Enforce traffic regulations for motorcyclists to break their bad habits: USM transport engineering lecturer

Enforce traffic regulations for motorcyclists to break their bad habits: USM transport engineering lecturer

Transport engineering lecturer at the Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Civil Engineering, Ahmad Farhan Mohd Sadullah has called on the authorities to enforce traffic regulations to break their bad habits and lower their death toll on the road, The Sun Daily reported.

The matter is urgent, considering that motorcyclists accounted for 70 out of every 100 road deaths in Malaysia as of August 2021, said Ahmad Farhan.

“Unlicensed motorcyclists in the country learn bad habits since childhood when parents allow them to ride their machines around their housing estates and villages. Even enforcement officers look on smilingly when they see children riding around their housing estates. The fact that no action is taken emboldens them to act as they wish,” he said.

Enforce traffic regulations for motorcyclists to break their bad habits: USM transport engineering lecturer

Motorcyclists only follow the rules to obtain a license, and the rules are disregarded after that, and no longer follow them in daily life which is the root cause of the high accident rate, The Sun Daily quoted Ahmad Farhan as saying.

According to Universiti Putra Malaysia road safety research centre chief Law Teik Hua, it is easy for motorcyclists to beat traffic lights as motorcycles generally can accelerate quickly, and the lack of enforcement allows them to make reckless decisions such as running red lights.

“If enforcement is stepped up, it will force motorcyclists to keep within the traffic rules, and as more of them do so, it will be awkward for others to break the law. Education about road safety must be stepped up and young children need to learn about the dangers they will face if they continue to ignore the regulations,” Law said.

Enforce traffic regulations for motorcyclists to break their bad habits: USM transport engineering lecturer

According to the UPM road safety research centre chief, enforcement officers can employ the latest technology to ensure that motorcyclists are aware that they are being monitored, and can be hauled up for traffic offences at any time.

Law said that although there are motorcycle-specific lanes on highways, most motorcyclists prefer to use the main roads as they are newer and well built, while motorcycle lanes are over 40 years old, The Sun Daily quoted him as saying.

“The government must actively begin building more segregated motorcycle lanes and warn motorcyclists to use them or face the consequences,” Law said.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Civic Turbo 2018 on Mar 08, 2023 at 5:55 pm

    More roadblocks, more saman
    Let Rempits, KL racers go hide

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 1
    • Adik Manis on Mar 08, 2023 at 10:36 pm

      Stop calling them Samseng Jalanan. The name will make them thinking they are superior above other road users. Refer them as Badut Rempit instead. It will make them feel shy to break traffic rules

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 39 Thumb down 1
  • Gramps on Wheels on Mar 08, 2023 at 6:34 pm

    Unpopular opinion: Police & JPJ should also start enforcing laws to use blinkers when lane changing and when drivers/riders drive significantly slower than flow of traffic in the middle and right lanes.

    Speeding is the easiest way for law enforcers to fine people, but driving too slow or sudden lane change in a fast traffic also contributes to accidents on the road..

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 42 Thumb down 3
    • Stickler for indicating on Mar 08, 2023 at 11:28 pm

      Double like and thank you for bringing this up. At times it’s like a minor miracle when a motorist manages to “find” the indicator!

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    • nanny on wheels on Mar 09, 2023 at 10:45 am

      motorbikes NEVER uses blinkers.

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    • Perusahaan Sampan Nasional on Mar 09, 2023 at 12:21 pm

      no matter its driver rider passenger pillion all have tribal mentality wrong education since birth

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    • Virus everywhere on Mar 09, 2023 at 2:14 pm

      Motorcyclist are the most idiot on the road. They don’t even know we can’t see their indicator when they are too near our car, we only can see their body not the motor.

      I remember once someone said their bikes can’t do emergency brake or else they will fall, then why the heck they ride so fast in between traffics and when car signal to change lane, they get angry coz they can’t brake.

      In fact, is not the education that matters, their brain just can’t function well

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  • Enforcement...oh no..it is a myth on Mar 08, 2023 at 7:55 pm

    For a start,enforcers just go to any sekolah at 7 30am..I guarantee thousands of “blatant disregard for road safety”,no helmets,4 in one bike,cars with no seatbelts,illegal vans carrying kids etc.
    Next,just stand at traffic light junctions…thousands of delivery riders in green,pink,orange uniforms suddenly become color blind as if ,traffic lights dont exist.
    Seldom,we see enforcers,until one nephew or niece or grandma of a VVIP or politician dies due to these rogue riders .Then,we have besar besaran kempen.

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    • This is exactly the easiest ways to start enforcement, don’t wait till tragic happens only open files to investigate

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  • call me by your name on Mar 08, 2023 at 8:21 pm

    …”but we did enforced the law during once a year roadblock”

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1
  • Modifications of bikes should be discussed akso. Its an utter nuisance and sound pollution. That cost the living condition and peace of mind. The reason shown that bikers have no money so cant pay if fined and that will affect economy but how come they have money to do Modifications?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 0
  • Kea Was on Mar 09, 2023 at 5:59 am

    Oh cannot cannot because based on x-government special formula all B40 rides a motorcycle a magical number that plug from the skies and they need protection even though in context if it’s wrong.

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  • st3wp1d on Mar 09, 2023 at 8:24 am

    Talk is very cheap la Dr.

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  • Ben Yap on Mar 09, 2023 at 8:34 am

    why the news cover lecturers opinion? they are not law enforcers or policy makers. they cannot make any change by talking. instead they get their names featured where they can be proud of with their friends and family.

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  • newme on Mar 09, 2023 at 9:11 am

    What happened to punishing the parents proposal suggested previously?
    Some jail time should deter many of them .

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  • The government won’t do anything simply because there is a lack of will. It’s not like the top decision makers ever need to ride bikes daily for a living. And most of the solutions (better education, better public transportation, better wages or lower cost of car ownership, etc.) takes too much effort or cost. Unless they can directly $benefit$ from them, status quo will remain.

    Long term policies should always aim to lower ownership of these high-risk mode of transportation. Those who rides them should be for wants, not for necessity. If possible, substitute them for safer alternatives.

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  • Geng 86 on Mar 09, 2023 at 9:53 am

    What’s the point? Education can’t reach them. Parents should do their parts better. Instead of anak saya back orennya card.

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  • simplest solution on Mar 09, 2023 at 10:11 am

    why not make it legal to crash into these “samseng” by other motorists? let the public take out the trash. win win.

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    • st3wp1d on Mar 09, 2023 at 7:57 pm

      Haha very hillarius opinion, imho they got themselve stump onto other motorist because their moto doesnt have any brake

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  • Funny idea… this is why problem not solve after decade when we put to the wrong hand people…upm safety research konon….hakkkk tuiii

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  • longjaafar on Mar 09, 2023 at 11:42 am

    ENFORCE. That’s the magic word. There is a feeling that it is as if there is a reluctance to enforce traffic laws. Or is it just pure laziness?

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  • the driver on Mar 09, 2023 at 11:43 am

    On the same topic, tell the police to enforce car tinting laws and tell the parents to teach their kids that its illegal. Tinting is so severe that drivers and passengers. are no longer visible.

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  • Puteh Zainol on Mar 09, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    Use cctv at traffic junctions linked to police. Everyday send traffic summonses to all vehixles involved. Every month, enforce the payment of the summons.
    Government can earn from the summonses, and offenders learn their lessons!!!

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  • And is a NORM for motorbike to occupy car parking bay everywhere, and worst still without any enforcement been taken place by local council all this while…motorbike can ramp up and make sudden lane change right in front of ur car, and yet u cannot horn them….

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  • Saman won’t do any good. Lock them up, give each 5 canning. May b they will remember it better

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  • The number of motorbikes and cycles with no lights or no rear light is terrifying. These bikes have no rear reflector, no light and most riders wear black or dark clothes making them virtually invisible at night
    Easy fix would be to enforce high Viz vests and enforce any box on the back must be fitted with high viz reflective strips

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  • Junkies otr on Mar 10, 2023 at 10:57 am

    Motorcyclists will speed up if they see u putting signal to switch lane instead of slowing down

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  • Not true, that was an excuses from old folk stories… Get a better analysis from the police reports too. Car driver reckless is also part of the issues

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  • The motorcyclists don’t care two hoots to follow traffic rules as even the police don’t care to enforce. Very very simple, just look at the traffic cops in KL city centre. Right before their own eyes, the traffic cops don’t bother to stop motorcyclists that shoot past red lights, turn onto one way streets or at no right turns. E.g. from Jalan Sultan Ismail right turn to Jalan Raja Laut, from Jalan Sultan Ismail right turn to Jalan Raja Abdullah and many more. A video has also been widely showing motorcyclists shooting past a police outrider stopping at a red light and the police outrider did nothing. ‍♂️
    When an accident happens between a car & a motorcycle, the police is interested to find the fault of the car driver, not the motorcyclist. The law also should be amended that motorcycle insurance coverage should bear the motorcyclists’ offences as right now, they get scot off free. Without all these changes, why should motorcyclists care to obey the law? There is simply no political will to do the right thing. Is the new govt under DSAI gonna do the right thing?

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  • niadruob ynohtna on Aug 09, 2023 at 6:06 pm

    Had a close call with a motorcyclist this morning. They are truly a menace and danger to other road users. Just appear at the driver side all of a sudden when I already checked nobody was behind me as I was attempting to pull into a parking space on the right. I even turned on my signal light. Luckily my reaction was quick and managed to stop on time. He too managed to stop but had the odacity to give me the look as though I was wrong. Why do motorcyclist ride like there is no tomorrow? Do they not understand that they are at higher risk of sustaining injury because they are practically meat wrapped over metal? On top of that, we have to deal with all the damages & inconveniences because they caused the accident. Geez…

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