PDAM gets what they wanted

Fuel-Wallet GaugeLooks like the PDAM got what they wanted, and more soon! The government has decided to revise the commission for petrol and diesel sales from 9.5 sen per litre to 12.19 sen and from 4.5 sen per litre to 7 sen per litre respectively. The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs is also in talks with banks and Bank Begara Malaysia to reduce the 1% charge on fuel paid for via card to 0.5%.

So they will potentially get both a commission increase and a reduced credit card processing fee! Since prices are not going up for us, the increased commission per litre is likely to be coming out of our tax money.

Petrol stations are also now cleared to open from 6am to midnight only, but stations that wish to open 24 hours can make an application with the ministry. This is effective from the 1st of July 2008. So remember guys, make sure you fill up before midnight!


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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • Hikaru (Member) on Jun 27, 2008 at 4:32 pm

    Why is the govt. bending to their request when it hasn’t done so for years? Petrol prices, is a very sensitive commodity , the govt should have a tight fisted control over it, and not be changed at the hue and cry of petrol station owners.

    Hey, its tight for everyone, why must they get to increase their earnings? Is there any real justification for the change? Squeezed earnings is not a very good justification as it is experienced by everyone.

    I would also dare them to actually stop payment by credit card. All of them. Cause if there is one station that accepts credit card, I will go there in favour of the rest. Sigh…………… “flip flop” govt?

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  • MisterBenjo (Member) on Jun 27, 2008 at 4:32 pm

    hurm….guys dont just fill rm 10 only after this…nanti minyak abis kena tolak kereta….

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  • intermilan (Member) on Jun 27, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    increase the service level at petrol station.

    pump angin selalu rosak, tisu pun selalu tak ada (at pump and toilet), no water in the toilet, filthy toilet, there even stations that put the ‘kenduri kahwin’ servette (tissue) instead of normal rolled tissue.

    anybody got similar experience to share?

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  • arissa86 (Member) on Jun 27, 2008 at 5:43 pm

    pam angin tu penting.and sumore the wiper for the mirror kadang2 dah berminyak and the sponge koyak.toilet cuci and tissue, please-lah..bagi je la tak payah orang kena pi kat kaunter utk amik tisu.the hose for woman to cuci sila la bagi.

    we want you to do what is right.after you get what you want.

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  • VPowerRacing (Member) on Jun 27, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    As we all know..the recent increase in fuel price does not only burden the consumer…but it also hurt the petrol station dealers…

    since the hike was quite drastic…many dealers face difficulties to dump another 40% into their working capital…

    so the PDAM request was just another common sense…

    just like any other ordinary people…when we invest more…we also expect more in return…since the risk is also higher…

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  • toyowira (Member) on Jun 27, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    when in the future more and more hybrid cars or electric car or solar car bring into M’sia, the petrol station owner will cry/boycott again !!!

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  • mokkf82 (Member) on Jun 27, 2008 at 9:47 pm

    Bone head gov!~ i don’t think they even fight hard in trying stop PDAM from what they ask for. Ya increase of petrol hurts every one, but that doesn’t mean they can increase syok syok of what they want. Can we ask for increment due to petrol hike? No right!

    You are right Paul. I’ll bet the rest gang would start challenging gov and ask for what they want. So prepare for more excitement from our gov.

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  • osh_kosh (Member) on Jun 28, 2008 at 12:57 am

    why 6am to midnight only? they got the increase what? should be we (the G) help u & pay more & u should increase or at least maintain the service?

    & have to get permission to operate longer?

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  • azrai (Member) on Jun 28, 2008 at 7:27 am

    This is one of the example when the leader is weak. More to come. believe me.

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  • Clay (Member) on Jun 28, 2008 at 10:33 am

    [VPowerRacing said,
    As we all know..the recent increase in fuel price does not only burden the consumer…but it also hurt the petrol station dealers…
    since the hike was quite drastic…many dealers face difficulties to dump another 40% into their working capital…]

    I don’t agree with what VPowerRacing said. Now the operating hours are cut in half, they get their commision increase and whats more, I’m very sure the credit card charge will be reduced to 0.5%. They will be gaining more profit even before the fuel hike.

    Besides if they are really facing such difficulties, why do I see more and more new petrol station coming up if the business is so bad. Theres always a risk in business. It’s just like the government always trying to protect their own people.

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  • NARUdaARC (Member) on Jun 28, 2008 at 11:55 am

    Well to think of it, since the fuel hike recently the G’s been heeding to lots of request just like Santa! hehehe

    Ok.. here’s one:

    Attention: Prime Minister
    Prime Minister’s Office
    Blok Utama, Bangunan Perdana Putra
    Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
    62502 Putrajaya

    We’re from the Association of Bored Potato Couch Malaysia (ABPCM) are requesting the government to kindly revise our demand for free ASTRO for every citizens of Malaysia. In wake of the recent fuel hike, we Malaysians are unable to pay the highly expensive ASTRO monthly bill, and have to make way to fill our gas tanks to go to work everyday. Please revise our demand as it is beneficial to us hardworking citizens such as; happier and boredom free workers, curbing fuel consumption (more reasons to stay home and watch TV), less inappropriate spending, educating children (through learning channel), lower crime rates, decrease traffic jams, etc.

    Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated.
    Thank You

    Faithful Citizen

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  • Clay (Member) on Jun 28, 2008 at 12:57 pm

    I don’t agree with VPowerRacing. If it hurts petrol station dealers, then why are there more and more station coming up each day. They are only reaping more profit than before with the recent cut in operating hours and increase in commission and then theres the decrease in credit card charge from 1% to 0.5%, which I’m sure will go through since the government like to protect their ‘own people’. If they can’t even deal with the loss in profit, then they shouldn’t even consider investing in a petrol station in the first place. There’s always risk in business.

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  • freakazoid (Member) on Jun 29, 2008 at 1:10 am


    Petrol stations are built by oil companies, and dealers are appointed to run it. As usual, oil companies will take a cut outta the RM0.1219 for rental, using their copyrighted name and product, land and equipment and so on….. If you want to argue about petrol stations springing up, take it up to the oil companies.

    Opening 24 hours are not profitable in some areas. You do the math. Imagine lighting up the entire station, turning on all the pumps, running the mart in the station and hiring more staff – you get sales volume about 10-20% from normal operating time (figures are my assumption). I agree with the government for stations to apply to open 24 hours if the dealers deem it is profitable.

    I don’t really have a comment with the credit card issue. Heh.

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  • VPowerRacing (Member) on Jun 29, 2008 at 6:36 am

    dont worry Clay…

    you can never be a millionaire by just operating a petrol station…

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  • longjaafar (Member) on Jun 30, 2008 at 4:48 pm

    Running a petrol station for the last 10 years or so is a waste of time. Many make their money through the car wash, convenience store (mainly selling cigarettes and mobile phone top ups etc). They have been squeezed dry by the oil companies over the years, increasing and charging all kinds of rental and fees. Give them a break.

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