KL police to continue Ops Hormat traffic enforcement, says traffic law compliance improving as a result of it

KL police to continue Ops Hormat traffic enforcement, says traffic law compliance improving as a result of it

Kuala Lumpur police has announced that it will continue traffic enforcement activities as carried out under its Operasi Hormat Undang-Undang Jalan Raya in July and September. This was being done because the previous phases of the operation showed improved levels of compliance from motorists with regards to observing traffic rules and regulations.

According to KL police chief Datuk Allaudeen Abdul Majid, the two phases of the operation, which were carried out from July 3 to 31 and Sept 15 to 29, showed a significant difference in the number of summonses issued and the number of arrests made, Bernama reports.

He said the first phase of the operation saw a total of 174,390 summonses being issued, while the number of summonses dropped to 92,262 in the second phase. In terms of arrests, 309 people were detained for various criminal and traffic offences, while in phase two, that number reduced to 172 people.

“Traffic obstruction-related offences are the largest contributor of summonses at 143,673 for phase 1 and 72,301 in phase 2,” he said.

He said among the offences focused on in the operations were traffic obstruction, stopping in a yellow box, parking on footpaths, running a red light, driving without a valid driver’s licence and illegal or faulty (dirty or blurry) licence plates.

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Anthony Lim

Anthony Lim believes that nothing is better than a good smoke and a car with character, with good handling aspects being top of the prize heap. Having spent more than a decade and a half with an English tabloid daily never being able to grasp the meaning of brevity or being succinct, he wags his tail furiously at the idea of waffling - in greater detail - about cars and all their intrinsic peculiarities here.



  • No need for ops la, just enforce the law everyday not seasonal basis. After saman then also give huge discount later no point.

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  • Almighty Snack Bar on Oct 06, 2023 at 10:57 am

    Please walk the talk. Just survey along the road outside of Shaw Parade in Pudu and look at how the “National Heroes” double park which causes a two lane road to be one lane during peak hour which causes tons of inconvenience to the other innocent drivers. Same goes to the road along Tung Shin Hospital. Please walk the talk. Thank you very much.

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  • Somebody must remind Datuk that 1st operation lasted for 28 days while the other one lasted 15 days only.. so its wrong to conclude that it resulted in reduction of offences … coming out with false statement like this doesn’t do any good.. only make u look like a fool

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  • still many carss rushing out from the junction when their light is about to turn red and then stop in the middle of the yellow crossing then blocking other cars whose light turned green, yet takda police saman pon??

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