Foreigners no longer get free GoKL bus service

Foreigners no longer get free GoKL bus service

Beginning December 1, foreigners will have to pay to ride the GoKL bus service in Kuala Lumpur city centre. Charges will be imposed in stages on GoKL routes 01 (Green), 02 (Purple), 03 (Red) and 04 (Blue).

Malaysian citizens and children under age 12 continue to ride GoKL for free. Payment for GoKL rides is cashless using Touch ‘n Go, QR code, credit or debit card.

Foreigners no longer get free GoKL bus service

For Malaysians riding GoKL buses using their MyKad with Touch ‘n Go function, the MyKad must be registered at registration counters set up at the KLCC bus stop, or the final terminals at Titiwangsa (Pekeliling) and Pasar Seni. Registration begins December 1 from 7 am to 7 pm with a two-hour break from 12 pm to 2 pm.

Additionally, from December 6, a registration counter for GoKL MyKad users will be open every Wednesday at City Hall lobby. Operating hours are from 9 am to 4 pm with a two-hour break for lunch.

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Mohan K Ramanujam

Coming with diverse and extensive experience in heavy engineering, Mohan enjoys making anything with wheels go fast, especially motorcycles. His weapon of choice is the Desmoquattro engine, and he has a penchant for anything with a dash of Italian design. Strangely enough, he insists he's a slow rider.



  • ROBBIE FOWLER on Nov 30, 2023 at 10:48 am

    I understood where they are coming from, it’s good to have income from non-Malaysians for using these services. The question is why need to register physically and not online considering the day and age that we are currently living in now?

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    • MB Sanusi on Nov 30, 2023 at 5:17 pm

      Most of them r from the same juzuk as me.. So no problem to gips them free tikey bas GoKedah.

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  • Shld done long ago! on Nov 30, 2023 at 10:54 am

    Good. Shld enforce to all public free buses like those in Selangor. Charge foreigner higher than Msian for other public transport. No need to subsidise them. At least charge 3x higher than local fare. This will certainly increase the service provider revenue.

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    • Nomad on Dec 07, 2023 at 4:39 am

      Foreigner are also tax payers, aren’t they supposed to get same treatment as you locals? Most of the foreigners here worked as helper or in construction job so wage is not much different from locals (but wait, why do employers hire foreign people if there are locals here?? Ohh i heard they are LAZY) so to charge them x3 for using public transport is NON SENSE, EGOCENTRIC, and just plain STUPID idea. When they take bus or train, its the same stinky ass (like yours) they use to sit. Their asses are not “acid-like” that would melt down the seat faster, compare you yours.
      Brother, dont let hatred swallow you alive. Use your brain, God give you that for a reason.

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  • Peppa on Nov 30, 2023 at 12:05 pm

    Good. Now provide busses that only can be access by locals. I am sick of these uncivilized bangladeshis rohingyas indons nepalese pakistanis

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  • Alfred on Nov 30, 2023 at 12:13 pm

    KL has too much people

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    • KL Fella on Nov 30, 2023 at 7:39 pm

      Too much breeding

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      • Seitha on Dec 01, 2023 at 11:29 am

        Yes, the slightly richer banglas/pakistanis are looking for single fat malay women and marry them…then apply for license for stalls, restaurants and kedai runcit!!

        as we go from jalan raja laut to jalan ipoh, just after Tan Chong, we can see, all the old shops all rented out to Pakistani restaurants… about 300 metres of shops all pakaistani restaurnats

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    • Why?! Why?! Why?! on Nov 30, 2023 at 11:40 pm

      i think Kl has too much low class ppl. if u watch the recent youtube videos and compare between cities, it hardly see any migrant in their tourist location especially SG orchard rd, look their recent city video, hardly see even 1 bangla. But if u watch video abt bukit bintang, bangla more than tourists! I really cant understand y we need to bring in so many migrant to work in shopping malls? Tht dont represent Msia culture..Tourist will misunderstood tht they r part of us! Govt must not allow them to work in retail/ front line service jobs! Arent they only can work in 3D jobs?? Sigh….

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  • Alek Ho on Nov 30, 2023 at 1:17 pm

    Yesterday I rode the bus fr S’ban to Pudu Raya, walked to Pasar Seni, took the free GoKL to Pavilion. I’ve done this about 150 times in the past mn yrs. As usual they were mostly Banglas, Filipinos, etc. 1 Spanish couple. I really don’t mind the foreign workers. I could bear the ethnic ‘fragrances’. Some would stare at the foreign women – at the ‘wrong places’. Most behave well. One Filipino woman turned on her video – loud, intentionally, ‘F you, f, f, mother f**ker, etc.’ What the heck did she do that for? Maybe she thought the loud cursing language would give her an upgraded image? I told her loudly, ‘Stop, stop, stop that!’. She turned it down.

    About 40% of the drivers are impatient & rude. One person was pushing his baby in the trolley to exit the middle door but the foreigns were blocking him, when he reached it, it shut suddenly. He pressed the bell, the driver shouted at him, ‘Cepat lah!’. Other days, the elderly would be blocked from leaving by people entering & standing in the way, the door closes, when someone shouts Nanti!, the driver would scream abuse. Impatient, reckless drivers would accelerate, swerve suddenly, causing elderly tourists to fall over to the floor. The young driver didn’t care at all when he saw it. Some would hide their name badges from us. These compulsive, arrogant & reckless drivers must be taken off ASAP. My heart rage as I recall those past happenings. Make sure they’ve no means to hide their identities

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    • Concerned Citizen on Nov 30, 2023 at 4:42 pm

      If not all are allowed free rides, at least all contributing to the economy and paying taxes should be allowed free rides, irrespective of them being citizens or not.
      If they do not fall into the taxable bracket, perhaps a special tax should be introduced for the the non-citizens, at a nominal rate to cover their use of public facilities. This would be much cheaper and more efficient than to set up a system to enable payment by some and not others.
      Understandably there will be cultural differences but that should not be a reason to be treated disrespectfully.

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    • Wondering..?? on Nov 30, 2023 at 11:26 pm

      how bout u imagine as u r the bus driver, every day need to stuck in the jam for hours with the heat and sunlight, evading all the rempits, facing all the uncivilised foreign worker that dont understand rule and language and smell their super perfume. I think u can be even angrier and rude.

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      • Alek Ho on Dec 01, 2023 at 10:31 pm

        The problematic drivers (corrected:15-20% -my perception) would be impatient, compulsive & unkind – even when conditions were normal or favourable. The busy city routes aren’t plied by rempits; they’re not able to race in such unfavorable conditions. The foreign workers & students were mostly civilized & well behaved, if otherwise, I would say it. I shouldn’t have said, ‘ethnic fragrances’; I said that in jest. They don’t smell. We must stop our bias, racist perceptions of them. They’re aware of the rules & respect them – not all, but by & large, in the GoKl buses. We Malaysians should first judge ourselves, not forgetting many don’t follow/respect the rules (whatever it may be). We are the same in the eyes of our Creator. Peace to all people

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    • The gomen should just tax companies using foreign labour instead. Discrimination in services such as different fares in entrance fee for locals and foreigners is a firm of apartheid.
      Many if these GO drivers are crude and stupid. Can only speak in one language. Will Curse tourist for asking questions. DBKL should ensure proper etiquette training and insist on multilingual drivers. Foreign workers are vital to economy. They are way more productive than locals.

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      • Need to prioritise local plz! on Dec 01, 2023 at 10:12 am

        r u sure they r way more productive? many guards r foreigner, is the work need to be hardworking? Most of them just sit in the grdhse using hp. Is this call productive? And now this foreign guards attitude r getting more arrogant! Y we need their service?? Such a work can give to local especially retirees if they willing to pay higher salary. Train & educate them with etiquette & morals. I agreed tht many drivers r rude, and those employer need to train, educate them and provide incentives or rewards. Many bosses choose to take foreigner bcoz low wages, no annual leave, etc. Remember, local earn & spend in the country while foreigner send their money back which outflow indirectly causing our currency problem. We cant just abandoned and give excuse to employ foreigner. What will happen if many out of work? More social problem later.

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      • Seitha on Dec 01, 2023 at 11:31 am

        So what the locals who are unfortunate to have not had a good education?

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  • Sohai on Dec 05, 2023 at 6:57 pm

    I think is a bad move.
    GoKL is a one selling point of our city to the tourist. They are hardly full except for maybe tush hours. Why not just let the tourist have it? How much are we planing to make anyway from this
    I always disagree with having different treatment / pricing for the same service/ product. We should cut down as much of this as possible.

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  • I do agree strongly with some comments concerning the GOKL drivers, the majority of them seems they are coming out from the last day in jail, they offer them jobs as drivers while they are serving their sentence . Also is true that they are way too many south asians (indians, banglas, pakis etc) that do not have the proper training to behave in public , their corporal odor is allright , because they smell the same as the malay and indons

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  • that the busses bring tourists not only to the attractions but also to the big malls where they spend a lot of money.. maybe they should rather do something for the many many homeless people, e.g. at pasar semi… Yesterday night I saw someone naked, shitting on the street…

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  • Lloyd on Jan 13, 2024 at 12:32 am

    I am tourist in KL have been many times .
    I was in KL three months back and the buses were free .
    Came the other day still says FREE BUS on the side but have to pay .
    So no problem here is my money the rude driver says must use card ,so where to get card ? he can’t tell me .
    Went to sky train and the ticket guy was no help couldn’t explain in plain English where I can go to get this card .Why is it so hard for Malaysians to be polite? Seriously how does the government expect tourists to know where to get the cards so they can get around ?
    They now charge a tourist tax so it’s not like we aren’t contributing .
    The government think they are losing out 9 mil ringgit by not charging foreigners but no way there are 300,000 foreigners a day using the free bus .The government now requires visitors to register online 3 days before they arrive in Malaysia what a hassle they are making for tourists seems like they don’t want people visiting their country.
    Will just go to Thailand instead less hassle’s and it’s the land of the smiles something you don’t see in Malaysia

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  • Sos Cili on Feb 02, 2024 at 3:58 pm

    I’m a Singaporean tourist who frequents KL. Today is my first time paying for the bus and I was caught by surprise that it was no longer free.

    I don’t mind paying the charges if the ride is now more pleasant and based on this ride so far, it appears so. This driver (at least) is no longer speeding and jamming brakes and there is considerably fewer passengers on board. The passengers are also a lot more well-behaved.

    I hope at least they keep the fares down for those paying for it. And let’s hope this good start continues!

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