PDRM and JPJ should stop giving discounts for traffic saman, improve Kejara system – road safety expert

PDRM and JPJ should stop giving discounts for traffic <em>saman</em>, improve Kejara system – road safety expert

The road transport department (JPJ) and Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) should stop offering discounts on summons to those who have committed traffic offences, according to Dr Law Teik Hua, associate professor at University Putra Malaysia’s road safety research centre.

As reported by Harian Metro, Law noted this practice of giving discounts (on summons) would only result in road users continuing to disrespect the law and isn’t a good thing. “Malaysia is the only country (that gives a discount). I have never heard of any other country giving a discount on summons. Not even our neighboring countries. Does Singapore have one? Singapore doesn’t have one,” he told the news outlet.

“We (should) not use the excuse of giving a discount to get people to play their summons. When we say that, it seems to sends a message that (the authorities) just want their money. This information has been widely accepted by the public. In the end, the law is not respected,” he added.

Law also suggested that the Kejara demerit points system be improved in terms of efficiency, and that a central database be shared between JPJ and PDRM. “They cannot manage it separately. When they manage it separately, it will weaken the effect or impact of the Kejara system,” he explained.

PDRM and JPJ should stop giving discounts for traffic <em>saman</em>, improve Kejara system – road safety expert

“For (the authorities) to get the latest information related to traffic offences, this database must be streamlined. I think this is one of the efficient ways to solve the problem (those who do not pay the summons). Otherwise, everyone will not be afraid,” he said.

The matter of whether discounts on summons should be retained or abolished has been around for some time. Law’s stance on it was the same when he spoke the FMT back in April this year, but the practice is still ongoing. A few years ago in 2019, transport minister Anthony Loke said no more discounts would be offered, but Bukit Aman replied that without a discount scheme, the police would be unable to collect revenue.

Where do you stand on this matter? Should the authorities stop offering discounts on summons? Share your thoughts on this matter in the comments below.

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Gerard Lye

Originating from the corporate world with a background in finance and economics, Gerard’s strong love for cars led him to take the plunge into the automotive media industry. It was only then did he realise that there are more things to a car than just horsepower count.



  • Laugh on Oct 05, 2023 at 9:50 am

    Increase all the summon rates double.
    Then can give 50% discount more often.

    Come on lah… Never heard of “Buat rayuan saman”?
    This has been going on for don’t know how long.
    The discount is just to make it on a massive scale and ease the workload of the police processing the rayuans.
    Especially curbing bribery if you know how the rayuan process previously.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
  • Finally wake up on Oct 05, 2023 at 9:51 am

    Summons should nvr be discount since 1957

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  • Fully agree to stop giving discount. If want to give discount also should be given to those who pay earlier

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  • Najwan Halimi on Oct 05, 2023 at 11:32 am

    PH should stop lying to rakyat.

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  • Abdul Rahman B Abu Bakar on Oct 05, 2023 at 1:57 pm

    JPJ & PDRM should discontinue giving discount for traffic offenders. There is no point to sit for exam to obtain a driving/riding licence and the end of the day you don’t obey the regulations. I strongly agree with Dr Law Teik Hua of not giving discount on violation of traffic rules & regulations.

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  • concerned citizen on Oct 05, 2023 at 2:03 pm

    it should then be an increasing summons. If you dont pay within a certain timeframe, it keeps increasing.

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  • Henry on Oct 05, 2023 at 2:07 pm

    Charge more for late payment..no discounts

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    • They already do. I got a saman for not knowing I had a saman. The new one is rm250

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  • t333son on Oct 05, 2023 at 3:09 pm

    Well said Dr Law. PDRM statement on revenue collection makes it seem as if though they are running a business to make a profit. Sadly recently they are perceived more as personal bodyguards for vvips running in convoys instead of being law enforcers and crime preventors.

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  • Civic Type Rawr on Oct 05, 2023 at 4:01 pm

    Yeahh, the objective has been shifted from disciplining people to emptying their pockets. Is that their individual KPI too? It’s a matter of time before they become like the US enforcement, framing & falsely detaining people.

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  • Kony Chee Wah on Oct 05, 2023 at 4:43 pm

    Why cannot, even ministers have DNA A

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  • Giving saman rebates....A Clear n present Danger on Oct 05, 2023 at 5:22 pm

    Giving saman rebates is absolutely a no brainer n shambolic.
    It encourages more law breaking.People dont give a damn in respecting the laws.
    Which Country in Asia has this regular discount giving on summons? I think we r the ONLY one.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  • No enforcement, all the saman is just a joke.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 2
  • Integrate summons into JPJ ecosystem.

    Don’t pay summons, cannot renew road tax. Easiest fix there is and forces people to pay.

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  • Budak darjah 3 also know this,only the authorities and politicians don’t know.

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  • Abdul Majid bin Abdul Manaf on Oct 05, 2023 at 8:49 pm

    Certain police officers are enpowered by the law to exercise their discretion when dealing with any pleas or excuses whenever the public intend to pay traffic summons, provided they come with prove so that the officer concern is able to apply his discretion. He may turn down, approved discounts and even cancel the summon, depending on the genuinity of their excuse and prove provided. Do you seriously think the enforcement agency should be rigid and turn down genuine cases, like rushing to hospital for emergency cases? Or the wife is about to give birth when they are on the road? Or a family member is seriously ill. Or any other excuses as long as they are genuine. If the public want it to be that way, then we see no reason for compounding officers to be in his office. Surely the police do not have any problem to adhere to the professor’s opinion.

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  • Easwaran on Oct 05, 2023 at 9:55 pm

    Enforcement is selective. Enforcement agency personnel themselves do not comply . Clean up your house and educate your personnel on integrity and morality first.

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  • TheSaint on Oct 06, 2023 at 5:42 am

    I remember a long time ago, if you had outstanding summons on your vehicle/driver, you could not renew your roadtax/driving license. What happened to that very effective way of ensuring summons payment?

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  • Zarudin Ramlee on Oct 06, 2023 at 6:46 am

    This is not a matter of discount or otherwise.
    It is more of the attitude of drivers & riders.
    A simple enforcement such as motor bikes
    should be on the motor- bike lanes not on the
    car lanes or highways,zig-zag between cars
    and lorries or passing through lanes of other
    vehicles at toll lanes. JPJ should also di the

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
  • Zarudin Ramlee on Oct 06, 2023 at 6:52 am

    This is not a matter of discount or otherwise.
    It is more of the attitude of drivers &

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  • It is more the attitude of drivers and riders
    Not of discounts practice.

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  • Albert Goh on Oct 06, 2023 at 7:38 am

    PDRM’s excuse for giving discounts on samans shows how unprofessional they are. They are now being perceived as nothing more than pen pushes just concerned with collecting “our” (their samans). Soon they will be perceived as legal gangsters issuing false samans just to rake in “our” money.
    The answer is strictly enforce Saman payments to JPJ & PDRM with collection done by joint effort. Then apply ” no discounts” but “increases penalty” policy for late payments. To ensure payment, JPJ & PDRM should have joint enforcement requiring them to arrest (at road blocks) anyone failing to pay but confiscating their vehicles, cancelling driving licence & ultimately jail sentence after imposing community service (wearing board to shame them). But to ensure fairness, the jv centre should issue final demand for payment by sms/email & registered post to registered address per ic or driving licence. It should be law that person carrying ic/driving licence must ensure address is current (say, within six months of change). When there is fear your driving licence will be taken away (leaving you unable to work, for example), it will make you pay your Saman. Now people ignore the Saman and waiting annually for discount seasons by JPJ/Polis – what a stupid way to run a country.

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  • Suzanne on Oct 06, 2023 at 9:06 am

    Give a discount of 1/2 price if paid in 1 week. After 1 week full price. After 1 month arrest warrant. Make fines reasonable for Kampung people. Write it on the summons and tell cops to show it to the plaintiff upon issuing the summons.

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  • Thanalaxmi on Oct 06, 2023 at 1:29 pm

    Malaysians in general don’t care a damn about traffic rules, period. They continue to do their best in what they do only because they know that inevitably a discount would be given to them when Santa Claus comes around at the end of the year. In short, they don’t learn anything from their mistakes. That’s because they also know that they live in “Bolih Land” By giving a discount you’re encouraging them to keep doing what they do best! Singapore is strict and thus the reason for ppl obeying the laws there. In Spore if u are caught, they give you a warning first by placing a note on your windscreen but if they catch u again repeating this, only then they summon you. Very fair I might add.

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  • DonkeyKong on Oct 07, 2023 at 5:53 am

    Enforcement would be like:

    50% saman discount if you pay within 2 days.
    0% discount after 2 days
    Saman amount should double after 6 months.

    At the end of every calendar year, those with more than. 3 unpaid summons will automatically have a traffic offense record and CTOS red flag due to outstanding unpaid debts to PDRM/JPJ.

    Lazy idiocy would be like:

    Lepak la brader. Biar je. Masa raya, masa hujung tahun, kita bagi 50% diskaun

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  • Kevin on Oct 07, 2023 at 7:35 am

    Don’t teach the authority what to do their job.there r much more better professor than u .the authority.have better views n consideration to carry out their duty than u..u r just follow n reading from books. Pls shut up

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  • If departments are created and people are appointed to enforce but are ineffective, why keep them? It’s a no brainer this discount method is a joke and has no place in enforcement. So my message to the people running this country at the moment – you decide whether you want to continue the joke or continue the enforcement! I am against any discounts, and still continue to be against the discount method of making people pay.

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  • MrTun on Oct 09, 2023 at 1:17 am

    Kepada JPJ&PDRM jlnkan tanggunjawab anda. Saman mesti buat. Zaman sekarang lagi teruk. Pemandu Motor,Lori,Bas semuanya kaki pecut.
    zaman manusia dah tak ada pakai undang undang. Bawa kenderaan lebih pada orang gila…terutama Mat2 motor yg p kerja pagi.Langsung tak ada adat&sopan walaupun bawa bini atau anak.Harap kerajaan sediakan lorong2 khas dijlnraya&lebuhraya.Lori&Bas pulak macam org hilang akal….pecut memecut di lorong paling kanan. Inilah bahana nya Rakyat Malaysia mati setiap hari atas jalanraya/lebuhraya. Yang cacat seumur hidup pun ramai. Salah siapa. Rakyat jadi bertambah gila memandu sebab Kerajaan tak kuatkuasa kan peraturan&undang2.
    Kerajaan bila nak buat jalanraya&lebuhraya tolonglah buat lorong khas utk Motorsikal,Bas&Lori .Boleh pasang papan tanda/cat aje jalanraya&lebuhraya utk lorong khas. Inilah Perkara mudah yang Kerajaan masih buta utk laksanakan. Sengajakan biarkan rakyat Malaysia kasi mampus korban atas jalan raya.

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  • MrTun on Oct 09, 2023 at 1:20 am

    Kepada JPJ&PDRM jlnkan tanggunjawab anda. Saman mesti buat. Zaman sekarang lagi teruk. Pemandu Motor,Lori,Bas semuanya kaki pecut.
    zaman manusia dah tak ada pakai undang undang. Bawa kenderaan lebih pada orang gila…terutama Mat2 motor yg p kerja pagi.Langsung tak ada adat&sopan walaupun bawa bini atau anak.Harap kerajaan sediakan lorong2 khas dijlnraya&lebuhraya.Lori&Bas pulak macam org hilang akal….pecut memecut di lorong paling kanan. Inilah bahana nya Rakyat Malaysia mati setiap hari atas jalanraya/lebuhraya. Yang cacat seumur hidup pun ramai. Salah siapa. Rakyat jadi bertambah gila memandu sebab Kerajaan tak kuatkuasa kan peraturan&undang2.
    Kerajaan bila nak buat jalanraya&lebuhraya tolonglah buat lorong khas utk Motorsikal,Bas&Lori .Boleh pasang papan tanda/cat aje jalanraya&lebuhraya utk lorong khas. Inilah Perkara mudah yang Kerajaan masih buta utk laksanakan. Sengajakan biarkan rakyat Malaysia kasi mampus korban atas jalan raya. PMX Anwar tlg ambil tindakan segera kalau nak jadi PM banyak penggal

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  • Way before giving summons make sure MY has proper facility to avoid those summonses. It will be super heavily congested place with no parking facility then how do ya expect ppl to park their car? someone just hold their phone never use it at all but to just keep nearby aircond to cool down the temp also kena summon.
    first see the error in system then come back to blame ppl

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