The Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii) has provided some details about its autonomous vehicle test bed (AVTB) initiative, which is one of the technology access points it plans to develop in 2019.
At the institute’s 2018 overview briefing session with the media today, Datuk Madani Sahari, CEO of MARii, explained the plan is to test various technologies relating to autonomous vehicles to assess its compatibility with the infrastructure and environment in Malaysia.
“We will be testing all these technologies in these autonomous vehicles to ensure that they are safe and reliable according to local conditions in Malaysia,” he said.
Madani added that MARii will work with other ministries and agencies such as Futurise, GreenTech, the road transport department (JPJ) and the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) to set up a test bed in Cyberjaya.
The institute is aiming to kick off the test bed in two stages this year, with the first half of 2019 comprising of planning, while the second half is when the testing phase begins. “We have visited similar autonomous test-bed facilities elsewhere, including Singapore, Europe and Japan,” Madani said.
Autonomous vehicles is one aspect that will be incorporated into the upcoming review of the National Automotive Policy (NAP), with the other being electric vehicles. As reported in November last year, the new NAP was supposed to be revealed at the end of 2018, but that is only set to be revealed this year.
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Lol, this is too high end for MALAYSIA, you better learn how to paint the road mark properly first, otherwise you might need an autonomous system that is more advance than anyone else offer in the market
Lolz! This what pipu get when they elected Bapak & de gang.
Lolz! 2015 his Bapak & de gang.
Old non clever Government always like to hype things. But all gagal
I think john should be the CEO of MARii. He will do a good job.
He is the exact material MARii needs.
anything is better than BN and Bijan. always curi duit and in denial.. now we will maju lah
Maju? I only see cronies maju. Rakyat money got sunken into this to the tune of 20million but only see dreams. At least Bjan and BN were more realistic in putting money into public transportations instead of clogging our choked roads.
This is what you get when you employ lazy people who always want bantuan from kerajaan.
John is exactly like what you described.
another fake news from our fake troll
1.6 million Government servants think like this dude. Nothing concrete. Just dreams. Angan angan. this is why we are boros
don’t forget to prune or relocate those tree that branches out and also hedges plant that obscure and block road signage.
DBKL is always sleeping. What to you expect?
Wah!!! Future technology that will bring Proton into historical car musem. HABISLA john!
STFU fulfil 2014 promise first!
Hahaha! MY needs an autonomous system to run the gov since PH has proven to be incapable
Only in Malaysia 2 lanes become 1. Or 3 lanes become 1 suddenly. No signs. No warning signs at all. Habis lah autonomous!
MArii is blur case. They told Protiga to use LPG for all their cars.
All over the world is moving to EV, only Malaysia is using LPG gas.
Blur case
Our road makers and JKR all filled with dedak. 60 years of corruption has made our road makers and planners incompetent. However, things are getting better as of May 9th 2018 onwards
What is Madani going to do for current Proton owners. Geely will kill all Proton models and sell only Geely models in Malaysia
So Proton cars won’t exist anyumore. PArts prices will go up 10X in price. What is MAI going to do for existing Proton owners??
What a cartoon. EV and Hybrid pun tarak ada, want to talk about Autonomous.
This delusional idea of autonomous motoring.
The elephant in the room; 30 Year old taxis, lorries and buses spewing toxic black smokes and suspect roadworthy happily running around.
And lets not talk abt Car AP and Sambung bayar
Autonomous vehicles are not weather proof same like Astro Sat tv, heavy rain or thunderstorm system goes offline!
Ah Lok buat apa, why 15yrs old scrap car on the road everywhere to jeopardize public safety?
Important things like car cloning, MArii don’t know how to solve. Car theft also big problem. Every 5 minutes, 1 car is stolen. This also Marii don’t know how to solve.
Everybody is laughing at Marii when they ask our 3rd national car company to use LPG gas only.
Whole world move to EV, only Malaysia selling LPG cars.
Mana boleh expot dan jual luar negara?
Madani, pls don’t look at Autonomous. Pls look into saving our proton cars. By next year, we won’t have any Proton cars sold in Malaysia because Geely will replace all with their own Geely models.
Pls help existing Proton owners as our RV will collapse
Better for MARii save our Proton than look into robots.
This latuk forgot to mention he had been using autonomous driving for a long time dy, it’s called a drebar.
Just to change name, change company logo, change logo on all their baju, letterheads, chops, envelopes, web page already cost RM20 million
Who will pay this money? Rakyat. MAI to MARii change name we have to tanggung
Mamat nie sembang kencang laa
Now it becomes a test bed. After a while, it becomes just bed.
Why reinventing the wheel when you cant even copy correctly?
is this guy from MAI previously?
MAI still exist or disbanded? ^^
Same agency,same people. Rebranded to please their vendors for new letterhead & office signage.
This dude got promoted,even if MAI is defunct.
Look how prosperous he is with spare tyre,balloned facelift and fat pensionable salary.
Just pathetic,PH….i thot lots of unproductive people or mere talkers were removed.I hope he is not one of them,to give him the benefit of a doubt.
Define autonomous vehicles please – this so called technology is proving to be a waste of money for every company involved in. Please don’t waste our money and instead solve more pressing problems like traffic control. The reasons are simple – traffic is hugely complex and anticipating human behaviour in traffic congestion ( the real test) involves writing computer code that is never ending
Why concentrate on autonomous testing? This is ridicuolous. Even Tesla with their huge pool of Harvard and Stanford engineers cannot get it right. Tesla also losing so much of money trying so hard to make autonomous work
Why do we want to go into testing? This is money losing. Look at Tesla. They are losing so much of billions
Now, when we also lose billions, MAI will ask for bailout like Proton.
Remember, if Tesla with their huge pool of Harvard and Stanford engineers are losing money… sure is MAI going to succeed in this area?
That’s 200% true…
200% Proof here…
Our ex Ministers a few said local graduates are BETTER than Oxford graduates of UK
Good God… because westerners can’t achieve it yet, then surely we are bound to fail.. what simplistic mentality that we have..
MARii say Uitm engineers better than Ivy League engineers
MAI like to goreng a lot. But past 5 years they still have not sorted 3 most important issues. Why do autonomous testing? Even Malaysia P1 and P2 don’t have EV, PHEV and Hybrid yet.
Basic we don’t have and yet, we want to lompat to Autonomous Testing and Autonomous cars?
The usual evolution process is petrol to hybrid, then PHEV and finally EV. Then later evolve to Autonomous.
By the way MAI….let us not talk so far
1) Where is the promise to reduce car prices by 30%? Najib said this 5 years ago. Najib said car prices was the highest in the world and he promised he would reduce car prices 30%. Every year we waited. It became higher and higher instead. Why MAI did not ask their boss to honour his promise?
2) Our AP issue is still there. 30 million Malaysians suffer just because 30 AP Big Guns want to be yearly billionaires. How long is this going to go on? Every year MAI give us the same goreng that the matter is being looked into, but nothing happens.
3) All investments are going to Thailand. The past 20 years, we have lost RM Trillions (few hundred thousand million USD from car firms investing in Thailand). We even lost few hundred thousand jobs that was meant for Malaysians but it has gone to Thais now. Recently, even Dyson decided to open in Singapore to make EV cars. Why is MAI losing all the money?
MAI better close down. To maintain MAI, it cost over hundred million per year. But they do nothing. It is a waste of tax payers money
Why have EVIC? Where is our Proton Iriz EV? 5 years we are waiting for this car
MArii same type as those in Putrajaya and john. A lot of talk but nothing comes out of it.
all of them lepak all day and drink teh
Pls be precise. It is minum teh 8X sehari
Marii don’t know what they are doing. Until today our petrol and diesel is Euro 2M
Marii talk so much but environmental issues down the drain. Last time they talk big about keeping the environment clean and using Hybrid and EEV cars. Now all masuk longkang.
Euro 2M petrol nd diesel was banned in whole of Europe in 1994 because it was prven to be toxic, poison and cancer causing. 24 years later, we are still using this dirty petrol and dirty diesel
90% of all disels cars in Malaysia use Euro 2 Diesel and 100% of all cars in Malaysia use dirty Euro 2 petrol
Test yur performance first bro before testing autonmous stuff…it is not a success in advanced countries..indo and thai all becoming EEV Hub while u want to lompat to autonomous
wehh autonomous money sucking ah. delete all these traitors pls. can only think of ways to cart money into ur pocket.
Nasi lemak 2.0……
Tukar lah madani ni
There are so many people can do his job even better
Hahaha sembang lebih, apa cerita ELV policy? Talk big, nothing ever materialised from this guy. Execute your plan, talk when there are results.
Easy Job bro..MAd….saRI..
not built by your own money..So happy GOOGLE & make Power Point.
Even we Google more than you..your Slide & fact only works for stupid/ no internet region
Easy life..not in 2019
Oh look at him in his little MARii uniform giving speech about autonomous vehicle test so cute and chubby
A man desperately trying to find his own relevance in terms of his organisation’s existence. Yet, nothing he spews is of any substance. It is after all written for him by his team, including some former journalists.
macam projek angkasawan buang duit billions billions,
apa dapat ialah balik kawin bikin anak
Why do we need a specific institute to do all this. Let the private sector handles everything.
Focus on supporting and creating an environment for the industry to develop further .
Dont get involved, just create the environment.
Lofty ideas require real grey matter … I don’t see it here
these jokers are best in just putting up whatever in the latest tech and knows nothing about the economic and technology sense…
Doesn’t this sounds like many years ago some jokers said to straight host the Olympics instead of the Asia game?
Can i apply for his job??
this will never work in malaysia. for a start, our roads, especially urban roads are built according to the whims and fancy of the contractor selected. there is no adherence to set specifications and design. On top of that, the crazy irrational way malaysian bikers and drivers behave sometimes.
Wah this Madani puppet still has a job ah… lol