Power Up Tech partners Nazamax for mobile EV charging vans to start operations in Malaysia Q1 2024

Power Up Tech partners Nazamax for mobile EV charging vans to start operations in Malaysia Q1 2024

Singaporean firm Power Up Tech (P.Up) has partnered with Malaysian company Nazamax to bring mobile electric vehicle charging vans to Malaysia, and the outfit will commence operations from the first quarter of next year, it announced today.

When P.Up commences operations in Malaysia in Q1 2024, this will initially cover the Klang Valley, Johor Bahru and Penang, and the company will begin with a fleet of between nine to 15 mobile charging vehicles, said Nazamax CEO SM Fauzi SM Shalahuddin.

The exact specifications for the mobile EV charging vans that will be deployed in those areas in Malaysia, along with charge pricing have yet to be confirmed, though for comparison, the EV charging vans used by P.Up in Singapore are electric vans equipped with energy stores of between 30 kWh to 160 kWh, said P.Up co-founder Darren Tan Chee Hiong.

In Singapore, charging outputs provided by the mobile charging vans range from 60 to 120 kW DC, and those to be deployed in Malaysia should demonstrate similar outputs. Each charging cable included with the mobile charging vans are seven metres in length to ensure sufficient length when charging a customer EV in its parking space.

A CHAdeMO connection (left) is offered in addition to the now-commonplace CCS2 connection; P.Up co-founder Darren Tan (right) with the Opel e-Vivaro mobile EV charging vehicle

The mobile EV charging van shown at today’s announcement is the Opel e-Vivaro, one that is equipped with an energy capacity of 51 kWh. This is outfitted with CCS2 and CHAdeMO charging outlets, and the onboard battery is rechargeable via AC three-phase, CHAdeMO, CCS2 and AC Type 2 inputs, the latter two enabling the recharge of the mobile recharging energy stores at public charging stations.

“The only thing stopping mass adoption of EVs is charging worries, which is why Nazamax has partnered with P.Up. We want to elevate the ownership experience of EVs far beyond that of EVs,” Fauzi said in a statement.

In addition to passenger EVs, the importance of converting SMEs (small-medium enterprises) and corporations to EVs cannot be forgotten either, and there needs to be “clear charging solutions clear charging solutions that make economic sense not just in terms of costs but time as well, he said.

“Not only do we make the lives of EV owners much better, we also help distribute the economic benefits of this EV revolution to the common man on the street, ensuring that they are not monopolised by major corporations and infrastructure owners,” said P.Up co-founder and CEO Chin Kee Min.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • newme on Dec 14, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    “…has partnered with Malaysian company…”

    So what is Naza contribution to the partnership?

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    • oldyou on Dec 15, 2023 at 9:52 am

      That is not a Naza company, but something owned by nephew of Tansri Nasimudin.

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    • Lolwhut? on Dec 15, 2023 at 10:32 am

      Will they also be using an ICE car to rescue an EV vehicle? What a laugh!

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0
      • Bob Mal on Dec 15, 2023 at 2:29 pm

        As stated in the article:

        The mobile EV charging van shown at today’s announcement is the Opel e-Vivaro

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