Tinted window ban among proposals received by KPWKM after three child deaths in cars in two months

Tinted window ban among proposals received by KPWKM after three child deaths in cars in two months

In light of recent child deaths due to being left in vehicles, among the proposals received by the ministry of women, family and community development (KPWKM) is for tinted vehicle windows to be banned, The Vibes has reported.

This comes after three child deaths were reported in the last two months after being left alone in a vehicle. “I am aware of such cases and we are working on enhancing the current standard operating procedures (SOP) to prevent recurrences. The Forgotten Baby Syndrome is indeed worrying, and we certainly want to prevent hot car deaths,” said women, family and community development minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri.

Another idea is for kindergartens or nurseries to contact the parents of children who are absent, the minister said, adding that she has been under pressure to take action to address such cases but clarified that she could only act within the purview of her ministry.


The most recent incident cited was the death of a two-year-old last Wednesday, after she was left alone in a car for eight hours, and initial investigations in this case found her mother had dropped off two other children around 7am that day. The mother proceeded to the two-year-old’s kindergarten, however she received a phone call upon arrival, and forgot about the child in the car.

Last month, a 16-month-old girl died after being found unconscious in a car at a public university in Kuala Nerus, Kuala Terengganu, and initial investigations found that the child’s father had forgotten to send the child to daycare at the university campus before beginning work at the same university.

Earlier in October, an eight-month-old girl died after being left in a car parked in Canselor Tuanku Muhriz Hospital in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, when she was mistakenly left in the vehicle by her mother, a doctor at the hospital, thinking she had already sent the child to daycare.

Deaths are tragic, more so when they are avoidable. What do you think of the proposal to ban tinted vehicle windows for this purpose?

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Anonymous on Nov 14, 2023 at 10:46 am

    Marahkan nyamuk kelambu di bakar.

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    • Sohai on Nov 15, 2023 at 9:11 pm

      Atomi lok NO STANDARD, follow guidance TO MEET TAUKE AP Estima Alphard rear & and side rear dark glass then SOP allowed dark tint.
      If later AP Estima Alphard rear & side rear glass is YELLOW color, then Atomi Lok wil said NOW banana YELLOW TINT is allowed as per new SOP. Sohai betoi by right all windows tint must able to see thru…

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  • Squid on Nov 14, 2023 at 10:46 am

    Everyone have to pay the price due to some useless parents?

    Sounds like something happening in the middle east

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    • Let's be clear on Nov 15, 2023 at 11:57 pm

      Useless parents? You mean, those people whose land have been stolen and now, having no water, no food but only HollyBombs falling on their heads? Or those useless parents who breed their kids to hate other kids and people who are not circoncized at the 8th day in the name of Yahweh ?

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      • Martic on Nov 16, 2023 at 11:26 am

        Basically the useless parents who voted Hamas into power. Notice how there’s no more elections in Gaza after that? Same thing will happen here once the rempits and the “lets teach PH a lesson” gang vote PuAS into power next GE. After that we become caliphate and no more election and nowhere to go cry mother father. Future generations will blame us.

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        • Back to reality on Nov 16, 2023 at 11:41 pm

          Martic… If you had a minimum of political and historical knowledge, you would know that Hamas has been created and funded by the Israeli in order to replace a National struggle against occupation by a religious fight.

          Hamas was created as a controlled opposition. Israeli money was sent to Qatar then send in several Chanel to Palestine in order to take over the politique resistance (Socialiste Arab) and put instead Islamic new leaders… Arafat had too much support from the West, so they put their own “Muslim golem” instead.

          It is much more easy for the Jews to convinced people that they are victims of “bad-bad Islamic terrorist” rather than facing a legitimate Palestinians resistance.

          You, Martic, are a liar or an idiot. In all the case, Palestinians are the legitimate people of Palestine and not a bunch of Ashkenazi from Poland, Russia or France.

          Israël is simply a grotesque fabrication! A fake country fully funded on Western stolen taxpayers money. Without USA and the City, Israel would not exist.

          Now, if you like so much the Jews, why not you go to Israel and stay with your idols?
          Of course, if your are not Jewish (from the blood, racially speaking) they would treat you like Palestinians, like non-Jews, like animals.

          (according to their religion, Goys are beasts created by their exclusive god Yahveh to serve the chosen people – Jewish only.)

          The most racists group on Earth are those Israeli. Racists, thieves and immoral to the core.

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        • Illusion of power on Nov 16, 2023 at 11:44 pm

          Elections? LOL


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        • Boycott Tint brains by Netflix on Nov 17, 2023 at 12:01 am

          “””Basically the useless parents who voted Hamas into power”””

          Nobody voted Hamas, you idiot! Hamas has been put on the stage to show (((Ben Laden Evil))) on western TVs, instead of civilians defending their lands!

          Lots of people believe that Jews are very smart, but in fact it’s the people who have become more and more stupid!

          How to make the people so stupid? Feed them with more sugar, more additives, more video games, more entertainment and more injections… Let them lost their last once of historical consciousness.

          Worse than Jews? Their stupid Shabbat goys like you.

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        • Democracy is just an illusion on Nov 17, 2023 at 9:19 am

          If the resistance group Hamas was the only people shooting back to the oppressors trying to steal my house, I would not wait for (((elections))) —> I would immediately join them!

          Jews only understand strong authority and violence. If you enter their (((dialectic game))), you always lose.

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  • kyosho on Nov 14, 2023 at 10:51 am

    Nothing gonna do with tinted window. banned them from driving with kids.

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  • All it takes is one idiot to ruin everything for everyone.

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  • Yeahsure on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:00 am

    irresponsible parents should face the law , not ban tinted windows …what logic is this???

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    • Hyper-logic on Nov 16, 2023 at 12:05 am

      irresponsible parents should face the law , not ban tinted windows …what logic is this???

      The logic is :

      – lots of tinted windows drivers are irresponsible too, that’s why they hide their face from other drivers who try to see who are those fuc#ers driving like s#it all around.

      The other logic is:

      – if you have a car, u have aircon,
      – if you can afford tint windows, u can afford some good driving sunglasses.

      Final logic :

      – let the taxpayers have access to number plate ‘s owners name. So, tint windows will not protect you from other drivers eyes.

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  • Careless of the parents not being aware of their children, it’s not related to the window tinted. The parents should make sure nothing is leftover in the car before they leave the car parking at the car park. Parents should take full responsibility for their children, it’s not the government to take care of their children.

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  • Badrul on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:08 am

    Typical malaysian. Why not ban from carrying infant in the car.

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    • Back to reality on Nov 16, 2023 at 11:12 am

      Why not ban vaxxed people to drive, so they will not kill other people during their strokes? Yeah, vaxxed people are time-bomb on road (airplane still have 2 pilots, so, the probability that both get stroke at same the time is acceptable :-/)

      We should boycott all the doctors (corrupted drug dealers) and public-puppets who forced people to get injected with Genetically Modified Toxic protein that causes so many death and irreversible side-effects. Babies born dead with early auto-immune disease syndrome and other turbo-cancers.

      Fu#k Boycott Zeus or Starbucks, let’s boycott the real culprits, with blood on their hands (and offshore account filled by Pfizer & Co)

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  • First of all, the parents who caused these deaths should undergo strict rehabilitation and counseling to prevent such recurrence. They should understand their responsibilities no matter what else which may come along the way.
    Secondly, heavily tinted windows are not only a risk in such situations, but more so for driving conditions. One is not able to see the traffic ahead of the car in front of them with heavily tinted windows. This should be reduced to 70% tint on a maximum. Also, allowing heavy tints encourage more road rage as one is not able to see the person inside the car, thinking that they can evade being caught.

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  • CarBuyer on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:13 am

    For (driving) safety reasons, I’ve always felt that allowing 100 percent tint of the back window was wrong. The 3rd brake light was introduced to help the 2nd car behind see “through” the car ahead, to get advanced notice of traffic slowing down or stopping.

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  • Mat Rambutan on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:14 am

    Heavy-handed much? Like those clowns who want to introduce surveillance and ban encryption under a “save the children” guise.

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  • far east on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:19 am

    hopefully only stay in the proposal phase

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  • Apa lancau punya logic nk ban tinted windows, should just ban them from having children instead

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  • adam san on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:34 am

    in my point of view, this should put parents/guardian of the kids to jail! how could the ministry relate this to automotive tinting? please prove to us 70%vlt window films achieve good enough tser(total solar energy reduction) for ppl like me which goes outstation on a weekly basis, the glare and heat from our weather is juz tat high!

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  • pomen on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:41 am

    blaming tinted for kids death or criminal, blaming number plate size for car accident…funny government

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  • Life Saving on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:49 am

    Due to tinted window at rear door and rear window 100% lead to pass by people not aware baby w left inside car. Tinted front 50% at rear 100% is not a positive. Please review due to life concern stop allow window tinted should be 90% clear screen. It able to prevent crime as well. Hope YB Dato Anthony Loke to do something as these is life concern.

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  • vtec200k on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:51 am

    tinted or not, is not the main reason. Parents may still forgotten if they didnt turn their head back to look. Example, talking on a phone while walking out of the car to workplace
    hopefully all daycare/kindergarten/taska centres to add resources to everyday check on babies that are scheduled to be fetched by parents, if they are late by half and hour, an alarming SOP should follows, perhaps calling the next of kins / office / work place, if uncontactable, to immediately report to police.

    Relying on car sensor / car prevention / or any high tech stuffs are not gonna solve all the millions of cars that’s already on the road.

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  • Don’t punish the people for others mistakes. The problem is not the tinting. The problem is people keep breeding when they shouldn’t have. They clearly don’t have the capability to handle so many kids.

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  • This what happens when someone talks without thinking. If parents can’t talk responsibility then ask them to not have kids, why do the rest of us need to suffer.

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  • Too many wandering mind drivers on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:06 pm

    We fully support Banned idiotic parent

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  • DonkeyKong on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:08 pm

    Self-inflicted tragedies exacerbated by stupid transport ministry policy. Even outsiders can’t see that a child is left in the car. If the child is struggling in there, no one will notice and no help will come. Even the mentally retarded parents won’t be able to notice at a glance that the kids are left in the car.

    Likewise, any kidnapped child can be easily transported away because members of the public can’t see what’s inside a car.

    This black tinting rule is dumb from all angles but appeal to idiots who think it’s stylish to have blackout tints, and to road bullies who are “braver” and more aggressive when their faces can’t be seen

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  • Phuddi sung lee on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:09 pm

    It’s mistake done by deceased kids , can measure level of stupidity they have , I have kids n I believe all mature parents never ever have this stupid acts,
    Rather then ban on tinted better ban on cars , but not for us instead ban to those immature who can forget they have kids in car ,

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  • B-21 navigator on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:11 pm

    A few brands of car has feature to warn driver when locking door if detected there’s rear seats passenger ok

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  • Ajibkor on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Even if we 200%ban tints, the deaths will increase,cos the parents r too occupied with something in their brains,that they can forget toddlers r left in cars.Start jailing these parents..others will find ways n means to remember their precious toddlers in cars all the time.

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  • sunburned on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:15 pm

    if tint is banned, then can government come out with an incentive for yearly skin cancer testing, and absorb the costs for all UV related diseases?

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  • sebabkan 1 orang, berjuta merana on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:17 pm

    dumb people leaving their kids in their cars, then now causing millions of motorists to suffer the hot sun?

    dont make sense.

    why not ban B40 motorbikes since many accidents involving them? why not ban religion since religion caused divide and fighting almost everyday?

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  • Shiba on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:17 pm

    Please dont ban dark window just because of some stupid adults mistake. They should not have kid if they can make such mistake.

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  • do you think tint is at fault or the careless of the driver ???

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  • Paksu dulu PN on Nov 14, 2023 at 12:41 pm

    Can sue the parent for manslaughter. 1 too many

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  • t333son on Nov 14, 2023 at 1:05 pm

    Yes pls. all these too dark tints are a threat to society. Not only can’t we see people in distress in the vehicles, crooks and idiots also like to hide behind them. the aggressive traffic scumbags all have tints that hide their faces. What about burglars, robbers , kidnappers etc technology has improved so much that IR and UV rejection films are very good to reject heat. no reason to go black anymore

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  • Habiby Is on Nov 14, 2023 at 1:11 pm

    Agree. Time to banned darker tinted. Return to previous specifications tinted.

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    • Going by your flawed logic, Why don’t you ban some people from having kids at all.

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  • Can tint but need to limit the darkness of the tint especially for the rear windscreen and rear sides. Nowadays alot of cars like to tint rear windscreen until it’s pitch dark .. very dangerous for car behind if they don’t see what’s going on 2-3 cars ahead.

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  • Interesting leadership to applies this ban.

    You can relate the tinting to the case,
    But you out of millions tinted parents car, at what percentage these parents left thier kids behind?

    So, how is this ban effective?

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  • cinggu on Nov 14, 2023 at 1:24 pm

    minister wants to make SOPs for rakyats lives? sounds stupid. when in doubt, old BN guard can always go USA jalan2 education visit 2 months and report nothing back.

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  • Cynical Clown on Nov 14, 2023 at 1:25 pm

    Yes, while they are at it, why not ban cars for parents with young children as well…what a joke.

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  • Why not parents be better parents instead? You’d ban anything that you don’t agree but never take your parenting skills right.

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  • AL88MZ on Nov 14, 2023 at 1:55 pm

    Banning tinted windows? What’s next, banning certain car features or accessories because their kids were playing around with it? (When they really should be belted up and/ or in a child seat.)

    Whatever happened to responsibility as parents? I’m seeing a pretty common pattern herw when I come across such cases.

    Where I am, leaving a child in the car can lead to very harsh penalties, and the blame is put on the parent(s) lack of care/ diligence rather than the car or the car having tinted windows.

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  • Remove tinted will not help, it is more of carelessness and forgetful. Suggest car producers can create internal motion sensor for parked car, set of car alarm when detected movement inside a car to create attention to people close by to check out the car and at the same time alert to car owners. Part of safety features for those people. Different alarm sounds to describe different type of situation.

    More practical

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  • I agree, any tinted with lesser than 30% VLT should be consider as illegal

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  • Suggest the car producers create a internal car motion sensor to detect movement inside a parked car. It set up an car alarm (different type of sound) to create attention to people nearby to check out the car and send out motion alert detected to car owner to their mobile app. It should be part of safety feature.

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  • Idiots on Nov 14, 2023 at 3:27 pm

    Why don’t WE BAN ALL KNIVES for sales. As it may be used to KILL people in times of RAGE and MADNESS. So … ONLY SPECIAL PERMITS for mothers who Is COOKING at Home. Then … Public Cooks, The Canteen Cooks, Restaurants cooks, etc. What HAPPENDS if some CRAZY guy run to the KITCHEN and GRAB the knives and KILL someone. Is the REGISTERD owner of the KNIVE also chargable with MURDER ?? CRAZY …… !!!!

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    • Back to reality on Nov 16, 2023 at 2:57 pm

      Wait, they already forbid non vaxxed people to buy food, in order to protect “vaxxed people” you get that nonsense ?

      Since people obey to the worse bulls#it, a little bit more will not hurt :-/

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  • YB Kunta Kinte on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:27 pm

    Why dont Nancy Shukri propose those forgetful parents drive sports cars without the top.
    This surely will save lives.
    The onus is on the forgetful parents.Not more legislation to ban this and ban that.
    Today,I was utterly shocked to see a familiar stupidity case of a man who left his new Expander engine running,with 4 kids inside.He walked very gungho to the 7 eleven next to the Shell station.He could have his Expander driven away with his 4 kids by a total stranger.NOt only will the car insurer deny his claims,he has to face the loss of his kids.

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    • Sohai on Nov 14, 2023 at 7:22 pm

      Atomi lok standard guided by tauke recon estima welfire alfuk of dark tinted to apply sane concept to all car. Teoritically all windows should be visibility thru….

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  • davenport on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    The benefit of banning tinted windows for this purpose is only realized in the off-chance that passer-bys might notice the child in the rear seat, which by itself is a long shot in the dark.

    In fact without tint, the cabin would heat up even quicker under the sun, reducing the child’s survivable hours/minutes.

    The more practical approach is for maternity facilities to educated new parents on such risks and preventative measures that can be taken. Even a simple “check your child in the back” sticker on the dashboard/door is more effective than banning windows tint.

    I understand some cars come with rear seat reminders as well, not sure which locally sold car is equipped with it.

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    • Dah Menang Semua on Nov 14, 2023 at 5:16 pm

      ISOFIX latch doesn’t use seat belt

      Need law to charge parental murdering

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    • Toyotas

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    • Use innovations ,not ban innovations,Clueless Nancy on Nov 14, 2023 at 7:56 pm

      Just put a blardy beep device that will beep once the forgetful parent is more than a half minute not with the toddler.,instead of kacau ahlokekor to reduce tint.JPJ gonna get kepala pusing,so many u turns.

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    • Put your handbag/laptop in the backseat with the baby, that way you won’t forget the check back, right?

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  • What else on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    Pandai buat anak je, apa lagi pandai

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    • Birgins Club on Nov 14, 2023 at 6:51 pm

      Brain cells degraded after bearing childrens

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      • you lost on Nov 18, 2023 at 1:32 pm

        Brain cells degraded after bearing radio-sensitives nano particles in our organism.

        In fact, getting injected with hydroxide of graphene doesn’t help blood circulation to the brain either…

        But yeah… Let’s blame seasonal flue and tint glasses lol

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    • We’re good at these too on Nov 15, 2023 at 12:11 am

      Mintak pengeluaran khas kwsp
      Mengeteh, mengumpat, kuat dengki
      Pamalas tunggu tongkat gomen
      Boikot jenama ni tu tapi pakai iPhone main fb

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  • Alihms on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:42 pm

    Put a motion sensor detector inside the vehicle. Alarm goes off when it detects motion. Or call the vehicle owner with a pre-canned voice recording message. This needs a simcard though.

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  • Regular citizen on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    So meaning without tint parents won’t forget child in car? What logic is this? Child was inside the car with parents, right? Admit your carelessness , don’t blame the tint.

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    • passer-by can see if child inside car lor..

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    • Clueless Nancy on Nov 14, 2023 at 8:07 pm

      The education n this kebajikan dude,are TOTALLY square pegs in a round hole.
      Just ridiculous how they solve problems.
      In fact they increase problems.

      They r like the black socks education dude..until mamak have to sack the clown.
      Just pathetic how PMX can pick leaders of this calibre.
      Msia..world class infra but clueless lawmakers.

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  • More practical solution on Nov 14, 2023 at 7:05 pm

    How about mandating car manufcatureres to fit a sensor to detect IR or Heat signature behind your seat, beeping alarm if you leave your car when detecting the presence of IR or heat as similar as you do when a leaving your car with a headlight ON. It is not that expensive to have one fitted and embedded into the eco system of the car.

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  • Sohai on Nov 14, 2023 at 7:46 pm

    Ban tinting to prevent child death? I have better ideas, why not just ban car all together? All drive motor won’t have such problem right? Or we should ban locking up the car?

    If someone is killed by a kitchen knife means the whole society can’t use kitchen knife, sound about right?

    Enforcing the baby seat to be infront next to the driver will reduce the chance of forgetfulness? But make sure is front facing and comply with airbag deployment lah.

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  • No tint leads to hotter car interior . Child dies faster

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  • Congrats PH voters on Nov 14, 2023 at 11:50 pm

    PH minister always like to make a joke.. always gave stupid explanation/suggestion.. congratulations to PH supporter..

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  • paparadzi on Nov 15, 2023 at 2:23 am

    I wonder, are all those incidents involved dark tinted windows?

    Or will it be something like banning high-speed driving on highways when the actual cause of accidents are mostly due to reckless driving?

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  • Barking at the wrong tree! on Nov 15, 2023 at 10:07 am

    What tinting got to do with this? I just don’t understand what are they thinking. Take out the tint don’t it make the car even hotter ? Do a public radio reminder every morning rush hours to remind parents about their kids.

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  • aNotherJoKeOftheDay on Nov 15, 2023 at 10:39 am

    why not ban giving birth? why not ban parent fetching kids? wat a joke! ban all vehicles on the road. no car no motor no accident no death. go back stay inside hutan.

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  • We should ban experimental injections and Jewish Medias…. Then, come back to a leading National quality food production to regenerate people.

    Finally, Malaysian Ringgit should not be indexed on $USD but real value. Not that shitty monkey fake Jewish money printed by the (((Fed)))

    Make a coalition to neutralise that cancerous thing called Israel (and its money laundry platform bellow Johor called Singa-poor)

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  • abcdefg on Nov 18, 2023 at 9:20 pm

    What does tinting window has to do with idiot parents? With the same logic are you gonna ban parents for fetching kids in cars? Ban cars? Ban having kids?

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