Diesel leakage down 78% after subsidy rationalisation

Diesel leakage down 78% after subsidy rationalisation

Leakage of subsidised diesel in Malaysia has dropped by 78% following the implementation of subsidy rationalisation for diesel fuel in Peninsular Malaysia, New Straits Times has reported. Seizures of diesel have also decreased by 87%, deputy minister of domestic trade and cost of living Fuziah Salleh told the Dewan Rakyat today.

Figures for the reduction in leakage of subsidised diesel were derived from Ops Tiris data, and this was based on a comparison of the 20 days before and after the diesel subsidy rationalisation was implemented on June 10, which saw the price of retail diesel increase from RM2.15 per litre by 56% or RM1.20, to RM3.35 per litre.

Retail sales of diesel have dropped by 37% in the first week since the implementation of the subsidy rationalisation, while commercial diesel sales have increased by 44%, and border diesel sales have dropped by 24%, Fuziah said.

Diesel leakage down 78% after subsidy rationalisation

Meanwhile for public and goods land transport, the ministry of domestic trade and cost of living (KPDN) stated that it will be meeting with the five major oil companies operating in Malaysia on Thursday (July 18) to identify a quicker mechanism for issuing fleet cards to eligible applicants to the subsidised diesel control system (SKDS).

The SKDS 2.0 programme began in March this year, with almost 200,000 public transport and goods vehicles having been approved for the scheme as of June 13. As of July 14, a total of 248,887 public and goods transport vehicles involving 88,029 companies have had diesel subsidy applications approved under the SKDS, said KPDN minister Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.


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