Only retrofitted HID lights to be banned


Previously, it was proposed that Xenon lights be banned because apparently they pose a significant hazard to other road users, causing them to be blinded because they are too bright. This raised a question as many cars have Xenon lights these days, not just luxury cars like BMWs and Mercedes Benz but even the Honda Civic 2.0, Nissan Latio 1.8 and our very own Waja R3 MME Edition.

But now, Road Transport Department enforcement director Salim Parlan says the ban will only affect cars retrofitted with HID kits, not cars that come with the system from factory. This is a bit hard to enforce as there are some cars that have two variants, one with HID and one without, how do you enforce this? The Civic 1.8 has normal halogen bulbs while the Civic 2.0 has HID bulbs, the same with the Nissan Latio.

I believe that Xenon headlamps should not be banned, but only certain colour temperatures that pose a hazard to car’s own driver should be banned. Some of the higher bluish colour temps can cause fatigue, plus they aren’t particularly useful in the rain. Plus, proper alignment of the HID bulb to ensure the shine does not get into the way of other road users should be done.

Some HID users opt for the cheaper HID kits which only have the low beam, so they usually align it somewhere in the middle of low beam and high beam to make up for the lack of a high beam. You should get a proper Bi-Xenon system with both low and high beam, and align them appropriately.

Best is to retrofit a HID kit with a projector lense system into your reflector headlamps because projectors have been designed in such a way that the beam is cut off on the sides, making sure it only shines the path in front of you and does not get into the eyes of the drivers coming from the opposite direction.


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Paul Tan

After dabbling for years in the IT industry, Paul Tan initially began this site as a general blog covering various topics of personal interest. With an increasing number of readers paying rapt attention to the motoring stories, one thing led to another and the rest, as they say, is history.



  • andre128 (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 6:55 pm

    JPJ style… nothing to do… find something to do

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  • ed0r (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 6:55 pm

    Not only the retrofitted HID bi-xenon lights or whatever you call it. Even the normal lights can blind you. Or at least annoy the hell out of you.

    Some people don't even have the brain to soundly think about their car headlamps whether they pose danger to people or not. They can't be bothered to check and make sure their headlamps properly aligned. I always notice some friggin taxis don't have their headlamps appropritaely aligned.

    We've talked about this over and over again, and as it is, it came out in the newspaper over and over again. Well… when willl we see the enforcement kick start?

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  • nmh (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    I like HID light, nmpk mcm kereta mahal but yea, really make me blind when driving

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  • NiceCar (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 7:18 pm

    Actually the HID lights is ok but WHY all the cars installed with HID light having a high alignment since the light direct emit into ones' eye!!!

    Is totally nuisance.. even an old Saga also installed it with high alignment and the driver so "sombong" pula… damn!!!

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  • daze (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 7:23 pm

    i think we can easily tell factory fix and retrofit HID lamp..

    anyway, i think HID goes with projector lens..

    not d big reflector conventional headlight..

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  • drM (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 7:36 pm

    it is easy Paul. or else, it is u that DONT WANT to accept it.

    how to differentiate the retrokitted or the factory spec? well, the officers should have the list of the cars which fitted at the factory.

    and for the Latios which is fitted and not fitted, then I think it is easy too.

    I second every move by the JPJ or the police to ensure our road is safer everyday. and that includes banning those with retrokitted with Xenon light.

    grow up and save more beginning today, for a Merc!

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  • LittleFire85 (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 7:38 pm

    Some HID are optional for new cars… What i think better, is to banned high beam HID or temperature over 8000k.. Last time i think i saw 1 jpj rules say that, if ur car lights is white or yellow is consider right.. If ur cars is green, blue or silver then they can saman u… So the safest is to install lower then 6000k HID lights.. A lot of them dont know how to fix the HID, that why they set at high beam which is painfull to opposite drivers eyes.. Anywayz HID are cheap nowadays.. fake china bosch HID for 8000k only sell RM280.. Some even cheaper! That why even motorcycle also install it!

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  • proton GL (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 7:50 pm

    this hurts eyes,

    anyway the yellowish light wave length is more penetrative in bad weather,

    normal halogen is good enough,

    but never oppose to this.

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  • antaras (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 7:51 pm

    Does this mean that a Proton Saga having a non-glaring retrofitted HID is ILLEGAL and a wrongly alligned Merc(any model) OEM HID is LEGAL? Does a normal citizen driving a Proton Saga do not have the right to have a clearer view on the road? drM, it is not the technology at wrong here, it is the people's mentality. Having a retrofitted HID DOES NOT have to be glaring.

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  • lembagatanah (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 8:02 pm

    there u go, different set of rules for different set of people. similar with tinted window policy. as long as it comes from factory, then it should be ok. usage and effect on the road should be more important that the so called factory setting. if the factory setting kaput, then it should be more OK ka? i'm not sure who made this decision, but one thing is clear about him/her/they: IDIOT!!

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  • arcana (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 8:07 pm

    u know fully well its the mentality thats why it is banned except factory fit.

    factory gives u no option of whatever K u wanna set and color of light….they will just adhere to JPJ ruling therefore it is guarantee safe unless they wanna screw it and risk getting into trouble.

    otherwise shops outside u can install watever light u want which makes it illegal coz most of those who buy them have very high K rating and it is blinding to road users.

    of course it is unfair to those who buy's em outside with proper setting and lighting, but thats only minority group i would say. so the only solution is to ban all except factory fit. unless they wanna impose something like JPJ modification approval before installation…but that has plenty of loopholes too, even now without regulation we see thousands of HID's illegally installed anyway.

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  • Mike V (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 8:09 pm

    IMHO, Xenon lights can be a nuisance if fitted incorrectly … so can normal lamps for that matter … only thing is that HID is very directional and should only be fitted by factory … MPV's that have these lamps even have auto leveling mechanisms so that the lamps don't blind incoming vehicles when they are loaded … still, as a HID user my self that travels a lot, these lamps make a world of difference as the amount of light they throw is phenomenal …. saved my life numerous times also … :-) … so as not to disturb other people, mine is set to HiBeam only … so it's used when I'm alone … but the lag when it's warming up is pretty annoying .. :-( …

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  • bugbear (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 8:18 pm

    they should come out a series of standard to test whether it is a appropriate fitted hid, jz like taiwan…

    not by sayin, this one can install, that one cannot….


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  • Javanese (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 9:16 pm

    I once had HID installed in my car, albiet the cheap one. Since most car headlights are not designed for HID use, the reflectors are scattering the beam like crazy on the road. I cant stand the guilt of driving around blinding other road users, hence I sold them off after just 2 months. Plus most of the roads in the city are properly lit, why do you need Xenons? Unless you live in a place where you have to commute to work via PLUS highways.

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  • drM (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 9:28 pm

    hoohhoohooo antaras..this is not that easy comparing things like that..

    merc is a big name in auto industry. so if they force u to sign the vehicle collection sheet even after u complain about that wrongly alligned headlight, then u have the right to summon them.

    make millions.

    u see, why the JPJ are suddenly very particular about this? because a few of you guys (the Xenon headlighters) choose to fit theirs very bad. and very glaring. The other night, I drove in front of the new S-Class, the glare was almost unnotice. but, one Toyota Vios coming from the opposite direction, with that retrofitted white light, very disturbing. blinded me for seconds.

    sorry antaras, that argument is pity. very pity indeed.

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  • Jay (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 9:35 pm

    THUMBS UP TO JPJ ! Get all those causing blindness on the road ! After market HID lights are pain in the a**. Not even Civic or Waja R3 MME should be exempted they should be punished as well. Come on BMWs & Mercedes are using awesome Bi-xenon lights. They never hurt your eyes ! Only all the after market dumb lights. Not even the Camry 2.4v has the same class of lights like the Merc & BMWs.

    The best for JPJ is to have crackdown in housing areas where they can nab many offenders !

    Ha ha !

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  • ganz (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    what ever JPJ want to do.. pls.. do it properly and thoroughly and not hangat2 tahi ayam (chicken shit warm LOL)..

    be no mercy to what ever type of car that wrong doing this

    be no mercy to what ever status of the driver either tan sri, anak dato' or anak pengarah JPJ

    be no mercy to any supplier try to import all those illegal HID (so called)

    be no mercy to any shop that sell/ install this illegal HID.

    be particular on spec.. don just simply say HID..

    BTW.. i hate this HID.. blind my eye..

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  • 4G63T DSM (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 9:53 pm

    Most cars with factory fitted HIDs have special reflectors and auto-leveling systems to prevent blinding other people. If your car is not specified with HID, then its never a good thing to retrofit one. Unless they actually sell you full kits comprising of the light unit, and the light housing/reflectors.

    But I agree, even regular helogen that is mis-alligned will cause the same problems.

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  • antaras (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 10:16 pm

    If a few Ferraris(for example) got involved in an accident. Does that mean we have to ban sports car? cause they can go fast and they always do(in highways that is). Yes, i agree that JPJ are correct to get tough on this matter but I don't think a retrofitted HID should be banned. A poorly constructed/alligned, YES.

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  • razor_clawzz (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 10:18 pm

    Don't you all see it? They want to saman a huge amount people first, bila duit dah banyak and then Proton complain because they can't sell their cars due to the high demand for HID, only then the Gov. will state that cars with bad lamp alignment will be fined. This is MARA style to maximize profit

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  • waimak (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 10:36 pm

    I dont know much about HID and its specs. I do believe that the one from the factory is safe to road users. However there was once where i have to pull my car aside just to let a Wish overtake me car as the HID used is too bright and blinding me.

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  • KelvC (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 10:37 pm

    I was planning to steer clear from this topic however i do have one thought on this:

    "Please do not implement discriminatory policy to car users."

    Now, why do i say this? Does the proposal (is this approved?) approves the factory fitted HID lights on the road? So what is factory fitted? Fresh from the plant? Now, if HID imports (or even locally produced) are banned, so if the HID burned out so where could the user replace the lamp? Service center?

    Now, let's say HID replacement can be obtained from service center, does this means that local cars could change the std lamps to HIDs? Ok, try seeing this scenario, does this means a '88 Saga could be HID "factory fitted" via service center?

    What is the root cause of the problem here? Is it too bright? And/or poorly alignment causing visual problems for other road users?

    This proposal has to be thoroughly thought out to prevent biasness and discrimination to all users. Fair and square.


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  • BrakeFader (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 10:54 pm

    I want to know how would JPJ differenciate factory fitted and after market fitted HID lamps? It all depends on the owner themselves. You don't need Xenon/HID to crease nuisance to other drivers. Even old cars with misaligned headlamps can cause blindness to drivers. I hate those drivers when they put on highlight with no regards to safety of other users.

    If JPJ wants to have a operasi xenon, they should focus on the problem (blinding light) and not on the type of lighting used. I can imagine those idiots of misaligned (non-HID) headlamps being let loose because it is non-HID.

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  • Boink (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 10:56 pm


    Ver 7 WRX Local – Halogens

    Ver 7 STI Japan – HIDs

    How on earth is an owner supposed to prove this?

    I think the Ver 8s are in the same boat as well.

    can they not carry a beam alingment board when they do their usual roadblocks? Think it will solve more problems than what they are proposing now.

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  • sacker85 (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 10:58 pm

    i don think a well align HID would cause any accident, it's just a STUPID MORON taught, if no, y those xpansive car would come with HID system? y do ppl use HID in other country without complain and ban ? even if u see a, singapore also can accept for HID la, how come malaysia's jpj don think about what they are doing leh?really stupid and meaningless job la, if our jpj keep still like this then this means they are not keep up to new tech, OUTDATED MA.


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  • Boink (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 11:01 pm

    Then again, since Nissan started out with the Latio, I bet Honda and Toyota will now be forced to follow suit.

    You know, its the trend of car manufacturers to SLOWLY SLOWLY up the ante. And if they dont, I bet market forces will force them too.

    Variable Valve Timing, airbags, ABS….. its all coming. Don't we all just love technology.

    So with more cars on the road with HID. I think this thing will burn itself out.

    I dont really car who has and who does not have HID. I do mind if it is blinding. and thats normally caused by the driver.

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  • e-nabilll (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 11:04 pm

    thy should jus check the light beam n make sure is not too high to disturb othr drivers…this is pathetic…if u really wanna ban them…go to every single car accessories shop n ban them from SELLING..not ban customers From BUYING…now u can get as low as rm399…..thy should go after the source of those who import it not us…

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  • sacker85 (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 11:13 pm

    yeah , boink, i do agree with u, this kinda problem is alwiz cause by the DRIVER,

    some halogen lamp could get u bline too. this is because of the adjustment of their lamp

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  • dewiinta (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 11:15 pm

    i have astigmatism problem n find dat cars wif HID lights very annoying. when oncoming front of u, feel like high beam on. almost make me wan to swerve away cos very blinding lah.

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  • sacker85 (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 11:21 pm

    SORRY PUSSY AND DICK HERE, THERE'S 1 THING THAT MAY CAUSE ACCIDENT TOO. i would like to talk about those motorist without tail lamp,for ppl like us maybe some of us can't see a dark figure riding at night especially on highway, this is really kinda danger, y do jpj and polis keep saman us for HID or MODIFICATION?maybe they think DRIVER is wealthy gua?

    i wish they could concern and saman for those who have a motorbike without tail lamp.ACCUALLY we are living in a country without law, every LAW IS BAPAK'S LAW.

    dangerous,. man, life is PRECIOUS o

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  • Gus-Gus (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 11:25 pm

    HID headlights shouldn't be banned. Instead JPJ should fine ALL cars with misaligned headlights – regardless of the type of bulb used. It is misaligned lights that cause problems, not the brightness.

    The roads in PJ are very poorly lit – most only have street lamps on one side of the road, if at all. That, coupled with poor road maintenance and huge potholes is what makes HID lights so popular with car owners.

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  • kei9 (Member) on Jun 27, 2007 at 11:36 pm

    agree agree…….u know al lot of complaint in the NST's CBT last Sunday………..all of'em dont agree wit the idea……

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  • ganz (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 1:00 am


    JPJ will conduct an oversea trip to all their officer to learn how to distinguish the HID :P

    even a tinted problem still unsolved

    even the problem of plate number that not according to the spec still widely happen

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  • acbc (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 1:15 am

    4350K HIDs do not blind people if calibrated properly. Also, the colour is same as standard Kyoto 55W H4 bulb not white or blue or purple. Why? Because it is for OEM market.

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  • drgn86 (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 1:53 am

    in the first place, how do these hid xenon headlamps come into the country? our kastam fellas must be involved la, never check with jpj first b4 bringing them in for consumer use, moreover most of the headlamps are illegal or fake ones instead which may do more harm than good. well, not only kastam guys r accused, jpj didn't come up with regulations quick enough…hid xenon has been in m'sia for a few years already, i think they were too busy collecting road tax/special licence plate no. money……..'shakes head'

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  • szw (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 2:23 am

    i think people who is "traditional" only think that HIDs are dangerous .

    actually it doesn't cause any harm to anyone.

    if JPJ wants to ban those lights , they should have also ban myvi and avanza having headlights.

    those headlight are not properly align .

    they hurt my eyes even more compare to HID .

    HID are bright , but it is white/blue in color.

    not like lousy conventional yellow color.

    no life man, those who thinks that yellow colors are nice.

    i think every car should be fitted with night vision, no one's gonna complaint anything.

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  • japankiller (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 2:35 am

    Color doesnt affect the brightness of HID, the only thing u should looking at is the Lumen of the bulb,in US it is DOT approve only if the Lumen doesnt exceed certain limit.

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  • torishimeyakuin (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 3:21 am

    Typical Malaysian enforcement officer…RTD, Customs and Police. Most of the policy makers are just too dumb to be true. Sometimes i reckon, it's such a waste for a beautiful country like Malaysia to bare too many bunches of policy makers with half past six mentality in its governance system. Sigh…

    It seems that they always never really try to understand the root cause of all the troubles yet come with such a nonsense and sweeping action ! Sigh…


    ganz said,

    June 27, 2007 @ 5:00 pm


    JPJ will conduct an oversea trip to all their officer to learn how to distinguish the HID :P

    even a tinted problem still unsolved

    even the problem of plate number that not according to the spec still widely happen


    It's good for them to conduct such a 'trip' to learn abroad but i doubt whether they come back home to be more reasonable, more acknowledgeable and more maturity, or it's just to be plain nothing…like always typical %"&("'&((…sigh

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  • daze (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 3:52 am

    sacker85….yeah. lotta sinagporean plated car hav HID..

    but notice most of them are factory fit…

    Those retro fit HID are worst or same like others as well.

    is the same…

    you'll have the perception most of them are HID and are okay cause most of them are pretty new car..

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  • e-nabilll (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 4:19 am

    every car headlamp got two alen key fornt left/right adjustment,the othr is for up/down adjustment..its so easy to align and yet…so often neglected….i jus think those who never check their light beam/HID or std bulb r jus idiots really…and bloody inconsiderate….

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  • chanel (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 5:00 am

    as Paul mentioned, it's recommended that all cars with Xenon light must come with Projectors lens, not those bulky/big/ugly reflector lens that emits huge glare like to Myvi, Avanza, Honda City, Toyota Vios, to name a few….

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  • kei9 (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 5:31 am

    like what i say also bout the projector lens..but nobody cares…….haih…..

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  • J (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 6:01 am

    This will be a big hit to the car accessories shops who still stock up a lot of these HID kits. Plus they lose quite a lot of business this way.

    Anyway, it is not easy for JPJ to know what car model is original HID and what other car models are "self-fitting" HID kit.

    For example, Civic 2.0 come with HID, but Civic 1.8 don't.

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  • kei9 (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 6:05 am

    with the colour difference…you forgot about it…halogen is more to yellow colour..

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  • chanel (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 7:28 am

    fyi guys…..why Xenon light was created >&gt ;

    If anyone of you are JPJ staff here, pls pls pls do really setup/give idea to setup a "technical know-how" group to study the pros & cons of anything you may want to saman….not just by quoting blindly…..xenon light not good, blind ppl eyes & the list continue….by truth, it was all reserve fact….

    1. the blind ppl eye's bulb was actually a normal halogen that gimic like a xenon bulb…(high wattage with color coated glass tube) that it….

    2. there is another type of halogen bulb in market: it was a real halogen bulb but with a mixture of Xenon gas instead of conventional gases, thus create a more efficient halogen bulb (`15-20% more efficent than normal halogen) however, no fact suggested that this type of halogen will blind off road user…..

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  • mystvearn (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 7:41 am

    maybe JPJ should make road test on banning it. JPJ stop cars, then have another car previously before the road block. Which vehicle so bright get pulls over and ban. So I think thats just it.

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  • jcw9960 (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 7:46 am

    My take on this HID issue:

    I agree that there should be some control measures on aftermarket HID systems. Most countries have strict homolgation regulations on HID/Xenon systems. For example, Singapore requires an automated headlight leveling system for all vehicles equipped HID/Xenon headlights. And in the USA, a self-cleaning system is required in addition to that. Most manufacturers already comply to these requirements so if a brand offers Xenon as standard factory-fit then its almost certain that headlight levelling and probably headlight washers will be fitted as well (tight manufacturer procurement and assembly systems limit diversity to increase economies of scale and productivity).

    The main issue here is the aftermarket fitment of HID/Xenon systems, including those fitted by official dealers who don't use manufacturer systems but source "local" ones.

    I welcome the ban on aftermarket HIDs/Xenons. But I also think there should be consideration given to properly fitted aftermarket systems. That's a challenge. Well, writing out rules to this is rather easy. Its the enforcement of these rules that's the real challenge. Until we have a regulatory system similar to the British MoT for all vehicles, I'll stick to my approval for the ban of aftermarket HIDs/Xenons.

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  • acbc (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 8:34 am

    The problem is alignment… nothing to do with brightness. Even if u convert from 55W normal bulb to Brother's 110W blue-white bulb without proper alignment, it will also blind people.

    I've HIDs fitted onto my car but with proper alignment – I have to set lower than factory setting. On top of that, I've a custom-made aluminum glare shield installed to block unwanted glare. All these were done based on advice from both US-based forums and the local forum.

    Come-on… stop all this Xenon/HID is bad for eyes crap! It is bad if the owner refuse or neglect to do proper alignment. I know many accessories shop don't do alignment because they are either too lazy or just don't have the proper tools. Only a narrow-minded fella will say without thinking or doing some research.

    Any form of modding on a car requires some reading and research. Do it properly and everything is fine. Ignore it then u will suffer the consequences.

    IMO, we need to TRIM a bunch of useless servants for not doing any research b4 enforcing the law.

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  • neurra (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 8:52 am

    jpj should just stop ppl with xenons that aren't aligned properly.. sighz..

    all becos of thos nimrod who didn't align then ban everyone.. wat a standard way of jpj to act

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  • king (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 9:41 am

    i hate those tall mpvs and suvs with HIDs most common are toyotas wish/harrier/alphard or whatever fu** whether retrofitted or factory fitted they are poor standard and blind ppl all the time only…these ppl are really selfish morons and muka action only plus like to tailgate ppl….just ban them all fr the rd.

    stupid morons got abit of money wanna action. ppl driving s-class with proper xenons oso not action.

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  • sacker85 (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 10:02 am

    yeah daze,hmm… i would say sorry if i'm wrong, but somehow i really do not agree with banning retrofitted HID lamp, since philips, raybrigs,etc… are famous and certified brand,y can't we use on our car?i'm using philips 8000k on my car,

    really nice and bright sight on night driving, but if we use HID don tune too high la, 12%-13% is ok alr,—-i mean for the lamp align—-, still acceptable wat?

    further more, y don those moron jpj fine those highly align halogen lamp leh?

    halogen also could cause blind ma.

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  • raptorclans (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 5:17 pm

    i hope malaysia dun become the 1st country in the world 2 ban hids… memalukan negara… everywhere wanna maju then we go backwards… sigh… those who misalign theirs are really to blame

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  • acbc (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 5:26 pm

    After salary increase, G servants' performance are not anywhere better. In fact, still the same… always coming out with useless & stupid contradicting statements & rules. Really hopeless! Plus, we have useless ministers who talk rubbish. No wonder why we always lose face to our neighbours.

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  • Boink (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 6:55 pm

    Singapore Land Transport Authority FAQs on HIDs and white Light.…

    How we wish JPJ could even be half as clear and concise about what is allowed and not allowed.

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  • Sleepyhollow (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 9:52 pm

    JPJ should just setup a regulation for car lovers to seek HID approval before installation. Isnt that better?

    Issues fine to any abusive installers that may post hazard on the roads?

    If JPJ wants to ban all HIDs then dont even import the parts into the country.

    All sections should work concurrently not independently in avoiding confusion and dilemma to the public and consumers.

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  • kei9 (Member) on Jun 28, 2007 at 10:25 pm

    is blue glass (white light) halogen lights allowed here?

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  • transformer (Member) on Jun 29, 2007 at 4:32 am

    those selfish people out there with mis-align headlight should be fine!

    better withdraw their license!

    HID are invented to save life!

    met few selfish Vios and Myvi with those selfish blue light!

    authorities should do something with these selfish people!

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  • kei9 (Member) on Jun 29, 2007 at 6:51 am

    or else they will sell fish to ppls…no offence….

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  • layman (Member) on Jun 30, 2007 at 6:24 am

    Agree with king and transformer.

    Most of Toyota and Myvi driver like to ON the fog light even in a clear night and crowded city. Why?

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  • aliBaPa (Member) on Jun 30, 2007 at 7:26 pm

    ^^Most of Toyota and Myvi driver like to ON the fog light even in a clear night and crowded city. Why?

    i think maybe they want to hao lian.

    BTW, i always very annoyed by white colour beams, what's that actually? is it HID? it's really very dangerous bcos it confused me i was on football pitch.

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  • kei9 (Member) on Jun 30, 2007 at 9:28 pm

    its maybe a HID or haoen light

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  • chrisbangle (Member) on Jul 01, 2007 at 7:17 am

    I dunno about you guys but i ply the highways often and HID lights are not that annoying. and there are not many anyway.

    The most annoying thing is when a stupid schmuck fail to reallign his/her/its headlight. Halogen lights, if are not properly alligned, will have teh same shitty effects like improperly allogned HIDs.

    I think NST has some articles about HID and why the government should think twice before banning them.

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  • farhathaniff (Member) on Jul 25, 2007 at 9:55 am

    When i was back in Malaysia, Xenon Lamps are a total nuisance and my dad whos driving from KL to kampung gets pissed off easily coz theyre highly raised. But now we own a Merc with Bi-Xenon and 60% of the population of Berlin uses Bi-Xenon but then we realise that the Xenon headlamps are measured from the ground up and has a limit to where it can reach inorder to not blind the oncomming traffic. Smart. But if they did the same to cars in malaysia, no ban is needed.

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  • Kit (Member) on Apr 07, 2008 at 12:00 am

    Well… FLASH THEM WITH HIGH BEAM !!!! Let them TASTE the PAIN they did to other people !!! THANKS TO THESE PEOPLE’S HID BLINDED MY EYES AND MAKE ME CRASHED. Especially on TOYOTA VIOS…. Hate them.. If they had install HID properly i don’t think this problem will occur. Good job on JPJ .

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  • Desmond Ho on Sep 09, 2010 at 10:44 pm

    how many K watt HID lamp is illegal ?

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