PM: No plans for GST return in short and medium term

PM: No plans for GST return in short and medium term

Parliament is in session and although prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is not in the Dewan Rakyat, he has been giving written replies to questions by MPs. On the reintroduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), Anwar, who is also the finance minister, said that there are no plans in ‘the short and medium term’.

In a response to Tanjung Karang MP Datuk Zulkafperi Hanafi, he said that any change in tax policy will take into account the impact on cost of living of the rakyat.

“The government has yet to revive the GST. Any changes to tax policy will have to take into account the impact on the economy and the cost of living of the people. Therefore, the government will continue to monitor the current economic condition and consider fiscal measures which are suitable with short and medium term,” the Tambun MP said, reported by The Star.

PM: No plans for GST return in short and medium term

While many experts have called for the reintroduction of GST to boost government revenue, and some politicians have acknowledged that GST is a better system than SST, the Anwar-led ‘unity government’ has so far resisted the calls, focusing instead on subsidy rationalisation and other ‘smaller’ taxes such as capital gains tax and luxury goods tax.

In the recently tabled Budget 2024, Anwar announced plans to raise SST from 6% to 8%, but exempting F&B and telecommunications. In March, the PM said that Malaysia is not ready for another implementation of GST.

GST replaced SST in April 2015, but was then scrapped in favour of bringing back SST in September 2018 when Pakatan Harapan became the government. We’ve covered the impact of GST on the automotive industry and car prices in the past, which is a good read to understand the mechanics of both taxation systems.

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Danny Tan

Danny Tan loves driving as much as he loves a certain herbal meat soup, and sweet engine music as much as drum beats. He has been in the auto industry since 2006, previously filling the pages of two motoring magazines before joining this website. Enjoys detailing the experience more than the technical details.



  • Ben Yap on Nov 02, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    just abolish all taxes for cars la include import duty and excise duty. now car prices are so expensive and even the M40 has to drive an axia.

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    • Ajibkor on Nov 02, 2023 at 7:02 pm

      Mana ada mahal. hang tk tgok geng2 lebai sume beli alphard ..Lolz!

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 9
  • PM Zimbabwe on Nov 02, 2023 at 4:46 pm

    Mythomania bermaksud kelainan psikologi yang menyebabkan seseorang mempunyai perilaku berbohong secara terus-menerus dan dalam jangka waktu yang lama.

    Berikut adalah ciri-ciri mythomania:

    – Pembohongan mereka tidak mempunyai kelebihan tertentu

    – Kisah biasanya dramatik, rumit, dan sangat terperinci

    – Biasanya mereka menjadi penyelamat atau mangsa utama dalam cerita

    – Mereka percaya bahawa kisah mereka benar-benar berlaku

    – Pembohongan diceritakan berulang kali.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 18
    • Kau mmg masih perlukan rawatan psikologi on Nov 02, 2023 at 7:17 pm

      Patutlah kamu kenal sangat dgn ‘mythomania’ kerana kamu masih lagi berbohong kpd diri sendiri yg kamu ni PM Zimbabwe, sedangkan jawatan PM Zimbabwe sebenarnya tidak lagi wujud sejak 10 tahun yang lalu semasa perlembagaan Zimbabwe dipinda.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 7
  • Kaki spin on Nov 02, 2023 at 4:48 pm


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  • Nurul Izzah on Nov 02, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    Anwar menang rakyat senang

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  • If implement GST, sure malu lah. Already promise the rakyat hapuskan GST. Why can’t the govt make like fuel subsidy for the needy? Implement 8% to the rich, and 6% or lower for lower income. The lower income nowadays hard to afford things, and now increase the rate. How is people able to make a saving if everything increase? F&B retain at 6%, but i believe the cost at the back (manufacturing, labour, etc.) sure increase indirectly.

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