Bus involved in deadly Genting crash that left two dead had expired permit, is over 15 years old – MOT

Bus involved in deadly Genting crash that left two dead had expired permit, is over 15 years old – MOT

Transport minister Anthony Loke has revealed that the tour bus that crashed near Genting Highlands on June 29, 2024 had an expired permit. As reported by Malay Mail and Bernama, Loke added the bus permit lapsed on February 16 and the driver was also driving without a licence and had 27 past traffic summonses for various offences.

“The bus had also exceeded the time allowed to operate as the vehicle is over 15 years old. But it is still operating,” said Loke, who instructed the land public transport agency (APAD) to take stringent action against the operator of the tour bus.

Since then, the APAD has issued a show cause letter to the tour bus operator involved in the tragic accident at KM16.5 of Jalan Genting Highlands. The incident, which took place around 10.40am last Saturday, resulted in the death of two Chinese nationals while several others were injured.

Loke said the road transport department (JPJ) plans to take action under Section 42(2) of the Land Public Transport Act 2010 against the offending tour bus company. “We are proposing invoking a rarely-used provision where those found guilty can be fined up to RM500,000, sentenced to two years in jail, or both,” he said.

“The ministry views this crash seriously as it clearly shows the company did not follow the law and terms stated in the permit, allowing an unlicensed driver to operate the vehicle, and the bus itself is older than the permit,” Loke added.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • so, what’s next?

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  • Frankc on Jul 02, 2024 at 10:13 am

    JPJ enforcement not good enough. Did this bus have valid road tax to ply our road? Anthony loke should look into why such vehicle can be on the road and JPJ dunno anything about it? APAD should engage with JPJ to help enforce permit and vehicle inspection and road tax .. APAD obviously hv no manpower to check all commercial vehicle validity.
    Good thing tourism ministry act immediately on this tour company

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  • Could paultan do a story on vehicle age? Like what type of vehicles are subjected to the 15 years old rule? Is there an avenue for public to check for vehicle age?

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  • Menteri Pengangkatan Maresya on Jul 02, 2024 at 10:37 am

    Tiada masalah yang tak boleh diselesaikan dengan wang

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  • Mike Tee on Jul 02, 2024 at 11:07 am

    Same tour bus operators in a place like SG (for example only) will require drivers who take regular physical examination, license check, mandatory vehicle scrapping age/mileage, regular vehicle inspection but most importantly, strict enforcement of these rules so everyone plays by the same rule book.

    MY’s problem is our lack of enforcement that allows cowboys like this to exist as the “good operators” cannot compete with them cutting every corner possible.

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  • And they want diesel subsidies

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  • Johnny on Jul 02, 2024 at 11:20 am

    The bigger question is HOW come the Authorities not aware of all these expired permits and ageing bus? Are there more on the roads?

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  • it is always the wrongdoing of the driver and the company, and not the department that pass the test and issue the road tax.

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  • opmanmy on Jul 02, 2024 at 1:11 pm

    Same old same old. Wait for something to happen big then only start to take real action and talk big. C’mon la. Go undercover la.

    Every day, on the highway especially those towards Port Klang, those container lorry, some speed like no tomorrow with fully laden cargo. Especially in the early hours in the morning.

    Always seems to be waiting for something big to happen, then baru take action (the authorities) to show rakyat that they doing their job. Sigh.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
  • Why push it only to the bus company? Who’s the kpj officer who issue the roadtax? Who’s the puspakom fellow who sign the vehicle fit? No action taken to those?

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  • anwar menang, rakyat dijubokkan on Jul 02, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    So wtf is all the digitization about?… Cant the digital system trigger JPJ to go to the company and tarik the bus?
    Antony loke… you should be ashamed of yourself… instead of sending your officers to the offices of the expired buses and tarik them, you are bloody busy selling number plates!!. How many % commission are you getting from the sale of number plates…
    Your inefficiency has caused the death of 2 tourists!!!
    You should resign!!

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  • sloan on Jul 02, 2024 at 2:36 pm

    big operation for awhile, do some big show, then after things calm down and forgotten, everything back to normal.

    truly malaysia. kesian utk 2 orang mangsa china.

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  • Auzif on Jul 02, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    If bus operating with expired APAD permit, so no valid roadtax & insurance. Mati katak la semua penumpang if bus got no insurance

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  • talkcockking on Jul 02, 2024 at 8:19 pm

    so what now ?/….all talking lanciao fark for so long and never get resolved years after years

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  • MassivelyAnnoyed on Jul 03, 2024 at 4:23 pm

    Accident happened, live lost then only want take this and that action. Why can’t we perform better enforcement? Permit lapsed since Feb 16 but how many trip has the bus completed between now and then. How many km covered.

    Anthony Loke, before you become minister you never drive around is it. How often you bump into JPJ enforcer. Imagine yourself trying to be a crook how easy it is to avoid JPJ check.

    Spend less on headcount and put more tech to catch and monitor la. Number plate scanner so advance nowadays. Put it at every toll also good lor. Easily catch vehicles without permit still on the road. Station enforcer at every toll gantry. No permit terus don’t open barrier la.

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