B2 to B motorcycle license upgrade: age, B2 license duration to be considered before proposal is finalised

B2 to B motorcycle license upgrade: age, B2 license duration to be considered before proposal is finalised

Age, as well as the duration of being B2-licensed are among the factors which need to be considered before the proposal for the automatic upgrade to a full B license for motorcycles can be finalised, said deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

The matter will be finalised in detailed meetings with the road transport department (JPJ) and the traffic investigation and enforcement department (JSPT) of the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) soon, the deputy prime minister said, reported Bernama.

“What we discussed earlier is that there is a certain age limit, meaning the applicant must be 35 years [of age] and above, and they must hold a B2 license for a specific period before being eligible for a full B license. We will finalise this matter in the meetings with JPJ and JSPT,” the deputy prime minister said at an engagement session with Persatuan Motosikal Malaysia in Putrajaya today.

In terms of motorcycle license classification in Malaysia, the B2 license is for license holders to operate motorcycles of up to 250 cc capacity, while the full B license allows the license holder to operate motorcycles with no upper limit restriction on engine capacity.

B2 to B motorcycle license upgrade: age, B2 license duration to be considered before proposal is finalised

Earlier this month, transport minister Anthony Loke had said that the matter of the B2 to full B license automatic upgrading is still under review by the transport ministry due to ‘various viewpoints’.

Meanwhile, Loke said that the decision to automatically upgrade B2 license holders to a full B license is not straightforward because JSPT statistics show that the majority of road accidents involve individuals aged between 16 and 35.

“We look at the data, [and] if those who have just obtained a B2 license are given a [full] B license, they may act recklessly. If they are a bit older, they may be more experienced besides having responsibilities to their families, and so on,” Loke said.

The automatic upgrading of motorcycle licenses was first proposed in August last year, submitted by Superbikers Association Malaysia (SAM) president Datuk Abdul Halim Sulaiman. This submission proposed that holders of the B2 motorcycle licence with its 250 cc limit, be upgraded to the full class B license after three years, on the condition the B2 licence holder does not commit any serious traffic offences.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Rempit king on Jan 22, 2024 at 7:04 pm

    Can finalize before GE16? 16-35 will still die regardless they have B2 or B full licensse. Heck most of them don’t even have any licenses so what’s the hold up?

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    • Always complaining on Jan 23, 2024 at 1:17 pm

      Out of topic.

      Hey? You can’t eradicate death, especially on road. Main killing issue is not road accident but injection side effects. So, go complain to the DJ department…

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  • Phuddi sung Lee on Jan 22, 2024 at 7:58 pm

    Yes this is only world and Malaysia biggest ever prblm needs to solve, all problems like inflation, crimes, etc all links to this prblm, pray this govt can solve this serous prblm, fear if not solve mite be WWE 3 starts then, speechless im

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  • Alhamdulillah, jimat duit…mcm tau2 lak kita umur 35 tahun ni…hehe, ade lesen dari umur 16 tahun

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  • Why make it an automatic upgrade? Why not just make it simpler process to upgrade with a much lower cost. Gov get money and they get to validate riders competencies. Theres a lot more technicality in rider bigger bikes.
    Now lets think about how that would change the bike market. Will we become like the US where most of them ride mid size and litre bikes? How do the road facilities and laws cater for such change?

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  • This is matter which isn’t easy to find a balance point.

    The worst part if given the B full license too young, kids with well to do parents will be riding their parent’s R1, S1000RR, zx6r to school and with a little bit of peer pressure, havoc may happen.

    But not all of them are like that.

    Maybe an automatic upgrade for those under certain age isn’t the best idea. But instead, if they are really keen and willing to pay, they can take the B full license test as what it is now. Parents will at least think twice before allowing/paying. It won’t fix everything, but at least reduce it a little more.

    For those over the certain age, one has to apply for the upgrade. With the JPJ & PDRM database, the application can be approved or rejected based on lawful reasoning.

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  • Ben Yap on Jan 23, 2024 at 8:14 am

    simple issue also government make it so complicated.

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  • You can afford Higher capacity motorbikes, but not able to afford B full license? This is concerning. Motorcyclist going against traffic and running the red light is a norm, and the govt isn’t concern about this and being busy by auto upgrade to B full? That’s a lot of bull****

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  • Netizen on Jan 23, 2024 at 10:49 am

    Terima kasih kerajaan Malaysia kerana pertimbangkan isu ini.

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  • Ah Chong on Jan 23, 2024 at 11:14 am

    I’m a bit conflicted. On one hand, it felt like for those who put effort into getting that B Full license, it’s not fair.

    On the other hand, age 35 limit is nice, and those who has been riding for years and years without any saman, probably a better rider than any new B full rider who didn’t ride B2 for years.

    Probably a good thing for the community. But still think change auto upgrade to B1, and change B1 to follow European A2 horsepower instead of CC may be a good alternative. 35kw/47hp is plenty

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
  • Nonsense on Jan 23, 2024 at 11:18 am

    Automatic upgrade B2 to B1 only. 250cc is barely enough for safe highway use, while 500cc is more than enough for various type of uses. B full solely for riding fast bike need separate special training.

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    • Ah Chong on Jan 24, 2024 at 8:37 am

      Change B1 to horsepower-based. Royal enfield 650cc 47hp, OK. Zx4r, 400cc 77hp, no.

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  • willi on Jan 23, 2024 at 4:11 pm

    I think it is a bad idea
    Not enough people dying on the roads in Malaysia ?
    Is this to speed things up to get more people die on the road?
    And how about those people who spend the extra money to make B full will they get compensation ?
    Will the government change my car license to include a truck license now ?
    What is good about changing B2 to B full ?
    I don`t get it
    To me it makes no sense and will make the roads more dangerous and more people will die

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