PLUS Malaysia has 214 motorcycle shelters to date; six standalone, 16 under-bridge shelters by Q2 2024

PLUS Malaysia has 214 motorcycle shelters to date; six standalone, 16 under-bridge shelters by Q2 2024

In its efforts toward ensuring the safety of all highway users, including motorcyclists, PLUS has so far prepared 214 shelter locations for motorcyclists using its highways.

These are comprised of 28 standalone shelter locations, and 186 shelter locations which are located under bridges. PLUS is preparing to add a further 22 shelters, which will be comprised of six standalone shelter locations and 16 under-bridge shelter locations by the second quarter of 2024, said PLUS senior manager of operations Mohd Yusuf Abdul Aziz.

Besides using these motorcycle shelters, PLUS also advised motorcyclists to stop at R&R stations or petrol stations along the highway in the event that they encounter adverse weather, such as heavy rain. Motorcyclists are also advised to always be behind guardrails when stopped at the motorcycle shelters, for their own safety.

PLUS Malaysia has 214 motorcycle shelters to date; six standalone, 16 under-bridge shelters by Q2 2024

“Motorcyclists are advised not to stop or gather on the emergency lane except in emergencies. This is to avoid the occurrence of accidents or other unforeseen events,” he said.

Locations beneath bridges which do not have motorcycle shelters prepared have signs stating “Dilarang berhenti kecuali kecemasan” or “Do not stop unless in case of emergency”, to inform motorcyclists that stopping in the area is prohibited for safety reasons, and to reduce to risks of accidents.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.




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