“Selfish Malaysian attitude” cause of bike accidents


According to Kuala Lumpur traffic police chief ACP Mohd Nadzri Hussain, the selfish attitude among Malaysian motorcyclists has contributed to a majority of traffic accidents in 2015, which in certain cases, resulted in fatalities.

Put into numbers, Mohd Nadzri explained that from January 2015 to December 2015, a total of 11,510 accidents involving motorcyclists were reported. From that total, 177 cases involved fatalities. He said the traffic offences are usually committed by dispatch riders and food delivery staff, who make illegal U-turns and ride through oncoming traffic.

“What disappoints us is this selfish Malaysian attitude. There is not much (of a) time difference if they make the U-turn at the right places. They do not seem to take into account the safety of other motorists and pedestrians. It seems like a small offence but we have reports on fatal accidents caused by making illegal U-turns,” he told The Sun.

To cope with the issue, Mohd Nadzri said the police will undertake several measures, including setting up ‘Ops Roda’ operations on an almost daily basis. “We have teams which conduct operations everyday. During the day we will conduct ‘Ops Roda’, while at night, we will normally conduct other operations such as ‘Ops Mabuk’ and ‘Ops Speeding’,” he said.


School students aren’t left out either as the police have also conducted special operations codenamed ‘Ops Didik’ in schools. The Ops targeted students who ride motorcycles to schools without a valid licence.

“It is quite disappointing to see parents who allow their children to ride motorbikes to school without a licence. Some of them caught by us are still underaged like 13- to 15-year-old students. For me, it is still the responsibility of the parents to educate their children. It starts from home,” Mohd Nadzri said.

During a four-day operation conducted in schools last year, a total of 274 summonses were issued to school students for various traffic offences while 74 motorcycles were seized, he added.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • Jay Law on Apr 06, 2016 at 10:21 am

    running the red light is an everyday sight

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 77 Thumb down 1
    • Lawless land on Apr 06, 2016 at 10:57 am

      Those that pay RM 2 road tax… should behave accordingly

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 4
      • Sorry if they treat their life as RM2 too

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        • Same L0rrrr on Apr 06, 2016 at 2:04 pm

          If they don’t speed on the road they would have avoid accident. If they don’t respect of their own safety, why blame us?

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          • The problem is biker need to speed in our road. There are many good biker who follow the speed limit, but in the end kena hentam from back from others who speeding. How many car do you see willing to drive at 80km/h at MRR2 federal highway?

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          • They should do a ‘wheelie’ on Proton

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          • WT Fuchh on Apr 06, 2016 at 7:13 pm

            Malaysian driver ,mana ada selfish…..ini culture…mah!!!

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    • Agree! 90% of the time with traffic light junctions

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  • Rosman on Apr 06, 2016 at 10:37 am

    YES finally something wise came out from our police. Motorcyclist apparently the king of Malaysian road. When traffic jam honking at cars changing lane even though cars give signals early, motorcyclist still honk because they want to menyelit between cars. SELFISH. At highways driving at middle lane at 90km/h, please lah stay on the left most lane if driving below speed limit, you are taking space, cars need to makan lane sebelah to pass you.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 77 Thumb down 3
    • Bro…you naik moto then you know…we honk you not because you changing lanes…it is because we afraid that you dont saw us..plus if it’s traffic jam..you still want to change lane because the other lane is moving…then you are SELFISH too….we naik moto because of economical and can get you from point a to point b fast….if we follow like car…then I dont think you will get your pizza hot and fresh…and about the highway…if we ride on the left lane where there is a big vehicle…dont you think it will cause more harm to us?

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      • Rosmah on Apr 06, 2016 at 12:44 pm

        Most of the time we change lane only when it is safe, ie: motorist is safe distance from us. But still motorist rempit too laju too lazy to brake, end up honking at us. We change lane maybe one lane ada accident, no point staying at the lane, or we really want to make right turn or exit. Car driver also should remember, during traffic jam, right lane not the fastest. We need to educate our roas users. Overseas pizza delivered by car, still on time. So arguement on delivery not valid. Yes there is big vehicle on the left most lane driving below speed limit, keep safe distance probably motorist will be safe. If you want to drive at right lane, please throttle at speed limit.

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        • Bullied by bike on Apr 06, 2016 at 1:57 pm

          “motorist rempit too laju too lazy to brake, end up honking at us” ….. totally agreed with u. Even when sometimes traffic are very jam at narrow 2 lane road, cars are already give way to the motorcycles to move in between 2 lanes, there are still bike riders come to the left side on the left lane honking the cars to give way wtf!!! MOST of the motorcyclist are really selfish, no matter rainy day or sunny day, morning or evening, they are always rushing, even very narrow place they trying to go thru and hit ppl’s car door or side mirror, never bother to stop, dont understand why cant wait or slow down just few seconds, never respect other road users at all, really selfish and kurang ajar

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      • 4G63T DSM on Apr 06, 2016 at 2:46 pm

        This IS the selfish attitude people are talking about.

        When you hit people, you sakit, other people headache, when people hit you, you lagi painful. So why gadai nyawa to be few minutes quicker?

        You forget cars change lane suka suka ah? We change lane so we can get to the next intersection to we can turn. You think cars are like moto can turn suka hati ah? Maybe when YOU drive a car, you can understand why we change lane.

        Yes I used to ride moto back in the days. But what we see now is very different from back then. I’ve had my car hit and door mirrors damaged while waiting in traffic, properly in MY lane.. Just because YOU moto riders want to save time you don’t even look back or apologize.

        So who SELFISH now?

        Would you also defend moto riders that don’t stop at red lights? just to save time?

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        • dugongx on Apr 07, 2016 at 2:26 am

          In bolehland all rempit and bikers act like big time CEO / Menteri besar. Time is super precious bcoz they earn min RM1000 per hour. Every minute counts. You have to open road and give way to them when they honk just like menteri with police escort. Even traffic light green also u must give way to them when they are red.
          These stupid fools are just selfish pest like lalat / cockroach that can’t wait to get into coffin fast!!

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      • Motorsucks on Apr 07, 2016 at 9:55 am

        Lies! I’ve been in this situation almost every single day. I have to cut from the right end from my exit to the left end entry point in a high traffic 4 lane road. My signal is on for at least 5 minutes the whole time until I get out of the road and in this 5 minutes, motors horn like there’s no tomorrow because they want to go in between lanes. And they start honking from far even if they know I have no where to move to. I can see the motor from 1 mile away and I know i can’t do anything. So its not about alerting me. I don’t understand. Why do poor people on small motors have to rush more than us people in cars. Your brains is smaller, you earn lesser and hence you can only afford to ride bikes. So, just wait la. Don’t have to be rude.

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    • and after honking they make samseng face and look at the driver, sometimes mumbling whatever bull. i sure hope this kind of people hit something in front and fall while making their samseng face.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 60 Thumb down 4
      • rempit on Apr 07, 2016 at 6:02 pm

        Thats why when i see roadkill in our local accident blog about rempit become pancake on our road, i says “Thank you, Lord. Less 1 rempit on our road.”

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  • kereta_lembu on Apr 06, 2016 at 10:53 am

    I seriously wonder if there’s anything we can do to change the mentality and attitude of road users as a whole. Bikers tend to commit the most illegal acts on the roads. Maybe they feel that they are immortal or they seem to be always in a rush. They already have the advantage to weave in and out to get in front of the queue but still, that’s not enough. They have to run red lights and make illegal U-turns at their will. If you give them any room, they will squeeze their way through. Sometimes at the expense of scratching your car or hitting your side mirror. The best part is they just carry on like nothing happened. Sometimes we pity them when accidents happen, but sometimes they are just flirting with danger and you can’t help but feel they deserve it.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 59 Thumb down 0
    • Raptor on Apr 07, 2016 at 4:47 pm

      ‘Bikers tend to commit the most illegal acts on the roads’… I’m kinda disagree with this statement.. some drivers too commit the same illegal acts which causes more damage.. for example, one of my friend ( a motorist ) riding at normal speed crashed because of a car make a illegal U-turn without signal and checking properly.. what made it worse is it that it is a downhill road and late in night ( my friend just finished his school project and otw home ).. luckily he suffer only minor injury but his motor is no luck..

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  • shawal on Apr 06, 2016 at 11:13 am

    motorcyclists rides through one-way street like a bicycle and hogs the road like a car …..
    not forgetting the numerous times they run across red lights…

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  • dodgeviper88 on Apr 06, 2016 at 11:35 am

    For a motorcycle they have nothing to lose in driving like a maniac. Legally, in an event of an accident with a vehicle we can’t claim insurance to repair our damaged vehicles even if it’s the motorcyclist’s fault. Illegally, motorcyclist bang you, their whole gang come and intimidate you to pay up not only for repairs on their motorbikes but also for their inconveniences cause their bikes are out of commission. All of this under the watchful eyes of the policeman of course.

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  • mr1031 on Apr 06, 2016 at 11:41 am

    dua kali lima je moto dgn kereta..majority malaysian driver selfish & arrogant..no wonder accident among highest in the world..

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  • It’s because those motorcyclist are stuck with the attitude that they’re always right on the road, even when they’re dead. Just look at any accident involving a motorcyclist and any other vehicles, most of the passerby/onlookers will blame the other vehicle on the first thought instead of the motorcyclist without examining the facts.

    You’re more likely to survive an accident in a car than as a motorcyclist. Physics wins at the end of the day.

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  • seancorr (Member) on Apr 06, 2016 at 11:57 am

    The more they enter their graves the less scumbags we have on the road. Sorry but I have no pity on these type of humans degenerate.

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  • Tong Sampah on Apr 06, 2016 at 12:09 pm

    Motocycles are not suppose to ride on overhead bridge, there is a sign showing that but how many follows?

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  • Neutral on Apr 06, 2016 at 12:16 pm

    Hahaha. It’s really funny seeing drivers and riders squabble. For the love of god, before blaming each other, try to look for your own mistakes when driving or riding.

    For drivers, you guys rarely even use turn signals. Not only for riders, but it’s also hazardous for other drivers. How about annoying tailgaters and slow cars on fast lane? Are they really in “good” side?

    For riders, you guys are to be equally blamed. Showing bad hand gestures when some drivers pissed you off and honking while lane-splitting. Even if riders have advantages in traffic jams by lane-splitting, it is absolutely dangerous. Even some places considered that lane-splitting against the law. The worst of all, some of you guys didn’t even wear helmets for protection and that raises concerns among people.

    So, whether you are driving or riding, throw away that stereotypical mindset before blaming others. All of you are to be blame including me. Are drivers on the “good” side? Or the riders? No matter what you think, even if it is good for your point of view, it may be bad for others.

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  • Selfish MY pipu oso includes drivers, but they will always blame someone/something else. Its never ever their fault.

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  • Halimunan on Apr 06, 2016 at 12:33 pm

    Yup, right on the money. Most Malaysians value their life so cheap, willing to die just to save 2-3 mins. Motorcyclist and car drivers alike.

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  • Donald Trump on Apr 06, 2016 at 1:28 pm

    Yes! For instance at the Akleh exit near Dang Wangi. These motorcyclists always just went against the traffic because it is more convenient for them to do so than making U-turn further up the road. I know its bad but I can’t help wishing them bad omen.

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  • -BigBalls- on Apr 06, 2016 at 1:50 pm

    As someone who drops nothing but pure unadulterated TRUTH this had to be said.

    The reason why motorists can break laws without breaking an eye lid or single ounce of care to other road users are simple:

    1. they are riding on fake license plate
    2. they are riding on stolen bikes which are rampant these days
    3. they are driving without license, hence ‘untrained’ and ‘uninformed’
    4. nobody can catch up to them if they commit any wrong doings on the road
    5. they are always in the right when it comes to accident involving vehicles whether they are the culprit or not
    6. they are the most entitled bunch of road users on the road, expecting everyone to give way to them whether they are in the right or not

    Combining all of them above is a recipe for disaster where motorists behave like kings on the road, more so than Bijan and Rossie with their bunch of escorts, whether to fellow motorists (I’ve seen motorcyclists fighting each other in the middle of a packed highway when one don’t give way to the other) or to the defenseless car drivers.

    to address the problem, the authorities need to curb out the first three problems highlighted above, you would remove half of the errant motorcyclists on the road


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  • Does this website have a thing against big bikers ? Why show photo of big bikers when they are the least likely to exhibit these type of behaviour. It is the small bikes that account for almost all these behaviour and also the road fatalities. In reality, it is not even the small bikes that are to blame but the mentality of the group of people who are most likely to use them. Small bikes are not inherently dangerous if used outside of the highways.

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    • tokmoh. on Apr 06, 2016 at 3:31 pm

      Lol, you naive.

      Lagi besar bike, lagi beruk perangai.

      Selalu convoy kat fast lane, lagi samseng perangai.

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    • Manny on Apr 07, 2016 at 9:37 am

      Hah. Big bikers!

      Just this morning 2 hours ago, i saw the perangai of those big bikers.

      2 x big bikes from outside the tunnel, cut into my lane right after i exited the tunnel ( the one turning into KLCC from Jalan Tun Razak ). I slammed on the brakes for those 2 fellas, honked them, but they macam tak dengar aje.

      At that point, i wish i had weaker brakes. But I don’t really not want to wash your blood off my car later. There are plenty of cctvs there, and it is obvious that you are at fault, but just don’t care.

      Typical perangai big bikers. The mature side of me would say not all are like that. You are probably a good one. But a drop of clean water ain’t gonna clean a tank of muddy water.

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    • Raptor on Apr 07, 2016 at 4:53 pm

      nah… no matter big bikers, normal bikers even drivers there will be a group of them which is irresponsible and act silly

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  • Manny on Apr 06, 2016 at 2:50 pm

    Besides all the points here, 2 behaviour of Malaysian drivers that seriously pisses me off every time I see it

    I) Tailgaters. What is wrong with you people driving 5 inches from my car on the highway? If its traffic jam, i can understand, but on the highway doing 90-110kmh? Do you know I can slam the brakes and you will have to pay for the damages. Use a bit of common sense. I have seen modified kancil driven within inches from a convertible. Hey, you knock on that car, the repairs on the convertible roof will probably bleed you dry. There must be a reason for the risk we take. A risk must come with a reward. In this case, I can’t see any reward. Just pure stupidity and a skewed cost-benefit situation on the tailgater.

    ii) Queue cutters. Imagine a 3 Lane road. 2 Lane going to the left but jammed up. Rest assured the 3rd lane will be jammed up too because of people trying to cut the queue. This is done by very selfish drivers who doesn’t want to queue up, cutting in at the expense of no only those in the 3rd lane, but those drivers that queue up patiently. If I am the one queueing up, I never let these people pass and I suggest more of us do the same.

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  • topkek on Apr 06, 2016 at 3:21 pm

    Summary = Regardless of driver or rider in Malaysia, both are retarded.

    Just see how road user in Thailand ans Singapore behave.

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  • rider on Apr 06, 2016 at 3:53 pm

    drivers don blame riders. You drivers 1st learn how to drive. Give signal when changing lane. Before changing lane see your car side mirrors for coming motorbikes. Judge your self whether can proceed to change lane or not. don simply change lane eventhough you know bikes already very near. Importantly don use phone wen driving. Riders only get mad to drivers who drive like stupid and drivers who do not know some basic unwritten road rules. example give the middle lane to bikes pass through wen its jam. The problem is drivers specially females, drive theirs cars only seeing infront and do not know some basic road rules. everyday i can see so many jokers driving in the road. The funny part is they even didnot know realise how bad theirs driving skills are.

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  • Krishna on Apr 06, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    I commute from JB to Singapore everyday using the 2nd Link. Everyday, without fail, there are many many motorcyclists who stray into the fast lanes. I don’t understand what business a bike has in the fast lane. Some ride very close to lorries, busses and cars. Some ride too close to other bikes. A little graze is all it takes for them to loose balance, fall and potentially run over by another vehicle. 2 or 3 cases reported every month! Why don’t they think about their lives and ride safe and slow?? Many of these guys come from all over Malaysia leaving their families behind.

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  • Jobless on Apr 06, 2016 at 6:21 pm

    I actually saw stray dogs waiting for the traffic light red than only they crossed the road…patiently waiting until all the cars come to a halt…judging frum the way most motorist and motorcyclist drives on the road, most pobably vely low iq eq and mentality..they r losers so want to let go their frustration showing off as though champion but in real life are loserz

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  • Pak Arab Donor on Apr 06, 2016 at 7:14 pm

    Becoz……Malaysia Boleh.

    I bet cases of road accident will increase samor in the future….

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  • Vincent Ang on Apr 06, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    It is their special rights lor!!!.

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  • ben yap on Apr 07, 2016 at 12:40 am

    just let them die, sooner or later, this type of breed will extinct.

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