Honda files patent for electric drive motorcycle sidecar

Honda files patent for electric drive motorcycle sidecar

A patent filed by Honda indicates the Japanese motorcycle maker is researching or developing an electric motorcycle sidecar. In the patent, Honda intends to install load sensors on the supports connecting the sidecar to the motorcycle.

The sensors will feed data to a control unit located in the sidecar which then controls power to the sidecar wheel. When the rider accelerates or decelerates, the sensors detect the change in power delivery.

The control unit will then activate the electric motor to balance out the driving force from the motorcycle’s rear wheel, giving an even forward motion instead of a sudden yaw in direction. Under braking, the control unit will apply the sidecar’s wheel brake, similarly to balance the motion of the motorcycle sidecar and preventing any sudden changes in direction.

Honda files patent for electric drive motorcycle sidecar

Honda’s patent drawing showing sidecar layout and location of sensors, items 172 and 174

The system also works while cornering, with power or braking applied to stabilise the motorcycle sidecar’s trajectory through the corner. For countries where driving is on the right side of the road, in a right-hand corner, the system applies braking to help negotiate the turn.

Conversely, in a left-hand turn, power is applied to the sidecar wheel to balance the motorcycle’s tendency to lean into the corner. According to the patent filing, this gives the motorcycle sidecar stable handling when cornering.

While sidecars are no longer part of mainstream traffic, Honda’s idea is intriguing as an electric motorcycle sidecar allows for much more battery space and a bigger, heavier motor. This addresses range anxiety and lack of speed, two main concerns for those wanting to adopt electric motorcycles.

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Mohan K Ramanujam

Coming with diverse and extensive experience in heavy engineering, Mohan enjoys making anything with wheels go fast, especially motorcycles. His weapon of choice is the Desmoquattro engine, and he has a penchant for anything with a dash of Italian design. Strangely enough, he insists he's a slow rider.



  • Patriot on Sep 12, 2024 at 1:13 pm

    Sigh..Not gonna stop China from stealing tech

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  • FrankC on Sep 12, 2024 at 3:25 pm

    interesting ! the only sidecar i noticed is the russian made. it is not available here in malaysia though.i just noticed there is youtube video of WMoto with sidecar. it will be interesting to have these in a roadtrip with a ‘doggie’ or just some luggage space.. ha ha. Perhaps extra storage for camping gear. it will be good for a convoy rescue bike too… hmm

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