Malaysian bikers should not shelter under bridges

Malaysian bikers should not shelter under bridges

Despite numerous reminders and advice from police and highway concessionaires, Malaysian motorcyclists still persist in taking shelter under bridges when it rains. A social media post from a group called “Superman Highway” shows a photo of bikers taking shelter under a bridge to the extent of an entire highway lane.

This is dangerous as has been proven numerous times in the past when bikers taking shelter were run over by vehicles unable to stop or take avoiding action in time. Despite highway concessionaires providing shelter for motorcyclists wherever possible, bikers persist in stopping under the nearest bridge or overpass when it rains.

Replies from netizens on the post roundly condemn the action, with several chiming in, “if it rains, you get wet,” and to don a rain coat and get on with it instead of stopping. Malaysian motorcyclists are reminded to only take shelter under bridges where lay-by areas are provided and avoid prolong their bikes on the highway proper.

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Mohan K Ramanujam

Coming with diverse and extensive experience in heavy engineering, Mohan enjoys making anything with wheels go fast, especially motorcycles. His weapon of choice is the Desmoquattro engine, and he has a penchant for anything with a dash of Italian design. Strangely enough, he insists he's a slow rider.



  • Bob Mal on Nov 14, 2023 at 2:36 pm

    Well Malaysian bikers don’t need to follow road rules if you see how many times they break the law they are the law of the road as they see fit even police will be like last month reply –

    “Abang, yes, I know, we see this and it is against the law, but how strict should we be? If we do 100% enforcement the public will say police are heartless and without compassion, if we let it go then people will say we are not doing our jobs.”

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  • Bund sung Lee on Nov 14, 2023 at 2:57 pm

    Should not allow to enter hiways infact , garbage always in hurry n go left n Rite like bapa punya road, lagi worse is so call heavy bikers, try to become American bikers on road (vomit really)

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    • Peter on Nov 16, 2023 at 7:24 am

      It is very clear that you are incapable of comprehensive thinking in your life as you’ve been spoiled too much since the beginning of your utter boring life. Riders are human being like you infact and some but not all might be breaking the law, doing things like their “papa punya road” as you claimed. But tell me, how many times that you break the law? I know you don’t use your car blinker for a fact, I assume you make illegal turns too (just for the record, because of these things drivers do, makes riders do what they do on the road). So stop commenting like a baby and grow up. Before you judge people try reflecting yourself in the mirror for a change.

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      • So true Mr. Peter. Mr. Lee do you think it’s so easy riding a motorcycle especially when heavy rain?

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        • Idiots on 2 wheels or 4 wheels, still idiots! on Nov 20, 2023 at 7:42 am

          I do ride motorcycle, worse than big rain is big wind… In case of really heavy rain, it is of course safer to stop but simply NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.

          Trying to argument on how “difficult” is riding under the rain is just out of THAT topic.

          Those guys don’t stop under the bridge because “it’s easier to ride under the bridge” (nonsense) but because they don’t want to get wet while WAITING SAFELY further or before that covered CROWDED area.

          Humans are waterproof, not SMASH PROOF.

          But humans are also the only mammal to have superstitious and suicidal behaviour.

          Some event accept to take several shot of experimental poison to fight a seasonal flu which has been inflated on Hollywood Wuhan TV.

          Now, they pay the price, with or without heavy rain…

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  • Ku Nazri on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:02 pm

    tolong buat tempat utk kitorang berteduh…

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  • Valerie on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:20 pm

    they go out in the heavy rain; get hit die, cant see and slip fall get hit die, rain too heavy get hit fall down die. Stay under the bridge to shelter the heavy rain, get hit die. So where can they go ?

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    • rainman on Nov 16, 2023 at 10:34 am

      already written there, proper shelter provided. riding in the rain slowly and carefully may get you there safely. if you say like this then might as well ban bikes as anytime they touch it in the rain they’ll die.

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    • Ride with care…don’t considerate…don’t rush to the grave…

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    • Seitha on Nov 17, 2023 at 7:00 am

      Why you so dumb?…
      they can wear rain coat and continue riding!!… If dont have rain coat, they souldnt be on the road!!

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  • Keyboard Warrior on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:28 pm

    Let’s just hope our beloved nation will be blessed with a mature public transportation so we don’t have to deal with these bullshits. I am not talking about these stupid bikers only, i am referring to reckless drivers too

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 75 Thumb down 14
    • Shook on Nov 14, 2023 at 8:45 pm

      What’s up with the dislikes? He is right calling out all class motorists other than bikers too. I have seen crazy rempit in heavy rain and i have seen an asshole driver in the same circumstance as well. One wrong does not make other things right.

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      • Pengundi PH Bijak on Nov 14, 2023 at 10:33 pm

        Build sheltered area for bikers under bridges,

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      • Water is dangerous - let's get crashed :-/ on Nov 15, 2023 at 11:34 am

        Give free self-driving cars to all pussies…

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        • Shook on Nov 15, 2023 at 2:37 pm

          Self driving cars will not solve road accident and safety hazard. There should be significantly less cars on the road. Our country has the potential and capabilities but it all went to waste

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  • You want to about what can and what cannot with these people? Save your breath.

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  • Kalao takut hujan jangan bawa motor on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    Seriously, if scared of rain, please do not ride a bike, u should expect rainy days and plan your journey well, and not being selfish blocking the whole lane

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 63 Thumb down 11
    • Ahlokekor on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:56 pm

      Scared ..u kidding ?
      They even ride helmetless, father,mum,2 kids on a bike to sekolah. Their otak is made of steel,wont hancur like a watermelon.When paralysed or dead,they blame on FATE..NOT NEGLIGENCE.

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    • Boycott Visa/Master, Secret Victoria & Coca-cola on Nov 14, 2023 at 5:11 pm

      I have never stopped riding when it rains, in fact, it’s part of the motorcycle adventure style. Yes, it can be challenging on those really heavy storm, but there is no way I would ever stop under a bridge or anywhere on the road side. If I stop, it’s to wear my rain stuff and only on safe area.

      Those people on the picture are just suicidal tards.

      Oh? Sorry, I totally forgot :

      – Those triple vaxxed citizen heros have been told that catching a flu is more (((deadly))) than stopping in the middle of the highway…

      People+TV ? —–>Stupid ²

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    • Do you think less fortunate people can afford a car? What if only bike the only option for them to go to work??

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      • Tards! Tards everywhere ! on Nov 15, 2023 at 11:32 am

        You are totally out of topic. Getting wet does not kill, in fact, human skin is waterproof.

        There is absolutely no excuse to stop in the middle of the road, because FIRST it puts you in danger and other motorcycle/cars drivers too, second, IT DOES NOT HELP YOU DRY FASTER.

        At least, if really the road is really impracticable , go a little further than that bunch of idiot looking for a shelter for collision!

        It reminds me those idiots who saw on SocialMedia that using DIY dust mask can protect them from the deadly Cohen19, and rushed to hyper market to buy all the toilet paper in order to survive lol

        Damn’it! I also ride motorcycle and I rather get fully wet and carefully ride until I see an appropriate place to stop, rather than follow those suicidal idiots. Get a fuckin’ BRAIN!

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        • Fm the pic u can see it was heavy rain, rider cant see shit because helmet doesnt have wiper like car, how to continue journey? It is less about getting wet, more on avoiding riding blind. try to drive u car without switch on wiper in such weather.

          Although i agree it is dangerous to park there, but until better solution is provided, what choice do they have.

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          • Degenerated boleh :-/ on Nov 20, 2023 at 9:51 pm

            The choice to stop on emergency lane, at least, where it does not block the main road.

            Damn’it? How can you justify that stupidity? Why not you offer them hotdogs and hot coffee to wait for car to smash them?

            It’s when I read comment like yours that I realise how degenerate have become humans. Pitifulness, charity, emotional reactions, no questioning, no analysing, no common sense. People are fucked up.

            That’s why they can continue to spent their money on interest fees for branded shit and stupid entertainment. The same people who worship the Jews propaganda…

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    • I totally agree as a biker and also a car owner. And same goes with car owners, if you’re scared of jam or no parking, don’t drive a car. Don’t take up emergency lanes or split up a single lane into 2 lanes even if there’s space. Lanes are made larger at curves to allow larger vehicles to turn. Motorcycle parkings are for motorcycles. Don’t be selfish and bear with me he consequences of your choice.

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  • Albert Einstein call this INSANITY on Nov 14, 2023 at 4:52 pm

    The bikers,70% of them ,will taKe the short cut..they will shelter even under a huge elephant if possible.
    Thats why the Sam ke Ting basikal lajak case will innocent car will plough into them in heavy rain when visibility is very poor.
    And then one hakim after another will give differing judgements,ending with hiring of Hisyam Teh needing a gargantuan amount of legal fees to avoid jail.Just shambolic and pathetic of these short cut fools.

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  • Better die than get wet.

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    • think before commenting on Nov 14, 2023 at 7:08 pm

      Have you ever ridden a bike during the rain? Bikers face serious hazards due to low visibility caused by rain, as they don’t have a wiper on their helmet’s cover (if the helmet even has a cover), and also have to deal with condensation issues since there is no air conditioner inside their helmet. It’s important to assess the situation and not just think about yourself. Stay safe and be considerate of others.

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      • 4G63T DSM on Nov 15, 2023 at 7:16 am

        I frequently ride in the rain. In fact, now during rainy season, I get caught out several times a week.

        You ride, you going to get wet. Plain and simple. Buy a decent rain coat. Get a good pinlock helmet that doesn’t leak and fog with. And before you lambast me being a highbrow biker, and people can’t afford “pinlock”, there are cheap stick on alternatives in the market.

        You stop by under the bridge, you become bowling pins. I myself nearly hit motorcyclists that took up whole 2 lanes (e lane and left lane) during a rain storm. And guess what? There is a bike shelter right beside it…with room and another one not 300m away.

        It’s not about the lack of shelter or being thoughtful…it’s the bikers own tidak apa attitude simply for their own convenience. Same attitude towards rempiting, to helmet up, etc.

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      • Think before reply comment on Nov 15, 2023 at 8:12 am

        Already know all these problem, then find a safe place to stop la, we are talking about do not stop under the bridge like this, if there’s a safe spot go ahead no one stopping u.

        Why ur butt so hurt ? u stop in the middle of the road is it

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  • thunderstorm on Nov 14, 2023 at 6:10 pm

    Don’t think that they wish to shelter under bridge with all the risks. But when the weather is inclement they have to take cover or risk riding in heavy rain with poor visibility and slippery waterlogged roads. The government should build rain shelters for motorcyclist, they are taxpayers and drivers of our economy as well. Their lives matter, their families do too.

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  • Leisure Rider. on Nov 14, 2023 at 6:31 pm

    Like helmet, raincoat should be made mandatory ( standby ) for rider also.

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  • Turkey on Nov 14, 2023 at 7:50 pm

    Bowling pins waiting for triple strikes

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  • unintentionally bowling pins

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  • Eddy Bawang on Nov 14, 2023 at 10:37 pm

    Mat rempit PN supporters ni

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  • Digitman on Nov 15, 2023 at 7:55 am

    Rain coat on, continue journey, if not stay calm at home.

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  • Kinda understandable their situation

    If they take shelter under bridge, they block people who want to use emergency lane but if they jalan, the chance to get accident is higher ( view problem,
    slippery road , dll ) .

    Imo , kalau tak ada bajet buat tempah teduh untuk motorsikal, buka penghadang jalan saiz kecil untuk motorsikal masuk dalam daripada berhenti dekat emergency lane tu.
    Ni dalam gambar , memang bebalism terus .

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  • Ben Yap on Nov 15, 2023 at 10:16 am

    stay under the bridge and risk being hit or ride under the rain and risk skidded? If get hit by car, can blame the car owner and claim damages. if skidded on your own, cannot claim damages from anyone. Either way also die, better die with damages paid.

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    • Seitha on Nov 17, 2023 at 7:16 am

      Better die with damages paid?
      Where you want to spend the money?… In heaven or hell?

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  • Taufik on Nov 15, 2023 at 10:34 am

    Ministry of Transport needs to find a solution to this. Wide shelter for bikers needs to be considered when constructing highways.

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  • Some of them got ego some of them really can’t afford rain coats. I ask some of them why not go buy one rain coat they just brushed off by saying “apa barang pakai baju hujan. Leceh la”. Some of them can afford expensive thousand ringgit of motorbike but do not bother to buy a 100+ rain coat. Just Ignorant idiot.

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  • Save msia on Nov 15, 2023 at 11:57 am

    Yup super dangerous & risking their lives! (high chances of vehicles hitting them like in bowling”.

    Worst now Gomen even want to give them free B2 and upgrade B2 to Full license, Big bike are not for everyone & easily ride * control, powerful and higher risks of causing accident, just wait & see, M’sian road & highway can easily kill someone!

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  • It’s time for traffic police to take stern action against motorbike who zigzag speeding without realizing that a slight change of lane by a car could be fatal. 2 they will always go through red lights. I had so many near miss. I see our police rider at time don’t even chase them after seeing they went pass red lights

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  • Rocky on Nov 15, 2023 at 5:07 pm

    the best thing we can do as riders is to be prepared to brace for the rain at any time, so that means getting good gear like waterproof luggage, waterproof gloves, fog-free visors, and ensuring tires are well maintained to combat the slippery roads. I think all this stuff will help until we get to the right shelter to don the full rain suit.

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  • Chan jeffery on Nov 15, 2023 at 5:37 pm

    Just ignorant, tidak apa attitudes.

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  • Chan jeffery on Nov 15, 2023 at 5:38 pm

    Life is precious, practice safety riders.

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  • Simon on Nov 15, 2023 at 6:57 pm

    I see some hatred here towards biker, presumably from well to do car driver who live a life of luxury. While there are those idiot riders, as much there are good riders so please don’t generalise. Now about taking shelter under highway bridge this should never happen as it is a risk and a study should be carried out to see what highways in other countries offer to alleviate the problem

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  • MatangBatang on Nov 15, 2023 at 7:51 pm

    All this KJ fault

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  • Sohai on Nov 15, 2023 at 10:47 pm

    “Despite highway concessionair proving shelter for motorcyclist….”
    As it those areas are very big. Bikers will still overspill to the road.
    Riding in heavy rain with poor visibilities are more dangerous and higher risk of falling or run over by a car. I rather take my chances under the bridge.

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  • Perhaps highway operator can build safe shelters along the highway? Sometimes the weather is just too brutal to continue riding so we resort in stopping by first. Highway like MEX does not have ANY shelter despite having lots of spaces to do so. Mentang-mentanglah tak bayar tol kan.

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  • Whathef on Nov 16, 2023 at 1:26 pm

    I’m a bikers and I enjoy rain.

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  • You all really don’t know it call malaysia boleh ! Only malaysia can do .

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  • XLBiker on Nov 25, 2023 at 11:52 pm

    Just wandering why it doesn’t affect major bikes sellers’ conscience to provide shelters for their customers?

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