Here is the trailer for the upcoming Speed Racer live action movie, directed by the Wachowski brothers. The movie is set for a May 2008 debut.
Speed will be played by Emile Hirsch, who played Johnny Truelove in Alpha Dog and Matthew in The Girl Next Door. Speed’s car is called the Mach 5, and it is supposedly powered by a 5,000 horsepower V12 engine that spins up to 30,000rpm. Fictional or not, that is some very crazy numbers there.
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perfect if you’re under 10 yrs old and still drinks from a milk bottle
abtm said,
March 13, 2008 @ 5:59 am
perfect if you’re under 10 yrs old and still drinks from a milk bottle
Think before you comment la.
The Wachowski brothers were the producers for Matrix trilogy, and I don’t think they are going to direct a lousy movie which only kids enjoy, despite it is classified as a family movie.
Think before you comment la.
The Wachowski brothers were the producers behind the Matrix trilogy, and I dont think they’re going to make a lousy movie.
OmG total AWESOMENESS! I’m sooooo looking forward to this~
The Wachowski Brothers have a lot of reputation at stake, so I hope they do the Speed Racer franchise justice. Sure the effects are wild and cartooney, but it IS a cartoon :D Sometimes we need to get away from serious movies and have fun for once~ And to finally see a live action version of the car was sweeeet!
PS: Christina Ricci is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…. and I saw Rain lol~
One of the Wachowski brothers also left his wife for a pondan. I guess that speaks a lot for his taste. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
omf..rain ! i mean rain rain.. xD
sure is pretty woerd that he’s on this movie LOL!
Kiddy movie with lotsa lotsa fantasy scene. Interesting!
Looks like a good and fun movie and er,….
Kiddies, please don’t imitate the action in the show ya?
go speed racer, go speed racer, go speed racer GO!!!
This trailer has been around for months now.
The Matrix went from awesome to not-so-awesome within four years. If this is an indication of something, it’s either the definite end of the Wachowski Bros reputation as respectable filmmakers, or a surprise hit. Unfortunately the first trailer was already sending the wrong signal with its Thunderbird-like presentation.
I find it funny so many people are watching it because Rain is in it. Such simpletons.
Oh I dont notice Rain when I watched the trailer.
People watching the movie because of Rain???? eeeeeeeee…. yuckss
normaluser said,
March 13, 2008 @ 8:57 pm
Oh I dont notice Rain when I watched the trailer.
People watching the movie because of Rain???? eeeeeeeee…. yuckss
Rain appeared in various scenes ok?
i wonder which company had sponsored the car this time?
Chevy – Transformer
Mustang – I’m Legend
Mazda – X Men
Proton – ?
i wan watch…
Wonder why real life of this show looks out of place. Maybe there is no way to recreate the slender characters in the cartoon?
Proton- can sponsor Kluang man or cicak man.
im looking fwd…:)
wait for Evolusi KL Drift, showing next month….
LOL, I really hope they bring back the superfasttalkingdialoguefromtheoldenglishdubbedcartoons. That would be such a riot.
Mach Go! Go! Go!
i may be 30 but i do drink milk from a bottle (of a different kind)
ah liew said,
March 13, 2008 @ 9:33 pm
i wonder which company had sponsored the car this time?
Chevy – Transformer
Mustang – I’m Legend
Mazda – X Men
Proton – ?
Proton – Mr Bean, (remember the iswara and the golf ball?) :)
abtm said,
March 14, 2008 @ 9:41 am
ah liew said,
March 13, 2008 @ 9:33 pm
i wonder which company had sponsored the car this time?
Chevy – Transformer
Mustang – I’m Legend
Mazda – X Men
Proton – ?
Proton – Mr Bean, (remember the iswara and the golf ball?) :)
and the heck who is this rain is? are you watching a movie for the story or for spotting cameo inserts?
just coz you guys dont like rain, he has millions of fans from asia all the way to the US. so i’m pretty sure this movie will make more money from those fans than from you guys.