Genting Highlands denied to car and bike groups?

Genting Highlands denied to car and bike groups?

While no official statement has yet been issued by the management, apparently the road leading up to Genting Highlands is closed to car and bike groups. Reports on social media have emerged from road users wanting to drive or ride up of being turned around at the guard house on the Karak highway approach as well as the rear entrance from Ulu Yam town.

This was witnessed by the author over the weekend on both Saturday and Sunday, at both entrances, with the reason given on Saturday being motorcycle groups were no longer allowed to use the road due to “racing”. Meanwhile, on Sunday, the entrance at the former cable car station was closed due to “a VIP visiting the Goh Tong police station.”

Both statements were obtained in conversation with Genting Highlands auxiliary police personnel on duty at the entrances. From the previous weeks, various riders and drivers reported being barred from entry, or being allowed through, with no apparent selection criteria.

Genting Highlands denied to car and bike groups?

Information obtained via messaging apps indicate complaints were received from residents in the Genting Highlands and Goh Tong areas about the noise from vehicles traversing the road leading up to the resort and eateries there. It should be remembered the Genting Highlands road is private property and as such, the management has the right to decide who has right of access.

Denial of access to both Genting Highlands and neighbouring Bukit Tinggi resort has occurred in the past, including police operations and lockdowns, usually in response to public complaints about noise, nuisance and dangerous riding, especially from drivers and riders of sports oriented machines. The Genting Highlands and Bukit Tinggi roads, as well as the Karak highway, is a favourite of car and bike owners, especially on weekends, who want to let off a little steam and wind the speedometer out.

What do readers think? Are fast cars and motorcycles using the Genting Highlands road, as well as the Karak highway and Bukit Tinggi road for fast driving and riding a nuisance, not just the noise but the danger? Leave a comment below.

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Mohan K Ramanujam

Coming with diverse and extensive experience in heavy engineering, Mohan enjoys making anything with wheels go fast, especially motorcycles. His weapon of choice is the Desmoquattro engine, and he has a penchant for anything with a dash of Italian design. Strangely enough, he insists he's a slow rider.



  • W204 C63 AMG 6.3L Owner on Jul 06, 2020 at 5:21 pm

    So much for paying so high roadtax, kenot touge.

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    • Jeremy on Jul 06, 2020 at 9:33 pm

      This is a private road. Go touge somewhere else.

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    • John Doe on Jul 07, 2020 at 9:27 am

      This should be implemented for the whole of Malaysia.
      These groups enjoy at the expense of others.
      Many have moved on from their midlife crisis, it’s called having a family. They not only endanger the lives of others, but also create disturbance at a primitive level.
      They should ponder once in a while, why they feel good hearing loud noises. Maybe it has something to do with the angin in the head.

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      • Razer on Jul 11, 2020 at 2:10 pm

        Who are ‘these groups’ you refer to? All those who own bikes, all those who own certain types of fast cars? Is every black man a thief? And you mentioned ‘midlife crisis’? What’s that gotta do with this?

        Maybe a few more speed humps, maybe speed cameras, do random inspections on modifications. But really, if someone, anyone wanted to speed, any car also can, and bike also can. Anywhere also can.

        Loud pipes are easy to identify, and it’s against the law, but generally stopping people from going places based on the vehicle they own with a foregone conclusion that they will be a nuisance, that’s blatant discrimination.

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        • newme on Apr 17, 2023 at 1:14 pm

          its PRIVATE ROAD, so if you got a problem, go buy your own road.

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    • Bezza-Racer on Jul 07, 2020 at 12:56 pm

      Private road yes, but how come the police guarding the road instead of private security guards?

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      • Afaik, the police guarding it are Polis Bantuan, hence they are sort of private security guards, being paid by Genting

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  • Kenny8886 on Jul 06, 2020 at 5:26 pm

    For me this sounds like a stupid plan, what genting will loses here are some potential customers to their casinos and hotels and more. not all of the drivers and riders just go to gohtong jaya and then go straight back home. some of them decided to stay in the hotel and have fun in the mall too.

    but i can’t deny about the noise thing though, it’s true that some cars that went up there is way too loud. so about that, i have no arguements about it.

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    • mr1031 on Jul 06, 2020 at 6:59 pm

      using your logic, why bother with environment or health if it brings huge money to the country right..everything is right if it involves profit/ money

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    • Dr. Vincent Ong on Jul 07, 2020 at 8:24 am

      The safety of other public members are of utmost importance…. These group racing up and down endanger the coaches, buses and private cars. It’s not about noise. It’s about life. We often heard accidents occurring at Genting.

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  • Next time use a Tesla to avoid noise on Jul 06, 2020 at 5:41 pm

    Why bother with big boys bikes anyway? Just buy an Electric car and drive fast without annoying others (especially in the sound department). Typical ah beng racers. :D

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  • david on Jul 06, 2020 at 5:48 pm

    looking at the pattern of racers,
    this looks like a blessing for the rest of us

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  • vivizurianti on Jul 06, 2020 at 6:30 pm

    Lots of ricers drove up the hill as though they were Takumi, a cartoon character.

    Cars ares heavily modded, often too loud and exceeded speed limits. Just check u-tubey vids and you;ll see plenty of them. Abang abang polis should do more checks and roadblocks at the hill sections. Kasi cekup the offenders and let them contribute to JPJ coffer.

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  • casual rider on Jul 06, 2020 at 6:59 pm

    it’s better to support those traders or kampung restaurants when organise group convoy be it bike or car instead of supporting already kaya bisnesman and treat you like criminal

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  • Mrcasino on Jul 06, 2020 at 7:05 pm

    Maybe they should close the road and fix it, so many pot holes, uneven roads & some of the street lights are blinking

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  • MikeH on Jul 06, 2020 at 7:10 pm

    Genting highlands has become a magnet for family outings over week-ends & holidays stretch and i am also a regular commuter who enjoys the clean crisp air and away from city life. With the imminent opening of 20th Century theme park its likely to attract even more family groups to enjoy its new facilities.

    On each of my trips we never fail to experience these loud and speeding machines – wether it be two or four wheels kind. This is not only a nuisance but the apparent dangers to themselves and not to mention other road users alike. To be fair not all these super cars/bikes races up or downhill. Only these handful of “bad apples” which is good enough to taint the group’s reputation.

    The other nuisance is the ever larger group of “kap-chais” type who traverse the stretch with little regards to traffic behind. I regularly encounter them on both access uphill/downhill but more on the Batang Kali stretch.

    Being a large group there’s this menacing demeanor about them. So those of us behind just have to be patient until opportunity allows us to overtake and pass them safely – thus avoiding their wraths.

    Hence, i feel the control is timely and may help Genting town areas to be less polluted with their incessant revving of engine noise.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 58 Thumb down 4
  • Lim Micheal on Jul 06, 2020 at 7:53 pm

    Better be save than sorry, there should be more police road blocks cause you can see through the many you tubers tendsto treat Genting as their personal road. Just waiting for someone to get killed.

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  • Rizal on Jul 06, 2020 at 8:00 pm

    Go and pay SIC track fee to let off the steam. Not on public road.

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  • Safety guy on Jul 06, 2020 at 8:03 pm

    I travel to pahang frequently, I always used karak highway. The bikers always used that road for racing and they race lying down like superman. This is very dangerous expecially for the road user. Same as genting Road. You can see many modified car racing up the hill. They do not bother other car safety. I hope the police will keep on putting road block to catch this type of u mature person. Bravo for genting for not letting them up. They do not contribute anything to genting. They just want to used the road for their childish behaviour. Safety of your customer is most important.

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  • Wai kin Cheong on Jul 06, 2020 at 8:07 pm

    Good job preventing them cos very dangerous and nuisance noise to other people who go up to enjoy some peace and quiet. Might as well stay back in town for noise

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  • DonkeyKong on Jul 06, 2020 at 8:50 pm

    Good riddance. Those road nuisance should either learn not to treat every street as a race track and to irritate everyone else with their small-KKJ-compensating exhaust systems, or get barred from being anywhere near regular folks. Take your stupid machines to race tracks. Keep our streets peaceful and safe for everyone.

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  • sohai on Jul 06, 2020 at 9:15 pm

    They are lucky they managed to get as far as the pondok police at foothill. They would have kena saman with those noise and speed before they reach there already. And is about time this big bikes pay toll. B full bikes pay like small cars do.

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  • Fantastic news on Jul 06, 2020 at 9:27 pm

    It is a danger to other road users.

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  • sardin on Jul 06, 2020 at 9:34 pm

    Absolutely agree with Genting. They fully aware of course that they loose some money too by not allowing some clientele. But honestly someone just have to do something about the driver-biker groups. Be it Karak, Genting, Kuala Kelawang, you name it. Once in a group then nothing can stop them anymore. I have encountered media entourage with menacing drives and rides as well – all because of one thing – GROUP drives and rides. I believe we have enough lone-ranger-style road bullies already, flashing high beams all over the fast lane at an already congested road. Then this…ughh….

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  • Kudos to genting. Its about time to stop those nuisance groups either 2 or wheels. Its private road so you have to follow their rules whatever it is

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  • Semi-Value (Member) on Jul 06, 2020 at 10:34 pm

    this is good, too many ppl with high powered cars but low driving skills getting into accidents there. all watch one episode of initial d and think they are tokhoi

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  • Razer on Jul 06, 2020 at 10:42 pm

    Are we addressing nuisance due to high dB/noise levels fr modded pipes, dangers associated to reckless driving or the right to road access/freedom of movement? A lot of ppl who argue the cause don’t seem to be able to differentiate or break down the components within specific context before happily firing away from the hip. Pls think before you comment, there are several factors involved here and should not be assumed to be related and generalised, resulting in the stereotyping of individuals or groups.

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  • Dump cement beams on the road 50m deep so that nobody can go in AND out. Fair is fair.

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  • Ollie on Jul 07, 2020 at 9:10 am

    Great. Finally.

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  • Ben Yap on Jul 07, 2020 at 9:55 am

    so the bikers excitement for that day has been burnt since cannot ride up genting. nevermind, still can go and ride up frasers hill or cameron highlands.

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  • Sports Tourer PB on Jul 07, 2020 at 10:31 am

    Enforcement on noise level generated from these vehicles including unapproved modification of the exhaust systems should be an ongoing effort. Eg. In Europe the authority are consistent in the enforcement esp suring mot renewal and strong actions taken to non compliers.

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  • AdvGlobal on Jul 07, 2020 at 2:12 pm

    I used to ride my bike on the weekend up to Genting then ride back after a meal with 2 buddies. Over year ago I stopped as the traffic of hooligan cars and bikes got really heavy. All with GoPros. Not worth the risk for me to ride up there.

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  • TYPO on 3rd last para…

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  • Solution For Everyone on Jul 07, 2020 at 10:08 pm

    I have two ideas to prevent all this:

    1) All motorist should stop complaining and abusing of what you are currently enjoying, put a limit to your actions before Genting Highlands make speed bums way up near corners aswell, like how they did to prevent drifters playing at sharp corners coming down from the top last time (all because of complains).. Then now everybody have to suffer of speed bums.. Please don’t force them to have speed bums the way up now..

    2) Genting Highlands should make a new one directional uphill and downhill road / track in the middle of nowhere (away from residence and public roads) around the hill, having a hang out area and halfway house with abit of scenery. Collect a sum of toll fees to cover the cost and maintenance, everybody will be happy.. Maybe you can also add in low cost inns or huts for stays.. This new roads can also be used for rally, test track or uphill or downhill battle events, it’s all up to genting highlands and sponsors to play.. Everybody win win..

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  • Robinhood on Jul 08, 2020 at 2:04 pm

    Yes, should ban all these irresponsible and uncivilized groups. They are nuisance to the public and often show off. The police should nab all these people and penalize them kaw kaw. Got money to buy big cars/bikes, then should contribute to the govt coffers too. Ban them from all the public roads too. If want racing, then go to Sepang.

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  • 223232323223 on Aug 19, 2020 at 9:48 pm


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  • Goverment please also implement and enforce a law on regulating loud noise emitting from the exhaust pipe. Our family including babies and elderly have been suffering because of a Ferarri in our neighbourhood with very loud exhaust pipe. It shocks and scares us, esspecially our babies, when the engine is ignited. Praying someone would help.

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