Taxi drivers gather for another protest in KL, again

Taxi protest KL 8 April 2016 feat 1

It appears that taxi drivers have taken to the streets again in protest of app-based ride-sharing services like Uber and Grab. According to a posting on the TEKSI & PersimBersatu Facebook page, the cabbies will gather at several areas in Kuala Lumpur, including Bukit Bintang and KL Sentral.

A report by The Star stated that at 3.30 pm today (Friday), about 20 taxi drivers were grouped by the KL Sentral main station complex. Since then, the police have arrived to chase them off, but it appears that they are circling around the area, awaiting “reinforcements.”

As you can tell from these images going around social media, several roads, including Jalan Tun Razak, appear to be heavily congested as the result of the gathering cabbies. Social media users reThis will be the second time such a gathering will take place in the past two weeks.

On March 29, 2016, taxi drivers gathered along Jalan Bukit Bintang outside the Fahrenheit 88 mall to protest against ride-sharing services like Uber and Grab, which also resulted in heavy congestion in the area.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Will the ongoing war between ride-sharing services and conventional taxi drivers ever be resolved? And if so, what’s the best solution that is agreeable for both sides? For those in the affected areas, do update us on the current situation and which roads are congested as a result.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • Muhammad on Apr 08, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    Reason is taxi still using 20 years old Proton cars. Cars about to fall apart. Drivers only wants to dictate their own price and only wants to go to their own destination. Most of the time the inside is smelly and old and no aircon. The Proton taxi are worst than those 3rd world African countries. Remove Proton garbage junk cars from the road I’m sure many people will take taxi again.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 221 Thumb down 13
    • hahaha on Apr 08, 2016 at 7:08 pm

      bring out dem water canons!!!

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      • Abang Alza Pakai Topi on Apr 08, 2016 at 9:36 pm

        Maybe Proton can gift them each an Iriz (it doesn’t sell so might as well give away) and let them join Uber.

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        • Muniandy Periasamy on Apr 09, 2016 at 9:43 am

          Malaysians are fed up already. With all this protest and causing millions of ringgit in Productivity dropping, it is high time, we Malaysians, as of today, completely not use Teksi anymore. Each boycott causes millions of ringgit in lost time, productivity and even family harmony. Because of some bodoh teksi driver, I have to go back few hours late yesterday to be with my children, all of whom were asleep when I went home at 9pm. Stuck in 3 hours jam.

          We are fed up. We are fed up not only for the boycots but also these 4 Reasons.

          1) constantly digging their nose. Whether got gold or no gold, they are perpetually digging their noses. they continue to do so even when passengers are sitting in the car. Then even when passengers are looking, they paste the gold on the dash board.

          2) While driving with passengers at the back, the driver can use 2 twenty cents coins as tweezers. He will be plucking his chin hair or facial hair whilst riving the car. This is the epitome of multitasking

          3) If there is a lady in the back wearing skirt, the teksi driver will talk filthy things or sexual connotations. Half the time, he will turn behind to talk to the lady put try to peep into her skirt. If he does not do that, he is looking at the back mirror to try again to peep into the lady’s skirt.

          4) All teksi drivers in Malaysia work as part time pimp helpers. Any male passenger go into any teksi, they always ask, “mahu perempuan?” It seems this is the No 1 way teksi drivers in Malaysia earn a living. They get commission from brothels and pimps if they bring clients.

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          • Same L00 on Apr 11, 2016 at 9:32 am

            Next time if you insist one of them to run on meter, they will call their bro macha to block your house.

            Don’t get bullied by these samseng urban monkeys. Buy a car!

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        • Muhammad Otak Kosong on Apr 09, 2016 at 4:50 pm

          The first comment by Muhammad … aka OTAK UDANG… Talk without thinking and knowing why taxi drivers are suffering… ITS because the TAXI PERMIT HOLDERS that squeezes the life outta the taxi drivers. Everyday they need to pay a min of RM80 to the Permit Holder as “installment”. How are they suppose to afford non-national cars or even maintain their Protons?

          By the time their “installment” is over… the poor guy would have paid 3x the cost of the taxi.

          You wanna blame ? You blame the Minister who gave out the Taxi Permits to those few companies. And holding the poor taxi drivers for ransom because they cannot afford to buy taxi upfront.

          That Minister was once Nazri ! aka Minister Taxi Permit KING !

          And of ya… because they are legally committed to the Permit Holders, these taxi drivers cant sign on to GRAB etc. THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO ARE AS IGNORANT AS MUHAMMAD

          So Muham”mad” get your facts right first.

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          • Karim on Apr 24, 2016 at 9:08 pm

            This is the core issue regarding with Teksi-Uber-Grab problem and these taxi drivers knew this all along & unfortunately, they have no control over this. They can’t express their anger and dissatisfaction towards those people responsible for their permit. And we know well enough that these permit holders and the one who leeches out the life and money from these taxi drivers.

            How much do these taxi drivers are paying monthly for a Proton Saga car as a taxi? RM1000? RM1+++? Saga FLX monthly payment can easily fall below RM500.

            Thus, they vent their anger towards the only people that they can show their gangsterism attitude = towards the UBER and GRAB drivers.

            In time, UBER & GRAB drivers will have to apply for the same permit, have their cars check at PUSPAKOM and we know drivers are at these mercy of the corrupted PUSPAKOM officers.

            This whole Malaysia taxi – uber – grab negative development shows how Malaysia authority are not paying attention on the global development. If our public transportation can’t accept this technological & social development in terms of public transportation, we going nowhere in the future. World are changing fast, but to get our taxi drivers to use meters for chargers is one hell of a problem. Our government are not serious. Just because certain people has their own personal interest and money in the system. Bloody country.

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      • Rosmama on Apr 08, 2016 at 10:18 pm

        Semua saya ada share… termasuk GRAB ini.. GRAB itu …GRAB semua

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    • Very very Lazy Teksi Drivers on Apr 08, 2016 at 7:29 pm

      The Polis and the Government has failed again to protect the citizens. We Klang Valley residents now live in fear. Can the IGP put an end to this?

      We cannot be stuck in jams for hours because these lazy teksi drivers don’t want to work harder. Did Kandos protest when Cadbury came out with a better chocolate?

      Did Danone biscuits protest when Hwa Tai biscuits came out with new biscuits?

      Did Kickapoo drink maker protest when people decided to drink 100 Plus?

      Malaysians are now stuck in 3 to 4 hours jams because these teksi drivers are lazy and don’t want to work harder.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 154 Thumb down 4
    • kzm (Member) on Apr 08, 2016 at 9:13 pm

      The problem is blue taxi oso involved…blue taxi mostly non-p1 car.

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      • Nazee on Apr 08, 2016 at 9:34 pm

        i swear to god never will i take a taxi again even if i am carless. i rather walk in the rain or sun. or brave the buses. no way am i supporting these thuggish louts.

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    • Roger Tan on Apr 09, 2016 at 3:22 am

      Will they be blaming others for the loss of income while they were out protesting during peak hour?

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    • FIST (Member) on Apr 09, 2016 at 8:16 am

      The problem is that taxi drivers had to lease those junk at a daily rate. They can’t use their own cars

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    • OMG…again the moron did it. Why SPAD keep quiet only?

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    • Muzamir cheebailu on Apr 09, 2016 at 6:06 pm

      If you get a vellfire like mine to be a taxi, nobody will complaint

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  • Only Solution on Apr 08, 2016 at 6:38 pm

    Stop this mordern day slavery, abolish all taxi agent companies and give direct liscences to individual cabbies, problem slove.

    The problem is, with so many millions at stake, will the botak and these UMNO bini, cronies and cucu-cicik easily give up their gaji buta rice bowl/chicken that lay golden eggs? Hell No! So there will be no solution to this quagmire as long as BN is in power. Is either the cabbies go extinct or BN go extinct, which is more possible?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 150 Thumb down 4
    • Very very Lazy Teksi Drivers on Apr 08, 2016 at 7:38 pm

      Once upon a time, the king of handphones in Malaysia was Motorola. The one day Nokia came and wiped Motorola in Malaysia for good.

      Did you see Motorola staff protest?

      Then Nokia was King. Then one day, Samsung came and took over the market by storm.

      Did you see Nokia staff protest?

      Now Xioami and Meizu, ZTE, huawei eating Samsung share.

      Do you see Samsung Malaysia protesting?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 102 Thumb down 4
      • Only Solution on Apr 08, 2016 at 9:21 pm

        Dude, this taxi quamire is more complex that your shallow “competition therory” can summed up. Yes, there are those gangster cabbies who are rude, dirty and don’t use meters. They don’t deserve to be pity even by the slightest means. Gangster cabbies aside, there are many taxi drivers who are suffering under this unfair, mordern day slavery system who belong to the silent group. They just want to make an honest living under such absurb cab-renting system that ultimately benifits only the bloody botak and all the UMNO cronies.

        Whatever hard work you put into day in day out, rain or shine only fattens those cronies’ pocket and you take home peanuts, not to mention the maintenance of the vehicle is on your own.

        Try put your foot into their shoes and you know what’s the taste like of becoming a cabbie in current situation in Klang valley.

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        • dodgeviper88 on Apr 08, 2016 at 10:02 pm

          nobody put a gun to this taxi drivers and force them to drive for cronies. if they can spend so much time protesting maybe they should spend some time in finding out how to get into grabcar. It’s very simple wan. I heard grabcar now also even have car rental service which is also RM50 a day. No excuse they can’t get loan for car etc. Why they don’t want to join? Very simple only, these people earning easy money charging people RM25 from KLCC to Pavilion. Grabcar? freaking RM1 ringgit!

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 71 Thumb down 2
          • Ricky on Apr 10, 2016 at 8:57 am

            I pity the poor taxi drivers.
            As there is no way to win the so called ” modern slavery system ” I would rather advise the taxi drivers better to find another job rather to continue this meaningless protests.
            When there is no drivers, there will be no cronies.
            This is the law of nature.

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      • BOTAK HOTAK on Apr 08, 2016 at 9:39 pm


        Daily TAXI driver must pay RM30 for permit..
        Run or NOT RM 30 for Nothing to PAY for PERMIT PAPER

        PASSENGER or RAKYAT is real victim..

        please abolish PERMIT and allow Genuine DRIVER CARI MAKAN

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        • FIST (Member) on Apr 09, 2016 at 8:20 am

          That’s RM 900 per month for permit cost. That’s more than what you pay to buy those manual Saga. Not including fuel and maintenance. The current leasing system is utter crap

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      • camtakpro on Apr 09, 2016 at 8:12 am

        Motorola staff are not using their Motorola handphone to earn a living.

        The scenario is more like this:
        All Motorola staff have to pay an overpriced monthly rent of the oldest Motorola handphone model from Motorola.

        Then their monthly salary will be entirely based on how many time the customers want to borrow and press the buttons on their Motorola phone to call.

        Then Nokia came, everyone like Nokia. But the useless law state that they still have to rent the Nokia phone through Motorola in order earn your own salary even though it can be bought from Lowyat. Because as long as customer need to press buttons to call, they have to go through Motorola. In the end, Nokia or Motorola handphone, still go through Motorola.

        One day Apple and Samsung came, everybody like it, and since they are buttonless, they can skip going through Motorola over priced rental on old shitty phone.

        Confirm those Nokia and Motorola ‘driver’ will protest!

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        • B-Unggul on Apr 10, 2016 at 2:42 am

          “…even though it can be bought from Lowyat…”

          Nowadays people are buying from DirectD, SatuGadget, AbangKus, etc. Heard too many horror stories buying from certain “malls”…

          (I know, I know, OOT)

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    • Support Gov or support taximen? Hmm…..

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  • contender on Apr 08, 2016 at 6:41 pm

    Parasites …. if you can’t compete then too bad for you taxi drivers, you can opt for the 3D jobs – dirty dangerous difficult

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 61 Thumb down 1
    • Too late bro. Those jobs already taken by our frens from indon & bangla

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  • annonymous on Apr 08, 2016 at 6:49 pm

    seriously, they’re only making people hate them more.

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  • MK Wong on Apr 08, 2016 at 6:51 pm

    Reminds me of those road hooligans that purposely stops or brakes-to-a-near-halt in front of others to “teach them a lesson”.

    Thank U for making my choices easier – bye bye :D

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  • Everybody is furious. But dont be bias. Lets think about the taxi driver. They are exteremly affected since uber and grab were introduced. Its actually the gov policy that makes life difficult for taxi drivers. They are lots of rules regulations to be adhered to, but not for private cars as uber. Some are angry saying they are using old vehicles, true. But they dont have the means to buy new car. Some drivers are old and cant get loans. But certainly agree with mass some of them are not using meters. So all this maters make them depressed and start staging protest and etc in the hope gov do smothing. Fr refernce am uber driver

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    • No excuses on Apr 09, 2016 at 12:36 pm

      Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Why not taxi drivers rent a new car and join Uber or Grab? Coz driving for taxi also they need to pay something monthly right? Once earned enough by renting a car to drive for Uber and Grab, then go buy a new car. You do know Uber and Grab offer some assistance in buying a new car, right?

      This is more like taxi driver don’t want to change the way they operate. Not willing to adapt. Not willing to improve. If they drive for Uber or Grab, they can’t reject passenger request as easily as they are now. They can’t choose to disobey the price stated in the app. They can’t screw the passenger at all.

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  • Gangster Taxi 1 Malaysia (GT1M) on Apr 08, 2016 at 6:59 pm

    Please continue to protest all year along. We will take Grab n Uber while u r protesting. Thank you idiots!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 62 Thumb down 1
  • Batak on Apr 08, 2016 at 7:07 pm

    These is road bullying disguised as ‘protest’.
    When will they revoke these drivers’ licenses, you can see most of their car plates on these pictures.

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  • Who want to donate a truck to hiy their car next time? Or can i go kickstater to raise fund? Any supporter?

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  • Seriously, protesting by blocking the road and causing massive congestion is utterly stupid. I’ve stopped using taxi service for almost a year already, because most cab drivers are ill-mannered. Their action has made Uber/GrabCar the smarter choice for consumer.

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  • I mean here in Singapore many people also services like Uber and Grab, but regular taxi services are still doing well too. I think the authorities will need to engage in more dialogue with the taxi association to discuss mutual benefits for all parties. I mean, services like Uber and Grab should spur the taxi companies to further improve on their quality and reliability of service if they wanna remain a market leader. Protesting and causing gridlock on roads won’t win them any favours.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 62 Thumb down 0
  • a handful of inconsiderate taxi drivers’ actions that will affect other honest cabbies.

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  • Bersih “More protes against Gov? Gud, guuuudd!. We support. Fly my pretties. FLY!”

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  • so tell me, whats the outcome? Taxi drivers sit there and waste their time while Uber drivers get all the money.

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  • Diesel Power!!! on Apr 08, 2016 at 8:20 pm

    I remember, when i was in Macau last year, their transportation surprised me:
    1. Eventhough Macau a small place,with narrow road but it seldom jam, if compare to KL, 3/10(jam rate).
    2. Taxi mostly new Camry/Altis and majority good condition.
    3. Taxi use meter straightaway without asking.
    4. Driver usually stop at zebra crossing in all area if someone want to cross.
    5. Driver usually give priority to pedestrian.
    6. Seldom see any car more than 10yrs old.

    I thought i wanna use uber, but after tried 1 taxi, im comfortable to use continuously for few days there.

    Frankly, if i wanna give rating, taxi in kl is 1, macau is 8 if full mark is 10.

    We are not just lack behind on taxi, we also lack behind on manners, road behavior, enforcement,& civic mindedness. We are still far from reaching Vision 2020…!!!sigh…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 80 Thumb down 3
    • Abang Alza Pakai Topi on Apr 08, 2016 at 10:19 pm

      I remember when I was in Zimbabwe, even though 3rd world country, taxis are all new Tesla Model X. Cheap fare and environmentally sustainable. Even though Zimbabwe no vision 2020, they are very polite. I also went to Chad, Ethiopia, Yemen, Sri Lanka and Puchong.

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      • Diesel Power!!! on Apr 08, 2016 at 11:01 pm

        Wow, i thgt we are lack behind Macau, & thks for ur info, now i only know our taxi even lose to Zimbabwe & other countries u hv mentioned.. So i think we need to postpose somemore to Vision 3030….

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  • Rawfi on Apr 08, 2016 at 8:27 pm

    We all have to change our attitude for batter future nation. Think competition positive way, dont blame other people because if we want to change other we have to change first. Respect each other, peace…

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  • Deadpool on Apr 08, 2016 at 8:28 pm

    Seriously? go extinct please, at least people will still remember your existence. If you removed by force, I’m sure nth will left

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  • Kacau on Apr 08, 2016 at 8:46 pm

    Taxi driver wanna cause havoc! U make my life difficult, then i will make your life difficult too. To all u taxi driver, i will boycott u from now on, even i have to walk or pay more! Its my choice as a consumer!

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  • UMW TOYOTA on Apr 08, 2016 at 8:49 pm

    stupid pak cik teksi..go fetch your grandson la.

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  • Andrekua on Apr 08, 2016 at 8:50 pm

    I don’t think it’s wrong to protest. I do think you’ll need to choose your location wisely.

    SPAD HQ or even Prime Minister department would be a good start, if anything. Maybe even Liow Tiong Lai house since he claimed to have a solution.

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    • Blockade of Jalan Pinhorn is da best.

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      • Good idea. Let the KL taxi drivers protest in Jalan Pinhorn and Taman Manggis or perhaps stay permanently in Penang. KL streets will be a better place then. :-)

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      • Expell those gangster taxist on Apr 10, 2016 at 3:17 pm

        Lim guan eng wil saman you….careful. Do you have spare change?

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  • Bastardised Taxi Drivers on Apr 08, 2016 at 9:01 pm

    I got 2 suggestion for these taxi drivers

    1) Keep protesting day and night do it for a month. if not happy, do if for another month. Let your taxi family members starve to death becoz no income.

    2) Go protest at the front of PM Najib’s office. He is very generous, and may arrange and negotiate with an Arab prince to revamp your lousy taxi sesvices.

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  • They cheated, Lied and basically mistreated us pityful Malaysians who cant afford a car. NOW, when we use the Grabcar and Uber Apps , they are bitching around about it.
    Idiots and Low life scumbags. To many Malaysians, these people are hated and should be brought to the court of Law for Fraud.

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  • Jobless on Apr 08, 2016 at 9:49 pm

    Boycott these losers, mentality of losers always blame others except themselves

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  • Harimau Besar on Apr 08, 2016 at 9:52 pm

    They belong to zoo negara

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    • Hahaha on Apr 10, 2016 at 1:30 am

      They will have many frends neighbour like monkey n orang utan.. hahaha

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  • Arnold on Apr 08, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    Most of the genuine Malaysian taxi drivers have send a lot of memos to the ruling government to act against the pirate taxis such as Grab and Uber which have violated Malaysia’s law by operating illegally.
    But till now there’s no response from the ruling government cause they have closed an eye so they could get more votes from the public whom are 100% against the Malaysian Taxi drivers whom are rated as the worst in the world.
    The genuine taxi drivers have no other option when they decided to take it to the street to show their frustration when their rice bowls are affected so they will get some attention globally!
    It seems whatever is illegal at the moment in Malaysia could be legal in the future?
    Don’t be surprised when along’s, pirate software ‘s and etc are legalized in Malaysia in the future!!!
    No wonder’ Malaysia Boleh!!!

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  • Nissan on Apr 08, 2016 at 10:34 pm

    Pls suspend their lisence. Ban taxi from using proton saga and iswara.

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  • any1here on Apr 08, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    Instead of doing all these pointless protests all these cabbie drivers should self reflect and think why people choose better alternatives and strive to compete. By doing these protests only gives more reason for people to stop using taxis altogether. Besides, by protesting taxi drivers may just be wasting their own productive working time.

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  • nabill (Member) on Apr 08, 2016 at 11:19 pm

    Awaiting moderation…

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  • Josh Ling on Apr 08, 2016 at 11:20 pm

    they are digging their own graves, let them be. it’s beyond my wildest idea why these people still never learn that protesting and causing massive jam on the street will NEVER help to boost their image, which is now thanks to all the “good gestures” of theirs have already dropped to new low. good luck in getting more customers to ride on your cabs ah!

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  • Vapor on Apr 09, 2016 at 1:39 am

    The bottom line is Uber and Grab are illegal and should be banned . Play by the rule of law please government. The numerous issues regarding taxi should be dealt separately . Why the authorities are not banning Uber and Grab is beyond me when they have the laws at their full disposal .

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    • B4 that please ensure all the taxi follow the rule especially the meter charge. 2nd, make sure all the taxi cars are well maintainedl especially the air conditioner. 3rd, make sure all the taxi drivers wear proper attire and behave nicely. Can these 3 things be done? If not, please just let the UBER and Grabcar do their business though it is illegal.

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    • Robcar on Apr 09, 2016 at 2:11 pm

      All taxi drivers to join Grab or Uber. Then, you have a similar competing ground. Leave your taxi permit and other SPAD regulations. Join them if you can’t win.

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  • Black Dog Bone on Apr 09, 2016 at 1:43 am

    Tomorrow I wanna start a TV broadcast cheaper than Astro . Cheaper because no licensing required . I’m willing to be regulated by the government . Will the government allow it ?lol

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    • Amriji on Apr 10, 2016 at 10:37 am

      High time U should start one. As ASTRO are getting pricier and service getting lesser. If your service is good, the public will support you. And if ASTRO protest by ripping your satellite dishes…they are a bunch of sore losers…

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  • Wee fuk yew on Apr 09, 2016 at 6:51 am

    Y dont these drivers weed out their errant members who flout the rules 1st instead of protesting in the streets and making a nuisance of themselves?Uber or grabcar would not be sucessful if all malaysian taxi drivers are honest and polite to their fare paying customers. A smarter way for them to win back the public trust is by making a collective commitment to serve the customers with honesty and respect. All your protests will fall on deaf ears if you dont have the public to symphatise for your dire predicament.

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  • All taxies in Taman Aman PJ refuse to use meter in the morning. They behave like the father own the roads and drive dangerously, luckly for Uber and Grab a car.

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  • Natexx on Apr 09, 2016 at 8:07 am

    The more you protest, the more rakyat will hate taxis. Grow up taxi drivers. Hopefully by 2020 there’ll be no more taxis.

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  • Might as well they do their jobs n earn money than protest.

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  • Onexox on Apr 09, 2016 at 8:58 am

    Can someone give me the name of the app of Uber & Grab (using in Malaysia) that easy and the best for iOS device? Thanks guys.

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  • ae101 on Apr 09, 2016 at 10:02 am

    Taxi business affected is not because of public. Taxi driver force to pay expensive fees not because of public. Taxi driver force to drive old car no because of public. Why the heck they camping there and disturbed public? You’all chumps should camp in front of SPAD office or Putrajaya.

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  • in the interest of globalization no country can prevent uber or grab to operate . as long as there is a demand and win-win situation for the drivers and passengers these ride sharing app will continue to succeed and grow

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  • adapt or die

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  • IGP mom on Apr 09, 2016 at 2:36 pm

    Instead of protesting and claiming this and that cost and saying that uber drivers can earn more and less cost without protection from govt, then the easiest solution is for taxi drivers to stop becoming taxi drivers and instead join uber!

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  • superdriver on Apr 09, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Change and competition is always good for the people.
    No more getting into the taxi and the driver chase us out.
    No more tampered meter and over charging us ruthlessly.
    No more at the mercy of the whims and fancy from the taxi drivers charging overprice fees. Imagine being stranded in the night in puchong and all you could get is a taxi driver asking more than triple amount the fee to take you home safely. Thats what Iwent throught. All of it.

    There are good taxi drivers too, god bless them but unfortunately surrounded by many bad apples that roam in the city like hungry sharks waiting for the kill.

    Taxi drivers will suffer from this new competition. Specially the good drivers. Maybe its time to weed out the bad ones, permanently.

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  • Langgar saja teksi itu!

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  • knp tak demo betul2 depan uber office pj tu..
    knp tk demo depan skmm office tu..


    cari puncanya..pemandu uber ni nk cari duit lebih sikit aja part time..cara mudah nak cari duit tambahan di kl ni..

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  • Mr Fakta on Apr 09, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    Taxi current state is like our government, dirty, old, outdated, cheat and corrupt. When uber/grab came, it’s like a fresh breeze of air (the opposition). Now taxi (G) is playing dirty tricks to put down uber/grab (Opp).

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  • World no.1 on Apr 10, 2016 at 1:04 am

    Dish out promo codes and free rides permanently and we will come back to you guys for sure. No money for that? Nationalize taxi companies by letting Khazanah and DRB take full control and they will pump in RM1.5b to proton for free every now and then. Expensive business and so what? Public and consumer welfare comes first duh!

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  • Jimmy asmara on Apr 10, 2016 at 5:45 am

    the fault is with those that freezes individual permits….
    is with those that are slow to react in response to the mushrooming of these apps….
    the flip flopping nature of those in charge incapable of deciding to ban such apps or to regulate them fast enough…
    And those who likes to hold protests every month to encourage more civil unrest throughout the country

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  • Dent from Australia. on Apr 10, 2016 at 9:42 am

    Im from Australia and when at KLCC a few days ago I was refused a ride to my destination by two drivers then the third refused to use meter. If Im expected to pay flat rate, why do you expect me to pay your fee when Uber drivers charge less? I want to support you guys but you turn business away then complain whwn others take the business you turn away. I challenhe any taxi driver to say thats not the cause of their problems.

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  • Malaysian on Apr 10, 2016 at 7:48 pm

    This is what happened with lower mentality citizens

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  • azrai on Apr 11, 2016 at 8:27 am

    I suggest all Malaysian taxi drivers dump their taxis, return them back to the consortium (Naza, Sunlight,etc) and sign up to be an UBER driver. This is the way you should protest at the first place. Paying RM80 per day to consortium (the red taxi) and RM225 per day (the metallic blue taxi) is a ripped off. Modern day slavery.

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  • How arr on Apr 11, 2016 at 8:50 am

    alamak no taxi! How arr… call uber lah.

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  • xoxox on Apr 11, 2016 at 9:20 am

    Just charge them in court la
    .see if they want to do it again…

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  • Great Joker on Apr 11, 2016 at 11:23 am

    Nobody wants to take Teksi, Teksim, limo!

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  • azrai on Apr 11, 2016 at 12:26 pm

    Khazanah own a chunk of shares in UBER. That’s why it is still going strong till today.Even Tan Sri Dr Mohd Irwan Abdullah Serigar, Secretary General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance asked malaysian to be Uber driver to get additional income.Khazanah Nasional Berhad has invested indirectly in the San Francisco-based technology startup since last year.

    Khazanah’s director (managing director’s office) Mohd Raslan Md Sharif has confirmed with theSun that the state-owned investment arm has taken an indirect interest in Uber Technologies Inc via global growth equity investment General Atlantic LLC.

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  • Bernard on Apr 11, 2016 at 10:33 pm

    Arrest them immediately……

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  • Mr.simple on May 19, 2016 at 6:29 pm

    I am a simple man. When i need to go somewhere, i need transport. If the taxi can’t deliver the job and attitude..i find alternative option..simple

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  • Speaks on behalf on Jul 01, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    1)) I think is time to change to be fair to all public transport user. Government should plan now whether if transport services like user, grab & more to come companies that giving positive results to public users, the government should think about stopping all taxi operation companies in malaysia . The existing taxi drivers attitude giving bad reputation our country.
    2)) if uber & grab using all personal cars to be a public transport , how come these drivers can make living while these drivers paying higher price for road tax, higher fuel expenses, higher maintenance & some users spend more on extra services as google maps to bring their customers to their respective location while all these years, taxi drivers protest to hike up fares cause of cost of living goes up all while. They still complain not enough to the fare fix by government while they use ngv & higher charges than uber or grab. The taxi drivers still not using meter if the get their opportunity of the day & yet they still complain . This I really don’t understand.
    Lastly , I hope government will consider stopping our wrongly organize taxi drivers in malaysia. TIME TO CHANGE.

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  • Speaks on behalf on Jul 01, 2016 at 11:14 pm

    If government could not do much, then just to take our Malaysian people safety . That’s all. Then just let Malaysian taxi user to unite to stop using taxis by using other then public taxis. Time will bring those taxi drivers to change their attitude when they don’t have income to survive one day. They will bow down. They use violence, we use our human rights . BOLEH UBAH.

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  • Change man on Jul 01, 2016 at 11:24 pm

    Time to change. Taxi out.

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