Lotus Racing gets Maxis 1 year sponsorship deal!

Lotus Racing announced today at its homecoming celebration showcase in Pavilion that they have a new sponsor on board – telecommunications company Maxis Communications. I guessed as much after spotting a Maxis logo on the F1 racer’s nose earlier in the morning before the announcement.

Sandip Das, Maxis Berhad Chief Executive Officer said, “Maxis is pleased to broaden its sports involvement through the sponsorship of the Lotus Racing Team in Formula One. Maxis’ commitment to Lotus Racing promises to deliver a more integrated F1 experience to our customers with immediate access to the latest racing news and information via their mobile phones, wherever and whenever they want. In addition, lucky Maxis customers will have the exclusive opportunity of watching the Sepang Grand Prix live this coming weekend compliments of Maxis.”

“There is money in the sponsorship. It is a firm one-year sponsorship with long intentions,” said Jean Pascal Van Overbeke, Maxis’s chief operating officer. So it is not only for the Malaysian race. But the company declined to reveal how much it was forking out for the 1 year sponsorship.

The Lotus Racing T127 was on display at Pavilion today until 10PM. Look after the jump for a gallery of photos that we snapped while on location.

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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • Spica on Mar 31, 2010 at 8:57 am

    I mean NO Petrobras?

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  • Budzer on Mar 31, 2010 at 9:07 am

    Congrate to Lotus. Just keep going.

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  • malaysia memang bole on Mar 31, 2010 at 9:50 am

    I thought tune group got tune talk,haha

    they're competing in the communication business,but they sponsor the same team.1malaysia

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  • Nice.

    Go maxis

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  • Mazda 3 MPS on Mar 31, 2010 at 9:51 am

    im gonna use digi from now onwards

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  • jerry on Mar 31, 2010 at 3:43 pm

    Why not celcom or TM?

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    • frossonice on Mar 31, 2010 at 4:12 pm

      Because Celcom and TM are GLCs, Maxis is not?

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    • kodok on Mar 31, 2010 at 5:04 pm

      TM sponsor England for World Cup

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    • Ferruccio on Mar 31, 2010 at 6:02 pm

      The sort of question that only Celcom and TM can answer, not Lotus. Anyway TM is a company targeting domestic market. Celcom, under Axiata is in the same situation. Axiata at most is into markets within this region. It's not easy to see the value for them in F1. It's actually a surprise that Maxis has signed a 1 year deal. The only value it seems is the content that they can provide to maxis subscribers in Malaysia they get from this deal. I doubt the money they're spending is significant given the entire budget of this team.

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      • stingy on Mar 31, 2010 at 10:32 pm

        Not to mention ppl might confused between Maxis (EA Sports) or Maxis (telco service provider)

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      • strategy planner on Dec 24, 2010 at 7:49 am

        Tm/Mas is just waiting to grab airasia and maxis market share and control the market,when cost overruns. completely weakens the competitor

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  • Colorsux on Mar 31, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    On print and TV, the Lotus colors don't look good at all for an F1 car

    Ferrari had to change their scalett tones – just to ensure its comes out right on TV – that is the detail that goes into F1

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    • Ferruccio on Mar 31, 2010 at 5:51 pm

      Interesting, I felt the same when I first saw shots of their car

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    • donadoni on Mar 31, 2010 at 8:52 pm

      this is not a fashion show runaway. you dont even know how sacred and symbolic is british racing green to any of racing car in the uk. go check wiki la bro..or unless u r a sissy. lol.

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  • CRONEY on Mar 31, 2010 at 3:57 pm

    Yup… cronyism is well and alive .

    Any place left for CIMB, YTL etc ?

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    • Kucau on Mar 31, 2010 at 4:06 pm

      This is nothing 2do with politic la !! Go to other sites to talk about politics till pigs fly

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    • frossonice on Mar 31, 2010 at 4:17 pm

      How is it possible for a privately owned company sponsoring an F1 team equal to cronyism?

      YTL? Genting? Berjaya? Meh… they rather spend their money on developing other country, like Singapore.

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    • come on man. this is a car blog. dont mix politics with cars. you wanna talk politics go to a different blog la. you come up with stupid statements like that it only shows your level of maturity. grow up and show some class.

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  • Every time. Every single time.

    Enough of politics lahhh. Everything also want to cry foul. CNN on there crony ah? bridgestone crony ah? when they pour money its not just about cronyism and foul politics, its brand building oso. think straight laaa weei

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  • pomen_GTR (Member) on Mar 31, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    this what i call 1malaysia….

    all company in malaysia supporting malaysian owned-team…(except petronas opt for higher-class partnership since they were capable to)

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  • tokmoh on Mar 31, 2010 at 6:36 pm

    Ooo… and I thought they're gonna do a Canon Singapore on Brawn GP last year.

    Last year, at Singapore GP, Canon Singapore sponsored Brawn GP, and that was the only race Canon appeared on Brawn cars.

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  • stingy on Mar 31, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    The deal worth USD 2.5mn.

    No wonder staffs get bonus and increment for 2009 so littlle.

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    • patut la 1.5 month bonus only for maxis staff. cutting cost here n there to sponsor Lotus Racing.

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  • makes me wondering, why Axiata Group Berhad didn't sponsor for Lotus team or other team..? Only Axiata can asnwering this question.. emm.. :|

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    • Diablo on Apr 01, 2010 at 2:20 am

      All boils down to the same basic question. Whats in it for them? F1 is an event with global exposure of reportedly 600m global TV viewers per weekend.

      It's perfect for a sponsor wanting to reach out to a global audience just like reach via a global event like Olympics or World Cup.

      Axiata on the other hand is not a global business. It's a regional business in Asia. They would want the Asian audience but not the global audience.

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  • well maxis, perhaps u should be spending the money to better improve or upgrade your mobile network infrastructure? it has been over a year since you promised us network upgrade… hopefully you have not forgotten about it.

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    • TheInsider on Apr 05, 2010 at 1:55 am

      Don’t you worry, Maxis remembers. And for those of you who weren’t paying full attention to the car today, Maxis also replaced the NAZA logo on the wing with its own.

      Maxis is committed to the Dream.

      Are you?

      1Dream. 1Team. 1Effort. 1Nation.

      This is 1Malaysia. And this is LOTUS 1Malaysia.

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      • strategy planner on Dec 24, 2010 at 8:13 am

        tm and mas waiting to buy over airasia,maxis at cheep cheep price and become champion. digi is smarter than maxis

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  • saga blm.. on May 25, 2010 at 7:04 am

    mmg cntk la neo r3 nie..

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