JPJ reminds motorists to follow window tint rules, or face RM2,000 fine – public can share info on offenders

JPJ reminds motorists to follow window tint rules, or face RM2,000 fine – public can share info on offenders

In 2019, the government announced revisions to the vehicle tinting guideline, updating it from that previously amended in February 2016. when updated regulations filed under Motor Vehicles (Prohibition of Certain Types of Glass) (Amendment) Rules 2016 replaced the previous 1991 rules.

Current regulations as stipulated under the 2019 revision are a minimum visible light transmission (VLT) percentage of 70% for the front windscreen, 50% for the front side windows, and unlimited (0%) for the rear windows and rear windscreen. The latter is allowed provided there are two side mirrors (as in left and right) attached to the vehicle.

The road transport department (JPJ) has reminded motorists about adhering to these regulations, saying that motorists found not complying with them face a fine of RM2,000 or a jail term not exceeding six months for the first offence. For a second offence, the fine will be increased to RM4,000 or a jail term not exceeding 12 months, or both.

In a statement, the department said that it had issued 108,428 notices for window tint offences since 2019, and that 17,218 summonses were issued under JPJ(P)22 for offences involving illegal window tint.

The department added that the public can help it take action against offenders by furnishing details or images of vehicles not complying to these rules via e-Aduan@JPJ on the MyJPJ application.

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Anthony Lim

Anthony Lim believes that nothing is better than a good smoke and a car with character, with good handling aspects being top of the prize heap. Having spent more than a decade and a half with an English tabloid daily never being able to grasp the meaning of brevity or being succinct, he wags his tail furiously at the idea of waffling - in greater detail - about cars and all their intrinsic peculiarities here.



  • Apedehal on Oct 06, 2023 at 11:53 am

    Tunggu 50% diskaun baru mau bayar

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    • Dah Menang Semua on Oct 06, 2023 at 3:05 pm

      Front windscreen 70%
      Paling senang disaman

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      • Richard Teo on Oct 06, 2023 at 11:58 pm

        On PUSPAKOM inspection result, the clear glass windscreen VLT already 80-85%, so almost any tint you fitted will go below 70%

        JPJ doesn’t need a special device to spot U

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    • The folly of giving rebates on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:57 pm

      Saman Rm 1000…year end..Santa reduce it to Rm50…ho ho ho..Have a Merry Christmas n Happy New Year 2024

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      • Ecboy on Oct 07, 2023 at 12:17 pm

        JPJ summon not the same with Polis summon. You can’t renew your road tax if you don’t settle it.

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    • zedmuddin on Oct 06, 2023 at 6:39 pm

      Tak payah tunggu diskaun, bro.

      Join the civil dept/ministry as little napoleons, tint sampai 100% pun boleh.
      Visit or go to LHDN, JPJ or Kastam employees’ parking areas, you will see many non complying tinted private cars.
      Masuk aje ke kawasan letak kereta tu, ambil gambar & post. All these fellas have permits, nah.

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      • Bill OHY on Oct 06, 2023 at 7:17 pm

        JPJ shiok sendiri … tougher rules make it easier for them to demand UT….
        dark tint films are culprits at toll booths inconveniencing other road users, used by robbers & criminals hiding inside cars waiting for the right time to pounce on their victims…..
        why need to announce reminder … if ikhlas, also raid & saman the tint film shops, confiscate their dark tints and destroy them, simple to understand, the Tint film shops are like drug dealers, you go after the pushers too besides the addicts, both sampah masyarakat
        PMX, MACC, if you are serious about corruption, this is a goldmine for you …. just tangkap, accept feedback from the public of photos of vehicles with dark tints and get them and then send proof of saman to the whistleblower… many traffic CCTVs also can help you, just use them

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        • DonkeyKong on Oct 07, 2023 at 5:06 am

          This is the brainwave of Tony 67.. sembang kencang, low IQ guy who is a tool of the criminal underworld that finances his outfit. Hence all these law-bending senseless “not properly thought-out” garbage from him..

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  • dong gor on Oct 06, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    there is not certified tint brand that is compliant with JPJ. say if you get the 3M 70% VLT tint, before and after installation the reading of the VLT will be different due to the glass itself. there is also a measurement difference between the one used by jpj vs tint shop… so what is the rule here to confirm one is still within limit without getting summon?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 109 Thumb down 2
    • Obviously it will be the VLT after installation. Some cars glass are labelled min. 70% VLT as standard.

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  • With rear windscreen 0% big mistake this guideline during driving driver can’t see another front car or more car status or the third brake lights, like we follow bus or truck back , no meaning to implement rear windscreen 0%
    Today, third brake lights have evolved to include better illumination and advanced features. The pulsing third brake light, for example, is helping to prevent distracted drivers and keep all motorists safe as they travel down the road. Automakers are continuing to develop new and innovative improvements to the braking and lighting systems of cars.

    If you want to make your car even safer, consider purchasing a pulsing third brake light from Pulse Protects. With our pulsing and pulsing brake lights, you can improve your safety and reduce your chances of experiencing a collision. Visit our website to learn more about the benefits of installing one of our pulsing brake lights on your vehicle.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 30 Thumb down 56
    • wakwam on Oct 06, 2023 at 3:28 pm

      Pulsing brake lights shud only be activated on hard emergency brake. NOT EVERYTIME U BRAKE. THEN IT BCOME A NUISANCE TO THE ROADUSER FOLLOWING BEHIND. I’ve seen this in many cheap modification, very glaring and sometime too bright blinking away…

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    • Old school driving on Oct 06, 2023 at 4:25 pm

      you are car C, car B is infront of U, car A is infront of Car B

      When u see Car A baking, U leg must ready to bake

      when u see Car B bake U must must do Baking also

      THAT is old Ah Pek driving

      Modern driving is only brake when left 1 meter before collusion

      10 cars collusions is DAMM fun

      Nowadays U never can see Car A baking

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      • Poor English...due to failed Education Policies on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:54 pm

        Mr Old school
        Pls enrol in my perfect English tuition class.
        Are you “baking” or braking” or “barking” ?
        I wouldnt charge any fees.It is like a free lunch.

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      • Ya. Stupid rules allowing tinted zero % on back screen.

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      • You’re baking cake on the road? Wow amazing skills lol

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    • mechanicnextdoor on Oct 06, 2023 at 4:59 pm

      Did you know pulse is also distracting, if not more? You say safety but I can assure you most people who install these pulse brakes are for the style it sets, and this bloody things sometimes gives nauseating feeling.

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    • Robert on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:09 pm

      I prefer following manufacturer’s specifications. I don’t like my car wiring being messed up and void my warranty.

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    • don't simply modify light, annoying to others on Oct 11, 2023 at 12:26 am

      its not suppose to pulse every time, might trigger epilepsy in other drivers

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  • JPJ is king tyrant on Oct 06, 2023 at 12:40 pm

    I’m fine with Saman. But possibly Jail term just for tint? Do we look like thief, robbers and scammers to you?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 73 Thumb down 5
    • Then don’t violate the rule. Tint so dark for what? Making out in the car? Doubt u can see out of the front side windows at 20% VLT or less on unlit roads.

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      • Get a room on Oct 06, 2023 at 2:21 pm

        Nobody says anything about 20% VLT. Regardless of VLT. People tint because of the hot climate. Not everyone think like you …making out in the car LOL.

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      • Regular citizen on Oct 06, 2023 at 2:31 pm

        Misuse of tint is an offense, not a crime. Send someone to jail because of an offense just doesn’t seem right. How is tint harmful to us? Better just ban smoking, alcohol and gambling den like genting instead.

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      • Safety, for ladies especially, but too expensive to get the permit

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    • Bill OHY on Oct 06, 2023 at 7:21 pm

      yaa, many may not look like thief, robbers and scammers…. BUT the dark tint is used by many thief, robbers and scammers…. drug addicts, pushers, murderers to wait inside the car for the right time to pounce on their victims…. so the jail sentence is appropriate when the law already states so, you have been forewarned, yet you still wanna do…… so you got money to pay but scared of jail time yaaa? STOP doing it!

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      • Try and use that logic on criminals who do their things on bikes, not even doors let alone tint.
        If a criminal wants to commit a crime he’ll just put on a face mask even though driving a car with 100% VLT.
        Oo ya, there’s another that thing we call sunshade to provide cover if he needs to hide his face too.

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      • dual use items, paham x on Oct 11, 2023 at 12:28 am

        criminals use knives and money laundering uses USD so let’s ban knives and usd?

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    • Bill OHY on Oct 06, 2023 at 7:22 pm

      yaa, many may not look like thief, robbers and scammers…. BUT the dark tint is used by many thief, robbers and scammers…. drug addicts, pushers, murderers wait inside dark tint for the right time to attack targets…. so the jail sentence is appropriate when the law already states so, you have been forewarned, yet you still wanna do…… so you got money to pay but scared of jail time yaaa? STOP doing it!

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      • ~”BUT the dark tint is used by many thief, robbers and scammers” aka politicians?

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    • DonkeyKong on Oct 07, 2023 at 5:09 am

      In short: yes. Only criminals, imbeciles and douchebags like dark tints.

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      • DonkeyCunt on Oct 07, 2023 at 5:31 pm

        My job is to open legs for old rich men. To be able to charge my premium prices, my skin needs to be clear and white, so I will always tint dark on my premium car. JPJ officer cannot afford my services, so I don’t car about them or your opinion.

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        • some jpj are rich on Oct 11, 2023 at 12:31 am

          some jpj can afford rolls royce because they have “alternatives ” income source

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  • It is about time they enforce the regulations and flush out the illegal tinting and fanciful registration numbers.

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  • Only Q no A on Oct 06, 2023 at 1:17 pm

    Which research are those figures derived from? 100% tinted rear windows is definitely a safe choice.

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  • t333son on Oct 06, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    I think need further explanation. Incomplete picture .

    VVIPs can pay money for exemption permit ?
    Police exempted?
    Government vehicles exempted ?

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    • CORGI-19 on Oct 06, 2023 at 2:10 pm

      With rules for thee not for me prior precedent, is there really a need to ask lol.

      Anyway for those who travel at night a lot, super dark tints aren’t a good idea. Can hinder visibility of animals and objects when it’s dark outside.

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  • DonkeyKong on Oct 06, 2023 at 1:28 pm

    Take a look around la JPJ.. more than half the cars on the road have pitch black tinting for the front windshield. Mahu enforce ka? Lepak la dulu.. layan nasi lemak dan teh tarik dulu..

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    • Thakum on Oct 06, 2023 at 3:59 pm

      Especially ‘luxury’ cars like BMWs who never seem to have issues being heavily tinted till you can’t even see if there’s a driver there! Bias in all aspects of enforcement, boleh balik la wei JPJ/Polis. Cakap je lebih… apply the rules fair and square then talk

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  • I ain’t no snitch !

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  • Realist on Oct 06, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    No, sorry. I’d rather pay the fine. 70% for windscreen cannot. At least lower to 50% (same as front side). Visibility at night still no problem (as long as it’s a quality tint).

    I already learn how to apply tint myself for windscreen and windows (back cannot because not enough skill/patience to remove without damaging defroster lines), so I always apply front 50% (bought a roll from a factory in Kepong) with a small cut at the top right of windscreen in order to easily peel before roadblock. Then go back home and apply again.

    As long as JPJ don’t recognize the heat generated by our weather, I will not recognize JPJ.

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    • DonkeyKong on Oct 07, 2023 at 5:16 am

      What type of “lan wa” is this jinjang crap? You can choose not to recognize JPJ or cops or anyone but if they’re gonna arrest you, they’ll still do it regardless of what you think.

      This is the same mentality as a certain demographic that believe in fairytale manifestos.. the type that say “I pay income tax ma.. I am gamen boss, gamen must listen to me”

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    • U can peel & put it back again? Wow, that is great. Please teach me how to do it & which factory did u get the tint roll in Kepong?

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      • Realist on Oct 07, 2023 at 12:12 pm

        Peel and throw, not put back. Cannot re-use. Then must go back home, cut from the roll and install new sheet. Factory you can Google. Too many vigilantes here. If I mention later factory kena flash mob buy Pauline Tan comments cartel.

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  • Alberto on Oct 06, 2023 at 2:28 pm

    JPJ mahu enforce? Seriously? Look at the numbers first!

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  • Laugh on Oct 06, 2023 at 2:34 pm

    Tell JPJ to first go around their own compounds and police carparks and issue the summon to all those illegally tinted cars there first.

    Do not impose something that your people doesn’t comply with.

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  • All this is bullshit, its only for the police to take duit kopi from you while using phone or no seatbelt.

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  • tiwikrama puntadewa on Oct 06, 2023 at 2:54 pm

    Tiwikrama puntadewa nak cari duit la ni….

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  • JPJ should ban the selling of heavily tinted material instead of putting all the blame on the consumer

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    • Autodriver on Oct 09, 2023 at 5:34 pm

      Rear window can be 0% VLT, mean we can put extremely dark film as you like. But the problem is consumers themselves demand the tinting shop to apply this kind of heavy film on the front window. This is not about the material but the mentality issue. Don’t simply put the blame to seller when this is more on consumers fault. My bro ran a tinting shop and they are responsible to advise customer do not put too dark on front windscreen and window as this is violation to JPJ rule.

      Imagine when consumer kena summon they definitely go back to the tinting shop and bising. I believe most of the tinting shop kena customer complaint because kena summon. If you were the seller who experience this kind of drama, don’t you advise them in first place to avoid the argument? FYI few years ago there was a period JPJ is strict on tinting film and many cars kena summon. This is no a new enforcement.

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  • Kenny Lim on Oct 06, 2023 at 3:11 pm

    sembang kencang dari JPJ lagi. car plat, front headlights and queue cutting issue also belum settle.

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  • If the rear window is heavily tinted then it defeats the purpose of third brake light as the car behind will be unable to see two cars ahead should it be braking.

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    • Bill OHY on Oct 06, 2023 at 7:26 pm

      @AnthonyLoke look into this, you were the one who approved dark tint films under your first ministership!
      Many politicians own tint oil shops, don’t make friends with these people to score political points. Do not allow health reason as an excuse for special permits… the sun is good for Vitamin D!

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    • Screw Nepotism on Oct 06, 2023 at 8:56 pm

      Tints reduce light transmission from outside to in, not the other way. Those tinted house at night they turn on light still can see inside. My car rear 20% everyone can see my top brake light no problem.

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      • are they blind on Oct 11, 2023 at 12:37 am

        the only comment here which makes sense. dunno why so many others complain about tint blocking third brake light, it simply doesn’t

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  • beamcruiser on Oct 06, 2023 at 4:19 pm

    Get moronic puspakom aligned to regulation too. They seems not to follow what’s allowed for tinting unless anyone else has different experience.

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  • Rsram on Oct 06, 2023 at 4:22 pm

    Are we taking climate change into consideration with this ruling?

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  • Robert on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:10 pm

    I prefer following manufacturer’s specifications. I don’t like my car wiring being messed up and void my warranty.

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  • WooGoo on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:17 pm

    If they are serious, they would be able to catch 1000 tinted cars a day in Klang Valley alone!

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    • DonkeyKong on Oct 07, 2023 at 5:21 am

      More like 1000 cars per hour. JPJ officers are fully capable of doing it, BUT…

      “Waduhh penat la. Rilek ah dulu”
      “Susah ah kerja ni. Jom rehat bawah flyover je la”
      “Buat apa rajin sangat.. bukannya dapat komisen pun”

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  • Ridho on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:36 pm

    Could use tintet colour blue?

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  • david on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:40 pm

    Hangat hangat tahi ayam

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  • Haidi on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:53 pm

    Allow dark rear windscreen is a stupid idea. That cause a lot of emergency braking on highway. Hope that JPJ think it through again.

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    • Bill OHY on Oct 06, 2023 at 7:27 pm

      @Minister of Transport Anthony

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    • Our JPJ are too lazy to use their brains my dear friend. If they’re not lazy, we wouldn’t have to even deal with this issue in the first place and 2nd we the road users who drive at night also won’t have to deal with idiotic drivers who either use their high beam as normal beam or they have replaced their headlamps with those that are too bright and too high so much co that the cat in front of them is blinded!

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      • ori beams are too bright on Oct 11, 2023 at 12:40 am

        ori manufacturers head lights nowadays are too bright because
        1. led/laser
        2. 6000k
        3. auto high beam or matrix

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  • ZulAziz on Oct 06, 2023 at 6:05 pm

    WHY CANNOT PUT TINTED ….takut orang jahat ker….orang jahat tak pakai kereta sendiri..dia guna kereta curi..tak der tinted punya ..

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  • headyou on Oct 06, 2023 at 6:49 pm

    malaysia panas la abam, kat US, tengok dekat southern states, majority tinted.

    apa2, bila roadblock polis ke jpj ke, kau turunkan la semua 4 tingkap kau. takda isu.

    isu sekarang panas dan ramai orang suka pecah tingkap kalau kau tertinggal duit 50 sen dalam kereta. kalau laptop jangan cakap la. confirm pecah.

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  • Sick&Tired on Oct 06, 2023 at 8:18 pm

    Can someone pls do a research on the effects of heat on the dashboard and car LCD screen? My car’s LCD screen has basically faded because of the heat. Why is it such a big issue to allow us to darken the front windscreen! We are going through a damn heatwave! It sickens me to see VIPs allowed to tint their car’s so dark but we normal folks are not allowed! We are also suffering!

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  • Smarter than Average Ah Lek on Oct 06, 2023 at 8:40 pm

    So many smart Ah Lek tokok here

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    • DonkeyKong on Oct 07, 2023 at 5:24 am

      The biggest tokok is Ah Loke and his brainless rules. Tony 67 is proving himself to be dumber than Tony Puaka

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      • Sick&Tired on Oct 08, 2023 at 7:58 pm

        before you hantam ah loke, dp give him credit for at least allowing the back windscreen and windows to have unlimited darkness! He is one of the better ministers around.

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  • Stupid rules. How about baby feeding at the back. Idiot rules. Idiot team. Ask ur wife to show the breast world wide

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  • Bob kapcai on Oct 07, 2023 at 4:15 pm

    Tint helps the environment by lowering aircond demands and thus fuel usage. Please go saman the noisy exhaust cars and bikes first.

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  • Achmed on Oct 07, 2023 at 4:20 pm

    I put dark tint sbb muka tak hensem. Abam polis tgk pun lari.

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  • “public can share info on offenders”
    Since when do we encourage the public to snitch on vehicles that doesn’t offend other road users.
    Car tinted dark just leave it be.
    Outsourcing their job to public and then there’s no reward in snitching either. smh
    Want to busy body then go report car that cuts through emergency lane or red lights. Higher karma points.

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  • Bullshit don’t use tint easy for robers to robe our car or things in side car

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  • Christopher on Oct 07, 2023 at 8:06 pm

    Alza 2013 trade in how much?

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  • Ya. Stupid rules allowing tinted zero % on back screen.

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  • ASHOIK on Oct 08, 2023 at 1:25 pm


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  • Perubahan Cuaca 36c di Malaysia kena guna 70% panas gila

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  • Bolehland boleh on Oct 08, 2023 at 9:32 pm

    Useless implementation of summon 2k for this petty issues. Boleh land gomen always focus on petty issues rather than important issues. Gomen exactly knows only common rakyat will get into this issue. So, implement with higher penalty.

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  • Willson Issac on Oct 09, 2023 at 10:55 am

    Kat Sabah Maju Jaya ni byk yg tinted dah mcm 300%..x kena saman pon

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  • Autodriver on Oct 09, 2023 at 5:23 pm

    My bro ran a tinting shop for more than a decade. In fact most of the tinting films aren’t certified but nowadays the films are having high transparency like more than 50% VLT meanwhile can provide 90% heat rejection. Guess what, it is the consumers demand and asking the tinting shop to put darker film despite the seller advise this is violent the JPJ rule.

    Those who kena summon they deserve it because MOST of the tinting shops know the JPJ rules but consumers insist to get darker film and ignore the rule. I don’t understand why consumers demand for below 50% VLT for front passenger window despite the high VLT film can provide up to 90% heat rejection. They simply want higher privacy and not to been seen by outsider. In night drive the dark film can be really dangerous as driver will find it hard to see the object.

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    • Somebody on Oct 12, 2023 at 8:47 am

      To your point, if dark tint is indeed so disruptive as proclaimed, compared to all the other critical traffic related issues that we are all facing, it definitely warrants firm legal actions.

      Based on this analogy, let’s use drug trade as an example. Law enforcers would typically go after the drug lords for effective clamp downs rather than the general junkies because they know the most effective way is to go after the source. However, why is this still a pertinent problem today?
      1. Drug lords are hard criminals and are tough nuts to crack
      2. No matter the law enforcement efforts, there will still be people who choose to take it (demand vs supply scenario as drug lords would typically put it when busted)

      Now, in the case of dark tints, I would believe that it’s a must simpler problem. Law enforcers should target the tint shops (like your brother’s) as majority are licensed biz operations and trackable. By doing that, I’m sure consumers would have no choice but to be compliant. Please dun use lame defences like “oh, I told you so”. At the end of the day, dark tints are still coming out from these shops because they know this is definitely by far the most sellable / popular product while not carrying any legal repercussions because our government will just be blindly chasing the dark tint junkies.

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  • Rather than resolving the more critical issues on traffic congestions, public transportation and noise pollution caused by law breakers e.g. the Rempits, why put unnecessary stress to the Rakyat????

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