Prasarana, which operates Rapid KL trains and buses, has confirmed news that it is involved in a ‘cyber security incident’ (insiden keselamatan siber) that involves a part of its internal systems. The company says that its cybersecurity team has identified and is handling the incident, which involves unauthorised access to several of its systems.
“We are managing and handling the situation. We are also cooperating with cybersecurity experts to investigate and take mitigating actions. Our priority is the safety and trust in public transport. We confirm that this incident does not affect our daily operations,” the company said in a statement yesterday.
Prasarana says that it is working together with the National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) and CyberSecurity Malaysia to ensure that all steps have been taken. This cooperation aims to provide a holistic response and protect our systems, the statement added.
“We will continue to provide updates from time to time. Our focus is on solving the issue immediately and ensure that our services continue to fulfil the needs of the public,” Prasarana said.
Looking to sell your car? Sell it with Carro.
Hmm… Useless government
That’s what you get if you acquire chinese trains
Mossad agent spotted
Stop using Google, Apple & Windows?
Use linux instead or just get a Huawei:)
Huawei? Is that brand still alive? Eww
Alaa makcik tak tau. Nampak link jual tudung bawal makcik klik je la
Siasatan awal mendapati serangan siber ini dilancarkan oleh unit siber tentera china selepas meleisia menandatangani perjanjian benilai RM10.7 bil untuk menyewa set kereta api tua & uzur dari china
good work my canine kipidup
The CISO must be sleeping on his job. Minum teh and makan kuih jer.