Toyota ITS Connect – vehicle to vehicle communications system for better road safety

Toyota ITS Connect-01

Japanese automaker Toyota will be giving three of its models a new feature called Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), the brand’s new safety package. The package will only be available in Japan. With the new safety package, Toyota hopes to reduce the number of accidents that occur near intersections makes up for about 40% of traffic accidents in Japan.

It will utilise the country’s 760 MHz frequency band to receive and share data which is transmitted by surrounding infrastructure, such as traffic lights as well as other vehicles. To elaborate, the system will have vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, which can provide drivers with active safety information such as traffic light changes and blind spot warnings.

V2I communication (pictured above) includes; right-turn collision caution – when drivers are making a right turn at a traffic light, the system will alert drivers both audibly and visually should there be an oncoming car, a pedestrian or obstacle in the way. Red-light caution, works to signal drivers who are not slowing down if the traffic lights in front are red. Signal change advisory will display a countdown of traffic light changes.

As for V2V communication (pictured below), it comprises communicating radar cruise control, while similar to radar cruise control, it works with other vehicles equipped with the same system. It maintains a safe distance between vehicles and minimises speed variations.

Emergency vehicle notification, will work with all emergency vehicles fitted with the said system. For instance, should an ambulance with its sirens on be approaching vehicles from behind, the system will automatically sound to notify drivers, display the rough location, distance and the direction that the emergency vehicle is moving towards.

Toyota will also be exhibiting its ITS Connect technology at the ITS World Congress in Bordeaux, France happening from October 5 to 9. Aside from that, the brand will also be showcasing its mass transport system, Ha:mo along with the Toyota i-Road and Toyota Auto Body COMS electric vehicles.

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Graham Chin

Having spent a number of years as a journalist for a local paper, a marketing executive for a popular German automotive brand and a copywriter, Graham, a true-blue Sarawakian, knew he had to take the leap back into the motoring scene - and so he did. To him, nothing’s better than cruising for hours along a scenic route, in a car that’s designed and built for that purpose.



  • This is really a Safety to a whole new level.
    Integrated with Government and Hospital system.

    Hopefully Toyota ITS technology can spread to more cars in future, including other brands.

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  • Yeah one step closer to full govt control of our vehicles. RIP Michael Hastings.

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