (but do u think the sellers are gonna reduce price?) and MANY MANY MORE things are gonna be priced higher, and this tax, is gonna be paid only (and only!!!) by end consumers, which means, all of us… another "projek kerajaan barisan nasional" to screw our backside.

    let's say wana buy a car, a local one even, u have to pay excise duty, stamp duty, sales tax (soon to be replaced by GST), road tax, insurance (which government will tax also) all using money that comes form ur income that is ALREADY TAXED thru income tax!

    plus u get hire-purchase loan, u have to pay interest, which the government will tax from the bank also, and this tax burden is already included into our loan!

    there are many more things that can be put here but i guess the truth is too much for us malaysians…

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  • Initial D (Member) on Mar 03, 2006 at 3:03 am

    i agree with mycar_stolen.

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  • edwin2 (Member) on Mar 03, 2006 at 7:16 pm

    PETALING JAYA: Tough action will be taken against profiteers who raise prices indiscriminately following the recent 30-sen fuel price increase.

    Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Mohd Shafie Apdal said food prices should not increase by more than 5% as the impact of the fuel price increase on the industry was only 0.29%.

    DO NOT BE STUPID la…. my nasi lemak kosong RM0.50 is not RM0.60.. that is 20% increase…. how are u going to arrest everyone ?? :S

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  • Esshige (Member) on Mar 04, 2006 at 7:12 am

    fuel increase 20%/ yr. everythg else increase 5%-10%/yr in line wit fuel suka suka sometime. my salary sqeeuze in btw these with increment of barely 10% over the years. i think ive to study harder

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  • chanlman (Member) on Mar 06, 2006 at 7:56 pm


    I heard a lot of comments and speculations of side effects of the petrol price hike. let me start off with Najib comment on TV that night:

    Najib said: "It is guaranteed that there will be no more petrol price increase this year." Immediately I thought of this question, how much the Govt intend to increase the following years. I have a gut feeling the petrol price will increase to its maximum (zero subsidies from govt) one day.

    So this itself leads to so many speculation in other goods and services. By the way, I just got this information from a telco saying that Prepaid starter pack would increase its price as well. But this has nothing to do with Petrol price hike. It was in their plan many months ago.

    Ok, I hear from my hometown (KK) that the hawkers and food center has officially raise the price of all the food items. Why? Its simple, the noodle factory for instance, has increase their production cost for each pack of noodle manufactured. This is just one of the main ingredient in a bowl of noodles, imagine KK is famous for Seafood and all the fisherman, lorry driver and whoever uses diesel in the process of getting the bowl of seafood noodle… Use your imagination. I was pity those traders and hawker owners. They have no choice but to increase each bowl of noodles just to cover the increased cost. (not their fault though)

    Now, down with most of us. The drivers of passenger cars. If I'm driving a new car (less than 5 yrs old), I would stay with my current car. For those who's driving an old car, and you think the engine is not performing as good as before, before change to a new and small engine car. Just like my mom, she's driving a Wira 1.6 auto (I guess most of you know this has been discontinued since Waja was introduced). It's already 7+ yrs old, petrol consumption its crazy. (

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  • chanlman (Member) on Mar 07, 2006 at 2:21 am

    cont… It's already 7+ yrs old, petrol consumption its crazy. (

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  • DAN (Member) on Mar 07, 2006 at 3:35 am

    mycar_stolen said,

    March 2, 2006 @ 5:00 pm

    i agree whit u .

    i been experience's it the same.

    like what i say , our government is like our father n us is like son , if father always looking easy money from us s a son how , do u think this a good father?.

    for long term our government is berth en us . why dont our government solving internal problem n go out their do n find a better return to our country in-stand to us who safer s a Malaysians.

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  • Warlock (Member) on Mar 08, 2006 at 6:46 am

    Hm, the government always give reason that it's for the benefit of the people. Dear Mr Govt sir, could you pls show me the benefits given to the people from the last price hike? Or do "we" forgot to passed it down to the people?

    So sorry if i am a bit skeptical of what the government is saying now (for the benefit of the people, goodness, these people really have no shame). May be the money will be used to repair all the flyovers, bridges and substandard roads built by JKR and Mr Vello . After all, it's for improving the public transport…..hmmmmm

    Definitely not gonna convinced me……..with all explanations!! for haven sakes, they even spend money to teach us simple mathematics (remember the big billboard by KPDNHEP if im not mistaken explaining about the last round price hike. Guess now they have to change all the boards cuz petrol price is no more RM1.62!!!)

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  • feez98 (Member) on Apr 01, 2006 at 1:10 am

    Benarkah harga petrol dikira begini? Kalau betullah cara kira kos petrol begini…memang rakyat malaysia di tipu hidup-hidup Price petrol per barrel worldwide USD60.00 Processing fees per barrel USD10.00 PRICE IN TOTAL PER BARREL USD70.00 (Exchange rate RM3.70 / USD1.00) means: RM259 per barrel in total **** 1 barrel is 200 litter… Kira balik… per litter is only RM1.295 and not RM1.92…. No such thing as gov subsidi… RM60 for petrol and the prossing fess is fix worldwide…. Think fren.. Malaysian people is not stupid….

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