Malaysia car sales in 2021 – total industry volume at 508,911, over 20k down vs 2020, 95k less than 2019

Malaysia car sales in 2021 – total industry volume at 508,911, over 20k down vs 2020, 95k less than 2019

A total of 508,911 vehicles were sold in Malaysia in 2021. That final tally beat the Malaysian Automotive Association’s (MAA) revised forecast of 500k units announced in July last year. The original total industry volume (TIV) forecast announced early in 2021 was 570,000 units.

Compared to 2020’s sales of 529,514 units, 2021’s 508,911 units is 20,603 units less, which is a 4% decline. This marks the second consecutive year of decline for Malaysia’s TIV, as 2020’s sales was 12.4% down from 2019’s 604,281 units.

The smaller contraction in a difficult year was described by MAA president Datuk Aishah Ahmad as a commendable achievement by the carmakers. “The much smaller TIV’s contraction recorded in 2021 can be attributed to the measures and wisdom of our government in balancing between saving lives and jobs so as not to jeopardise the domestic economy,” she said in today’s virtual press conference.

Malaysia car sales in 2021 – total industry volume at 508,911, over 20k down vs 2020, 95k less than 2019

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The second half sales run was helped by the relaxation of the movement control orders and the reopening of most economic sectors. “This had helped to improve business confidence which contributed to better sales of new vehicles including commercial vehicles which are much needed for the running of businesses,” Aishah said, adding that the sales tax exemption package had also helped to sustain demand for new passenger vehicles.

“MAA would like to express our heartfelt and sincere thanks to the government for extending the sales tax exemption incentive, not only once but three times; the latest extension being until June 30, 2022 as was announced during Budget 2022. We are very grateful for all the support rendered to the industry to ensure the sustainability of the industry,” she said.

Of the 2021 total, passenger vehicles contributed 452,663 units (down 28,308 units, -5.9%), while 56,248 commercial vehicles were registered (up 7,705 units, +15.9%). In the first half of 2021, sales peaked at 64,875 units in March, before Covid-19 movement control saw sales plunge to just 1,921 units in June. From there, it was a sharp climb that peaked in December, the best sales month in 2021 with 65,184 units.

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Danny Tan

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats. He has been in the auto industry since 2006, previously filling the pages of two motoring magazines before joining this website. Enjoys detailing the experience more than the technical details.



  • TIV down but for Proton to have increased sales is an excellent outstanding results.

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  • 4G63T DSM on Jan 20, 2022 at 6:49 pm

    I wonder how many cars sold were pre-reg. by dealers

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