PDRM sets up special ops for big bikes – ‘Op Khas Motosikal Berkuasa Tinggi’ to ensure they follow rules

PDRM sets up special ops for big bikes – ‘Op Khas Motosikal Berkuasa Tinggi’ to ensure they follow rules

They don’t pay toll, but many of them ride much faster than most cars, and sometimes recklessly too. Often, they ride in big groups and some have aggressive ‘marshals’ to force other motorists into submission. Of course, not all of them engage in anti-social behaviour, but we’ve all seen such antics before. So perhaps PDRM’s new special ops focusing on high-powered motorcycles is timely.

According to the deputy director of PDRM’s JSPT Bukit Aman, Mohd Nasri Omar, the cops have noted that those with high-powered motorcycles frequently ride at high speeds, among other road misdemeanours.

“As a prevention move, JSPT will have an ‘Op Khas Motosikal Berkuasa Tinggi’ nationwide, where we will focus on bikers that commit traffic offences. It’s known that motorcycles are the biggest contributor to road accidents, at 55%, higher than other vehicles,” he told Sinar Harian yesterday.

Nasri added that JSPT will always focus on motorcyclists, especially those riding high-powered bikes with this special ops. He reminded that those who ride recklessly and dangerously can be charged under Section 42(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987, and if found guilty, can be punished with jail of not more than five years, and a fine between RM5,000 and RM15,000.

The JSPT man advised all owners of big bikes to be courteous on the road, follow the rules and not to be involved in samseng jalanan activities. He added that JSPT will work together with other enforcement agencies such as JPJ and the National Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK) on this special ops.

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Danny Tan

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats. He has been in the auto industry since 2006, previously filling the pages of two motoring magazines before joining this website. Enjoys detailing the experience more than the technical details.



  • I’m curious if police speed camera can catch superbikes when speeding. I think most would have accumulated many fines because they are constantly speeding on highways. Not bias or anything but looks to be the case most times when I’m on the highway. Not ALL but MOST of them..

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    • Civic Turbo 2018 on May 18, 2023 at 7:31 am

      Love to see they follow bike-lane

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      • Kamarul Dewi on May 18, 2023 at 10:31 am

        nah, their ego’s are too big to be following the law.

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      • lawyer buruk on May 18, 2023 at 11:11 am

        in fact, all motosikal MUST use bike lanes.
        Those who dont, are breaking the law.

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        • hantu perasap on May 18, 2023 at 5:58 pm

          looks like you still dont know the rules. thats only for EMERGENCY. not for bike. Bike must use the same road as cars. This law pakai in highway tau.

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        • sorry man.. rules state that bikes can be rode on any road… accept on tolls detour.

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        • Karthi on May 18, 2023 at 9:41 pm

          Most of the big Bikes avoid motobike lane bcoz they worries about motobike puncture by screws and other sharp objects.

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        • Sazali bin chin on May 19, 2023 at 7:26 pm

          Bike line!!!!! Only certain place have a bike line….

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      • Col Josh Albert Goh on May 18, 2023 at 1:46 pm

        Bike lanes on the highway – where?

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        • WWK 1581 on May 18, 2023 at 9:01 pm

          On road side, green color

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          • Back to reality on May 19, 2023 at 7:43 am

            They are suitable for small bikes… Those Lanes are often too narrow and exits dangerous.

            What Malaysia needs is REAL BICYCLE LANES in town, but also on national roads.

            For highways, full spectrum —> unlimited speed lanes for the fast riders JUST LIKE IN GERMANY!

            Finally, we need responsible people on the road, and that is the most difficult part with “Malaysians consumers profil” (because Malaysians dudes are only united, responsible and humble when they can show off in magazines or TV… Rest of the time, selfish, smartarse and arrogant to the core…)

            Oh by the way, put to jail those big SUVs that use the emergency lane to avoid traffic jam. Those are the REAL SH&T, not big bikes.

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    • patriot battery operators now jobless and expired on May 18, 2023 at 11:30 am

      traffic camera needs power lens to zoom into world record tiny motorcycles’ number plate for clarity. motorcycle number plate shouldn’t same like car or lorry number plate in scale down size colours and fonts.

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  • finally! finally!!! big bike riders getting away with ‘murder’ for soooooo long already

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    • PH Supporter on May 18, 2023 at 12:53 pm

      Saman so wat? When Abang Non feels threatened he will give RM50 flat rate so cheap.

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    • Enough BS on May 18, 2023 at 1:29 pm

      ??? Murder??? like injecting experimental vaccines in kids to save the pharmaceutical industry Mai share holders??? Such bs… Soft drinks are killing 100 times more than all road accidents all together !

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  • @NotBruceWayne on May 17, 2023 at 5:22 pm

    About time! I had many encounters with these morons who think they own the highway: especially those connected with so called VIPs, most probably they themself too.

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    • strobe lights on May 18, 2023 at 10:28 am

      Yalah. install strobe lights, fog light kuasa tinggi, semua tak adjust, hala mata driver lain. Bodo punya mat rempit besar.

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    • Haters gonna hate on May 18, 2023 at 10:40 am

      Jealousy is talking… Lots of envy, frustrations and jealousy behind “keyboard social warriors”.

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    • sloan on May 18, 2023 at 4:26 pm

      ya la ya la u smart la

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  • lut you on May 17, 2023 at 6:23 pm

    B2 CDL, below 250c.c.

    D CDL, 4 roda, no matter how many c.c. horse power or turbo

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  • Germen Kurang Perpaduan on May 17, 2023 at 8:28 pm

    1.High powered biker samseng
    2.Mat Rempit
    3.Basikal Lajak
    4.Vios underage crasher
    One more..4 Wheel drive hilux speed demons
    High time our germen perpaduan put a stop to all these shit.N in case got max compounds..pls stop the bad habit of giving discounts.

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    • mamak on May 18, 2023 at 9:53 am

      we should implement social work as punishment instead of fines. RM600 is nothing to most people. Force them 2 hours social work cleaning streets, etc. like some other countries do.

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      • Social works for violators on May 18, 2023 at 11:49 am

        Yes and you will see a lot of bosses and important figures doing that. Lol

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        • Yeah, because only poor Ah Beng and Ah Ma bean curd know how to drive… Ô Lord, the world would be SO much much more better with only very poor people in Mao Paradise LOL (poor people with mandatory smartphones to follow the Holly news of FartBook…)

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    • hantu perasap on May 18, 2023 at 5:56 pm

      Dont forget to add kereta besar or kereta orang kaya (e.g :vellfire, porsche, mustang, ferrari, bmw, merc) in your list. They are also the same shit when it comes to driving. Either highway or jalan biasa. No signal like they own the road. If others tegur, their ego like shit and auto become asshole. Feels entitled with their “big” cars. Pundek lah nak cakap orang lain. Dia pon sama

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  • Hypocrisy boleh on May 17, 2023 at 8:48 pm

    This is insane… More than 80% of accidents are caused by male and female surfing on TikTok-FaceBook while driving!!!

    Everybody reading this comment, take a few minutes and stay on the road side watching drivers :

    —>>> they are most of them watching their smartphone (sometime 2!!!) while driving ! They are not dangerous because they drive fast, but slow and like shit! Some still breathing their own CO2 in their double useless masks. Common!

    People are so absorbed by their smartphone that they don’t even go at green light!

    The problem is not the speed! Problem is tard drivers and a government that will not restrict their consumers brainwashing best tool : their smartphone full of entertainment bullshit.

    Polis should also ask the “health department” why since 2022, there is so many people having strokes during driving… Where those blood clots come from? Spike protein right? Oh… That’s a serious taboo m…. Social media are full of case of people loosing control because of violent spasms due to cardio-vascular failure…

    I don’t say bikers are all white, I just say stop hypocrisy… Everybody is wondering who is going to be next of a sudden stroke. Some are even too afraid to use their car on highway…

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 54 Thumb down 6
    • Germen Kurang Perpaduan on May 18, 2023 at 7:02 am

      Mr Hypocrisy
      R u saying there has to be realtime recording of all the drivers ,beamed to a germen device to see if they r using handphone while driving,in order to saman them to the teeth?
      Wahliow,this idea very profitable…some cronies with lobbying power will surely want this MEGA project worth billions.

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      • Hypocrisy boleh.... on May 18, 2023 at 11:08 am

        Worse come to worse? Let’s make the Facebooker-TikTokerBitxhes pay the price!
        You guys are hypocrites… You only talk about justice and the good of the community when it arranges yourself, AND ONLY yourself.

        Big bikes owners are much more responsible than car drivers, and when they take risks, they are extremely conscious that they cannot afford mistakes like cars drivers.

        But here is the truth:

        – when poor frustrated drivers get overtaken by a powerful luxury-sporty machine, they curse the driver and want to call the PoLiCe for JuStiCe… (fuc&ers full of hate)

        – When healthy balanced drivers (who don’t need to show of their fake life/photoshopped bitchface on Facebook) get overtaken by the same powerful cars, they say to their wife :

        – Wow that Ferrari is soo SMOOOTH!
        Or : check that bike!! So fast! Panigale V4 suiii!!! Oh yeah… 1 day, it will be mine…

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    • pyraxle on May 18, 2023 at 9:44 am

      Are you in the right country? I think you just copied this from US articles. People in Malaysia always distracted by waze or looking at another accident not surfing soc med hahahah

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    • tiktok tetek on May 18, 2023 at 10:44 am

      TikTok is a virus to mankind.

      Lots of Taliban brain-washing and recruiting happening there. PDRM please take note.

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  • Pulis Evo 4 on May 17, 2023 at 8:53 pm

    Jangan gelojoh abam pulis. Masalah kapcai belum settle ni nak kacau moto besau pulak.

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  • Let's find some scapegoats on May 17, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    Operation Subversion… Let’s avoid the problem of exponential increase of road accidents caused by sudden strokes, since the magic disappearing of Corona-circu$…

    How many have signed to become a disposable Guinea pig? Who has to pay the price? Big bike?

    Going on my 50. Never had any single incident with motorcyclists. Each time, it was a women banging my rear or cutting safety distance in front of me! Yes big bikes are fast, but slow clumsy sick fat motherf&@%ers and stupid bit$& are much more dangerous than anybody else.

    But hey? Old trick still working… Exemple : To force people to buy overpriced electric cars, they tell you global warming (((bullSh&@t))) stories. Once you get you electric toy? Electricity shoot up lol

    (Learn about carbon tax fraud networks and Dirty business associated)

    When they want you to accept the recession of an artificial financial crisis, they throw at the pigs Covid-Plandemy and War in Jew-kraine.

    Everything is done to breed slow coward emotional consumers, unable to question Big Brother…

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  • big bikes/sports bike dont follow rules…was changing lane on LDP once, the sports bike fella was speeding from behind & start honking, as if to tell you to give way to him instead
    Honking is normal rite? Well on top of that, he use his hand and flipped my side mirror so hard it breaks the glasses

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    • Back to reality on May 18, 2023 at 10:36 am

      Well, if the guy flipped your side mirror, he should really have been pissed of with your way of driving… Car drivers are 100X more careless than big bike riders or lorry drivers. They live in there little 4 wheeled enclosed bubble, unable to consider what are the consequences of their greedy road behavior for 2 wheels.

      Strangely, instead of being extremely strict with people surfing and texting while driving (real danger!) news want to accuse big bikes?

      Everyday, I witness the frustrated behavior of cars drivers having no consideration for others, not only motorbikes but other car drivers.

      Women especially are extremely daring, arrogant and thick skin on the road.

      Police should punished those reckless inpatient dangerous hysterical women on the road instead of accusing bikers being the “New Evil thread”

      Ask yourself why in civilized country like in Germany, there are unlimited speed lanes on the highway? Because SPEED does not kill, bad drivers do.

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    • Siva Raja on May 18, 2023 at 10:47 am

      if they do that to my car, then they better have good insurance on their motobike and also their life.

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  • finally

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  • Frequent Highway User on May 18, 2023 at 12:40 am

    I, like all other Malaysians, have never, never ever seen on a Malaysian highway a superbike rider that follows the speed limit. This enforcement announcement is just a Hangat-hangat Tahi Ayam. Same like enforcement on using dark tint on all the windscreen by JPJ. Hangat-hangat Tahi Ayam.

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    • SocialWarriors and their "Sour Grapes"... on May 18, 2023 at 11:30 am

      Do those super bikes overtaking you at high speed (which is logical) ever forced you to engage in emergency brake or cause you to suddenly change trajectory? No, of course not.

      They pass by “in a blink” without affecting drivers speed, unless you have been audibly frighten by them while discreetly watching a Korean drama movie on your phone while driving…

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  • Concern citizen on May 18, 2023 at 12:41 am

    Does traffic law violation contribute by big CC bikers only ? Asking the right question is the key ! What about people who use mobile phone while driving ? Making turn without signal ? MyVi driving at high speed, Hilux that boss around, “capchai” that ride on “Jalan Datuk Saya” ? ……. the list is very long, I can assure you big CC biker are a very very small number compare to all those other traffic offenders.

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  • Frequent Highway User on May 18, 2023 at 12:42 am

    Never seen a superbike rider on the highway following the speed limit!

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  • FxxkNoobDriver on May 18, 2023 at 2:04 am

    Really? With recent case a BMW car ram a motorbike from behind AND kill the rider, now you calling “big bike is Samsung”?

    All driver is potential killer , yet , do we heard anything a motorbike killed a car driver when direct collision? ZERO, nil, NADA.

    Total BS article where writer spew nothing by bull.

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    • mat rempit big bike on May 18, 2023 at 10:27 am

      big bikes = small diks

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      • Dick on big bike ;-) on May 18, 2023 at 11:50 am

        People saying big bikes r small diks = no more balls…

        Cowardice, lies and hypocrisies have became the new norm.

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      • Morality on May 18, 2023 at 12:10 pm

        A frustrated poor little dick saw some beautiful sports bike from the highway and, although he was eager to get one of them, was unable to do so. As he went away, he said to himself, “They’re sour bikes.”

        Some who can’t get what they want because of their own inability blame it on circumstances.

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      • Sour grapes excuse on May 18, 2023 at 1:11 pm

        When no balls cannot buy nice bike, he call nice bike owner small dikk…

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    • dellen on May 18, 2023 at 11:18 am

      big bike so expensive, its probably more apple than samsung la

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      • samsung fanboi on May 18, 2023 at 11:49 am

        not really. these bikes are dirt cheap. especially those with SG plates, these are scrap (write off) bikes which then is used here under special permit. They are cheap.

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  • Gila b@b! on May 18, 2023 at 6:34 am

    About time. Big biker with tiny little number plate just like their owner manhood should also be listed for the ops, you have to literally bang the bike to really read the number plate.
    Also, please ronda more on the highway for those ‘superman’ types of kapcai, those are the real annoy and threatening other road user.

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  • Aripin Yatim on May 18, 2023 at 6:39 am

    Enforcement should be carried out at all times. There should not be a time for an ops and most of the time no ops

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  • Maxwrist on May 18, 2023 at 7:21 am

    What about road tax? Why charge big bikes with expensive road tax huh?While a small man sized sedan 5 x lesser? You pea brains & obviously most that commented bad about bikers here haven’t ridden on one before.(most cannot afford one or family restrict etc)Big powered machine requires skills and not for mere mortals like you! Hence a B Full license is required(another cost there)What you suggest we stick around tailgating cars instead? C’mon lah, use some common sense abit.While car drivers crawling & hogging the road. Playing,Texting even some watching Youtube on their phone while driving.Not knowing how to operate their side signals,side swiping bikers.Killing them on the spot.Where’s the justice for that huh?We all share the road.So drive responsibly & be courteous.

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    • now we know on May 18, 2023 at 10:46 am

      wow look at that attitude. B Full license means they are gods. Wow, just wow. Now we know what these samseng jalanan think about themselves. My last remaining 5% of respect for them just disappeared.

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  • SJ CHAN. on May 18, 2023 at 7:48 am


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  • Author: They don’t pay toll. Are you an idiot? Do you know how much is the road tax? Government set toll free for bikes for other reasons.

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    • mat rempit besar on May 18, 2023 at 11:00 am

      motosikal no pay tol = fact

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    • dellen on May 18, 2023 at 11:19 am

      toll is toll

      road tax is road tax

      dunno how to read meh. thought colour blind dunno red light from green light only

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      • samy nathan on May 18, 2023 at 11:52 am

        their brains may be damaged by prolonged exposure to loud exhaust noise and vibration from their motosikal.

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      • We have some poor kiddos haters here… Hey? Kiddos? Instead of playing casino online and watch TikTok, get a real job.

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  • I think it is bettter for goverment to not allow superbike to be sell in this country. And the same time, police also should not use superbike for their patron. This is also for their safety, as superbike can go fast.

    For car also, govermnet should banned BMW, mercedes, etc as they can go fast on highway.

    Goverment should allow car that have maximum speed of 120 km/h only. Car that have more speed than that should be banned. Because this can be risk to other road user.

    This is nonsesnse. Very nonsense.

    You put AES camera, you do the speed trap under the bridge. Someone has been caught in this system, just give them summon. Simple as that. Regardless of the vehichle..why must be selective to type of vehicle. Why must be special ops for the big bike.

    If you aim the superbike. Just dont allow to sell it. You collect the duty from that trade, taxed them, then suddenly attack them. What the nonsense of this system.

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  • Junkies otr on May 18, 2023 at 9:09 am

    Eh ah Paultan, u mentioned bikes don’t need to pay toll u know y? Bikes (2 wheels) 800cc n above paying rm350 roadtax. Cars (4 wheels) 1500cc paying only rm90. So if 1500cc cars want free toll they hv to pay more than rm1400 roadtax. U know how to calculate?

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    • its a fact on May 18, 2023 at 10:21 am

      motosikal = no pay toll.

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    • so much atiitude on May 18, 2023 at 11:03 am

      look at that attitude. holier than thou.
      no wonder big bikers have a negative image.

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  • Junkies otr on May 18, 2023 at 9:16 am

    Eh ah Paultan, u mentioned bikes don’t have to pay for toll, u know y? Bikes (2 wheels) 800cc n above paying rm350 roadtax. Cars (4 wheels) 1500cc pays only rm90. So if 1500cc cars want free toll then u hv to pay more than rm1400 roadtax. U know how to calculate?

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    • samseng jalanan on May 18, 2023 at 2:38 pm

      what garbage logic is this. So if someone buys a RM200,000 car (which is just a normal price for a regularcar nowadays) then they should all get free tol pass? superbikes cost how much again?

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      • burn burn burn on May 18, 2023 at 3:46 pm

        OMG such a burn! The big bikes thought their cheapo bikes are worth more than a regular car! WHAT A JOKE. Normal cars on roads all 100k-200k easily. Those “super bikes” all cheap as crap. still wanna belittle other ppl’s cars.

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  • SmokeyOne on May 18, 2023 at 9:26 am

    The cops outriders too need to go to riding schools. Have you seen how they speed up in city roads just to catch up with inmates trucks or to be ahead of convoy and experienced their man handle pushing cagers out of the way for VVIPs? Duty is one thing but safety comes first..try to check some of them for B full licence and you shall catch my drift…absolute DISGUSTING!

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  • WargaEmas on May 18, 2023 at 9:29 am

    Ini lg bahaya, Four Wheel Driver lagi sial. Dia pikak dia lasak kdg2 main sondol je diaorg ni. Selalu potong Q. Klu big bike ni, kat h-way, dh lah laju menyelek-yelek lane kanan mcm ular membahayakan org lain. Takut saya tengok.

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  • samseng jalanan on May 18, 2023 at 9:51 am

    its about time! I have had narrow miss with these monkeys a few times on the highways. They install blinding strobe lights, or high powered foglamps pointed to eye level. Idiots! Also the like to zip between cars recklessly. And then we get into their groups. In groups, their marshalls would act as if they own the road, they will flash and honk and hand gesture everyone to give way. Why? We pay road tax too, we even pay for highway concessions whereas they dont. These samsengs are just as bad as mat rempits. At least mat rempits dont force your to give way. And final note, these monkeys are always riding above the highway speed limits. Does the speed cameras not capture them?

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  • diabetes on May 18, 2023 at 9:59 am

    big bike riders are just upgraded mat rempits, so what were you expecting? and mat rempits are just upgraded basikal nyamuk riders. bak pepatah nenek aku, “kecil kecil modify basikal, besar besar modify kapcai, tua tua modify motosikal besar”

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    • atuk kau on May 19, 2023 at 12:01 am

      your nenek also probably rempit with basikal atuk kau when she was young. your sempit logic reminds me of otak rempit. just because now you’re behind the wheel of that cheap axia doesnt mean you can escape your rempit origin

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  • ROTI CANAI on May 18, 2023 at 10:07 am

    catch these datuk rempits and jail them all

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  • Ya, they can speed past the 110 km on highway and zig zag between lanes as they wish. Most of these high power motors are doing it. They treat the highway as their playing grounds.Overspeed yet no enforcement. Are the speed camera specially made for cars only??

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    • not just highway. if you drive karak up genting, cameron on the older trunk roads, you will often see these monkeys speeding on the opposite lane. they cant control their bikes and ego especially when they are in a group.

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    • siput babi on May 18, 2023 at 11:05 am

      gejala babi samseng jalanan.

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  • Kyle Reese on May 18, 2023 at 10:11 am

    Lowered down the expensive Road Tax for big bikes then.They will surely ride slower than before.
    A typical 1000cc bike will cost 5x more than a normal man sized family sedan. Hahaha :D

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    • nenek tua on May 18, 2023 at 10:24 am

      motosikal cost nobody care. We talking about mat rempits not following law here. over-compensating much?

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    • nobody cares on May 18, 2023 at 11:04 am

      a typical 1000c car can flatten a 1000cc bike that costs 5x more. wahaha. come lets ram each other.

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  • ThorYaBa on May 18, 2023 at 10:24 am

    What about sound pollution from altered exhaust bikes, cars n just imagine, even lorries!

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  • melayu terbaek on May 18, 2023 at 10:25 am

    which is why sometimes i read fatality on highway involving superbike convoys, i feel like Charles Darwin has helped us taken out the trash.

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    • Hypocrisy boleh... on May 18, 2023 at 1:24 pm

      Did Charles Darwin teach you what is “Cherry picked in statistics”?

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  • Danny on May 18, 2023 at 10:39 am

    penulis jelly bikers dont pay tol ? roadtax 800cc above already rm350 in regards to 1500cc cars rm90..

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    • Jessie Pinkman on May 18, 2023 at 1:13 pm

      motosikal memang dont pay tols.
      Penulis tak salah.
      what is there to debate?

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  • Aizal on May 18, 2023 at 10:57 am

    Yeah we dont pay toll but we do pay RM350 for a year roadtax, and a premium for a single rider insurance and double up for all rider insurance. Saying as if we dont pay nothing and freely riding recklessly. Siapa tak sayang nyawa? If we can buy nyawa, we buy. Not all of us ride as if there is no tomorrow, a few maybe but not all. Mostly just enjoy their hobby riding their dream superbikes on the weekends. I am both a driver and a rider.

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  • Kyle Reese on May 18, 2023 at 11:13 am

    all you car drivers should go eat shit.
    We big bikers and our small diks are king.
    You can all goto hell.

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    • Kuppusamy on May 18, 2023 at 12:38 pm

      Yes high time action should be taken, they occupy the fast lane in numbers and don’t allow cars to go faster in the fast lane

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    • Sour grapes excuse on May 18, 2023 at 1:21 pm

      When no half ball cannot buy nice bike, he call nice bike owner small dikk… Comon :-/

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    • Alan C on May 18, 2023 at 1:23 pm


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  • Tuan.... on May 18, 2023 at 11:14 am

    Elakkan motor besar berleluasa di jln raya @ lebuhraya dgn bebas…kenakan byrn penalti tinggi…ikut undang2 dgn betul ok

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  • Azizul on May 18, 2023 at 11:31 am

    The police and RTD should also consider motorist who inconsiderately driving at fast lane with low speed making others difficult to pass. This will make other motorist have no choice except to overtake using middle lane. We can copy and educate road use from some other countries like Germany or most European Countries.

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  • A.RAZAK on May 18, 2023 at 11:52 am

    Hahahahahaha ……… Lets be rational. Its not just big bikes … I am a owner of 3 big bikes and had been riding big bikes for more than 25 years.

    Lets be straight forward here (about the problems) :

    Accidents :

    Kapcai – 85%
    Big Bikes – 65%
    Myvi – 75%
    4×4 – 50%
    Other type of Cars – 45%

    Lets be straight about it. The MAIN reason :

    Kapcai – I can say 90% of the riders are between 15 to 27 years old. They are crazy about speed and other crazy stunts. So the question is what JPJ, PDRM doing about it ? How could you give lisence so easy ? And what are the parents doing ? to purchase it, you dont even need a license, why ?

    Big Bikes – Most of the culprits are between the age of 24 to 35 years old. Why ? Its to easy to buy big bikes now days. Anyone can buy a bigbike (above 500cc) with a DP of less then 1K. And to purchase it, you dont even need a license, why ? So what is JPJ, PDRM or goverment sector doing about it ? When i 1st wanted to buy my 1st big bike, i had to pay 70% D.P and had to have a class B full license to purchase.

    My Myvi, 4×4 and other cars – same, most of them are youngster age between 18 to 28 years old. Thinking ownerning a car that they are on top of the world. They own the road. Its to easy to buy cars now days. Anyone can buy a car without even paying a DP or having a license, why ? So what is JPJ, PDRM or goverment sector doing about it ?

    Big MPV, BMW, MERC – They are people who have made it in their life BUT they think they own the law. So what is JPJ, PDRM or goverment sector doing about it ?

    And with now days nearly everybody crazy with tiktok, FB, Insta and HP, they use it when driving. So who fault is it ? We are surpose to be the owner of the HP (thats why we buy it, to make life easier) BUT its actually the HP own us coz MOST of us die not using it. Even when having a meal, i see at least 85% using HP’s.

    The problem is US. Everyone thinks they are right and start pointing fingers. Why ? Its our attitude. JPJ, PDRM or Goverment sector should be more strick abt license, purchase of bikes and cars. Dont just coz that person is a VVIP a close eye. And we road user’s be considerate.

    So PDRM, JPJ, Goverment sectors please make and use the law properly. And we as Malaysian, STOP pointing fingers even we are at fault too.

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    • todak on May 18, 2023 at 3:07 pm

      Yes, no matter what type of vehicle that is being ridden or driven, there are already (too) many Malaysians who have poor attitude towards road safety. And now it seems to be turning into a hopeless situation. Anyway, the more frequent these culprits perform their dangerous stunts on public roads, the higher the chances of them getting injured or killed.

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    • sembang kari on May 19, 2023 at 12:13 am

      did you pull these numbers out of your buanghole?

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  • motosikal B penuh on May 18, 2023 at 11:56 am

    lesen B Full gives us the rights to break the law.
    you dont know meh???

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  • Kyle Reese on May 18, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    I am sharing this to my bike biker groups.
    They will come downvote you all.

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  • Kuppusamy on May 18, 2023 at 12:40 pm

    High time action must be taken against these road bullies

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  • Col Josh Albert Goh on May 18, 2023 at 1:45 pm

    My experience on the highways have so far luckily not involve big bike groups. No doubt, like their smaller bikers, riding in groups they do tend to be aggressive forcing motorists. These big bikers can afford fines so they don’t care.
    What is required is not so much recalcitrant big bikers but ALL motorists (be it cars, lorries, vans, small or big bikes). What would such recalcitrants be afraid off? Deprive them for 12 months the use of public roads (suspend licence) on top of the fine plus to require their vehicles to be subject to JPJ inspection for illegal modifications by trucking/towing vehicle for inspection irrespective if offender is driving his or other person’s vehicle. Where illegal modifications are found, the vehicle should be confiscated and taken off public roads. All of a sudden the roads will be quieter n less dangerous driving/ridding. No more woof pack mentality.

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  • P.Yap on May 18, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    What could be done to those bikers who rides their bike against traffic flow ? Especially delivery bikes.

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  • motobodo on May 18, 2023 at 3:48 pm

    samseng jalanan is what they are.
    no wonder they get called motobodo all the time.

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  • Selvam Kumar on May 18, 2023 at 4:29 pm

    kalau jumpa moto biadap, langgar je dorang.
    apa susah susah. yang patah tulang tu motosikal je pon.

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  • Wow. So many drivers and riders commenting. Riders and drivers not just drivers only.

    Riders love riding, so take that away from them. That’s the worst punishment for me instead of just fine.

    Ps: Those who say superbikes cost cheaper obviously don’t know difference between superbikes, sportsbikes, hypersupersports among other categories.

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  • Zackeraya on May 18, 2023 at 7:47 pm

    Why should there be FOCUSING in certain road user.. pukul rata la.. tak kita apa atas jalan.. backhoe ka.. vellfire ka.. kalo salah tibai ikut law yang ada.. mana itu enforcement punya orang.. I bet you drive 100km berapa penguatkuasa jalan raya you see.. 1 or maybe 2 kali only..

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  • DTorons on May 18, 2023 at 8:14 pm

    Typical Malaysia’s enforcement. Alert and announce about OPS ahead, so that offenders hide during OPS and come out after OPS is done.

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  • petani getah on May 19, 2023 at 12:10 am

    4-wheel peasants should just leave the bikers alone and continue looking down at their 5yo android shxt while crawling 5kmh in traffic. maybe if you stop scrolling thru tiktok & fb once in a while you can improve your life and save enough money to buy ron97 instead of being whiny little bitxhes

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  • Big Bike’s how about the super car owners, those are the speed devil on the roads

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  • Ramesh Marthaveron on May 19, 2023 at 9:09 am

    It’s is funny that they go after big CC bikes Cause looks like they got money to spend . If you look in real life situation, it’s the smaller bikes (under 125 cc) that causes havoc and they are higher number of these bikes in %.
    The bigger the bike and the more it cost, it also says the more stable the rider is and he is absolutely terrified about his situation . Don’t get me wrong, not that the smaller bikes don’t ,but the bigger bikes are normally not a daily rider .
    Agreed that there are that special few who thinks like rempits or racing on the wrong track (Highways)- these must kena.
    PDRM should be daring enough to go after the rempits first. They are there on the same road or stretch almost everyday , so going after the weekenders says that they can’t solve the bigger issue.
    First of all RTD needs to upgrade bike lanes , let’s start with that . What say you ?

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  • basikal lajak on May 19, 2023 at 9:27 am

    saya penyokong motosikal besar.
    sebab cita cita saya adalah upgrade basikal lajak aku kepada motosikal besar.

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  • Catch the delivery riders and mat rempits first!!!

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  • Hisham on May 20, 2023 at 11:15 am

    1. Very interested to know how many summons have been issued by the authorities to speeding bikers.

    2. There are plenty of videos on Youtube of superbikers showing off their riding skills by speeding, sometimes exceeding 200km/h! Wonder whether summons have been issued to them for their blantant violation of the law..

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  • Darth Zoom on May 20, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    First of all, PDRM/JPJ should inforce the moto license plate (standardized size front/back) many still unvisible & fancy fonts
    Secondly, most of this super bikes are vvvip owners (sure setel tepi punya)

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  • Sohai on May 20, 2023 at 5:34 pm

    “ It’s known that motorcycles are the biggest contributor to road accidents”
    But are those big bikes or kapcai?

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