BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy Southeast Asia 2016 – Stage two and three in Mae Hong Son

BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy 2016 - 6

The BMW Motorrad International GS Trophy hit Mae Hong Son for day two of the race, with racers confronting an ascent to 1,686 metres on the “Helicopter Trail” marked by the wreckage of a crashed UH-1 Huey helicopter at the peak, near the Thai-Myanmar border. Teams then tackled a technical descent, with steep single-track that was only a tyre-width wide in critical sections.

Three technical “tests” awaited competitors along the trail, with Team South Africa winning the first stage that rewarded aggressive and fast riding without crashing. A general knowledge test was given to racers about the BMW GS bikes they were riding, posing questions such as power ratings, weight and other statistics.

The third test came at the end of the day’s racing, with teams required to push their bikes along a narrow trail marked by barrier tape, touch tyres at a dead-end, and return. Team Latin America took honours for this one. Team South Africa were in the lead on day two, with Team UK and Team Latin America coming in second and third.

The third day of the GS Trophy dawned with a 255 km-long stage, broken into three sections. The first stage saw racers riding through parkland and terraced paddy fields, with numerous switchbacks and narrow tracks challenging their riding skills. A special test at the end of the first section saw competitors guessing the number of bamboo growing in a stand, and a team member was required to scale a 4 metre-tall stalk of bamboo to retrieve a secret message.

A wide river crossing and cool forest greeted riders on the second section, with a speed and braking test. Team South Africa won this one, and the racers then headed into a 90 km tarmac section, tackling the undulating corners that Mae Hong Son is famed for, before entering Mae Sariang to camp over-night at Salawin national park.

At the end of three days of racing, Team South Africa is in first place with 124 points, and Team Latin America and Team Germany in second and third with 107 and 102 points respectively. Team South East Asia is now in 16th place with 58 points.

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Mohan K Ramanujam

Coming with diverse and extensive experience in heavy engineering, Mohan enjoys making anything with wheels go fast, especially motorcycles. His weapon of choice is the Desmoquattro engine, and he has a penchant for anything with a dash of Italian design. Strangely enough, he insists he's a slow rider.



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