Pan Borneo Highway in Sarawak to be ready by 2023

Pan Borneo highway-02

Deputy works minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said that the 1,090 km-long Pan Borneo Highway in Sarawak will see completion and be fully operational by early 2023, Bernama reports. This comes as news as prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak stated previously, that the Sarawak portion will be completed two years earlier (2021) instead.

According to the deputy works minister, the project was split into two phases – the first phase, which began construction on March 31, 2015 extends across Telok Melano-Sematan-Kuching-Serian-Sibu-Bintulu-Miri. Shirlin stated that the initial construction entails a 43 km route from the Jalan Nyabau intersection (Bintulu) to the Jalan Bakun intersection, at a total contract value of RM638 million.

“The second phase involves a 33 km route from Telok Melano to Sematan, launched on September 1 at a contract value of RM580 million,” Shirlin told the Dewan Rakyat. She also noted that part of the second phase, involving the route in Limbang and Lawas, is slated to begin in 2018.

She added that other parts of the first phase will be carried out in stages from 2016 onwards. Meanwhile, land acquisitions for the construction of the Highway – which affects houses and crops – will be compensated fully by the federal government.

The Pan Borneo highway consists of 2,239 km in total length and stretches across East Malaysia. Once completed, the toll-free highway will link both Sarawak and Sabah. The ceiling budget of the construction of the entire highway is reported to be set at RM27 billion.

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Graham Chin

Having spent a number of years as a journalist for a local paper, a marketing executive for a popular German automotive brand and a copywriter, Graham, a true-blue Sarawakian, knew he had to take the leap back into the motoring scene - and so he did. To him, nothing’s better than cruising for hours along a scenic route, in a car that’s designed and built for that purpose.



  • Yahoo. More money for Najib to sapu. RM2.6 bil x 8 yrs.

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  • George Abdul on Nov 27, 2015 at 1:31 pm

    Glad Sarawak finally over 30 years OR coming 40 years finally have a Pan Borneo Highway… isn’t long enough to wait this long??? What next plan for year 2063??? Hope Sarawak people will wote wisely coming GE.

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  • gaviny on Nov 27, 2015 at 1:47 pm

    2023? by 2032 also not certain will finish

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  • sounds like it could be an epic road trip once it’s completed.

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  • sparcov on Nov 27, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    Peninsula build highway need 20-30 years collection of toll say for repayment.

    Sarawak can do it without toll collection?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
    • Its not the highway as you imagine like at the peninsular. Its more on upgrade previous road but claim as NEW highway. Come over here and you ll know what Sabahan and Sarawakian mean. TOLL ???. Its not deserve to collect any toll for such upgrade 2 lines road.

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  • Is he showing…here is my telur

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  • Drivers have to be careful driving on pan Borneo highway as the road conditions are very different than the peninsula. Sharp bends with slippery road conditions yet with only few overtake lands cause delays since most of the part are dangerous for overtaking. So be careful everyone. I hope the road can be extend for at least 2 lanes each way. Good luck guys. Drive safe.

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  • superbird #43 on Nov 27, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    then what about Kapit division?
    why was it excluded as part of the highway construction?

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  • Nancy on Nov 28, 2015 at 9:07 am

    Sarawak ppl always kena tipu. It is not a highway. Just road widening. Highway shouldn’t have many trunk road at the side. That is why no need toll. Poor Sarawakian.

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