Ineffective drainage the cause of flash floods – Gov’t


The Government has said that inefficient drainage is the cause of several flash floods that occurred at several major roads in the Klang Valley recently. According to Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, torrential rainfall within two hours in affected areas also contributed to the floods, in a report by The Sun.

“Inefficient culvert systems and heavy rains caused the flash floods. The culverts couldn’t support the high volume of water causing it to overflow. Sungai Klang did not overflow, checks show that it was one metre below its full capacity. The drainage system in the city must be re-looked since the flash floods happened without the river reaching its full capacity,” said Junaidi.

Junaidi also clarified that there were no issues with the SMART tunnel. “It is not that the SMART tunnel isn’t working, it didn’t rain near the SMART tunnel,” he said, adding that a thorough study needs to performed together with DBKL and the Department of Drainage and Irrigation to come up with a long term and short term plan to confront the flash flood issue.

“In my opinion, it seems that La Nina is here early. We expected heavy rain in June and already had plans for culvert maintenance. But the heavy rain is happening now, two weeks earlier. But the dams at the northern states are still dry. This is a worrying weather pattern. We need to study and come up with plans to handle this weather condition,” he said.

Development in the city also added to the flash flood woes, according to Junaidi, expressing that developers should share the responsibility as working against nature can cause harm.

The Fire and Rescue department also stated that the poor drainage system in Jalan Semantan and Jalan Lingkungan Budi was the primary cause of last week’s flash floods that saw around 40 cars being trapped, with owners having to abandon their vehicles due to the quickly rising water levels.

“Our investigation revealed that the drainage system at both areas could not cope with the capacity of rainwater yesterday evening,” a spokesperson told The Sun. He added that the flash floods in Jalan Semantan was aggravated due to ongoing construction in the area.

Were you a victim of the terrible flash floods that occurred recently? What do you think is the best solution to this ongoing problem that has been plaguing Malaysians? Let us know in the comments below.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • mr1031 on May 16, 2016 at 11:10 am

    why wait near la-nina baru nak maintenance??

    SHOLD have done it during el-nino!

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 2
    • hailthepurist on May 16, 2016 at 11:15 am

      Ineffective is the Gomen..

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 48 Thumb down 3
      • Abang Alza Pakai Topi on May 16, 2016 at 12:23 pm

        Cigarette buts, bottles, plastic bags you name it, we litter the streets as we drive and walk like nobody’s business. Now we pay our sins to the workshop taukei. We also deserve the wrath of dengue, leptospirosis etc. Very soon our waters will be even filthier than the Ganges.

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    • To counter La-Nina, our government should standby some sampans at this areas.

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    • Akula on May 16, 2016 at 11:28 am

      Biasa la gomen, bagi lingkup dulu, baru mainten. Baru boleh masuk lebat…

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    • meira on May 16, 2016 at 11:59 am

      should have done it 10 years ago.

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  • When I used to work in TDDI, KL, the drain is clogged with rubbish all the way to the top. Every morning, I can see DBKL worker sweeping the leaves into the drain instead of into a bag. This is not help by the public that throw rubbish everywhere. Just go to streets in KL especially the back of shops, it’s filthy and full of rubbish everywhere. This has been plaguing KL for so long…even another few Smart tunnel will not save KL from flood.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 80 Thumb down 1
    • Teropong on May 16, 2016 at 11:40 am

      spot on mike, we cannot only blame the government. when i see how some people dump rubbish into the drains, especially the makan places, construction site……one can only wonder the consequences.

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    • camtakpro on May 16, 2016 at 11:54 am

      The real issue is the Government brain is clogged.

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  • applegreen on May 16, 2016 at 11:37 am

    Mula-mula salahkan daun kering, kemudian salahkan longkang, selepas ni nak salahkan hujan turun lebat sangat?

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  • seancorr (Member) on May 16, 2016 at 11:50 am

    More like shitty design and no maintenance. Blame the tree leaf!

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  • Ikan Bilis on May 16, 2016 at 11:58 am

    They make it sounds like this kind of flooding just happened, it’s been more than 10 years and nothing is being done!

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  • Thebosssedangbercakap on May 16, 2016 at 11:59 am

    How can the drainage support the additional flow of water if the trees and hills is made into houses. Stop bullshitting us la dbkl.

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  • Abang Adik on May 16, 2016 at 12:00 pm

    So indirectly they could confirm its the inadequate of the so called minister and all in charge!

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  • Juddo on May 16, 2016 at 12:08 pm

    Fail fail and fail this govt in each n every aspect .where is big tummy elephant so call tenku adenan mayor of kl policies.they all cronies busy making g tons of money and rakyat always suffer 24/7 .dnt knw when this shit will wash away from us n v will get clean,professional,honest and full dedicated policy makers

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  • pomen on May 16, 2016 at 12:10 pm

    who cause the ineffective drainage??stupid gov’t and cronies…

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  • Rubbish is the main cause on May 16, 2016 at 12:28 pm

    I always see many irresponsible people throw the rubbish as they like. And believe it or not, the rubbish is the culprit clogging the drainage. School and family education is important to teach the younger generations on taking care the environment.

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  • Frustrated on May 16, 2016 at 12:35 pm

    Why no class action against DBKL?

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  • MK Wong on May 16, 2016 at 12:50 pm

    … and they ask why Malaysians are always asking about drainage maintenance.. .

    Also, shouldn’t maintenance be consistent – NOT just a “project”? Typical response – ask A, answer B, C & D – bringing us to the land of IFs.. & Well…
    “…seems that La Nina is here early. We expected heavy rain in June and already had plans for culvert maintenance…”

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0
  • Burong on May 16, 2016 at 1:16 pm

    Aside from drainage cogging, I do see lots of people does open burning the dry leaves, sampah and even plastic. Does our education emphasis on don’t open burning? Cause mostly old generation is doing that. but did the kids try to educate them?

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  • cheap wet cars on May 16, 2016 at 1:57 pm

    this is a best time to buy flood-water-soaked 2nd hand cars for low low price….


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  • macam berita baru ni!…finally they found the root cause after years…lol

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  • not sure other places in KL, but the area at golden triangle/bukit bingtang, most drains are ‘closed’ ie is buried which cant hardly see any drains, to access it need to remove manhold…

    underneath in the drain…infested with rats and what not who knows…

    since they so smart they cover all drains, maybe to make it look tidy no drains…now they pay the price for not able to clean the clogged drains which is hardly accessible

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