Diesel Subsidy in Malaysia – here’s how to apply for the Budi Madani RM200/mth subsidy

Diesel Subsidy in Malaysia – here’s how to apply for the Budi Madani RM200/mth subsidy

The Madani government’s much talked about targeted subsidy programme is here, with diesel fuel kicking things off before RON 95 petrol eventually comes onboard. Basically, fuel prices will no longer be at today’s low subsidised price at the pumps, but those deemed in need of assistance will be given direct cash transfers to offset the price increase.

That sum is RM200 per month, as announced by the finance ministry (MoF) yesterday. The Program Bantuan Subsidi Madani, or in short, Budi Madani, is for private owners of diesel vehicles and agriculture smallholders in Peninsular Malaysia. Sabah and Sarawak will continue to receive fuel subsidy at the pumps – no change for East Malaysia.

Applications are open today, May 28, and one can apply for Budi Madani subsidies under Budi Individu or Budi Agri-Komoditi categories for farmers (fleet owners have their own Sistem Kawalan Diesel Bersubsidi fleet card). The criteria for Budi Individual is that one must be a Malaysian citizen and an owner of a JPJ-registered diesel private vehicle.

Click to enlarge

Said vehicle must not be a ‘luxury’ diesel vehicle below 10 years of age. The government is yet to spell out its classification of luxury, so we’ll see if high-end pick-up trucks are included. In any case, owners of such trucks will likely be over the RM100,000 annual income threshold (individuals and couples), and the government said that it will cross-check with LHDN on this. Finally, the diesel vehicle must have valid road tax.

The Budi Madani website is up and the main page greets you with a brief introduction of the programme and why it is needed. Scroll down and you’ll see three categories for applications – the above-mentioned MySubsidi Diesel (SKDS) fleet card, Budi Individu and Budi Agri-Komoditi.

We’ll focus on Budi Individu here. Log in using your IC number without dashes/space and you’ll be directed to a page to fill in all your personal details, as well as the details of the diesel-powered vehicle(s) that you own.

Diesel Subsidy in Malaysia – here’s how to apply for the Budi Madani RM200/mth subsidy

Click to enlarge

What they need is your number plate, make and model of your vehicle, usage class and road tax expiry date. There are a couple of slots if you have more than one applicable vehicle – see the screenshot above. Of course, all the details that you input will be cross-checked with the relevant government agency, which in this case is the JPJ.

MoF says that those whose applications are approved before June 3 will receive their first Budi Madani payout by mid-June, and subsequent payments will be made monthly. For applications approved after June 3, one will receive his/her first payment within two weeks, and every month thereafter. The monthly sum will be transferred into the bank account that you stated in the application form. You can appeal your case if rejected – the website has a ‘rayuan’ section that will be active in mid-June.

It was not explicitly stated, but the fact that payouts will start as early as next month clearly means that pump prices for diesel in Peninsular Malaysia will be floated to market price very soon. As of today, unsubsidised Euro 5 diesel is selling for RM3.33 per litre – compared to the controlled price of RM2.15, that’s an increase of RM1.18 per litre, a 55% jump.

Diesel Subsidy in Malaysia – here’s how to apply for the Budi Madani RM200/mth subsidy

Here’s some back-of-the-envelope calculation. Using RM3.33 per litre as the market price, the Budi Madani RM200 payout will make up the price difference for up to 169.5 litres of diesel fuel a month.

If your truck is doing around 10 km/l, that works out to an average mileage of 1,700 km per month before the targeted subsidy runs out. Do more than that and you’ll pay the full price for diesel, just like the T20s in their Raptors (if that high-performance Ford Ranger is classified as luxury). However, diesel pump prices may be adjusted upwards in stages, as opposed to an overnight jump to market price.

For now, the majority of motorists in their petrol-powered cars will sit and observe, but it surely won’t be long till the government abolishes blanket subsidy for RON 95 fuel. When that happens, it’s logical that this direct cash transfer programme – currently ‘on trial’ with diesel – will be used. At the time of writing, non-subsidised RON 95 is priced at RM3.35 per litre – RM1.30 more than the controlled price of RM2.05, a 63% increase. Are you ready?

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Danny Tan

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats. He has been in the auto industry since 2006, previously filling the pages of two motoring magazines before joining this website. Enjoys detailing the experience more than the technical details.



  • drMpower on May 28, 2024 at 11:58 am

    how that RM200 is worked out?
    how is about 170 litres enough for diesel user?

    it is not that simple, right?

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    • Dah Menang Semua on May 28, 2024 at 1:48 pm

      1,700km best guessed by PT
      for commercial use monthly
      which I think is fair

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    • irwan on May 28, 2024 at 2:27 pm

      If it is not enough meaning you are currently using more subsidy than most people. Reduce your diesel spending lah.

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      • flyingkickhamster on Jun 06, 2024 at 8:14 pm

        bugger! very pandai to ask people to reduce spending, if people dont spend and travel, how la the economy going to thrive? logik sikit la bro

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    • Sick & Tired on May 28, 2024 at 3:14 pm

      Just call it Bodoh Madanon

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    • Ex VGM staff on May 29, 2024 at 1:21 pm

      Wah your monthly diesel bill is rm450 and you want the government to pay full kah?
      Like this towkay balak also sell all lorries.

      The payment is to offset the subsidies revoke. That’s all. We need the our.neighbours up.north and down south to pay proper fuel price without giving any subsidies in anyway whatsoever.

      If your monthly bill is rm450, then you will probably get around rm80 (more or less) in subsidies. which is fair.

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  • RM1.50/L petrol mana? on May 28, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    As above.
    PH Gomen continue to troll millions of Msians

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 39 Thumb down 13
  • Sohai on May 28, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    What’s the cheapest diesel vehicle on sale in Malaysia right now? Anyone?

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    • Paul Tan on May 28, 2024 at 12:50 pm

      most likely a single cab pickup truck

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      • Truckers on May 29, 2024 at 12:20 pm

        I have a fleet of trucks and all my drivers are qualified for diesel subsidy so whoever wants subsidised diesel with slight markups can PM me ya. Hehe #SubsidyBusiness

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  • anonymous on May 28, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    then was was even the point of PADU?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 5
    • INVOKE Malaysia on May 28, 2024 at 2:25 pm

      Collecting rakyat data for selling to telemarketers and scammers

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    • Irwan on May 28, 2024 at 2:28 pm

      Cross reference to determine eligibity as well. More prominent when petrol subsidy removed I guess.

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    • Sick & Tired on May 28, 2024 at 3:15 pm

      To scam you your personal data of course! The whole PH is a pyramid scam meant to benefit only 1 person: PMX!

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 5
    • alldisc on May 29, 2024 at 1:25 pm

      Some vehicles are registered under enterprise companies example Lai Chew Meng Trading or Wong Roof & Tiles Enterprise – PADU cannot detect that as its not link to RoC.

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  • Alex Yeo on May 28, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    Targeted fuel subsidy helps the poor… but only those rich enough to own a vehicle less than 10 years old. Brilliant!

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 9
    • Dan101 on May 28, 2024 at 2:07 pm

      luxury vehicle below 10 years old not qualified. read properly

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    • Irwan on May 28, 2024 at 2:29 pm

      Poor people don’t use diesel truck for personal use. if they use for agriculture, got another way for them to get subsidy.

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    • Comprehension error? From the article:

      “Said vehicle must **NOT** be a ‘luxury’ diesel vehicle below 10 years of age.”

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    • Karpal Sinking on May 28, 2024 at 4:47 pm

      you didnt read that right.

      “Said vehicle must not be a ‘luxury’ diesel vehicle below 10 years of age”

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    • Nik botak on May 29, 2024 at 6:58 am

      agreed bro…the current regime wont last long by the way of how they are handling the economy & ppl cost of living. this move will starts inflation …..what are they smoking??

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0
      • Brian on May 29, 2024 at 11:54 am

        what are they smoking?? Maybe soon they will also follow Thailand to legalise what their smoking.

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  • The number plate is already auto-filled when going into the details page, but only for diesel vehicles registered under the IC number. Now why can’t they auto-populate the model name and registration class also?

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  • Why need to apply again? what happened to PADU?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
    • Bel Jin on May 29, 2024 at 1:28 pm

      PADU applies to name of individuals, not companies such as small enterprises.

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    • who am i on May 29, 2024 at 1:58 pm

      create more jobs, more agencies all doing redundant tasks. MALAYSIA BOLEH

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    • INVOKE Malaysia on May 31, 2024 at 8:17 pm

      Don’t ignore calls from unknown numbers. My payment in the form of 10% cut for every sohai successfully conned by scammers who bought your data from me

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  • useless on May 28, 2024 at 2:07 pm

    more tax coming in the form of less subsidies…all normal/average people will suffer more and non stop debts…

    anything been done to wipe out the leakages and corruptions?…looks like all talk only…

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 2
    • Avenger on May 28, 2024 at 9:31 pm

      You forget that PH backers are the main corrupters and they believed in it 100%. You don’t expect a virus to kill its own disease right?

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
      • Turn M on May 29, 2024 at 11:59 am

        O rly? PH supporters believed that when they voted me back as PM in 2018. hehe hehe hehe

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  • maggee on May 28, 2024 at 3:10 pm

    RM100,000 annual income threshold
    (individuals and couples).

    if couples means RM100,000 x 2 or RM 100,000/2?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 1
  • Ben Yap on May 28, 2024 at 5:36 pm

    it’s ok, i’ve found a way as a taxpaying citizen to take the money back from those that got it from government. all T20s have to do is to increase their rental by RM200 or more and that money is yours. the increase in rental can be use to pump your luxury car.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
  • Wait for the huge backlash. on May 28, 2024 at 9:15 pm

    You r absolutely damn right.(this case ,T20 landlords)
    In business,those t20 dudes are definitely gonna pass on diesel floated costs .
    Afterall,they can give excuses by showing bills from suppliers,traders who have increased prices .
    If y r in business,u r not gonna absorb price increases indefinitely,u will have to pass the increase in costs to your customers.
    Price increases DEFY the law of gravity.They are ballistically launched upwards ..their trajectory is not a semi circle.Their trajectory is up up and away..like Superman.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
    • Well not like PH will care since
      T20 (their voter base) will pass on cost to M40.
      M40 (half their voter base) will pass on cost to B40.
      B40 (DEFO NOT their voters) will suffer the most.

      So its not like PH will care if rest of Malaysia burns.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
      • Kiuty on May 29, 2024 at 7:04 pm

        Serve B40s best since theybare voting PAS.

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        • Lets See on May 30, 2024 at 11:20 pm

          So its only fair for the B40s to overthrow this oppressing & dictatorial PH Gomen, right?

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  • pundao on May 29, 2024 at 7:12 am

    The smart guys who own old Volvo and rarely use it will benefit the most. Extra RM200 monthly.

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  • Sparcov on May 29, 2024 at 9:42 am

    It is not a fair game for those hardworking earn money and have to share it with the poor who are being lazy.

    Basically that’s the objective isn’t it ?

    Increase meaning increase it for everyone. A T20 or M40 already being taxed heavily by the government and now still want to subsidy for the Diesel in the way of paying higher price by subsidizing others. on top of huge road tax charges and countless toll charges due to privatization of the road especially those living in Klang Valley. This is not fair !

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  • Goh Hock Chuen on May 29, 2024 at 6:34 pm


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  • Goh Hock Chuen on May 29, 2024 at 6:38 pm


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  • zazaza on May 30, 2024 at 3:58 pm

    worst things is, the system keep failing, unable to input our detail keep stuck on page.

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  • Ji Kao on Jun 06, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    Tried to register several times, it says i dont have account, please register, after I registered it says please log in, upon log in it says i dont have account please register. 5 times already.

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  • sickandtired on Jun 06, 2024 at 8:11 pm

    high duty is being imposed on cars, govt last time justify high duties by saying there is subsidised fuel, now if subsidy is being controlled to this extent, will the govt reduce duty imposed on cars as well?

    Susah la like this, vote for this buggers but kena torture now!

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