Go Auto, SIRIM sign MoU for research of batteries, green vehicle tech, rapid prototyping, IoT devices

Go Auto, SIRIM sign MoU for research of batteries, green vehicle tech, rapid prototyping, IoT devices

Go Automobile Manufacturing and SIRIM signed a memorandum of understanding today for a long-term strategic collaboration and partnership between the two parties. The memorandum was signed by executive director of Go Auto Group, Datuk SM Azli SM Nasimuddin Kamal on behalf of Go Automobile Manufacturing and president and group CEO of SIRIM, Prof Ir Dr Ahmad Fadzil Mohamad Hani.

Among the areas of collaboration between SIRIM and Go Auto are the development and improvement of lithium-ion-based rechargeable batteries towards their eventual replacement of lead-acid batteries in the automotive market, as well as the development of green and connected vehicle technologies.

Other areas also include the development of Industry 4.0 technologies such as rapid prototyping and 3D-printing, Internet of Things (IoT)-based devices, as well as vehicle type approval testing facilities in e-mobility as required by the Road Transport Department (JPJ) and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).

“Go Auto is thrilled with the collaboration with SIRIM, as they have over 40 years of experience and expertise in research and technology development in the nation. Their advantages in the field of research and development, in addition to ensuring industry standards and quality makes them our idyllic partner,” said Datuk Azli.

Sodium-ion batteries are also being explored for the future beyond usage of lithium-ion batteries, as the former has been identified as an attractive alternative because this type of battery is made from raw materials that are more affordable, abundant and less toxic compared to the rare earth-based lithium-ion batteries.

Connected vehicle technology is also an area that will see collaborative work between SIRIM and Go Auto. This will entail the undertaking of R&D as well as the development of applications which use wireless communications to provide connectivity between all vehicle types (car-to-car), between vehicles and infrastructure (car-to-X) and among vehicles, infrastructure and wireless consumer devices.

In the area of Industry 4.0 technologies such as rapid prototyping and 3D printing, Go Auto will leverage upon SIRIM’s facilities and engineering capabilities in order to provide engineering design, analysis and 3D printing services for MARA TVET students preparing for their final-year projects.

“The collaboration is timely in supporting the government’s aspirations and efforts in transforming the Malaysian businesses to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0. We aspire to leverage the SIRIM SME Development Programme and to champion the pillars of Industry 4.0 in the area of additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, smart manufacturing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices,” said Ahmad Fadzil.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Ahmadjr on Aug 14, 2018 at 8:24 pm

    Anak naza belah mak mana ni?

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    • John Fake News Sdn Bhd on Aug 14, 2018 at 11:09 pm

      This guy father is the founder of Naza Group but…… The whole group has no EV cars.

      Until today, no peugeot, no Kia EV and Green cars in Malaysia

      So why talk so much about all these tech when Kia and Peugeot in Malaysia don’t have EV?

      In overseas, Kia and Peugeot got so many EV models out already

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 21
      • benard on Aug 15, 2018 at 10:53 am

        This guy has nothing to do with NAZA Group, which after Tan Sri Nasimuddins early demise was fully controlled by the 1st wife. His mother was Tan Sri’s 2nd wife. In the hindsight, right now he is the only one seriously carrying on the automotive legacy of his father, the rest… Busy spending away the fortunes of NAZA Group.

        Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 0
    • Yahya Awal on Aug 15, 2018 at 6:15 am

      Why even do 3D printing when our cars like Ertiga and Alza don’t even have basic safety like ESC?

      Countries move towards 3D printing once auto industry has reached maturity ie like ESC and 6 airbags as standard.

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  • John May 9 Nangis on Aug 14, 2018 at 8:31 pm

    No idea why there is research on batteries and green vehicle tech when our own national car company Proton has not given Malaysians any Hybrid or EV yet. Hybrid is 10 year old technology also Proton has not given to the rakyat, what more EV and PHEV

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 13
  • Another project set to fail by the government!

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  • Old dog on Aug 15, 2018 at 3:55 am

    Isn’t SIRIM should be neutral body for approval? So now it become monopolised with such MoU I guess..

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  • Dr M should take a cue from this… sit aside, do whatever you want and don’t distort the market.

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  • Middle Age Driver (Member) on Aug 15, 2018 at 9:03 am

    Way to go Datuk Azli. Soon Haval & Geely SUV will be offered as EV….of couse critics will stick to their petrol offerings with the poor resale value of EV cars. What I would like to see is China auto manufacturers use a standard replacement batteries for their EV cars. It will make the business of battery manufacturures easier & more brands to choose from instead of just from car manufacturer. The petrol engine wont take off if each car needs to buy fuel from its manufacturer. Learn from this for EV to hit the streets in a big way & economical enough for the public to switch over.

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    • The Chinese may be able to manufacture smartphones with some small innovations here and there but they are nowhere near the capabilities of the European/American/Japanese in the auto industry and other industrial tech. They may buy a few companies from the profits made domestically. Talent starts from within.

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      • ionman on Aug 15, 2018 at 1:54 pm

        Never discriminates different ethnicity human beings they are many super intelligent and fast learners out there. You will never know how advance technologies they are capable to invent or innovate out there.

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