Myvi overturned in Johor – 7 plead guilty for rioting

Myvi overturned in Johor – 7 plead guilty for rioting

Seven men pleaded guilty for rioting at the Johor Bahru magistrates’ court yesterday, in relation to the incident on the night of November 3, where a Myvi was trashed and overturned following a collision with a delivery rider in Taman Kota Masai, Pasir Gudang.

According to Kosmo, four are food delivery riders while the other three are a student, an online cap seller, and a home appliance technician. Their ages range from 18 to 41.

Based on the charge sheet, they together committed mischief (melakukan khianat) by wrecking the glass and doors of a Myvi belonging to Tan Jing Hui, 21, before overturning it, causing losses of RM15,000. The men were charged under Section 427 of the Penal Code that allows for jail of one to five years, or a fine, or both.

Magistrate Hidayatul Syuhada Shamsudin allowed bail of RM7,000 for each of the accused, with the clause that they cannot harass the victim and witnesses, and have to report themselves to a police station once a month. The judge set December 18 for case remention and sentencing.

Here’s a recap of what allegedly happened. Last Thursday, a Myvi collided with a food delivery rider at the Jalan Kota Masai 2 cross junction in Johor. It was claimed that the car ran the red lights and the rider suffered from a broken leg. This was according to an ‘eyewitness’ who only wanted to be known as Akmal.

He told Kosmo that the Myvi driver tried to escape but as the road was blocked, he entered a Petronas station. Then, he was surrounded by a crowd. Shortly after, the police came and ushered the driver to safety. When he was in the patrol car, the driver provoked the crowd, which led to a mob trashing the Myvi and then overturning it. However, according to dashcam footage below, the Myvi didn’t run the lights as it was flashing green when he passed it. This means that the delivery rider jumped the gun.

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Danny Tan

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats. He has been in the auto industry since 2006, previously filling the pages of two motoring magazines before joining this website. Enjoys detailing the experience more than the technical details.



  • Kassim B Khairul on Nov 08, 2022 at 11:40 am

    Ppl say Gomen will act unfairly and won’t take action but here we see that Gomen is indeed fair and will take action on those who broke the law. So those Sam supporters boleh diam sikitla, you might not like it but justice has been served in both cases. Stop bringing up Basikal Lajak case as clearly we seen who was wrong then.

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    • IGP mom on Nov 08, 2022 at 6:59 pm

      Diam la … what else can the police and govt do? There’s car dashcam that proved otherwise, and those dudes really rioting. With black and white proof, there’s nothing that can be twisted.

      But, wait till there’s no dashcam. Because you are from majority race, you cant feel it. I had 2 incidents. Once when a teacher with a car broke down at the road side having all the passengers blocking the road. I honked asking to get past, the folks think I’m asking to fight, the opened their broken car door and banged at my car while I drive thru. Car damaged, police report done, then no case. You tell me is this fair? The police even tried to nego with me, they said since the teacher car also broke down, so why not call it justice and that’s it. What?? My car was banged, and settle just like that??

      Another case, a lady youth biker rammed into my car while I slow down the car going thru bumper. She had no bike license. Police report made, you know what happened? Police said her IC and the bike plate doesnt match, the place is supposed to be a car, so no case!! What is this? It should be bigger case because then its a stolen motor right? But my report is forced close just like that. You tell me what is fair.

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      • Reply IGP Mom on Nov 09, 2022 at 10:57 am

        You should raise your problem about the police not doing the right thing will the relevant departments. Maybe report to MACC or Bahagian Tata-Tertib of the police for their wrong doings.

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        • Right? on Nov 09, 2022 at 4:04 pm

          Itu baru fitnah Akmal da terbalik Myvi, blom lg fitnah Dajal…

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        • IGP mom on Nov 09, 2022 at 4:48 pm

          You think its that easy eh? Just look at all the big cases that takes years to settle in court, then you know negligible cases like this will never see light.

          Even when I made the police report, in both cases, I took over the keyboard and typed for the police! Otherwise, the report was full capslocked, and a single sentence with many comma and just one fullstop. The report was so hard to read with broken BM that I helped to reword the whole article.

          The 1st time, I skipped lunch, took me over 4 hrs to lodged the report, brought the police to the scene for them to record and measure stuffs, eventually its all pointless. Its just for show. The 2nd time, I skipped dinner, took me until almost 11pm to had the report done. Eventually, I was the one suffered with zero ROI. That’s basically the modus operandi, to make you feel hopeless, give up on the system. Honestly, I have zero hope that justice will ever be on my side. I just pray I dont get into similar accidents again.

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      • Hantu Raya on Nov 10, 2022 at 10:38 am

        The grass is not greener over hear also lah.

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    • One sparrow does not make a summer

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  • Elon Fanboi on Nov 08, 2022 at 11:56 am

    Let that be a lesson to us all.

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  • Would be good if those service providers (Grab/Foodpanda/Lalamove/Teleport) do a “comprehensive” check on their independent contractors. It could be just valid insurance coverage or number plate. Once pass only “dapur berasap”.

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  • newme on Nov 08, 2022 at 12:08 pm

    Shouldn’t that Akmal be charged for deceiving and inciting riot?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 48 Thumb down 2
    • FAkE news got undang one

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    • Lolwhut? on Nov 08, 2022 at 2:46 pm

      Err headline oredy says charged under rioting? what more are u asking?

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      • BN supporters behave exactly like the mat rempits. no respect for other people, even hurting them and both also have the same brainless mentality.

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      • newme on Nov 08, 2022 at 3:25 pm

        Ask to charge the instigator. Having difficulty to understand?

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  • newme on Nov 08, 2022 at 12:14 pm

    “When he was in the patrol car, the driver provoked the crowd,…”

    That Akmal lied when he said the Myvi ran the red light. What makes his statement credible when he said the driver provoked the crowd?

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  • Nagara Sri Bagwan on Nov 08, 2022 at 12:25 pm

    We didn’t know that malaya still has barbarian race!
    Why rulers of malaya didn’t educates civilized them?

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    • Resilient ppl on Nov 09, 2022 at 6:34 pm

      You first time walk here? Or born and left after few decade today just return? You knw this is what land right? Nvm we if can thrive here, and we actually did, we can thrive anywhere on the planet. We are just resilient and tough, just that we dont shout around and throw tandrum, but if we do it, we make sure it is worth the return. You knw what I mean? Lets not depend on dream or some other guys to change, just hardworking and catch our own dream, and then we talk bout our many options.

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  • Shouldn’t this Akmal be charged for spreading fake news and sensationalised the already mishap for the driver? With police escorting the driver, how would he be still able to provoke the crowd when his life was clearly in danger? So this Akmal is saying the police tolerate provocation under their eyes?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 1
    • Akmal rules on Nov 08, 2022 at 1:59 pm

      Brader, when there is a mess going on u will be surprised of how people behave.
      I am not saying the guy indeed provoke the crowd..its just that u will be surprised.

      Anyway, if this Akmal statement is taken by the police then he will be charge for providing false statement. So far what we know is that he told Kosmo which is a tabloid. Its as good as posting it on social media which holds almost no integrity.

      BTW its amazing for this Akmal to be precise of whats happened, as if he can be at multiple place and angle at one time. Any IO can call the bluff after few minutes with this guy. He manages to see the car drrove thru red light, road was block, go to petrol station, then the driver provoke the crowd.

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      • newme on Nov 08, 2022 at 2:39 pm

        IO can tell the bluff but most mat rempits can’t and harm has been done

        I doubt the outcome would be any different even if those mat rempit knew it was a bluff with their mob mentality that can’t think by themselves.

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      • Why only certain race form MOB n rape, even the most religious poi’s?

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    • Logical Deduction on Nov 08, 2022 at 2:48 pm

      Brader. Pakatan are guilty of spreading fake news and sensationalised fake stories. Are they charged? Heck no! They were made Government instead! Going by that logic Akmal should be made PM for life!

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      • newme on Nov 08, 2022 at 3:26 pm

        Which fake news? 1MDB or LCS?

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      • Suhaimi on Nov 08, 2022 at 3:45 pm

        this article is not about Pakatan or PM. it is about Myvi mat rempit incident. pls comment relevant info

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      • Fake news? check which party has the most politician lost in defamation case…

        Another BN PN dunggu

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  • Can find out who is that Akmal guy ? Give wrong information to accuse the Myvi driver, maybe he is the 1 who started the fight and overturn the Myvi.

    Please find him out and jail this useless human. Twist the whole entire story, none of his statement is correct except “Myvi langgar motor”

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 0
  • Catch n put Akmal in jail for his fake statement! Fortunately there is dash cam video as proof or else many will side on samseng. Those overturned the car should all put in jail! Sometimes, people do not want to hit and run. If you do not run, you may be hit until die by these samseng!

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  • newme on Nov 08, 2022 at 1:58 pm

    The slanderers should be punished heavily.

    Remember how the thief in the Low Yat incidents lied about shop selling him used phone when he got caught for stealing? Just like this case it ended with riot and causing harm to innocent people.

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    • dong gor on Nov 08, 2022 at 2:51 pm

      Moral of the story, don’t take part in any group activity that is barbaric without witnessing the entire events. But then again, ppl who less education, u can’t talk sense to them. Hence there is this word call barbarian.

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      • Lets See on Nov 08, 2022 at 3:25 pm

        Agreed. Those who likes taking part in PH megaceramahs and illegal marches please take note. But then again, they are supposedly ppl whom better educated…

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  • Kamal on Nov 08, 2022 at 3:54 pm

    These rioters are actually joining in the fun . But it cause them legal repercussions. Bodoh betul .

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    • Believe me, it was not for fun. The country is cracking up along known lines.

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      • Future on Nov 09, 2022 at 6:40 pm

        I once was naive and put much heart and long for changes for better when I was cery young. Then, I see thru our future here and work mad hard just to provide myself and family with more options. Like A spouse that cheated on you, however hard you anticipated for better and forgive, will cheat again. Just leave the spoilt spouse.

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    • The believers must be numbskulls to react as such, based on what heard, true of fake news.

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  • Sparcov on Nov 08, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    It just take 1 person to spread a fake news and riot will happen. How fragile?

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  • kenot on Nov 08, 2022 at 4:26 pm

    Ironically, they don’t know each other. now they can get to know each other more closely.
    For me this accident is not due to the driver’s race. this is because the car hit the motorcycle. you all know what happens if you hit a small vehicle or pedestrian.

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  • Be wise on Nov 08, 2022 at 5:30 pm

    Kosmo is the one that’s likely spreading the fake news just for a few extra clicks and like without any consideration… now that’s what the educated doing nowadays…

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  • Luckily got dashcam. Akmal oh akmal, nak tipu but now got bukti u yang tipu. Ini provokasi weh, menyebabkan huru hara je ko ni

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    • Shows the importance of having a working dashcam, best if date and time are set correctly.

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  • Ruban on Nov 09, 2022 at 8:53 am

    Dash cam time stamp is 2019

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  • this is similar to the Sam ke ting incident. bunch of barbarian brown skins over turned her car

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