Ops Hormat Undang Undang to run till June 15

Ops Hormat Undang Undang to run till June 15

In a social media announcement, police Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT) said Ops Hormat Undang Undang (Respect the Law Operation) will run from today till June 15. The large scale operation will involve over 200 police personnel throughout Kuala Lumpur.

Focus will be on seven types of traffic offences. These are obstructing traffic, illegal parking, number plates, running red lights, using a mobile phone while driving, stopping beyond the white line at traffic lights, and offences committed by motorcyclists as well as underaged riders.

Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Rusdi Mohd Isa said the operation will run in two phases. The first phase is currently ongoing, while the second phase will take place from September 15 to 29.

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Mohan K Ramanujam

Coming with diverse and extensive experience in heavy engineering, Mohan enjoys making anything with wheels go fast, especially motorcycles. His weapon of choice is the Desmoquattro engine, and he has a penchant for anything with a dash of Italian design. Strangely enough, he insists he's a slow rider.



  • antony loke jual nombor plate on Jun 04, 2024 at 1:58 pm

    So we only need to respect the law from 04-Jun to 15 Jun 2024…
    After that period no need to respect the law kah?

    Regret voting for this stupid gov(PKR+DAP+UMNO)

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    • Rakyat Malaysia on Jun 04, 2024 at 6:15 pm

      How to hormat undang-undang when PH Gomen dun hormat undang-undang by giving 70% diskaun for samans? Bapak borek anak rintik, so if PH Gomen dun hormat why should rakyat hormat it?

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  • Headmaster coming..be good boy,ya on Jun 04, 2024 at 3:24 pm

    I cant understand why operasi besar besaran must be publicised.
    So,what happens on June 16 ? All hell will break loose again,cos “headmaster not around”.
    In Kangaroo land,I saw police do a alcohol test at 9am ,in a remote orchard road.The orang putih driver was given a summon to attend court. No publicity..just all year round unannounced road blocks to nab drunkards,rempits,trouble makers,drug pushers.
    Hello,do you announce u r on holidays for 2 weeks in facebook,no one at home?

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  • opmanmy on Jun 05, 2024 at 8:08 am

    Here we go again. Bummber. Other times, then what? More relaxed is it?! Why need to publicize? After saman, then wat? Discount pay saman again? And again?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
    • anwar menang, rakyat senang atau susah on Jun 06, 2024 at 11:53 am

      You are right… I add on… I think they found a way to generate income continously for the gov… everynow and then run ops HUU summon, they announce 70% discount and the money come rolling in…
      We voted for idiots!!…

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  • ada aku kesah on Jun 05, 2024 at 8:32 am

    jadi lepas tu lepak jelah ya, syoknya KERjA macam ni.

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