Chevron explains RON95 octane fuel

Chevron Workshop

Chevron, the company which operates Caltex stations here in Malaysia, has released some information to help consumers with the upcoming switch to a RON95 and RON97 fuel offering at the pumps from the present RON92 and RON97 offering.

The government plans to hike up the price of RON97, and price the new RON95 between current RON92 and RON97 prices. We’ve talked about RON95 and octane before a few times in the past, but here’s some from the horse’s mouth.

Chevron Workshop

The presentation deck is actually quite interesting as it explain the differences between RON, MON, octane satisfaction requirement survey results in countries that offer a wider range of fuel octanes on sale compared to Malaysia, and other interesting bits such as the percentage of sales of each octane grade in various other countries.

RON: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is RON?

Apakah RON?

RON (Research Octane Number) is a rating of petrol. It determines a petrol’s ‘anti-knock’ quality or resistance to pre-ignition or detonation as it burns in the combustion chamber. Knocking is an abnormal combustion and should be prevented as it is damaging to the engine.

RON (Research Octane Number atau Nombor Oktana) adalah satu kadar petrol. Ia menentukan kualiti mengurangkan ketukan enjin (anti-knock) atau rintangan terhadap pra-nyalaan atau peledakan semasa bahan petrol terbakar di kebuk pembakaran. Ketukan adalah satu aktiviti pembakaran yang luar biasa dan sepatutnya dicegah kerana merosakkan enjin.

2. What petrol is sold in Malaysia currently?

Apakah petrol yang dijual di Malaysia pada masa kini?

Service stations in Malaysia currently retail petrol products of RON92 (Silver with Techron at Caltex) and RON97 (Gold with Techron at Caltex). At the moment, vehicles requiring RON95 and below are also utilizing RON97.

Stesen-stesen di Malaysia kini menjual produk petrol RON92 (Silver with Techron di Caltex) dan RON97 (Gold with Techron di Caltex). Pada ketika ini, kenderaan yang memerlukan produk RON95 dan ke bawah juga menggunakan produk RON97.

3. What vehicle types are able to use RON95?

Apakah jenis-jenis kenderaan yang boleh menggunakan petrol RON95?

Most vehicles are able to use RON95. However, it’s best to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) recommendation in your car manual or check the back of the petrol filler lid of your car for the recommended octane rating.

Kebanyakan kenderaan boleh menggunakan RON95. Walau bagaimanapun, pengguna perlu merujuk kepada nasihat Pengilang Kelengkapan Asal (OEM) yang tertera di buku panduan kenderaan atau semak pada belakang penutup tangki gas untuk kadar oktana yang disyorkan.

4. (i) I am a RON92 consumer. Won’t switching to RON95 damage my vehicle’s engine?

Sebelum ini, saya adalah pengguna petrol RON92, adakah pertukaran kepada RON95 tidak akan merosakkan enjin kenderaan saya?

The main difference between RON92 and RON95 is their octane ratings, indicated by the number in the product name.

Using petrol of a higher RON will not hurt your car. You just need to find a suitable fit for your car and driving style. It’s best to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) recommendation in your car manual or check the back of the petrol filler lid of your car for the recommended octane rating.

Perbezaan ketara antara produk RON92 dan RON95 adalah kadar oktana masing-masing, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada nama produk.

Menggunakan petrol dengan kadar RON yang lebih tinggi tidak akan memudaratkan kenderaan anda. Anda hanya perlu mengenal pasti RON yang sesuai untuk kenderaan dan cara pemanduan anda. Walau bagaimanapun, pengguna perlu merujuk kepada nasihat Pengilang Kelengkapan Asal (OEM) yang tertera di buku panduan kenderaan atau semak pada belakang penutup tangki gas untuk kadar oktana yang disyorkan.

(ii) I am a RON97 consumer. Won’t switching to RON95 damage my vehicle’s engine?

Sebelum ini, saya adalah pengguna petrol RON97, adakah pertukaran kepada RON95 tidak akan merosakkan enjin kenderaan saya?

The main difference between RON97 and RON95 is their octane ratings, indicated by the number in the product name.

Using petrol of a lower RON may or may not hurt your car. You just need to find a suitable fit for your car and driving style. It’s best to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) recommendation in your car manual or check the back of the petrol filler lid of your car for the recommended octane rating.

Perbezaan ketara antara produk RON97 dan RON95 adalah kadar oktana masing-masing, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada nama produk.

Menggunakan petrol dengan kadar RON yang lebih rendah tidak akan memudaratkan kenderaan anda. Anda hanya perlu mengenal pasti RON yang sesuai untuk kenderaan dan cara pemanduan anda. Walau bagaimanapun, pengguna perlu merujuk kepada nasihat Pengilang Kelengkapan Asal (OEM) yang tertera di buku panduan kenderaan atau semak pada belakang penutup tangki gas untuk kadar oktana yang disyorkan.

5. Should I empty my car’s petrol tank before refueling with RON95?

Adakah saya perlu mengosongkan tangki minyak kereta saya sebelum mengisi petrol RON95?

This depends on the amount of remaining petrol in the petrol tank. The smaller the amount, the faster you can derive the benefits of RON95.

Ini terpulang kepada amaun baki petrol di dalam tangki petrol anda. Semakin kurang bakinya, semakin cepat anda menikmati kelebihan RON95.

6. What is the effect on the performance of the engine if petrol of a different RON is mixed together?

Apakah kesan jika berlaku percampuran RON95 dengan RON97 atau RON92 ke atas prestasi enjin kenderaan?

It is not recommended to mix different RON levels as this might result in sub-optimal performance. For example, if you have added a lower-than-recommended RON in the mixture, this can result in knocking and can cause a loss of power.

Ianya tidak disyorkan untuk mencampur kadar RON yang berlainan kerana ia mungkin akan menyebabkan prestasi yang kurang memuaskan. Contohnya, jika anda telah menambah RON yang lebih rendah dari kadar yang disyorkan di dalam campuran tangki anda, ini boleh menyebabkan ketukan enjin serta kehilangan kuasa kenderaan.

7. What is the impact of RON95 usage on the environment?

Apakah kesan penggunaan RON95 kepada alam sekitar?

At present, there is insufficient data to adequately prove that a higher or lower RON grade poses an environmental issue.

Pada masa kini, masih tiada fakta sahih yang cukup untuk membuktikan kesan penggunaan kadar RON yang lebih tinggi atau rendah kepada alam sekitar.

8. Do I have to always pick the highest octane rating petrol for my vehicle?

Perlukah saya sentiasa memilih petrol dengan kadar oktana yang tertinggi untuk kenderaan saya?

The highest octane rating may not necessarily be the best for your car. You should choose a suitable fit for your car and driving style. It’s best to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) recommendation in your car manual or check the back of the petrol filler lid of your car for the recommended octane rating.

Menggunakan petrol dengan kadar RON yang lebih tinggi tidak semestinya yang terbaik untuk kenderaan anda. Anda perlu mengenal pasti RON yang sesuai untuk kenderaan dan cara pemanduan anda. Walau bagaimanapun, pengguna perlu merujuk kepada nasihat Pengilang Kelengkapan Asal (OEM) yang tertera di buku panduan kenderaan atau semak pada belakang penutup tangki gas untuk kadar oktana yang disyorkan.

9. Does a higher RON indicate a more environmentally-friendly fuel product? How about greater power?

Adakah penggunaan kadar RON yang lebih tinggi menentukan produk petrol yang lebih mesra terhadap alam sekitar? Bagaimana dengan lebih kuasa?

The true difference between the grades of petrol lies in an engine’s requirement. This does not guarantee a promise of greater power or a more environmental option as the number increases. This infers that cars using RON products greater than their engine requirements may not be necessarily gaining better performance than if they adhered to their car Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) recommendations.

Perbezaan sebenar gred petrol tertakluk kepada keperluan enjin kereta masing-masing. Ini tidak menjamin kelebihan kuasa atau lebih mesra alam sekiranya nombor oktana meningkat. Ini bermaksud kenderaan yang menggunakan produk RON dengan kadar yang lebih tinggi daripada keperluan enjin masing-masing tidak semestinya menikmati prestasi yang lebih baik berbanding dengan menggunakan kadar RON yang disyorkan oleh Pengilang Kelengkapan Asal (OEM).

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • Black Dog on Jun 18, 2009 at 2:24 am

    Wow…very technical lah…getting headache oredi.

    Paul, can please summarise & make it easy for layman like us?

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  • Black Dog on Jun 18, 2009 at 2:26 am

    Paul, why Question 3 and 4 the same?? Some mistake there??

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  • WALASiZO on Jun 18, 2009 at 2:42 am

    im driving 2004 Accent…the user's manual says..the car can take RON87 and above with unleaded that means i can use RON92..rite?..

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  • Calvin De La Rosa on Jun 18, 2009 at 3:50 am

    It's like taking Kimia in SPM all over again… :D

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  • Calvin De La Rosa on Jun 18, 2009 at 3:51 am

    …mind you, i took SPM in the 90s :D

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  • slide no 10, the pie chart.. why the chart doesn't have date on it showing when the data was collected?

    seems weird that Japan still using 89-90R.. is it?

    imight be 2009 data or 1990's data… hmm..

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
  • bugbear1986 on Jun 18, 2009 at 7:47 am

    cheh.. most of the answer r copied…

    wat i mean is, jz refer bek to ur OEM car manual.. if liddat, better dun answer

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
  • udin ipin on Jun 18, 2009 at 5:21 pm

    [quote comment="245294"]cheh.. most of the answer r copied…

    wat i mean is, jz refer bek to ur OEM car manual.. if liddat, better dun answer[/quote]


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  • Garry Teoh on Jun 18, 2009 at 5:55 pm

    The price of Ron 97 should be maintain and why increase the price.

    The price of Ron 95 is only lower than the current Ron 97 price by 5 cents.

    What is the logic

    As for the answer from Caltex. I think is better that we just refer to our car manual. They are just too careful with their answer

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
  • i got low marks for SPM chemistry. haih~

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  • confuse about ron95 on Jun 18, 2009 at 6:37 pm

    my iswara sedan 1.5A fuel cover has a sticker saying that "unleaded ron97 + octane only"

    so.. is there any problem if i switch to RON95???

    please help… :(

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  • Alan Wong on Jun 18, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    In Brunei, there is even RON 85 being sold..

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  • SY0H (Member) on Jun 18, 2009 at 10:01 pm


    The RON 95 Slide Media is quite useful for the first few slides. After that it went more to marketing the particular fuel brand. Kept on repeating Techron name over and over again, but I don't blame them, at least some technical data to give us insight of what's is this RON thing. Unfortunately, when it comes to RON: Frequently Asked Question, there's nothing much technical is mentioned. All are redundancy and avoiding answering the question in the first place. As if it was typed by a non-technical guy. Might as well don't raise and answer those questions.

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  • kkchai on Jun 19, 2009 at 12:33 am

    It will be good if you could ZIP all into a file and allow us to d/l. Thanks!

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  • Tiadaid on Jun 19, 2009 at 12:49 am

    [quote comment="245332"]The price of Ron 97 should be maintain and why increase the price.

    The price of Ron 95 is only lower than the current Ron 97 price by 5 cents.

    What is the logic

    As for the answer from Caltex. I think is better that we just refer to our car manual. They are just too careful with their answer[/quote]

    If they don't raise the price, what's the point?

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  • tansri on Jun 19, 2009 at 4:27 am

    wah..this is very good step by caltex..

    very good will make caltex gain the trust of the public..

    by looking at the petrol pump station, i think malaysian use highest pool octane number! because more than 90% user use strange..imagine how many billions could be save if people in malaysia use the suitable RON and all the petrol have the same additive regarding the RON number like Caltex do..

    10sen for every liter oil since maybe 1996..that is huge!

    RON92=rm1.70, RON 97=rm 1.80

    another thing is this just shows that it is also no economical to use less additive ron92 like in shell or petronas! because 10sen different of price will make the engine less effecient. 10sen means 5.5% saving ..but you save7% as your engine more effeicient!

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  • S.Roma on Jun 19, 2009 at 7:56 am

    RON92=rm1.70, RON 97=rm 1.80

    another thing is this just shows that it is also no economical to use less additive ron92 like in shell or petronas! because 10sen different of price will make the engine less effecient. 10sen means 5.5% saving ..but you save7% as your engine more effeicient!

    For me, i find out out that RON 92 can give u less milage compared to RON 97, thats why i prefer use RON 97. RON 92 can make ur engine more carbon and then less power in the end.

    Even when i use petrol for Petronas RON 97, compared to Caltex RON 97, can see that i gained more mileage with Caltex, tried so many times already until i lost count.

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  • King Samurai on Jun 19, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    Great insights about RON though it was part of Chevron/Caltex marketing strategies..but at least they did something to educate people…what about our beloved national oil co.??

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  • Alan Wong on Jun 19, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    hmmm…i didn't know that US, Japan & Australian vehicles are all using RON92 whereas M'sian consumers have been duped into using RON97…

    maybe there is a conspiracy behind this or the M'sian Govt is being generous in subsidising the local drivers here….

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  • Magna on Jun 22, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    Hi Paul

    Any update on the Diesel Euro 2M in September?

    I have just migrated to common rail on diesel and with the mileage that I'm getting currently, I just look forward for the Euro 2M and could care less about all the gasoline RON, Vpower and what not.. :)

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  • Paul,

    As you know in fb, i recently bought me a Caldina GT-Four. Since its a recon car, i couldn't find any references (i.e car user manuals) what's suits best for the engine. I remembered seeing a notice on the car fuel filler lid saying "Use Premium Unleaded fuel only"….does this means i can only use RON97?

    Please help.


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  • kkchai on Jun 23, 2009 at 10:38 pm

    Correct me if I am wrong. All turbocharged car like (Evo, WRX) and high compression (Type R) is best advised to use higher RON. There is test shown this type of car appreciate if you fill it with premium unleaded gas. In addition, it match with manufacturer claim on its power & torque.

    Since your fuel lid say premium, best stick to RON97.

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  • Did carltex silver(RED) have any stock?my area don't have any stock.Penang

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  • mahespriscilla on Apr 17, 2015 at 12:57 am

    what is the name of petronas ron95 petrol? i want answer immediately and your friends what is the answer please……… :}

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