Malaysian MOT – no road safety campaign launches

Malaysian MOT – no road safety campaign launches

Malaysian Transport Minister Anthony Loke

Beginning this year, the Malaysian Ministry of Transport (MOT) will no longer hold road safety campaign launches in conjunction with festive periods. Transport minister Anthony Loke said this is to save costs as each campaign costs between RM100,000 and RM200,000, as reported by Bernama.

Loke said the cost saving will be channeled to increase the quality of existing road safety campaigns that give a direct benefit to the public. “From this year, there will be no launching ceremony for any road safety campaign. Even without the launch, JPJ operations will still continue. Combined operations will be held and laws will continue to be enforced, ” he said.

“Nevertheless, if any private sector company wishes to hold a campaign launch, that is at their discretion. I am stopping the ministry’s budget as we will use the money for more productive things,” he added. “This could take the form of handing out free motorcycle helmets worth RM55 each as we have found many riders using shabby helmets,” he said during the 2024 MOT mandate.

Malaysian MOT – no road safety campaign launches

In other matters, Loke said MOT is focusing on four key areas this year. The initial focus will be on the interconnectivity and accessibility of the public transport network. Loke said this inline with the 12th Malaysia Plan’s intention to achieve high income nation status.

MOT will also be focusing on land, air and maritime safety, with Loke saying, “last year almost 7,000 lives were lost in road accidents making this user safety issue a focus for MOT with any future campaigns required to fulfil its objectives.”

The third objective is to install a culture of infrastructure, service and transport network maintenance. Lastly, MOT will drive policy interventions based on digitisation and strengthening data use capabilities.

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Mohan K Ramanujam

Coming with diverse and extensive experience in heavy engineering, Mohan enjoys making anything with wheels go fast, especially motorcycles. His weapon of choice is the Desmoquattro engine, and he has a penchant for anything with a dash of Italian design. Strangely enough, he insists he's a slow rider.



  • Jgn bazir wang rakyat on Jan 15, 2024 at 2:09 pm

    Kempen tak kempen, tetap ada pemandu bebal & rempit superman

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
    • Safety First on Jan 15, 2024 at 5:56 pm

      Basically Loke does not care about road users or the welfare of road transportation in general. He only cares about how much can he get from selling endless fancy number plates.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 22
      • Why care when the road user themselves doesn’t care at all? Every year spend so many extra just to “jaga” them?

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  • newme on Jan 15, 2024 at 2:09 pm

    Those kuih & karipap suppliers are going to hate you so much.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 1
  • Agreed, dont waste tax payers monies, whether got safety campaign or not, death and accident rate still maintained relatively high every year, peoples still drive recklessly. Better spend money wisely…

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 0
  • Good idea on the helmet handout initiative. They need to look into beefing up the driving school curriculum and seriously consider approved and licensed safety refresher courses for drivers that if taken and passed will contribute towards reduction of their insurance premiums. This can be done every 3-5 years to be renewed.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  • Thomas on Jan 15, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Finally we have a minister who’s of sound mind

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  • sloan on Jan 15, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    malaysia is on the high side of traffic related death rate. please do something 7000 lifes is really third world country standard.

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  • t333son on Jan 15, 2024 at 5:02 pm

    In Malaysia , road traffic law is seasonal. During festive season only will there with enforcement.

    Why can’t we just update bit tech which can monitor 24/7 365 days ? Then after that pls don’t give discount to late payers. Instead should ramp up 50% every month delay in settling the fine. 6 months still no pay, go to court

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 1
  • we have found many riders using shabby helmets..

    Those shabby helmets are the trend with youngster kapchai riders (aka rempits). You think they can’t afford a decent RM55 helmet when they can purchase a 10k motorcycle (not inclusive of mods).

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
    • Correction on Jan 16, 2024 at 6:33 pm

      The bikes were stolen then the rempits modified the hell outta those bikes to avoid traceability

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  • Malaysia not rule 50 year also like that . How to compare like Macau and china all use cctv to tangkap you . You think can run ! Because government not force on it .only thing money money come home safely . Now all following china system now .hahahaha.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0
  • Johnny on Jan 15, 2024 at 9:53 pm

    Minister Loke, I thot last year 2023 fatalities were 12k, not 7k. Hope you will discuss with your officers and MIROS on how to bring this number down, its not acceptable to have 12k lives vanished every year!

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0
  • tatu880 on Jan 16, 2024 at 8:55 am

    This useless minister only knows how to make money from selling number plates and making useless laws such as paperless road tax and super dark tints.

    Its 2024 already, still no standardised number plates? This minister minum kopi only is it.

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  • Laugh on Jan 16, 2024 at 9:11 am

    Die loh… all those kronies!!!!

    Maybe change business to supplying Sirim Certified Low quality helmets?

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  • Mr Mar on Jan 16, 2024 at 1:26 pm

    God move by YB minister. No need to spend on unnecessary event.

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