Geely CK1 Freedom Cruiser


Zhejiang Geely Automotive Company will go ahead with the assembly of it’s Geely CK1, or Geely Freedom Cruiser here in Malaysia. It will be assembled by Information Gateway Corporation Sdn Bhd. Production is expected to be 10,000 units a year by August 2007, with 20% of that amount destined for the local market and the rest for export. That would mean 2,000 Chinese cars a year on our roads. Have any of you seen a Chinese car on the road yet? I’ve only seen the Chery A160 at an exhibition in Mid Valley. Can’t see them anywhere. However Datuk Cam Soh says 100 out of 262 CBU Chery A160 models have been sold.

The Geely CK1 was based on a platform which Geely licensed from Daewoo. If I’m not mistaken, it runs Toyota engines. Originally it was reported that the assembly of the CK1 would be at a plant in Kuantan, but now IGC says it will be assembled by Oriental Assemblers Sdn Bhd in Johor Bahru. It is also in talks with other companies with assembly plants like DRB-HICOM, for further assembly options, perhaps for more models. Upcoming models will have up to 60% local content, while the 1.3 litre Geely CK1 will have 40% local content. One of the upcoming models will be a more upmarket luxurious version based on the same CK1 platform, rebadged as an IGC model. It will be called the IGC CKX.

As Geely only produces left-hand drive models currently, IGC will be exporting right-hand drive Geely vehicles worldwide. They will be priced at USD5000-6000 for export, however prices for the Malaysian market is not known yet, although it is expected that it will definitely be much higher than RM22,800 (USD6000).

Related News:
Geely Freedom Cruiser assembled in Malaysia
IGC to start Geely assembly in October 2006

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • Jason (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 8:39 am

    Same here, havent seen a single Chinese car on the road yet. Those who bought that Cherry must be damn cheapskate coz the car not worth it for the price.

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  • MyBoy (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 9:03 am

    Never was have faith in Chinese made car. Their tech is not up to the international standard yet.

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  • drM (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 9:21 am

    uuiihhooo..its seems the mainland has stepped into the unknown world of automative..can anyone tell me how these had happened during these few years? i'm struggling to name even one model from chinese during the 90s and yet today we got cherry, errm..this one up it all about the cheap labour or something that i donot know? hows the quality? is it something worth of a try? i read sumewhere that chinese 'copy' or design the cars based on other models?…and one more thing is that why do we allow chinese cars to penetrate our shore? do proton and perodua given fair share of cake there as well? eerrmm..thats seems bothering me forever…

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  • mystvearn (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 3:04 pm

    Looks like a merc to me

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  • cratzelogy (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 4:25 pm

    the above pics gave me this feeling:

    front of a merc, body of a aveo sedan.. and u got this ^^^

    somewhat of what Proton and Perodua was doing 5 years back.

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  • rexis (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 4:40 pm

    Give 20 years to them and they will be building hydrogen car.

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  • kendo (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 4:43 pm

    it cost only USD5k at china.

    the first batch of china cars look suck,

    but the latest china cars design make u jar dropped!

    look out for upcoming NEW alado-cheery, changan, geely, naza new cars from china to malaysia. imagine deals like chevy SPARK look a like only USD5k!

    Go put pressure on proton and produa, and japan makes.

    vios, city cost only RM60k at china, we are ripped off by government,damn!

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  • kendo (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 4:47 pm

    when looking at these picture,

    make me feel bolahland cars makers….………

    in china, vios/ city are consider BUDGET cars (here??)

    the standard cars for Executive is accord, focus, altis, civic (here??????)

    similar to aussie…

    we are damn ripped!

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  • Tracks (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 4:51 pm

    Though it looks like a crossbred car, it still looks pretty good. Mind you, the Korean did the same thing. Just take a look at Hyundai Sonata. I hope that you guys don't comment too much about the Chinese Cars quality as who knows perhaps they are reading this blog as well. Then, you notice that in 5 years time they have improve the quality and design by leaps and bound thanks to your comments. After that, you critics have only praises left. It cannot be denied that the Chinese are improving extremely quickly.

    By the way, as an answer to the question "Why are we allowing Chinese cars to our shores", I would like to remind everybody that the Korean cars was allowed into the country the same way. I have this feeling that certain people has a narrow minded perception against this issue as they should have question this when they allowed Korean cars into Malaysia in the first place. I don't wish to comment about the Japanese cars because they have already improve long ago. Please remember that, Naza Ria also cause a lot of problem to our national car with its low pricing. However, Naza Ria also has various quality problem but nobody seem to be bashing them. When Kia brought in the Sephia, it was selling for around RM50k. That was cheap. Ofcourse the government subsequent intervene and raised the price about RM10k. Malaysian has a short memory of many things, they forget easily. Same goes with the current G policies, when next election comes, you forget all about it. Sigh.

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  • waimak (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 4:55 pm

    Guys, remember this, " the first toyota was laughable.." So its juat a matter of time for the Chinese makes.

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  • waimak (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 4:55 pm

    Guys, remember this, " the first toyota was laughable.." So its just a matter of time for the Chinese makes.

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  • kendo (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 4:59 pm

    Give 20 years to them and they will be building hydrogen car. ?.

    THEY are THERE already!

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  • raptorclans (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 5:02 pm

    Have you seen the back? It looks exactly like a Merz C-class… kinda cut and paste, may sell on it's Merz looks… but not too sure how solid it is tho…

    Paul, I see Alado and Cherry cars everyday… why? Because their showroom opened next to my office! Hahaha… saw them arranging the cars for a photoshoot. The one that came out in d papers… :p But have yet to see anyone buy one tho…

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  • Initial D (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 5:10 pm

    most of the china cars are copy'o type, so i am not surprised tat its similar to another car………..

    but……i dun think it will sell well.

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  • karheng (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 5:32 pm

    you guys make me laugh. Do you realise that immitation products in China are WAY better and much closer to the original ones than those made here?

    China is economically progressing so quickly, they might outdo Proton and Perodua in terms of technology and capability. The Chinese are robust and daring and have learnt a great deal in the past to be able to progress so quickly. Ever since coming out of the communist rule, they have been the country to progress the fastest.

    I have seen some Alado cars around, btw. Look at Korean cars. They are just getting better and better and better.. Give China 10 years and they'll be up there sooner or later. Economically, they are VERY VERY CAPABLE.

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  • kendo (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 5:51 pm

    how about these, Perdana class,

    and there are consider BUDGET for chinese. start usd12K……

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  • kendo (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 5:53 pm

    coming soon from ALADO!

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  • ec (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 6:02 pm

    Those chinese car engineers are "thickface", they will take note on every comments/critics to improve themselves…

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  • honda_driver (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 6:06 pm

    china can copy the cars now, the look..etc. but you cant copy the engineering. thats the tough part. which is why their cars are doing extremely badly at international crash tests like the NCAP.

    but they will be there very soon, as they have more resources, and plenty of money as well. i wont buy a china car now, but maybe in future.

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  • kody (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 7:05 pm


    info from Kendo,…

    The car with 2k cc , the spec & luxury features far better than our Perdana, but then price ~RM65k (~130k ren ming pi).


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  • kendo (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 7:07 pm

    in china, for usd12k,

    u can get this skoda/ passat old look at like…
    (alado products…)

    I don;t mind paying just RM50k" for perdana.

    PRoton Rised Up, when??

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  • aksMs (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 8:22 pm

    From the pace they are going right now, they could outdo P1 and P2 in just another 2 or 3 years. Yes, they are very capable of doing it by the economy scale of view. I wouldn't be suprise.

    Where will our automaker be then?

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  • wc5be (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 9:07 pm

    FYI ppl,

    China started their automotive industry in d 1950s. Assembly 1st. mostly, european vehicles. not passenger vehicles, but commercial vehicles as well. way way earlier den s.korea. india oso bout d same. but d industry was stagnant after dat. probably due to communism/closed economy. in d late 1980s + 1990s, china started to build n grow their own automotive tech/ capabilities. probably due to deng xiaoping economic policies. (open economy)

    IMHO, some china carmakers r better den our P1. their automotive industry r definitely in a much much healthier state den ours. built quality wise, some r better den P1, and some r otherwise.

    reason y they dun export much of their better quality cars is unable to meet their own domestic demands yet. ohh.. btw, they r startin to produced hybrid engines oleidy wif help from japs.

    costwise, they r cheaper den koreans. P1 is actually figuring how to compete wif china den koreans. (see long term). they r scratching their heads on dat lately. hehe…

    here r some china carmakers

    first autoworks




    fujian autoworks

    guangdong autoworks

    Henan autoworks

    dongfeng automobile

    beijing autoworks

    hafei automobile

    etc etc…

    d numbers im aware of is roughly in d 30s automakers.

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  • catborg (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 9:12 pm


    asking everyone..

    because the cars is cheap in china, i mean hell cheap in china..

    Who volunteer to change their citizenship then living there?..

    anyone? but why you wont?

    because u're already knew how's hard to living there.. even nak makan pun susah..


    but if Geely want to make a COPY of BMW3's or BMW1 series..

    i wanna buy.. :lol: .. then change the logo to BMW.. hahaha..

    Who care!

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  • kody (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 10:03 pm


    check the slogan from the photo…' to manufacture everyone affordable cars'. P1 will dare not to put this as slogan , b'cos they r uncapable to do so.

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  • accordmania (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 10:04 pm

    buying this kind of car is just like buying a toy car in bigger size. dare not imagine hoow it woould be when travel at hiigh speed especially onn wet track, will it safe? don't risk your life just too save a few grand. safety first malaysian. just think of your love one

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  • E-Nabill (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 10:05 pm

    cant believe some ppl here acutally look up the car online and provide us links to read about thse junk rubbish…have some class la !

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  • accordmania (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 10:13 pm

    don't just reduce the car price & increase the accident fatality rate. car isn't a toy. it should be defined as a safety transportation. don't follow somone who way behind us just to save money

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  • accordmania (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 10:18 pm

    sitting in this kind of car is just like sleeping in your coffin, china can't even produce a safety or healthy food. how can our G still allowed them to bring it in . ???????

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  • kody (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 10:46 pm


    accordmania bro,… if you said safety… then kancil will more worst then these china cars. May be you have saw some crash tests for china cars… but it may not represent all models or manufacturer are the same…. who know?? may be all are same junk :) … or some are really good at safety. Remember Malaysia have a lot of moving coffins on the road…. what can Malaysian do?? cheapest car mah…. We need to blaim G for the protection of P1 & P2.

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  • triplesaber (Member) on Mar 30, 2006 at 11:11 pm

    Hehe..some of the good gadgets we own r actually made in China. With the huge production magnitude they r having, i wont rubbish them entirely. Lookin at their cars, I got almost the same feeling as lookin at Korean cars. Perhaps they lack the 'soul' but it cant be established overnight, yeah, give them 10 years, and im sure they would prove something.

    But to bring the cars here right now, i dunno, i dont see the point yet. I havent tried one yet, but r they reliable?

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  • kendo (Member) on Mar 31, 2006 at 2:27 am

    alado make a BIG mistake by first introduce these old models..

    that make people laugh..

    .ALADO should bring in the latest model…

    .like NAZA china car… go and have a look soon !

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  • shaun (Member) on Mar 31, 2006 at 6:07 pm

    Is it just me or does the Cherry logo look similar to Infiniti's logo.

    Not suprised really since these buggers copy anything under the sun. Sure i understand you need to get inspiration from somewhere. But to copy designs completely just shows how crap these companies are.

    Like some of you said. These chinese companies have so much resources but fail to come up with decent indiviual designs.

    So it's true when they say that beauty only goes skin deep (well metal deep for cars) so for now i'll be buying a real mercedes instead of some cheap knock-off.

    It's just like the fake Nike shoes at petaling street. Sure they look like the real mccoy until you try them on, then you know how crap they are.

    Since these chinese companies are unscupulously copying designs why don't they copy the whole thing like safety and road handling. Then i would consider purchasing one of these pieces of crap

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  • catborg (Member) on Mar 31, 2006 at 8:00 pm

    if they copy all the thing like safety etc like u mention it shaun..

    the price then never ever cheap..

    and sure.. they gonna be bashed like proton..

    all the way..

    thats all mean = Designing a car IS NOT EASY AND CHEAP!

    that's why they just copy it!

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  • olowokandi (Member) on Apr 01, 2006 at 12:14 am

    I saw one Chery A160 near subang airport few weeks ago, it looks ok to me, though it is not that classy as compare to korean car, such as optra.

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  • kendo (Member) on Apr 01, 2006 at 4:25 am

    that point is dr.Mouth dumb car policy deprived rakyat to enjoy quality cars and prices like chinese, thai….


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