Pasir Gudang City Council to fine residents for parking in front of own houses; up to RM2k fine, one year jail

Pasir Gudang City Council to fine residents for parking in front of own houses; up to RM2k fine, one year jail

(UPDATE: The Pasir Gudang City Council (MBPG) will decide this Wednesday on the enforcement of penalties for parking in front of houses and obstructing traffic, Berita Harian has reported.

The decision will be made following a meeting, and enforcement of the penalties will be carried out in phases once it receives approval by its council members, said Pasir Gudang mayor Datuk Asman Shah Abd Rahman. The council will hold awareness and education sessions for the community, and it expects that these sessions will be carried out until the end of the year, the Pasir Gudang mayor said.)

Car owners who park outside their own house in Pasir Gudang, Johor will be fined up to RM2,000 according to the Pasir Gudang City Council (MBPG), BFM reported on Twitter. In addition to the fine, violators may face a jail sentence of up to one year for serious violations.

These penalties align with laws including Section 48 (1) of the Land Transport Act and Sections 48(1) and 49(1)(g) of the Drainage and Buildings Act, and violators may also face charges under the 2011 Vandalism Ordinance of Section 3(n) of the Local Government Ordinance, according to a notice posted by MBPG to its Facebook page.

Violators of Section 48 (1) of the Land Transport Act and Sections 48(1) and 49(1)(g) of the Drainage and Buildings Act may be fined up to RM500 for the first offence, and up to RM1,000 for subsequent offences. Meanwhile, violators of the 2011 Vandalism Ordinance of Section 3(n) of the Local Government Ordinance may be fined up to RM2,000 or be sentenced to jail for up to one year, or both.

This notice was posted following complaints residents about vehicles parked in front of their homes, causing traffic issues and unease in the neighbourhood, BFM wrote.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Bangsa johor on Oct 09, 2023 at 11:27 am

    Next they will fine and jail you for leaving your shoes at your doorstep and dustbin in front of your house

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  • No problem lah. After the year end festive season until early next year, everything will go back to normal.

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  • Service4Rakyat on Oct 09, 2023 at 11:43 am

    Got saman, no solution

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  • As long as it doesn’t touch or block the public roads, I assume won’t be summoned right?

    I’ve seen good parkers they park on the grass or right outside their gate all the way in without blocking anything.. I’ve seen some even more professional ones, they cucuk facing the gate. Half their car is on the road blocking the whole lane.

    So if both gets summoned, it makes no sense right?

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  • ThePolygon on Oct 09, 2023 at 11:59 am

    Parked in front of their homes, causing traffic issues and unease in the neighbourhood… memang patut disaman.
    it’s more towards “causing traffic issues” and not really about park in front of own house now is it?

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  • Henry on Oct 09, 2023 at 12:15 pm

    Like this means “durian runtuh” for the Majlis Perbandaran.”

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  • I find this idiotic. Quite a lot of people which has more than 3 people in the household tend to have more than 2 cars. If their children cannot afford a house yet, and needs a car to travel for work, where do they park? Not everyone can afford house that has spacious land for them to park. If they park properly without any obstructions, then what seems to be the issue? It’s not a sin to park. If there are works carried out, I believe the owners shouldn’t have a problem relocating it momentarily. Jangan ikut tekak masing2. Tengok beban rakyat. Not everyone is rich that can afford a big house with big parking. If like that, then the local govt should provide bigger homes, bigger plotted land with B40 prices. How about that.

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    • Orange PG on Oct 09, 2023 at 11:06 pm

      Have you been to pasir gudang lately? Try to live here first then comment again. House too small to park car, then use moto. Risau safety? Use the public bus la. The bus is mostly on time.

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    • It’s not about that. It’s more on those who simply parked in front of their house gate where it blocked part of the road. Like Tt, I’ve seen some that parked with half of the car body on the road without a care for others! If you have multiple cars and not able to parked all in your own compound, then be sensible and parked appropriately where you don’t cause a disturbance. Tak kan la buang sampah merata-rata dan bagi alasan yang kita mampu beli 1 tong je bila tong sampah sendiri dah penuh? Like you said, park properly.

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  • Ben Yap on Oct 09, 2023 at 1:37 pm

    Good move! other states should enforce that too. Make these house owners pay for the parking or else get fined.

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  • Kiasso on Oct 09, 2023 at 1:41 pm

    Want to check, do Singapore have this intentionally selective Rule for Landed Property?

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    • Orange PG on Oct 09, 2023 at 11:09 pm

      Yes. Singapore even have more strict rule on roadside parking. They don’t only saman. They tow first then they saman you.

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  • Teresa Kok on Oct 09, 2023 at 1:42 pm

    Just fine them! Buy a bigger house if you own more than one car!

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  • t333son on Oct 09, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    Tak faham this news. What if small house with only 1 parking space in porch area? Husband and wife need 2 cars for work etc. The news gives an impression that maybe the council thinks everyone live in bungalows that can fit 6 to 10 cars? I am sure that is not the case. More details needed pls to comprehend this news.

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    • Ben Yap on Oct 09, 2023 at 5:15 pm

      just drive 1 car and the other just ride motor. motor can park inside.

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    • Karam Singh on Oct 10, 2023 at 1:02 pm

      A family of 5 live in a 5 room double story house. Luckily the porch can take 2 cars. But father has 1 car, mother has 1 car. The youngest child no license so no car. But the first 2 children also working and have 1 car each.

      What’s the problem? Blocking the path making it narrower. Even worse parking in front of neighbouring house. Go find a proper non-obstructing spot to park. Then walk home. Even if its 2km away. That’s your problem.

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  • The problem is with indiscriminate parking on Oct 09, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    The last paragraph of this article says that this notice was posted following complaints residents about vehicles parked in front of their homes, causing traffic issues and unease in the neighbourhood. So, the problem is more likely due to other people’s vehicles being indiscriminately parked in front of other people’s houses without permission. Thus, MBPG should apply an alternative solution without needing to also penalise the residents themselves.

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  • Fine the developer 1st!!

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  • Mike Tee on Oct 09, 2023 at 4:21 pm

    Headline should say “Car owners who park on public roads will be fined”. Just because the road happens to be in front of your house gives you no rights whatsoever

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  • Tirisa Cock on Oct 09, 2023 at 4:33 pm

    Time beli rumah x tau ke yg kita beli dari pagar ke pagar? Luar pagar hak awam, hak jalan. Budak2 main badminton lg berhak dari kereta kau parking. Plg sakit hati, dlm rumah biar kosong, tp park luar pagar.

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  • My neigbour told ME on Oct 09, 2023 at 4:38 pm

    The area infront of her house and opposite of road belong to them

    They paid Cukai tanah and got Grant

    MAYBE the whole road also belong to THEM

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  • Council on Oct 09, 2023 at 4:52 pm

    In Singapore you need to pay parking fees if you park outside the boundaries of their house.

    This land belong to the council. It’s up to the council to charge or not.

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  • Guess that area got many complaints thats why authorities take action. Those who park obstructing junction and visibility, yes should take action, otherwise leave us alone. Whole family in one house, no bus to go mrt station which is 20-30mins away, ppl still nd cars . Haiz problem with making this country car centric but no solution

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  • Alot of the 30 yrs old terrace can only fit one car driving thru. Whats the solution huh? Want to penalise the people but where’s the solution

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  • seancorr on Oct 09, 2023 at 6:12 pm

    End of the day it’s a government issue. No proper public transport so rakyat have to buy vehicles to commute to work but then no space provided to park their vehicles.

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  • Phuddi sung lee on Oct 09, 2023 at 8:17 pm

    Daily dose of one garbage story, treat rakyat (tax payer)like dogs,when election time no such garbage ️ stories ,

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  • albag on Oct 10, 2023 at 9:14 am

    good move, settle this once and for all.. but most importantly hope all these are not just for wayang only, jangan nanti hangat2 tahi ayam

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  • can park but dont block rubbish truck to do their duties.

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  • Ketuanan Iban on Oct 10, 2023 at 2:35 pm

    Taliban style management no time to work.

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  • Neighbours on Oct 10, 2023 at 8:03 pm

    Great I totally agree!! I will make a report because it is difficult for me to enter. The car owner has no brain. Selfish. The house can park 2 cars. I don’t understand why you still have to park your vehicle outside. And trouble others. Close to the entrance of the junction. I will make a report tomorrow. Good job MBPG

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  • toh s h on Oct 11, 2023 at 12:55 am

    there are some house owner who extand the build up area until the gate , so there are no more space for car to incident happen few years ago at my taman , a house caught fire during midnight and the fire engine (bomba) can not enter/reach the house due to many cars parking on both side of the road.

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  • jackie chan on Oct 16, 2023 at 4:35 am

    the law says “hadapan rumah”, so park at the back of the house is ok right.

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