Signals required at zebra crossings for safety: MIROS

Signals required at zebra crossings for safety: MIROS

The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) has identified a need to equip zebra crossings with traffic signals in order to ensure that approaching vehicles stop for pedestrians crossing the road, according to a Bernama report.

It was also recommended that summonses or a demerit points system be implemented if drivers are found to have not given the right of way to pedestrians at crossings, said MIROS chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye.

“MIROS has conducted an observation on pedestrians and drivers’ behaviour at the signalised and unsignalised zebra crossings. Findings from the observation found that around 74% of the drivers do not give way to pedestrians at zebra crossings especially at unsignalised junctions,” Lee said.

“For signalised junctions, only 8.2% of them disobeyed the traffic rules (run red light) at zebra crossing. Meanwhile, 95.4% of pedestrians used the “crosswalk” in a proper way at unsignalised junctions and 83.1% at signalised junctions,” he added.

Signals required at zebra crossings for safety: MIROS

Surprisingly, just 8.3% of drivers were observed using their mobile phone when driving through a zebra crossing, Lee said. Meanwhile, 6.8% of pedestrians were found using their mobile phones while using the zebra crossing at unsignalised junctions, and 5.1% of pedestrians were found to do the same at signalised junctions.

A study at a local university campus found that drivers are very unwilling to stop for pedstrian crossings, according to the MIROS chairman. “Pedestrians may get a chance to cross if the vehicles are moving in groups. This situation may probably be due to the misunderstanding on the rule of the right of way at the unsignalised pedestrian crossing,” he said.

Pedestrians and vehicles are considered to be traffic bound by the Road Transport Act 1987, which was enacted to provide for the regulation of motor vehicles and traffic on roads, along with other matters with respect to roads and vehicles.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • tiadaid (Member) on Feb 01, 2018 at 1:55 pm

    If Malaysians drive properly, we don’t really need signals at zebra crossings. Heck, even with signals at zebra crossings some Malaysian drivers just ignore it.

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    • Interesting that theres less pedestrians that uses phones while walking, than drivers.

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      • Pakai ITIS Cctv. Saman mat motor langgar lampu, pakai handset, hisap rokok..

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      • Shaharul Rashid on Feb 01, 2018 at 6:10 pm

        Big problem is Mat Moto beating lights. Everyday thousands of Mat Moto beat lights infront of the polis manning the junction. The polis stand there and just look dumb.

        In other countries, CCTV, Big Brother will track the offending Mat Moto and catch him even hours later. In Malaysia, our PDRM is lazy.

        So, zebra crossings is always very dangerous because our Mat Moto know, PDRM got tidak apa attitude towards Mat Moto beating the red lights. This is very dangerous for zebra crossings.

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        • Ah Kow on Feb 01, 2018 at 7:32 pm

          Mat Moto beat lights infront of the polis… They both lambai salam. MY style

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        • Mat Moto isnt the problem becoz they can weave between the pipu crossing. Its car drivers ignoring zebra crossing, that is the problem. Esp those who looking at their phones instead.

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          • Deswai JPJ direktor abused emergency lane. Ignoring road laws, that is the problem.

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    • 4G63T DSM on Feb 01, 2018 at 2:16 pm

      I have personally witnessed a motorcyclist running through a signalized zebra crossing into an ang moh tourist. So much for signalized crossings if your indifferent rempits dont care.

      The otherday the same bunch made a big hoo haa about the cycle lane dividers…and DBKL bowed down to pressure.

      FWIW, i do stop at zebra crossings signal or no signal. Only to have a lane splitting motor run though, which is even more dangerous as neither the pedestrian nor the motorcyclist can see each other, which is blocked by my car.

      Fix your motorcyclists first and you solve a lot of problems.

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      • taboogen on Feb 01, 2018 at 4:41 pm

        Smart MIROS #Clapclap. Now go compete the study on KL cycling lanes.

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      • Rightwinger on Feb 02, 2018 at 12:55 pm

        To fix our motorcyclist problem, we need to fix a lot of stuff- upbringing, culture, education etc… Fix those, you’ll fix a lot more than just motorcyclists.

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    • Banggalah Saya on Feb 01, 2018 at 4:30 pm

      People who drives reasonably dont need to be reminded – it comes natural to them. It’s the sohai one that need pukul a bit then want do. If it doesn’t come from within, then it needs to be reminded from without.

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  • Tidur mayak hor..terus kan pak on Feb 01, 2018 at 2:00 pm

    Now only aftet a decade u realise that ah..good job payer money used well…now wat about enforcing rear seat belts fully like 100% …next decade maybe ah..kudos well done

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  • 12yrsold on Feb 01, 2018 at 2:20 pm

    Hehehe. Ever wonder why they called it “zebra crossing” & not man or cow crossing ??!

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  • Malaysian use Zebra crossings?
    Hack do motorcyclist ever stop at Zebra Crossings. There’s a pedestrian crossing between Subang Parade and the opposite mosque with its own Traffic Lights and I constantly see motorcyclist failing to stop even when its red…cars as well.

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    • Not just motorcyclist..even car driver dont stop at the signalised pedestrian crossing, try crossing the one near dang wangi lrt at jln ampang/akhleh…cars dont give way to pedestrians. Another is the jln ampang/jalan sultan ismail junction near the renaissance hotel…so difficult for pedestrian to cross the junction, cars dont bother to give way!

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  • Most Malaysian drivers don’t even use their indicators! What more stopping for pedestrians at zebra crossings? Heck! I’m sure at least a quarter of the motorist don’t have licence and the other quarter bribed for it!

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  • Stefan Pertz on Feb 01, 2018 at 3:35 pm

    I wonder where this survey was conducted.
    In Setia Alam you have these signalised zebra crossings. When I go for a jog (less now, since I kinda like to be alive), I stand there like an idiot waiting for green to cross the street. HARDLY EVER does anyone stop at red then.

    Go to town and / or Bangsar and it is pretty much the same.

    Using a zebra crossing as a pedestrian is pretty much a lottery with the odds heavily against you and the stake is your life.

    My colleague went on her first ever trip outside Malaysia. Coming back from Singapore she said “Love it there! You can cross the street without feairing for your life…”

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    • Naz Feroz on Feb 01, 2018 at 3:49 pm

      Dude, 1st world Singapore how can compare to third world. Look up flying garbage

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    • I disagree. Us Bangsarians r generally rule abiding road users. We pride on ourselves having 1st world mentality. Its those coming thru Bangsar that breaks the law.

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  • klguy on Feb 01, 2018 at 4:10 pm

    some malaysian drivers still dont know what a zebra crossing is…..

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  • Motorist Union on Feb 01, 2018 at 4:46 pm

    Even with a policeman stationing at the traffic light junction, the motorists dont give a hoot!!! what makes you think a light would deter them from running red lights…

    go witness yourselves at imbi/bb junction every morning with 2-3 policeman, the motorists would just ignore their instructions, and police do what? nothing.. selamba je… mau run red light run la… not police problem

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  • Chris Ng on Feb 01, 2018 at 4:47 pm

    What Zebra Crossing – I was nearly killed by a car near IKEA.

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  • NamaAku on Feb 01, 2018 at 5:01 pm

    This is about culture. Most Malaysians don’t prioritise pedestrian. It is the other way around. Sometimes when a car giving way, pedestrian refuse to cross, instead waving their hand signalling “you go first la!!”.

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  • Yeah, let’s have another enquiry or study to work out what to do on the roads, this time it’s Zebra crossings.

    Gee, is it really that hard to fix? NO.

    Just get on with it and issue out summonses like confetti, then they’ll start to understand.

    Annual road toll up to over 7,000+ and they still do nothing to fix ALL the driving issues. What will it take, 10,000 to be killed each year before they start to get serious?

    Let’s hope that nobody in this year’s 7,000+ road toll deaths are any members of your family? Feeling lucky?

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  • faizzi on Feb 03, 2018 at 7:26 am

    easier and cheaper solution will be; (especially at busy-roads in front of schools) put speed-breakers 10meters before the zebra and speed-bump justtt before the zebra i.e. countries like UK Spore already doing it decades ago. com’onn MIROS

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  • vVivi Zurianti on Feb 03, 2018 at 5:00 pm

    In Mesia, Zebra crossing should comes with a sign that warns pedestrians “Cross at your own risk”.

    Light or no light, zebra crossing aint working in Mesia.

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