Proton to finalise recovery plan; wins Trusted Brand award

Proton Holdings Bhd expects to finalise it’s recovery plan before the end of 2006. The plan will depend on the finalisation of a strategic partnership with another party, of which details have not been announced yet. Proton managing director Syed Zainal Abidin says the partnership takes a bit longer to finalise as Proton needs to be very selective with the details of the alliance. He did not reveal any further details on who it’s partner is.

Proton will also reveal it’s vendor consolidation plan within 4-5 months, and assured vendors that the system revamp will not drop vendors for the sake of dropping, but will weed out problematic and less committed vendors. More details on Proton’s recovery plan here. Syed Zainal Abidin also said the strengthening ringgit has helped with Proton’s margins with component purchases in the Japanese yen and other foreign component sourcing like Renault engines for the Proton Savvy.

Proton has also won the most trusted and favourite brand award in the 2006 Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands Awards for the car category. Criteria for the award was not mentioned in reports.

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • viceice (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 12:51 pm

    According to…

    Proton hasn't won anything.

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  • tbcheese (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 2:28 pm

    That list is for EU countries only. The day Proton turns up on that list we'll all have to eat our words.

    On the other hand the only other similar list i found was 2005's Malaysia Superbrands in which Proton got Gold along with Honda and Toyota.

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  • mangkuk (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 4:40 pm

    viceice, so do honda, nissan or audi, peugeot ect.

    So what u expect from P1? Fair results ah?

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  • rexis (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 4:45 pm

    Favourite brand? No la, it is forced-to-buy-this brand.Trusted brand award? O'really?

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  • go_go (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 5:21 pm

    hahaha.. i like the phrase 'forced-to-buy-this-brand'

    should have that awards also…

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  • Joe Ooi (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 5:35 pm

    Another hype talking by Proton: –

    1. Satria Replacement Model (SRM) – suppose this model use Campro engine launch more or less same time with Gen-2 in 2004, until now still "sketchy" in term of when to launch. Last news about the launch is P1 want to do it on the "right time"?

    2. Recovery plan by end of this year – As far back to 1990s when P1 under DRB-Hicom Group, Datok Salleh Sulong boast of want to make P1 to become world class player within ten years. Approximately ten years later, P1 talk on recovery plan by end of 2006?

    3. "Strategic alliance" – Suppose to announce by end of April 06? Now postpone to end 06, so by end of 06, then announce again it will postpone to 2007? "Selective in looking for partner" – I think other choosing P1 not vice-versa! How about and what happen to "partnership" with Mitsubishi signed recently witness by our minister? It suppose to have launch new model(s)?

    4. Reader's Digest Trusted Brands Award for Automotive Category – Link provided by Viceice show P1 is self-contradictory!

    5. What P1 insider "whristle blower" saying that "strategic alliance" news is design to boost P1 share price and "quality campaigne" news is design to boost sales is very convincing looking at what P1 currently doing!

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  • goingberserk (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 6:11 pm

    This PI is playing sendiwara ! What the heck r they trying to impose here ? SZ said will take probably 4-5 mths to kick out useless vendors. Alliance by end of '06. What the heck ?. and Margin is better with RM appreciation. ? Huh ?. As far as i know exchange gain due to appreciation is not a major contributor or element in profit of P1! As far as i know P1 do hedge their imports rite ?. Or the idiot in the Finance department of P1 doesnt realised what is hedging mean ?. Better go back to school. Hedging eliminates some form of exchange loss due to ringgit depreciation. Since depegging. when did RM depreciate ?. Even during the pegging of RM, the movement btween yen & RM is within P1 control if they had hedged their imports. So is P1 trying to tell us that the margin comes from exchange gain. What the crap !. It is ur forking management that has a problem. No brain !. Giving every opportunity to almost monopolised the Malaysian car industry but still struggling !. What a harebrained P1. No more talk . It is time SZ for to do NATA. ( Now action, talk afterwards ! ). No more bullshit. No more extended time frame ! . if want to do alliance better expediate the process. ! really asshole ! really bastard ! How to support P1 ?. U mean to say they are willing to lose $$ until end of this yr b4 announcing new plans, alliance and new vendors ?. How abt QC ?. Will take 6 mths to revamp kah ?. If then , balik kampung , bikin basikal lagi baik…

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  • Joe Ooi (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 7:36 pm

    Proton Recovery Plan = CLOSE SHOP

    NAP = No Action P1, talking only

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  • motorhead (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 7:47 pm

    MD SZ said he will announce the strategic partner by end of last month.. but I am still confuse about this issue… I read in newspaper last month he has mentioned about cooperation with PETRONAS-VW-MITSU.. and now they said have to wait for several months some more… I felt cheated!!.. this is not good u know, Syed Zainal… don’t play-play… Now I refrain myself from poton product, PADAN MUKA.. but its with 1 kid, I am happy with my ex850…. I have more money to spend oso..

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  • shaif (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 7:56 pm

    Please Proton comeout with higher quality car (as compared with my current proton wira) before I believe the Readers Digest or whatever golds award.

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  • Joe Ooi (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 8:19 pm

    shaif, don't ever hope of P1 come out with higher quality car, it will be a dream in the foreseen future if they maintain their current operating structure. It is better hope for P1 close shop, dismantle NAP, and we have a wide range of cars to choose at lowest price, highest quality and safety features.

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  • goingberserk (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 8:56 pm

    Unless of course Potong do this with immediate effect:-

    a) Cease production of Potong Iswara or Saga whatever, Wira , Mayat Car (Juara) , half cut Chan Sze Liew Loh ( Chancellor ) with immediate effect.

    b) address all issues of quality controls immediately

    c) Immediate replacement of parts (FOC including labour & parts) to all defective potong cars to owners for cars manufactured 2004 and above.

    d) disposal of existing stocks of useless potong cars by to third world country by special means or arrangements.

    e)Sack all current useless management and technical team and replace them with more competent & experienced team.

    d) Replace all section leaders, supervisors esp QC team.

    e) Enhance working environment, better incentives for zero defects production.

    f) invest more in robotic manufacturing process ( invest probably additional RM 500 m )

    g) Get more manufacturing platforms – from Mitsui , or honda or toyota.

    i) Get rid of all useless potong service centres ( prices are cut-throut )

    j) Produce probably 2 or 3 rebadged models, like vios, sentra,or civic to rebuilt public confidence.

    k) Get the new R & D team to start designing for MPV or mini MPV.

    l) Get rid the bloody kan ne Potong Logo. ( its useless doesnt reflect potong) Get new logo that are more suitable.

    m) Reduce labour /work force by introducing more automation.

    n) Get rid of practically 50-60% of vendors. The rest of vendors to merge. But this process shdnt take 4-5 months lah. Must be immediate action.

    o) After sale services- Reduce waiting time for car repairs, reduce part prices, and provide warranty (parts + labour) for all parts to 6-12 mths except for consumable parts.

    p) Be humble. ask for assistance from Mitsui or somewhere else if necessay . Dont act arrogant.

    q) Renegotiate contracts with all vendors, suppliers with immediate effect.

    r) Stop production of useless products like the t-Bike.

    s) Set new targets. new model every 1 year. not a cosmetic model.. NEW MODEL.

    t) QC team to double up. More eyes to check on defects. This will prevent defective cars from escaping the eyes of QC.

    If Potong can achieve this…. U HAVE MY SUPPORT. if not THEN AS I SAID EARLIER….balik kampung tanam getah lagi baik.. ( Now commodity price for rubber is all time sky high)

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  • outspoken (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 9:12 pm

    in any compay, sacking the "low ranks" staff is not really effective. Changes must come from the top. It's like a rantai makanan. "low rank" staff will is an easy pray.

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  • kody (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 9:54 pm


    wonder why P1 just saying…then do nothings obvious….. NATO (no actions, talk only)

    & why come out this 'Chancellor'???? Will Malaysia customers buy this car??? Any corporate/small business man with more money will definately would not go for this model. the 'Chancellor' is wasting efforts & man power. Stupid P1 never do any survey when coming out new model/ upgrade model. scrap model like Tiara, Juara,… later sure this cheng si lok 'chancellor' will be scraped.

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  • Joe Ooi (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 10:08 pm

    At this moment all news come out from P1 is not newsworthy except their desperation to prop up share price and boost sales!

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  • kody (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 10:45 pm

    yup u r right Joe, they are using news strategic to boost/gain confident from potential new customers.

    for me, i don't see much confident also in current stage. It will probably need 1-2 years time to prove P1 will stay or drop to dead!! :))

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  • kody (Member) on May 03, 2006 at 11:54 pm…

    read this news, it seen like less parties are interest to tight up tech alliance with P1, the MD qupte 'P1 is eyeing at China & India', this really make me laugh for whole day where P1 even cannot secure the core market, & still look at other potential market. My advise is, better close down P1 here & go to India & China, they need P1 lousy tech.

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  • Apai_Mau (Member) on May 04, 2006 at 12:35 am

    hmm btw how's P2 been doing without SZ?

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  • megahyper (Member) on May 04, 2006 at 2:06 am

    haha really going berserk!

    Even man on the "streak" can sum up nicely for potong. I wonder why potong cant even comprehend what went wrong after more than 20 years in operation.

    Know why they are blind so far?

    Because their motto for last 20 years:

    There's a lot of money to make from public, they have no choice. So why change? There's always the suxker "man on the street" to "rely" on! So why change?

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  • intermilan (Member) on May 04, 2006 at 4:10 am

    Whoever give P1 award right now memang gila lah. unless its the loser award.

    Look like Mr. SZ have shown clear and continuous indications of being a SPIN DOCTOR lah.. all the sheet that come out of his mouth when you kumpul2 and analyse, what you get…. its all PR statements a.k.a. cakap kosong lah.

    The goal? Simple right?.. jack up the image, reputation, public perception, share value for the cost of air liur saja, without the need to do the real job (make quality, reliable car).

    Whatever he talk recently all to implant in the public mind that "YEAH, SZ is going a good job", "proton is moving up, positive". Tell to the others who you think sudah kena pukau to wake up and smell the coffee. What job? Now, NATO only.

    It is interesting to see how far this 'spinning the public' campaign will go on…

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  • shaif (Member) on May 04, 2006 at 4:11 pm

    This coming SRM will prove either Proton really do the job or just talk cock only. But Campro interior, the leather seat is quite good. Hope they will maintain this as it looks good.

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  • Joe Ooi (Member) on May 04, 2006 at 9:46 pm

    shaif – I heard from Proton's "whristle blower" and as what we can see from Paul's spyshot on SRM, P1 still use back existing Satria car with "cosmetic change" to head lamp and tail light, and perhaps interior finishes! If this is the case, it is no more than "upgrade" version on existing product, not a truely new model! I think P1 is planning to throw "a scum of shit" into street hopefully that our Bolehland consumers pick up and treat it like "goreng pisang"!

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  • goingberserk (Member) on May 04, 2006 at 10:53 pm

    hmmm. it is another cosmetic model. ASK P1 TO FLY KITE LAH !

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  • wanpent (Member) on May 05, 2006 at 12:09 am

    maybe Potong will offer VSS same as what MAS doing after this..

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  • Joe Ooi (Member) on May 05, 2006 at 8:01 am

    May be more than MAS's VSS, that is P1's FSS – "Force Separation Scheme"

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  • mycar_stolen (Member) on May 11, 2006 at 1:17 am

    I always hope that Proton close shop ASAP.I also sick of reading forums/blogs aboutProton.

    as Proton close shop….maybe we have more time discussing about..

    how to maintain your car paint like new

    how to use a glove box(gen2/saga dont have)

    please visit your service centre(proton forced you to visit them, buy selling "rosak" ars)

    come on malaysia….target after Germany 2006 Proton close shop..dont worry about their staff …they have experience they will survive as Msians able to survive 20 yeras++ with Proton….

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  • v (Member) on May 11, 2006 at 4:53 pm

    ok what…..whatever they have listed in 2006 Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands Awards ……….its the reality……..

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