Volkswagen looking at Thailand for ASEAN plant?

Volkswagen LogoAccording to German publication Auto Motor und Sport, Volkswagen is seriously considering a factory in Thailand with at least a 100,000 units capacity. Total investment would be about 614 million Euros (RM3 billion), and the site would be somewhere in Samut Prakan.

A firm decision has not been made yet, and there has been previous reports of Indonesia also being considered.

Related Posts:
Volkswagen to build assembly plant in Indonesia
Volkswagen looking at Indonesia instead
Volkswagen Group Malaysia to restructure wholesale operations


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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • droll (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 12:13 am

    hallelujah for VW! ignoring MY is a sound decision.

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  • loquitor (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 12:15 am

    VW. plz come to mesia. hehe!

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  • loquitor (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 12:16 am

    plz come here.

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  • loquitor (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 12:19 am

    mane comment akoo nie. aihhh. bengang btol! woit vw. datang mesia ar. gwe nk kije. inginiur!

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  • ah liew (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 1:41 am

    Wow! looks like our Protong not only pissed off VW in the previous talks & now they’re moving upward to Thailand to set up their Plant. huh…! can’t believe it. Like some sort of revenge. hee! hee!

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  • DAN L (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 1:59 am

    that what a malaysia gov and malaysia type of malaysia kind of people so great off doing a great type o governing ! malaysia boleh !.

    silent killer and serial killer to ther own countryman that what malaysia boleh !
    asal boleh makan makan la dulu !.

    this what our gov capable to do (do u thing mati baru gali lubang , can it b that way ? OHh may b there have many idiot can help them to gali lubang when ther die … ha no wander malaysia so many idiot to follow then to gihat i thing so >
    malaysia boleh!

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  • mits27 (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 4:00 am

    RM3 billion, we just missed that…do you know how many job opportunity to thail…no help for malaysia, no help…

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  • peYno-1 (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 4:29 am

    blame Malaysian japanese wannabe lorr
    VW knows, malaysians dont like conti car/engine… no resale value la.. engine not good laa.. spare parts hard to find laa…

    so they prefer indon/ Thai.. becoz Thais/indonesians no mentality ” Japanese is superior”

    padan muka


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  • White Jack (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 6:54 am

    Partnering and setting up factory is 2 different issue. Since Proton not interested in partnering with VW, why not Msia offer VW to set up their plant in Msia ?

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  • bkkautos (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 8:26 am

    Thailand’s Eco Car project is what has drawn VW to Thailand. They are going to build cheap cars in Thailand and enjoy massive tax incentives. This project has allowed Thailand to “encourage” investment from several large auto makers including Mazda/Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Suzuki etc.

    And once VW has set up production for the Eco Car, they might consider other car production in Thailand. It’s simple. VW don’t want to pay more tax than they have to.

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  • 4G63T DSM (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 8:54 am

    Because if when you JV, you will get access to the facilities very quickly. Building and setting up a plant takes time. Besides, look at it this way, with the NAP in place, anyone that manufacturers cars here might not what other contries to lay in tariffs and duties on us, due to uncompetitive policies. I know I wont. Look at Toyota?

    Besides, the Malaysian market is small. building a plant here at risk of your products being embargoed or taxes is not sound business. And on top of that, we wont know how many pockets VW will have to fill to run its business here.

    Another lost opportinity. 3 billion is a lot of job opportunities for people.


    Why this has to do with malaysian prefrence to Japanese marques has anything to do with VW and its invesment choices is beyond me, care to enlighten us? If you want to rant fine, but at least make them logical….if not, you are just wasting bandwidth.

    As already said, VW wants to export the cars they make. Wake up, malaysia is small.

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  • bmpower (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 9:42 am

    Now!!! that was VW the desperatest one!!!!.. ROTFL ROTFL ROTFL
    You just want too much VW.. if you think you can get better place for your factory beside malaysia, just go.. build there..

    Indonesia had cheap labour but to find good engineer experienced in automotive? Of course!. not much as malaysia.. Thai? i don’t know.. maybe they had many car maker.. but for the time being.. or at least few years to come.. their ecomic and politics not too stable.. even the latest pilihanraya winning cancelled!

    Not many thai can afford golf gti as malaysian!.. malaysia had a buying power much than other country in this asia tenggara territory.. :p You must admit that VW!

    Go away! Go Away!..
    VW ‘merajuk’ macam budak-budak. ROTFL ROTFL .

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  • LittleFire85 (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 10:42 am

    U think Thailand ppl are stupid? U r wrong! A lot of engineer & workers over there are cheap labour compare to us, they have less holiday and work more working hours then our country. The only thing u say politic unstable is from the Pattani where all those islamic extremist are always threatening ppl. Even u think the election is cancel, do u see their country fall down badly in economic? Even their politics fail, their king is still around to take over. Their King is still the best in Asean and respected well from his own people and if u study history, their king is the first one that never been invaded by any foreign due to their smart king.

    If 1 day u go to Bangkok, then u know how much advance they are moving compare to us. Even their roads & highways are more better then us in the city! Dont look down on Thailand, if not why Ford, Nissan, Honda, Toyota & etc went there to establish factory? Even VW also considering going over there?

    If u ask urself, last time a Chinese car maker also want to come in to Malaysia built his own car but why suddenly go to Indonesia? This is what i call ” because of one horse the whole group gone” If u translate in Chinese.

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  • bavarian (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 11:51 am

    when they want to come here the government chase them away and they are leaving now!!!!!!!!!!

    if they come to malaysia the government can actually earn some money
    volkswagen is actually a good car manufacturer but may be because of the people dont like european engines and the cars have no second hand value

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  • bavarian (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 11:52 am

    so its not good selling

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 12:44 pm

    “Burn away green mountain trees for the sake of protecting one dead wood”!

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  • IsaacVky (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 12:50 pm

    If VW were to come to Malaysia and had a partnership with Proton, they can just fully utilize the Tanjung Malim plant which Proton have now. No way to spend 3 Billion for a new factory. Don’t think too much you bashers.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    Just imaging VW assemble car here for export and exceed 1 million units, the job created at least 10 time what our P1 can do. This is not included other manufacturer recently or long ago set up their plant at Thai or Indons.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 1:02 pm

    The only Tg Malim plant advantage to VW is time as it is already set up. If VW partnership with P1 is taken place, VW still have to fork out similar amount of monies to acquire the stake. Do you see there are monies still flow in? Being blind defender always argue on protonomics! Pathetic!

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 1:08 pm

    See how good Persona and BLM can sell in international market! Hu, hu, ha, ha, here and there, hey all blind defender do you can see even Japan and US (they have sizable market) auto giant like Ford, GM, Toyota or any player’s future is not depend on domestic market, but world market.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 1:17 pm

    Just imaging Toyota set up plant here, today all Toyota buyers for Camry, Hilux, Vios, etc are helping our countrymen who work with Toyota. However, what we see now is this benefits go to Thais. Being narrow minded blind defender, they think and assume only P1 can create Engineer and job opportunity for us. FDI can provide biggest rice bow to us, P1 able to give “kerak nasi” only, that also have to protect it under NAP.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    Some one said “Go away! Go Away!..”

    WTF, talk like small childish kid! If VW can benefits him $$$$$ (i.e. more than cronies benefit from P1), I think he will kneel down and lick VW’s b**ls to beg for coming to Malaysia.

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  • IsaacVky (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 1:24 pm

    Wah mAcAm terror sangat la bang ni
    Tapi cakap kosong pakai imagination saja haha

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 1:47 pm

    Imagination? huh, this is future reality, look at the full news: –

    In future, those consumers buying VW car benefits Thais engineer and workers again, instead of benefits our own Engineers and worker if VW partnership with Proton is taken place!

    Now the “1st blow” is USD 912 million is likely to flow to Thais instead of to us. At the same time, tax payers still have to fork out “billions” to protect dead wood! “It is 2-way lost”!

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    Isaac, ini bukan cakap kosong, this is about creating wealth to the nation through sound and visionary economic policy.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    A lot of Japs car sold in Malaysia is imported from within ASEAN region, especially those “chepor version”! In future, a lot of Conti cars also will have a same scenario. So, with all the Auto FDI go to Thais/Indon, we are purely consumers of Japs/Conti car that benefits Thai/Indon engineers and workers.

    But how many car P1 can export that benefits our engineer/worker. Just do a simple maths!

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  • LittleFire85 (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 2:16 pm

    Actually why a lot of ppl dont buy VW? First the car here are tax so high, second when the car is expensive who want to buy it? When the sales of VW is low, sure the spare part will be less and charge the user expensive then service. Is a cycle!

    See this from

    Golf 3.2 Car 3189 RM68,720
    Golf GTI 2.0 FSIDSG Car 1984 RM49,820
    New Beetle 1.6i Car 1596 RM38,258
    Passat V6 2.0i Car 1984 RM59,044

    This all are imported! If made in Malaysia is even cheaper! Dont be blind fold by our G tax!!!

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  • document (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    No wonder P1is so lousy until today. That is because of those lousy thinking and attitudes. Short-sighted. Protection serves dependency. Now already 21st century, there is still a group of “OUT-DATED” thinkers over there. They juz like a frog inside the well. Never think out of the box.

    If they think they are better than others, i would like to say that: Have you wake up??? Dun be too over-confident, u might get ur EYES blinded.

    ONLY competition wil bring us the improvement. We should learn from others and not juz close up ur EYES, make ur own story. It’s time to WAKE UP, DREAMER!!

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  • document (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 3:46 pm

    Haha… I want to declare that: I m not race-discrimination. I only critic those “BOSS BEHIND THE CURTAIN” in our GLC and government. As a Malaysian, i do hope that we all Malaysian are born with the ‘First-class mindset’ deeper from the bottom of my HEART. I dun want to see Malaysia could not move forward juz because of those ‘”STONE” or ” BURDEN”.

    We should learn how to ‘fish’ and not how to be ‘fed (feed, SUAP)’.

    We are not a BABY who juz know how to CRY to be fed and pampered. A 23 years old man oredi can find the food by himself and INDEPENDENT enough to face the challenge in HIS LIFE!!!

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  • IsaacVky (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 4:42 pm

    Oh, my comments is always too true to see, to true to hear. I’ll hurt people with big dreams. Administrator deleted my comments.
    Shame, poor people.

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  • Xylan (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    why our government so fool huh? the investment is 3 billion!3 Billion! Thai or indon is so lucky , Y our government so full, y??????proton couldnt stand by it’s own, proton need vw to be a global car maker!!

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  • DAN L (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    talking whit pirat , talking whit spoon feeding ,talking whit 3th class mindset ,talking whit talking thing he o she only a bullshit whit a no mindset used in first place , talking whit hart broken , talking whit people whit dont even know where there come from , talking whit people who know only how to makan suwap ter..ter..ta..ta,,ta!, this all kind of reaction there will do and come out whit !!.
    there only dream off in there mind act like and think like there can but at the end there are making more mistaking all of more mistaking will return and come to word to there own world.
    what a crise sick !! happen to malaysia .
    this is what happen to Indonesia why cant we look clearly ,think and act in a proper way !, is all about a gov who know how to protect there own races but there dont thing what the hall Malaysia flag for and independent if we or our gov dont look in to a 1 nation to develop for own country ! and what a TEX and income TEX for if we a malaysian pay for in 1 nation to generate an economic for our country .
    i thing there bond whit there brain is in there ass hold type of gov , so u know what type of people there R!.
    no 1 talk races or act races here but who do it to who !.
    u can protect what ever u can but u know how to responsible and enough to responsible for !.
    we not PPLS…FU*K..FU*K that off! type of country !…responsible !, who make us success at the end.
    gov know shit in there mind !.to prove that …just see our Neighbor !the nearest neighbor not to mention Thai or other.
    DR M the best!.

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  • chap_de_x (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 7:39 pm

    why everyone become so emotional to proton not jv with this european giant….i am not supporting anyone or any brand right here but if u are very confident proton will not be success without VW partnership why u guys seems to be very worried about how p1 doing their business…as u guys confidently said p1 will not be success, then the company will close as soon as possible rite…after that u all can buy wutever car u want with cheaper price rite.then why u guys seem very worried about that.let just see p1 crash and burn rite…and then wut…do you think all the money from those giant they will give to us back when u buy their car…how many engineer will success in gather knowledge when they work at those giant car manufacturer plant…how many percent can go high in their career at those giant company instead instead of forever become their slave…do you think they will gave our countrymen an opportunities to make our own design car..learn how to make our own car…at least i see those scenario when mitsu still jv with p1….p1 learn so little in so many years…at least now i think p1 learn more faster in this few years without mistsu….just my point of view…you guys dont worried if your prediction is correct your passat will come to your home shortly but if its not just see how p1 success ok

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  • droll (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 8:12 pm

    it’s not about losing jobs if vw comes here and displaces proton. vw will also create a lot of jobs. it’s about losing crony opportunities!

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 10:36 pm

    Those blind defender self proclaimed “comments is always too true to see” is likely the “agent provocateur” of crony. They act like cyber trooper in PT blog to spread lies and endless lies to protect the crony interest in P1. They are not interested on P1 achievement and the welfare of the consumers, but just to ensure the cronies still enjoy easy monies flow to their pocket.

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  • topgunthang (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 10:37 pm

    proton will always be a failure. there is no doubt about it. with or without proton around. cars will be about the same price. benefit of being proton or protonless would not make much difference to the economy. though it would generate much better job opportunities and income for all levels of society if we were the automotive hub of asean instead of thailand.

    proton and its related businesses cannot sustain an economy of a whole country no matter how successful it is. and in our case it doesnt even begin to break even. even if it did break even, the profit only comes out of you. and is blowing away opportunities that the country could have had.

    can just imagine thailand lower, middle and upper class getting richer and richer and driving higher quality cars. for me, buying another proton is too makes us poorer and make thailand richer. i dont want that so i wont buy a proton.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 10:40 pm

    LittleFire85, no point you mentioned G harga warta to blind defender and/or cronies agent provocateur, they will argue untill the cow come home that without NAP, the price of the car won’t be that low. However, look at Middle East car pricing on the road, most of the Proton models sold there is even below cost.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 10:49 pm

    VW just purely make good biz decision to safe guard its investment by considering Thai as a potential site for its factory.

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  • topgunthang (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 10:50 pm

    can anyone tell me if proton can save the country 3 billion in savings? lose 3 billion just to keep proton afloat in the only country where it can sell and is doing so pretty badly even with a big advantage.

    and to think thats the only total investment for the plant only. beyond that is alot more. building cars for the world’s consumption. paying continuous wages for the people.

    when afta sets in, we lose the advantage even more since all this money that could have been can give other industries a stimulus as well. they export everything and many cars, u export a paltry proton that no one wants.

    case closed.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    After VW, It is likely no one interested to tie up with P1 if they ever talk on looking for foreign partner again in future. The likely scenario is just salvage TM factory at great discount price.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 06, 2008 at 10:55 pm

    So, after AFTA set in, our country will be flooded with all cars imported from Thai/Indon that supposely the reverse if they set up their factory in our country. See the 2-way lost in money flow!

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  • car_key99 (Member) on Jan 07, 2008 at 1:01 am

    come on you guy’s, stop blame each other…look at korea, very hard to find
    japanese or europe car because they support their local industry. Do we??
    3~5yrs in future maybe China,India and Thailand will be the same…Do we??

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  • yippi33 (Member) on Jan 07, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    its human nature to see only black dots on a white cloth…automotive industry is not the only sector that can bring wealth to the nation..there are a bundance others that can..i.e north, south, east corridor for economic development region ..the G has done quite a lot for us too although there were hickups here n there..its up to us to grab the opportunity..road quality is not something to measure a nations progress anyway..

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  • DAN L (Member) on Jan 07, 2008 at 12:03 pm

    tired to talk much , just pry to your own kind who develop the country will b better! .

    if chaina ,india and thai in this 3-5yrs can b like us, is a funny my b in your dream o thinking that back word in your dream who can b that way !.
    funny is this country China ,India and Thai can b like us how u gone thing what happen to us !.
    only a back word majority society who think that way will b down in the future like us in malaysia now !.
    every thing 1 to b the best this n that is like used a ass skin to put in the face but no return in investment , that what a ass skin all about !.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 07, 2008 at 4:48 pm

    If the partnership talk failed, G still can take initiative by invite VW to set up plant here with all kind of incentive. Just imaging if VW pour in USD 900 milllion into our auto sector, with target production of few hundred K units for export and domestic market, the multiplier effect is definitely greater than what P1 achieved.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 07, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    If we hypothesize VW set up plant here, they will bring along the best tech to our shore and train our young engineers and other technician just like what Dell doing in Penang. Our country having around 100K unemployed graduate, if this FDI pour in, at least VW can reduce the unemployed statisitic by few K, G can collect corporate tax, etc.

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  • adunadun (Member) on Jan 07, 2008 at 5:15 pm

    apa lagik, gi merusuh aa!!

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  • adunadun (Member) on Jan 07, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    last time i like to post a comment here, but i think the discussion go round and round. So i think alot of silent reader here, like me…

    merusuh aa

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  • topgunthang (Member) on Jan 07, 2008 at 10:47 pm

    here is a good article highlighting a few important facts

    note how many cars thailand exported to a ‘free’ market and how they are set to even export alot more in the future. Thailand (154,979) supplied behind japan. also note thai supplies to japan and other asean countries as well and to global markets as well.

    also note how many china cars were imported/or bought.

    dont bother asking how many proton cars were sold. it would take more than 350 years to do what thai supplied in 1 year.

    i’d say we take up the VW deal and hope others will follow suit.

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  • MisterBenjo (Member) on Jan 08, 2008 at 7:34 am

    If proton owned by VW there is no more fun in this website anymore.
    proton will become just like any other company.defender will lost interest
    and basher have nothing to bash.I love all the people who contribute in this website,so i prefer current condition huhuuhu go proton go paultan.

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  • bmpower (Member) on Jan 08, 2008 at 2:51 pm

    you quoting malaysia as a FACT.. ROTF ROTF ROTF
    They are politician like umno. none of them really honest.
    most of them ‘jackass like a king by their readers’
    they are all same = politicians..
    and then blind people just quoting like ‘that was the true thing’..

    Japan build factory in thai = thai only got money to buy food.. all profit go to japan. same as other country..

    I dont mind.. later if the right way.. proton will be like other japan car company = bring money to malaysia.

    “VW just purely make good biz decision to safe guard its investment by considering Thai as a potential site for its factory.”
    BigCrap!, they just think the’re too great! Go away VW, not all people like your GTI!.. we had more padang golf than your golf gti.!

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  • bmpower (Member) on Jan 08, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    you quoting malaysia as a FACT.. ROTF ROTF ROTF
    They are politician like umno. none of them really honest. i mean..

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 08, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    As usual, this crony agent provocateur will stick out his neck by barking non-stop on anything that go against crony dubios interest!

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 08, 2008 at 4:26 pm

    Being blind defender and crony agent, in no way he will see the important of well being of the people.

    “Japan build factory in thai = thai only got money to buy food.. all profit go to japan. same as other country..”

    This is a BigMouthPrrrrth talking nonsense!

    I don’t mind VW set up plant here, bring in latest technology, train our engineer, technician and provide job opportunity to unemploy graduates, pay corporate tax, etc.

    Our corporate tax is 28%, if VW export 190K units and sold 10K units in domestic market. That means 95% of profit is come from export and tax gain by G is 28% – 5% = net 23% of the tax still come from oversea market. There is a net inflow of monies into our country! The balance 78% profits bring back to German by VW is all earn from export market and we lost nothing. It is a win-win formula.

    Mr. Protonomics, do you know how to do the math.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 08, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    Stop your ROTF farting ……….

    Anyway what is your abbrevation for ROTF b4 I invented mine?

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  • topgunthang (Member) on Jan 08, 2008 at 11:54 pm

    he is just ROTF.

    left out the LMAO or LMHO.

    the difference between having proton and having foreign companies investing here is that with proton-only as the sole car company in the country (which it is)….the money is being made is being taken from our own citizens and most goes to the coffers of cronies or dodgy vendors or anyone who was awarded the contracts. whichever way u see it. this money doesnt flow back to the citizens. its like having a business but only selling products to your own brother and sisters for a profit. does the family gain any profit?

    with foreign car companies making us as a base for ASEAN market, we can tap into profits from other nations. it creates more jobs….more people can feed thier families and learn new skills acquire new technology. note intel, seagate, dell, shell and countless others benefitting the general public in wages and knowledge.

    proton shouldnt lose too much in the partnership. they may get vws build quality and lotus handling. however good that may be. and a better engine to replace the campro which is 10 years too late. and finally be able to make a good sportscar as well as bread and butter cars.

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  • bmpower (Member) on Jan 09, 2008 at 1:20 am

    none foreigner really good.
    most of them just take advantages.

    please ask intel technician in our local factory.
    do they really teached by intel lot of tech or just plain workers?
    sigh.. you’re both just ….. whatever..

    not worth to talk with BigCrap.. he always annoying and stubborned.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 09, 2008 at 1:31 pm

    But VW or other come in for FDI, we just can utilize foreign capital and expertise to earn foreign currency for us. Without good infra, well educated, highly professional, good English command level, etc. It is very difficult to attract FDI.

    Do not accuse foreigner not willing to teach if the local don’t want or lack of interest to learn in the first place! For those willing to learn, they even can be better than foreigner! Don’t be playing blame game and in the state of denial.

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  • rosdi (Member) on Jan 09, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    Malaysia has ridiculous tax bracket for imported vehicle?? Given the choice between Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, I would still choose Malaysia to live. Thailand too unstable, Indonesia too poor, Singapore too expensive.

    Damn.. Malaysia is haven.

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  • BigFish (Member) on Jan 10, 2008 at 12:31 am

    Yes you are rights, Malaysia is a good place to live but there are some elite take advantage of it to the extent VW wnat to invest and create job, they also “disagree”!

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  • DAN L (Member) on Jan 11, 2008 at 12:27 am

    haha.. malaysia is haven!, sure for those need and type who spoon feeding that why is haven malaysian for certain population.

    are u to sure Thai is not stable, u better study and dont always depend on our local media that same type poor malaysia.

    not stable in term of what, not stable is better then u thing it stable coz here stable is because for those that thing easy money for them self minority.
    that is no business world everything is stable …understand !

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  • focusian on Aug 19, 2009 at 9:59 pm

    Thailand ! Thailand ! Thailand !


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