2019 Proton Iriz facelift – first official pictures released

2019 Proton Iriz facelift – first official pictures released

Proton has released the first official images of the Iriz facelift, and the pictures follow on the surprised reveal of the car through a video uploaded to the official Youtube channel of prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad earlier this week.

Set to be launched later this year, the Iriz is the first model in the national carmaker’s current model range to be given a facelift since the collaboration with Geely began. The company says that the exterior restyling is aimed at portraying connectivity with a sporty look.

Fresh bits include new slim headlights that flow through to integrate with the grille garnish, styled along the lines of the ‘ethereal bow’ that made its debut on the X70 SUV. The radiator grille, meanwhile, features the infinite weave pattern, topped by a trademark Proton logo. There’s also a new front bumper, which features a new lower radiator grille design and LED daytime running lights.

At the rear, the Proton Iriz gets the new corporate identity feature, with ‘Proton’ lettering being spelled out on the tailgate garnish in place of the logo used previously. The taillights are also enlarged here to tie in with this new revision. These changes present a wider-looking rear, an impression reinforced by the new rear bumper. Vertical garnish inserts framing a new bumper stripe are also to be found.

The number plate is now positioned further down as well, and the faux F1-style brake light from before has been omitted. Elsewhere, the car gets a shark fin antenna, black-painted roof, new model script, and new rotor blade design alloy wheels to complete the exterior rework.

Inside, the refresh adds on a colour touchscreen infotainment system, developed by Proton and Chinese company eCarX – the same one that built the Geely Smart Ecosystem (GKUI) unit on the X70. The system offers connectivity options as well as voice command functions. There’s also a new gear knob reminiscent of the one in the X70.

Zooming into the instrument cluster, you’ll also spot new graphics for the analogue gauges, while the centre multi-info display is now a full-colour unit. The company says that more details will come about closer to the car’s official reveal.

GALLERY: 2017 Proton Iriz 1.6 Premium

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Anthony Lim

Anthony Lim believes that nothing is better than a good smoke and a car with character, with good handling aspects being top of the prize heap. Having spent more than a decade and a half with an English tabloid daily never being able to grasp the meaning of brevity or being succinct, he wags his tail furiously at the idea of waffling - in greater detail - about cars and all their intrinsic peculiarities here.



  • Roti john Holdings Sdn Bhd on Feb 01, 2019 at 5:51 pm

    The real “Game Over”, habisla, Habisla, HABISLA Iriz!!

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    • Habisla Projohn on Feb 02, 2019 at 11:42 am

      I haven’t seen john. He must be hiding in his closet crying because not only the iriz is getting uglier, but also it will be sued by Nissan for copying their V motion grille

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      • Wahab on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:15 pm

        john is hiding today. Tak boleh tanggung malu. Proton sales also in January so bad.

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        • Badut John Minum Teh 8X Sdn Bhd on Feb 02, 2019 at 11:22 pm

          @YB Kunta Kinte
          I heard that The Moscow Circus in Petaling Jaya is hiring clowns. You better go there fast! This is your chance to show that not only you are the best clown Paultan.Org but also to the world.

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          • Optimus on Feb 03, 2019 at 12:48 am

            non-Proton & Perodua cars must be imposed extra roadtax surcharge to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.

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      • Buy Proton Iriz. Very last of Proton own creation marvel, before Geely total makeover.

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    • Anthony Gan on Feb 02, 2019 at 12:17 pm

      Waiting for Geely to kill all Iriz, Persona and Saga or any Proton models completely.

      Geely wants to market all Geely models in Malaysia

      Nothing comes for free and Geely did not buy Proton for fun

      All Proton cars will be classic cars soon

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      • Wahab on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:25 pm

        Proton like to do facelifts but never improve on quality. Same like Wira….keep the car like more than 10 years lifespan.

        I think better go and buy Myvi. Better quality

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        • I have Iriz and I also owned new myvi. Both 1.3 engine. Iriz transmission is very bad. It’s CVT is horrible. Drink petrol like an elephant. But handling is nice. The new Myvi is damn bad too, worse than Iriz in term of build quality, but fantastic fuel consumption. The new Myvi feels like floating like a hovercraft when driving. Cheap plastic too. Very bad sound insulation.

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        • I prefer Iriz prime than the new myvi.

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      • “Nothing comes for free and Geely did not buy Proton for fun”

        This is exactly the reason why Geely won’t kill relative new designs. And as Geely currently don’t offer any hatchbacks, there wouldn’t be any replacement either.

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    • Shazwan on Feb 02, 2019 at 3:09 pm

      People prefer to buy Myvi than Iriz because when problems arise and you go to SC to complain, SC Technician won’t tell you, “Biasalah bang, ini Proton, what do you expect?”

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      • Sy tak pernah dengar mrk kata mcm ru, u bohong ke?

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        • aliph on Feb 03, 2019 at 6:11 pm

          (Like) P1 Iriz FL.
          (Unlike) KIA Picanto GT

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        • Don’t listen to his BS. His sales is so bad after X70 is launched, he now starting to be delusional and talk to himself.

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        • Daddykasi on Feb 04, 2019 at 9:56 am

          You dtg servis saja mana tau. Saya dtg solve problem push start, cvt, absorber.. Diorg mmg cakap macam tu. Ini proton, bukan mercedes..

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          • Sy dtg tukar gearbox, diaorg tak ada ckp mcm tu.

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    • Coklat John Minum Teh 8X Sdn Bhd on Feb 02, 2019 at 5:19 pm

      To everyone all of you, as I said pls don’t ever read YB Kunta Kinte and his other fake username. As suspect already seen that many upvotes for YB Kunta Kinte Comments and His other fake names comments. Anyway, As usual YB Kunta Kinte and His other fake comments are coming from Honda Salesman

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    • Engineer on Feb 04, 2019 at 12:57 pm

      99% of these comments are pure shrills from a paid trooper. It seems like Myvi sales weren’t doing so well after all, if they had to resort in paying for underhanded tactic to sow lies and fake news. One year on, the current generation isn’t as well received as the 1st generation was and they are afraid.

      Others said sales figure speaks the truth, and I agree. There are so many numerous Iriz zipping on the roads, it’s hard to ignore them. It’s quite obvious the Malaysian car buyers aren’t taken in by such shrilling and many more are making informed buys instead of listening to salesman talk which I see in 99% of comments here.

      The revival of Proton sales is another one such reality which is why I’m not surprised when the more successful Proton becomes, the more shrills I see here.

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      • John L on Feb 09, 2019 at 1:59 pm

        I’ve already owned an Iriz for 3 years and put slightly more than 60,000km on it. Still love the handling. Peroduas like to tailgate in a straight line, but once we enter a corner, they can’t keep up at all.

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  • YB Kunta Kinte on Feb 01, 2019 at 5:53 pm

    Why revive this dead car? Sales are so bad. Last time Proton CEO tried to kelentong the public. He said sales are so good until demand was 12 months long

    Then one day, the then Chairman of Proton, Tun M ha d to confess that sales of Iriz is kaput. It was really bad that cannot recoup the cost.

    Recent MAA figures show, in 6 months, Perodua sold 100,000 Myvis. Proton in the same period sold only 3000 Iriz.

    100,000 Myvis VS 3000 Iriz – I think the rakyat has spoken which is the better buy.

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    • Razali on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:28 pm

      So many complaints in Proton forums. But Myvi got no complaints at all. All owners praise their Myvi and proud of it

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      • Yalaa, pagi ini sy balik kampung ikut PLUS ttp sesak teruk disbb Myvi tu enjin terkeluar.

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      • Tun F on Feb 03, 2019 at 8:08 am

        Perodua salesman detected……. Delusional

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      • John L on Feb 09, 2019 at 2:03 pm

        Which forums are you reading? I read LYN Myvi thread and a lot of people complain about the plastics especially the dashboard making squeaks.

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        • Lowyat k/tard User on Feb 10, 2019 at 2:28 pm

          I can confirm that whatever source he gets is not fake news..

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    • John Syiok Sendiri on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:45 pm

      Doesn’t matter what people tell john, he thinks Proton is the BMW of Asia. He thinks Protons are so great that they beat other cars.

      Well, car sales prove otherwise.

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    • I prefer Iriz prime than the new myvi.

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  • YB Kunta Kinte on Feb 01, 2019 at 5:54 pm

    Proton CEO already announced, 78% of Proton’s total sales come from Persona and Saga. This is the bread and butter of Proton. The balance 22%, bulk of it comes from Government ordered Perdanas.

    The Iriz line is loss making. The sales are so negligible compared to the cost to keep the Iriz production line open.

    Just to pay the Proton workers in the Iriz line alone COST MORE than the profits from the sales of the Iriz cars.

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    • Faisal on Feb 02, 2019 at 11:28 am

      This car only girls buy. No boy buy this car cause considered girly car.

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      • Wahab on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:19 pm

        This is not true. I have seen many pondans and bapoks also use it.

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      • Pyraxle on Feb 02, 2019 at 7:28 pm

        Sadly yes. Saw mostly of the Iriz OTR been driven by girls. Even my sister drove an Iriz.. Been driving it sometimes and boy, the handling is surprisingly superb! Far better than my lil bro new Myvi I must say, very minimal body roll when taking sharp corners, so I could take the corner faster and I thought I’m driving a VW Golf MK6 for a moment until the sound of roaring CVT kick me back into reality.

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        • Wallau on Feb 03, 2019 at 4:45 pm

          You’re right. I drove the new Myvi and I am scared of taking corner at high speed. I’ll never buy a Myvi.

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    • Dylan Chng on Feb 02, 2019 at 4:09 pm

      Prehaps the Iriz will do better in export which could happen alongside the X70

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  • Tun F on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:01 pm

    Hopefully the drive train also get a “face-lift.” …

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    • Faisal on Feb 02, 2019 at 11:29 am

      This is No 1 gearbox problem. Everybody knows about it

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      • Pyraxle on Feb 02, 2019 at 7:33 pm

        Gearbox problem? I don’t think so. My sister had one of it since it first launched here and never she had a GB problem. Only the famous power window problem she had one time. No. 1 GB problem are Volkswagen bro, get your facts right. I know cause i own a MK6 Golf. I drive my sister’s Iriz everytime my car is in the workshop.

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    • Wahab on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:18 pm

      Iriz always got gearbox issues or oil leak. Quality is lacking.

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      • John L on Feb 09, 2019 at 2:14 pm

        As someone who has owned an Iriz for more than 3 years and put slightly more than 60,000km on it, so far I’ve had no engine or transmission problems. The problem I did get was the rear wheel bearings failing at 40,000km, which was replaced under warranty. The most disappointing thing about this ordeal for me was that the SC that I usually went to at that time told me that it wasn’t covered by the warranty. I later found out from other Iriz owners that they’ve had similar issues with the bearings and claimed warranty. So I had to go through the trouble of complaining to Proton and then the dealer who ran that SC took their sweet time to refund me. Since then I only go to Senaxis in PJ after being advised by other Proton owners. So far I’m very happy with the service at Senaxis and I can tell from the way they interact with me and other customers that they are very honest people.

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  • Goh Meh on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:02 pm

    LEL I will buy Kia Picanto instead

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    • Faisal on Feb 02, 2019 at 11:30 am

      Kia Picanto is an Internatinal car. Iriz is not in any other country also

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      • Myvip on Feb 02, 2019 at 1:35 pm

        Buy none other than Proton Iriz, is not patriotic.

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      • Dylan Chng on Feb 02, 2019 at 4:09 pm

        Iriz was available in Indonesia.

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        • Projohn no sales in Indon on Feb 02, 2019 at 11:47 pm

          Look at Proton Indon sales data, cheapest in it’s segment but 0 sales each month as well as the other models. 2018 only can sell 6 units of Proton, Habisla PT Proton Edar Indonesia and Proton Holdings Sdn Bhd!

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          • Amran on Feb 04, 2019 at 9:58 am

            Yup.. Jual Iriz standard kosong, indonesian pun tarak mau beli.. Haha! Jual la 1.3 full spec punya.. Ayoo.. Apa punya proton.. Indonesian pun ada taste apa..

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    • Abdul Rahman Bin Kassim on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:48 pm

      Smart choice.

      The Kia Picanto is an award-winning car with a reliable engine. And the design looks great as well.

      This car, maybe it has great features, but the gearbox and engine will make you frustrated. People say the CVT gearbox of this car is sluggish

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  • Roti YB Kunta Kinte Sdn Bhd on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:04 pm

    Once this car comes here, Habisla Almera, Jazz and City. As City Quality and Jazz Quality is getting bad to worst nowadays. No wonder this is why Honda Salesmen and Nissan Salesmen already cheated to the consumers as well as telling lies to the consumers. Better don’t buy Almera, Jazz and City. Only Fool People will buy Honda City, Honda Jazz and Nissan Almera.

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    • Newme on Feb 02, 2019 at 11:46 am

      Jazz quality getting bad but proton quality has never been good.

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    • Wahab on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:22 pm

      You are right. Better to buy Perodua Axia or Myvi. Zero problems compared to all these cars. But champion for breakdowns and problems is still Iriz

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      • Your fact is wrong, u go to salak selatan Perodua SC and see how many Axia and Myvi breakdowns and park there.

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  • Dylan Chng on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:04 pm

    Interior changes that I can spot:
    – No more hard buttons and no more knobs for the headunit
    – Old proton logo still used for steering wheel
    – New mirror
    – New gear knob
    – New gauages. Only goes up to 220 and not 240.=

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    • Sam 'Ohwai' Loo on Feb 02, 2019 at 12:48 pm

      Also, there’s a temperature gauge located below RPM meter @ tachometer, unlike Myvee where Poodua purposely remove it in current generation (seriously, it’s very danger to drive a car without a temperature gauge like all Poodua and few entry level jepunis cars).

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    • Razali on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:32 pm

      Don’t buy brand new. Buy 2 year old Iriz. Now used car salesman beg me to take at RM20k.

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  • John Menangis Kuat Kuat on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:17 pm

    This car will be history soon once Geely wipes out all PRoton models and sell other Geely models in Malaysia soon

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    • Wahab on Feb 02, 2019 at 2:29 pm

      Proton Iriz parts will soon go up because Geely will terminate the car soon. Low seller. Parts sure jump in price.

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  • Irist on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:23 pm

    Interior plastic harder than rock…

    Crickety crack. It has a 1 year guarantee that it will

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  • thefact on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:26 pm

    instrument cluster also looks far nicer!
    front end is funny though. no more projector lights.

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  • eeeriz on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:31 pm

    Slightly better looking than current model.

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  • Ultimate Rugal on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:38 pm

    For me, it looks okay. We do have uglier cars but people still buy them. Coloured multi info display is mostly welcome.

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  • Raja Kamarul on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:41 pm

    I think they’ve done fairly well with the rear, although for the front I personally prefer the older version. I tested the refined version and the tweaks to the engine and the engine mounting (3 point from 4 point) has seriously helped this car. With this new look, and the connected car appeal it should gets some new fans. Congratulations PROTON.

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  • As a owner of Iriz, this new Iriz doesn’t look so modern&updated, what’s happened to proton’s Designer? New saga & persona looks great but how come this Iriz seems like the outcome of interns LOL anyways interior updates are not bad!

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  • YB Albert on Feb 01, 2019 at 6:55 pm

    Carlos Ghosn (in japanese prison}: Why is Proton copying my Nissan frontage design ?
    Prison official: You shut up.Bolehland going to launch protiga anyway.They can copy and paste,none of your business.

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  • John Bin Palat on Feb 01, 2019 at 7:04 pm

    Perodua Myvi RM55k in 2019
    Proton Iriz RM55k in 2019

    3 years later want to sell

    2022 Perodua Myvi RM41k
    2022 Proton Iriz RM19k

    This is the shock every Proton owner goes through when they sell their cars. The bank ask you to top up loan RM4k.

    They often ask, “For 3 years, every month what have I been paying”

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    • Palat lah you! Where can I sell a 3 years old Myvi for 41k? Always talk bollocks only.

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      • Tak payah balas dia lah…org mcm dia hanya mimpi je. Kita tahu mana satu kereta bagus sudah. Dia langsung tak tahu apa itu kereta, sy harap dia cuba satu kali kemalangan dgn perodua tu baru blh faham.

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        • Daddykasi on Feb 04, 2019 at 10:11 am

          Saga 2001 langgar belakang viva 2007, abis jatuh bumper depan saga 2001.viva2007 kemek sikit saja.. Itula

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          • Saga, Kancil, Viva, Myvi, Axia dan Alza semua kereta sampah, tambah lagi kereta hentam belakang kereta mesti bumper jatuh. Yg ni u tak tahu ke? Sy punya Proton pun kena bang dgn Honda City, ttp dia punya bumper kemek dan jatuh sebelah.

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    • Tun F on Feb 03, 2019 at 9:40 am

      Dude.. Stop bullshit here

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    • Masukan on Feb 03, 2019 at 1:31 pm

      Palat Statements Show Us The Links Here

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  • kiasuMan on Feb 01, 2019 at 7:06 pm

    the Game changer is back, and better.

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  • Set to be launched later this year???

    How slow does Proton want to be????

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  • With this facelifted Iriz iteration, the Myvi must up its game again. Well done P1 and PT team, May the force be with Uolls. Prosperity yo’

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  • wahlau on Feb 01, 2019 at 7:31 pm

    wow… this is gorgeous…

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  • practical car lover on Feb 01, 2019 at 7:34 pm

    Looks like they are tying to maximize the use of persona parts here. Gone are the projector headlights of iriz and now they use the reflectors from persona.

    but i guess you have to see it in the flesh before we can rate it.

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  • Mamamia on Feb 01, 2019 at 8:01 pm

    Cantik.. where to book?

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  • Looks surprisingly good, shame about the interior though.

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  • Alone on Feb 01, 2019 at 8:40 pm

    Was hoping Proton to equip this car with AEB feature, it seems impossible now..

    Well at least we can hope that proton would replace the gearbox to 6AT which being used in x70

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    • Dylan Chng on Feb 02, 2019 at 4:12 pm

      6AT unlikely. Too expensive and too overpower for an Iriz.

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  • First they remove auto headlights. Now remove projector headlights on ALL models. what?

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  • jinggo on Feb 01, 2019 at 8:43 pm

    This car got the best ride & handling. Long distance drive really comfortable & fun. Thanks to Lotus.

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  • Daddykasi on Feb 01, 2019 at 9:07 pm

    The real game changer.. Habislah Jazz

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  • The brand name lettering at the rear is also a styling trait shared with Lynk & Co.

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    • alldisc on Feb 03, 2019 at 12:22 pm

      Lynk & Co?

      sounds like a law firm.. hahaha

      Beh & Co, Chang & Co, ALex Chang & Co..

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  • The most important change on Feb 01, 2019 at 9:38 pm

    Any news whether the CVT will be ditched in favour of an autobox from Geely-owned DSI?

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    • Tun F on Feb 02, 2019 at 12:54 pm

      In dream… The same CVT… But as usual.. Proton will say..” It has been refined”

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  • Aiyoooooo on Feb 01, 2019 at 10:29 pm

    Wth, proton kalau bab keluar kereta sama nama je tambah facelift kecoh gila sedangkan tambah chrome sikit gila je kat depan tu, belakang tambah je la sikit warna itam tu… Pastu declare new proton facelift… Aiyoooo bikin malu le…

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  • nice..

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  • We need iriz with turbo & new transmission!

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  • iriz owner on Feb 02, 2019 at 7:56 am

    Just a cosmetics touch up ?

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  • Mahmud on Feb 02, 2019 at 8:42 am

    Make it hot hatch

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  • johnnas on Feb 02, 2019 at 8:44 am

    facelift lagi? pls lah….

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  • Personally I like it but can they redesign the gril just a bit more so it doesnt look like vios and nissan groll had a child

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  • Nice update on the instrument cluster. I just can’t digest the back. Looks weird.

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  • What an amazing surprised! I just don’t like rear design lol

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  • Muzaffar on Feb 02, 2019 at 10:41 am

    Iriz has become like Savvy, nobody wants it anymore when there is the Myvi and Kia Picanto. Both better cars.

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  • John Cinta Dedak on Feb 02, 2019 at 11:10 am

    Go ask all the Y Generation and Millenials what car they looking at? They will tell you one answer…..it is definitely not a Proton!

    Millenials are now looking at even 2nd hand Toyota Vios, Honda City or Nissan as they know it is low maintenance in the long run.

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  • Paceisslow on Feb 02, 2019 at 12:36 pm

    Omg, they still keep that underwear shape steering wheel

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  • Ben Yap on Feb 02, 2019 at 1:24 pm

    No turbo not attractive la. Better top up a bit monthly repayment, less than RM1k a month, to get civic turbo.

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    • Phaser on Feb 07, 2019 at 12:14 am

      In what world does someone who can afford a Honda Civic 1.5T also look at a Proton Iriz? The Civic buyer will not consider this car and the Iriz buyer cannot afford the Civic. Try and sell your Hondas by any means but don’t la sound so desperate…

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  • Aero (Member) on Feb 02, 2019 at 6:11 pm

    The “Hi Proton” voice command ( i.e. ‘talking car’ ) has become a runaway marketing success for Proton ( not unlike their 5-star ANCAP award in 2013).

    Many videos of “HiProton” went viral, some showed how it can recognise different Malaysian accents. Even Perodua acknowledged “HiProton” when they launched their Aruz recently ( when they admitted the Aruz is not a ‘talking car’ ).

    Actually, “HiProton” is relatively low-cost and easy to implement ( compared to costly 5-star NCAP and intensive Proton/Lotus Ride & Handling). “HiProton” runs on a Geely-designed, Android-based touchscreen head unit (called GKUI) which uses voice recognition software that is designed to recognise Malaysian accents and slangs. To control the windows and aircond, the head unit is linked to the car’s body control module (BCM)… this is what distinguished GKUI from Android Auto. Also, GKUI has its own SIM card, so it can remain ‘always online’.

    To simply things even further, “HiProton” is like Proton’s version of Siri or Google Assistant, but with BCM accessibility. “HiProton” helps give the impression that the entire car is connected, and you’re not limited to just the touchscreen head unit.

    Voice command is not new to cars. Some like Mercedes-Benz and Ford have been doing it for at least 2 decades. The difference is that “HiProton” is designed for Malaysians, so you don’t need to speak perfect English for it to understand you.

    My guess is that Proton will capitalise on “HiProton” so long as it remains trendy. Other mass-market companies like Honda and Perodua might try to introduce their own voice command features too.

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    • Dylan Chng on Feb 03, 2019 at 1:40 pm

      We cannot expect the full hi proton suite of commands in the upcoming Iriz because the Iriz wasn’t designed and engineered with every component being connected.

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  • Sohai on Feb 03, 2019 at 6:44 pm

    The most important thing to change, is the gear box.

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