Targeted fuel subsidy expected to help drive up interest in EV ownership in Malaysia – Nik Nazmi

Targeted fuel subsidy expected to help drive up interest in EV ownership in Malaysia – Nik Nazmi

The implementation of targeted subsidies will help increase interest in electric vehicle (EV) ownership in the country, according to national resources, environment and climate change minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad.

“Under targeted subsidies, the big thing is related to petrol. When there is targeted subsidy based on household income, users have to pay the real cost (of fuel) and most probably, many of them will switch to EVs,” he told the Dewan Rakyat.

Citing China as an example, he said EV adoption there expanded rapidly when users had to pay a high cost for fuel. “This is also one of the important factors (as to why) countries like China sees (the EV sector) expanding vary fast,” he said during the ministers’ question time session in parliament.

Targeted fuel subsidy expected to help drive up interest in EV ownership in Malaysia – Nik Nazmi

As Bernama reports, Nik Nazmi was replying to a supplementary question from Wong Chen (PKR-Subang), who asked if there were plans to increase the number of EVs on the road beyond the 1.5 million unit target by 2040 and adopt the approach taken by China.

According to Wong, with 23 million active vehicles in the country, the 1.5 million EV target would only amount to seven percent of that total. Hence, he wanted to know if the government saw the need to revise the EV target to 20% or 30% by 2040.

Nik Nazmi agreed with Wong, saying that there is a need for the government to review the target set earlier in order to ensure the country achieves a more meaningful objective. “Many things have changed, maybe we should (set) a higher target,” he said.

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Anthony Lim

Anthony Lim believes that nothing is better than a good smoke and a car with character, with good handling aspects being top of the prize heap. Having spent more than a decade and a half with an English tabloid daily never being able to grasp the meaning of brevity or being succinct, he wags his tail furiously at the idea of waffling - in greater detail - about cars and all their intrinsic peculiarities here.



  • Paanjang16 on Oct 20, 2023 at 8:01 pm

    Ya, targeted subsidies will definitely drive the demand for EV, but no one really answer the real elephant in the room. Mainly:
    1) affordability of EV. I am not in the b40 group but too poor to be in T20 or E0.1. No car loan ATM. If want to buy a car also can only afford a simple Saga or Bezza. After deduct home loan, food etc not much for car. Also interest rate is high now. Cheapest EV is 100k. Those that are myvi priced are either 2 door golf carts or the range is very small to be effective.
    2) charging. I stay at landed with 3phase power supply. So can easily install charger. But those in condo or apartment will have a harder time due to local regulation and bomba requirements. Also my job in construction need me to go to places with no infra or charging facilities.
    3) road tax. Still no clear answer on this
    4) EVs are heavy and need larger tires

    In summary,an interested in EV, but it is like trying to be buy an iPhone at this point, a toy for the rich. Can only afford Android.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 58 Thumb down 1
    • Lopsided treatment of ICE cars on Oct 21, 2023 at 12:47 pm

      So,the truth is Evs r currently rich man’s toys.
      Most people who buy EVs treat them as spare cars,just in case they got no time to charge the EV,they jump back to ICE cars.
      And mind u,when it comes to changing the costs a bomb.
      Would u dare to depend on a single EV when commuting to work daily?

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  • apa nama on Oct 20, 2023 at 9:22 pm

    may happen if ev sell at 40-50k one unit like saga/bezza price….

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  • DonkeyKong on Oct 20, 2023 at 10:15 pm

    What a dumbass. So you remove fuel subsidies for private vehicles, but maintain fuel subsidies for power generation, and endless subsidies to keep our electricity prices artificially low.

    In Malaysia our household electricity tariff starts at a mere RM0.22/kWh, and scales up to RM0.57/kWh.

    Look at our poorer (per capita) neighbours, their electricity prices are WAY higher than ours.

    In Cambodia it ranges from RM0.60 to RM1.00, even reaching over RM4 per kWh at some areas.

    In the Philippines it’s around RM1 per kWh.

    In Vietnam it’s around RM0.35 per kWh but peaks at almost RM0.70 per kWh.

    In Indonesia due to the availability of cheap coal power, it’s around RM0.45 per kWh.

    In Thailand it’s almost RM0.65 per kWh for households.

    So, judge for yourself whether this minister is smart when he says that pump fuel prices need to be raised to increase adoption of EVs.. when the subsidies for our power generation sector will just go much higher just to keep our electricity tariff illogically low.

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    • Syukurla letrik murah2 di bawah kjaan PHBN

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    • Namewee Tokok on Oct 21, 2023 at 12:51 pm

      I suspect some of our menteris graduated with a Bachelor of Insanity…talk 3 talk4…to appeal to the tiktok generation.

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    • Lol! And you think it will increase EV adoption if they increase the electricity bill? I wonder who is stupid!

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      • DonkeyKong on Oct 23, 2023 at 12:27 pm

        @Khor – You’re the real idiot. My point is that we shouldn’t increase the adoption of EVs when our infrastructure and economic policies do not cater for a proper comprehensive reform of the power generation, power distribution and power consumption areas. You sound like a typical DAP voter

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      • can't stop a donkey from being an @ss on Oct 23, 2023 at 1:36 pm

        u can’t stop a donkey from being an @ss

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    • Mike Tee on Oct 24, 2023 at 2:04 pm

      IF they mandate connected smart chargers then EV charging can take advantage of off peak excess capacity.

      We are late to the game with regards to EVs and can mix and match the best of what UK, Singapore, Norway, etc are doing with regards to regulations of mandating charging in condos, charging infra regulations (no app, contactless, mandated uptime, etc).

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  • farghmee on Oct 20, 2023 at 11:18 pm

    elektrik murah ke?
    china generates electricity from what?
    sume rumah boleh cas ke?

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    • Ophthalmologist advices on Oct 22, 2023 at 11:11 am

      Akal kejutan lektrik baik dirawat secepat mungkin. Keadaban Ctesiphon menguasai Baghdad Battery dgn sumber matahari.

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  • EV Autouser on Oct 20, 2023 at 11:36 pm

    It is the SUBSIDIES which CAUSES Corruption( In #@$@$) , leakages ( To foreigners), Support( Free Money) to those who DOES NOT need it(Super cars, Co Cars ,etc),Reduction in BETTER expenditure in Development/Trade (Due to 80B in Subsidies ) , etc. Govn … SHOULD STOP BLANKET subsidies as it grossly DISTORTS Economic realities.

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  • Please make condo management allow us to install wall charger or at least 3 pin plug at our parking lot first then we talk about getting EV.

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    • Rememberance of late president Anwar El-Sadat on Oct 22, 2023 at 10:59 am

      Go Pressure your MP to debate and amend current by-laws ok

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  • Md Khalib on Oct 21, 2023 at 3:22 am

    Setuju. Dgn targeted subsidy, krj dpt menggunakan wang yg selebihnya utk pembangunan. Krj perlu menyediakan charging station dgn kadar yg cepat tanpa menunggu bil krt EV baru nak bina.

    Subsidi mesti diberi kpd pembeli krt EV selain free tax dan free duty.

    Proton dan Perodua perlu launching krt EV yg mampu milik, jika kedua ni tak mampu hasilkan krt EV, perlu full open market kp EV maker yg lain. Kedua-dua ni dah ketinggalan dan langsung tak dpt bersaing dgn jenama lain.

    Krj perlu membenarkan pesaingan sihat dgn mengizinkan pengeluar krt EV menjual krt EV bawah RM 100k

    Contohnya BYD Dolphin jual di negara China antara RBM 111k ke RMB 131k, tapi rakyat Malaysia terpaksa beli dgn harga RM 100-120k w/pun free tax dan duty.

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  • Protected Species on Oct 21, 2023 at 8:22 am

    How to drive up interest & demand when still impose year 2025 to allow EV cars below RM100K to be sold here?

    Better scrap it now and stop protecting Geely mistress!

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    • ROTFL cult of Paradise gate-crashers on Oct 22, 2023 at 11:15 am

      There are protecting your nation’s sovereign investment fund?

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  • Why the rush? on Oct 21, 2023 at 11:13 am

    Prefer to wait until EV technology development has evolved to the point where the differences between ICE vehicles & EVs in terms of cost & convenience have become negligibly small

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  • allbullshit on Oct 21, 2023 at 11:37 am

    bootomline all bullshit la from the mouth of politicians…all they care is their buntut, pocket and cronies and gang….biasa la rakyat at the bottom at their expense…

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  • Susukotak on Oct 21, 2023 at 11:58 am

    Other country push for EV by reducing cost of ownership. Step by step starting with hydbrid. MY use subsidy to increase EV. Even hydbrid still expensive.

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  • CHINA and Malaysia totally Different on Oct 21, 2023 at 1:18 pm

    For ONE CHINA do not have subsidy as culture

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  • EV for Kpg folks in Sabah and Sarawak, off road boy!

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  • PH may regret for what they did after next GE

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  • Seitha on Oct 22, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    Chinese EV manufacturers are going bust… so they are dumping their low quality, unsafe EV cars to SEA countries…

    3. (even their housing developers have scammed their people)
    4. ( even the titan of EV in China ran away with his own family and left the workers without their salary!!)

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    • EV enthusiasts on Oct 22, 2023 at 7:39 pm

      Imagine building a factory just to make right hand drive vehicle to dump your left hand drive vehicle to other country.

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  • Yongkianchong on Oct 22, 2023 at 3:11 pm

    In China, the cars price is more than 60% CHEAPER than Malaysia even though China GDP is second world largest .So it’s fair n square to float petrol price there. It’s FAIR to us if Malaysia can reduce those excessive car taxes like China does( cheaper car insurance bonus to us), we can accept floating petrol price.

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  • Pleiades on Oct 25, 2023 at 7:02 am

    We *need* to pay more for fossil fuels. Subsidies for that sort of fuel is foolish in this day and age…

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