No policy paper yet on RON95 subsidy rationalisation

No policy paper yet on RON95 subsidy rationalisation

There is yet to be a policy paper on the implementation of the subsidy rationalisation of RON 95 petrol, prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, reported the New Straits Times.

While there have been previous studies on subsidy rationalisation for RON 95 petrol, the government now intends to evaluate the returns of of rationalising subsidies on diesel, as well as others such as electricity and chicken.

“We will look at its impacts first, and the people’s reaction, then we can discuss to see if there is a need (to rationalise RON95 subsidy).What’s important is that we must stop giving subsidies to the very rich and foreigners. I will not compromise on that,” the prime minister said during a Dewan Rakyat session.

No policy paper yet on RON95 subsidy rationalisation

The economy minister said that the government remains committed to its diesel subsidy rationalisation programme for now

The prime minister also said that he did not discount the possibility of the government implementing more targeted subsidy rationalisation in the future. “If you ask me, subsidy rationalisation on RON 95 should have been implemented a long time ago, but it is not easy. Any government when in power agreed that there was a need to implement subsidy rationalisation, but did not have the will to do so, for fear of political repercussions,” he said.

Earlier this week, economy minister Rafizi Ramli implied that there could be very little indication of the time frame for the introduction of removing blanket subsidies for RON 95 petrol, saying that the government will be replicating the same strategy for RON 95 petrol as it has for diesel.

“We did surprise everyone with diesel, and I think everyone is up for another surprise,” he told Bloomberg on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s summer gathering in China. The economy minister reiterated that the government remains committed to its diesel subsidy rationalisation programme for now.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Eh, I taught Raja “Surprise” said the paper is ready and keep it to his chest? Nampak sgt la there is no communication between the menteri and PM. I agree that abolishing subsidy is not good to the economy, but the govt has not been able to tackle price of goods such as groceries. Stuff that we import yes it will be costly, but cost of local goods is very expensive. Last time PM announce that the export of chicken to Singapore stop to keep the supply available for us? What is the result? All talk and no show. Eggs reduce by 3 cents per egg is not something to brag about. How many eggs can we consume a month? Cakap biar berakal, not kencing the rakyat.

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  • Logical Deduction on Jul 03, 2024 at 12:19 pm

    So business downturn is now A GOOD THING in PH gomen logic?!
    So to them, Economic Downturn, Recession, Rakyat no Money, Ringgit worse than Zimbabwe, is something to be happy and must make lots of press conference huh?!
    Lu ambik RM 1.20 then bagi balik just 3sen and rakyat should be singing your praises & continue to vote you huh?!

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  • DonkeyKong on Jul 03, 2024 at 6:19 pm

    This is the part of the surprise that Rafizi promised. No study, no report, no nothing, BOOM. We get hit with higher prices with no prior warning. And then Anwar will say without any evidence that it’s because a billion liters of petrol get smuggled out every day so the govt has no choice but to raise prices.

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    • Pro-Palestine on Jul 04, 2024 at 9:32 am

      You are right my friend. You are smart to see that. Our stupid menteri will always use the ‘smuggling’ lies to hike price. Ramai diperbodohkan. Kalau menteri pandai and sincere, they will find a way to catch smuggler instead of increase the price. If really want to increase price to stop smugglers, our petrol price should be priced the same as our neighbors which is absurd because we are oil rich country. So basically all this smuggling issue is a lie. Increase harga sikit will not solve smuggling but it will solve their pocket and their incapability of generating money the intelligent way

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