MRT Kajang Line to introduce dedicated ladies’ coach

MRT Kajang Line to introduce dedicated ladies’ coach

MRT Putrajaya Sentral station

The MRT Kajang Line will soon feature a dedicated ladies’ coach, aimed at providing women with a more comfortable environment when travelling on trains, New Straits Times reported.

A trial run will be conducted soon, and a date for taking effect will be announced, transport minister Anthony Loke was quoted as saying. “We know that public transport users, especially women are concerned about their safety. They do not feel comfortable when the coaches are congested and [are] afraid of being possibly harassed. However we will try to introduce the ladies’ coach for the MRT Kajang Line and we will see what the feedback is from the users,” Loke said.

MRT Kajang Line to introduce dedicated ladies’ coach

MRT Putrajaya Sentral station

There would, however, be challenges in enforcing the ladies’ coach concept on MRT lines compared to KTM Komuter, which introduced a similar concept in 2010, the transport minister said, noting that MRT differed from KTM Komuter as the latter goes a longer distance with fewer stations to stop at, compared to MRT and LRT lines which are fast-moving transit services.

“[The] MRT and LRT lines have four coaches respectively while KTM Komuter has six coaches, with one of them used as a women’s coach. For the MRT with four coaches, including one dedicated for women riders, there will be challenges to the operations,” Loke said.

Because it is a transit [service], the movement of users is quite fast and it is hard to control. But we will try to do it as we know this is a service that interests women riders,” the transport minister said. The ladies’ coach service in Malaysia was introduced by KTM Komuter on April 28, 2010 in the interest of its women riders, who comprise 60% of its ridership, according to the NST report.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • alcatrez on Jul 05, 2023 at 4:03 pm

    How about an all men coach?

    i think if the trains are more frequent, there would be no or less congestion.

    Due to less frequent, we are forced to squeeze into the trains. But no solution from any of the ministers except to apologize but people have to bear with them.

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    • Tanjong Rainbow Tan on Jul 05, 2023 at 4:13 pm

      Agreed. All men’s can hold hands together inside men coach.

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      • Hantu Raya on Jul 05, 2023 at 4:47 pm

        Holding hands aside, we don’t want to be falsely accused. ‘Me Too’ went too far. Women can throw false accusations without repercussion.

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      • Zuskopi on Jul 05, 2023 at 5:50 pm

        Hahaha, for those who don’t want to be “touched”, please just wrap yourselves in shrink wrap plastic from head to toe and then spray on insect repellant before boarding the last coach. Entrepreneurs can set up body wrapping services at stations and make a fortune. Yes, and kill the environment too with all that plastic!… that’s the problem with our authorities. If you want to make a change, just make the change. Don’t make excuses by saying it needs deep thoughts and analysis to execute. If you need to sacrifice 1 coach for ladies, just do it and increase the frequency of train services. What is there to analyse?

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    • call me by your name on Jul 05, 2023 at 10:41 pm

      i wouldnt want to get into that coach no thank you

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    • Sparcov on Jul 07, 2023 at 9:50 am

      A peak time, the train is running around 4mins interval
      non peak is around 9mins waiting time.

      With that kind of timing, it is quite good.

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  • First Pride proud consumers on Jul 05, 2023 at 4:10 pm

    Does Tiffany and Mak Aqua also rides the ladies only coach?
    Peng kid prohibited to ride?

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  • Vedder on Jul 05, 2023 at 5:21 pm

    This is stupid. Why do they get special treatment, they pay the same price as men. It will cause more resentment and more arguments on the trains and on the platform.

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    • Are you a gentleman? on Jul 05, 2023 at 10:29 pm

      Maybe you’re not.

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    • stasta on Jul 06, 2023 at 8:50 pm

      for the same reason that bumis get special treatment when tho they pay less taxes. Malaysia always like to give benefits to undeserving group

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  • Carolyn Khaw on Jul 05, 2023 at 9:40 pm

    What’s next? LGBTQ++++ coach? Please look at the big picture. How to increase frequency and be more timely. Busy with special number plates than implementing standardised JPJ issued digital registration plates

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    • basikal lajak on Jul 06, 2023 at 1:23 pm

      ya they keep focusing time and resources into all these “less important” things instead of focusing on the high priority issues, like peak hour queues and system down issues. typical malaysian GLC companies

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  • samemas on Jul 05, 2023 at 10:25 pm

    The Ladies Coach has already been implemented in the KTM Komuter train service since 2010. So far, the complaints that made the news, were made by women, about men riding in this coach when they’re not supposed to.

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  • Azhar Aziz on Jul 06, 2023 at 12:33 am

    For MRT, maybe it’s not practical especially during heavy rush hours as compared to long distance journey such as KTM..

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    • Hopefully u r not preying on them on Jul 06, 2023 at 12:22 pm

      It is during rush hour when these perverts would take the opportunity to prey on the fairer sex in crowded coaches.

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  • Jehki on Jul 06, 2023 at 8:56 am

    If they implement this, then the men must demand that the non-ladies coach must not be entered by ladies. Fair right? What is this? Talibanaysia?

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  • newme on Jul 06, 2023 at 9:12 am

    Folks from Kelante working in KV won’t be happy about this.

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  • Stupid nonsense arrangement. I wouldn’t care during peak hours. All I want is to get in a coach rather than wait for the next train to arrive for goodness know when! For all you know, the next train may be delayed or worse still, issue with the train service!! NO THANK YOU!!!

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  • Piplup on Jul 06, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    4-car train was a wrong move in the beginning, then now reserved coach for the entitled ladies..sorry but wonen always ask too much!

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  • hit me baby one more time… hahah

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  • Jamal Jay. on Sep 20, 2023 at 9:42 am

    Saya amat tidak setuju mrt sediakan coach wanita sbb mrt coach tak panjang dan memang tak cukup untuk kaum lelaki. Kenapa terlalu istimewa sgt kaum.wanita ni disediakan coach khas utk mereka pun bukan nya nak guna still besesak sesama kaum lelaki. Sbb tu pada pandangan saya batalkam semula coach khas ni mmg tak ada guna langsung. Ending lelaki gak yg duduk n berdiri kat coach khas tu. Klu mmg sentiasa penuh then tak apa tapi ni mereka rasa dpt duduk dimana2 saja disediakan coach khas utk mereka pun tak ada maknanya. Sekarang lelaki dianak tirikan oleh pihak2 pengankutan awam bukan semua lelaki tu sihat dan kuat ada yg perlukan tpt duduk tapi tak dpt sbb dikuasai oleh wanita. Apa keistimewaan yg lelaki dpt semasa menggunkan pengangkutan awam? Cuba lihat juga pd kaum lelaki tak semua lelaki tu jahat suka meraba wanita sedangkan wanita pun sama saja suka berhimpit dgn lelaki tapi tak juga semua. So tak ada bezanya jadi buat apa dibuat coach khas utk wanita pd mrt? Tak guna langsung..lainlah ktm komuter coach nya panjang dan tak mengganggu wanita, itu pun sama coach yg dikhaskan tak digunakan dgn sebaiknya oleh wanita lebih suka berhimpit dgn lelaki lepas tu buat muka mcm terganggu lah huhh rasa nak lempang pun ada. Hanya pengguna train saja yg memahami keadaan sebegini terutama masa pergi dan balik kerja waktu ni mmg padat samada komuter or mrt. Harap pihak mrt fikirkan semula penggunaan coach khas utk wanita yg tidak guna langsung. Sbb sy buat komen ini saya adalah pengguna tetap mrt n ktm. Tq

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  • Helal wong on Sep 24, 2023 at 8:11 am

    Not practical at all

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