Omoda & Jaecoo: fastest growing brand in the world?

Omoda & Jaecoo: fastest growing brand in the world?

“I can proudly say that we are the fastest expanding car brand in the world,” said Omoda & Jaecoo global CEO, Shawn Xu at Auto China 2024 in Beijing. More than just hot air or self-praise, The Chery International sub-division laid that bold claim based on both market expansion results and actual sales data.

Officially launched just a year ago, Omoda & Jaecoo (cutely referred to as O&J) has aggressively expanded globally, successfully entering more than 40 high-potential markets, Malaysia included. The number of dealer networks in those markets currently stand at 873. That’s one hell of a debut year.

Worth a shout is the recent opening of an assembly plant in Spain, as part of the brand’s “European campaign” – significantly it’s the very first car production facility in Europe run by a Chinese car manufacturer. Local production is important to O&J, following its “In somewhere, For somewhere” philosophy to promote globalisation while supporting localisation.

Omoda & Jaecoo is the fastest-growing auto brand in terms of hard sales numbers too. It took them just five months to reach the 50,000 unit milestone and another three months to hit 100,000 units. In its first full year of sales operations, O&J’s global sales volume has exceeded 160,000 units – the fastest ever recorded for a fledgling car brand.

Omoda & Jaecoo: fastest growing brand in the world?

Mind you, the numbers only count vehicles sold with either Omoda or Jaecoo badges, and don’t include, for instance, the Chery Tansuo 6 models sold in China (essentially the Jaecoo J7 with a different name).

Now if you’re reading this in Malaysia, you may be wondering why at all both Omoda and Jaecoo are considered one single “brand.” After all, the Omoda 5 is sold as a Chery here, while Jaecoo will stand on its own two feet very soon. Well, brand perhaps isn’t the right term to use at all – sub-division is a little more accurate.

You see, Chery International recently decided to split its many brands into three sub-divisions – Chery, Exeed and Omoda & Jaecoo, with the last two combined as one – each with its own CEO and top management teams. Certain new markets however, needed a more tailored approach.

Omoda & Jaecoo: fastest growing brand in the world?

Malaysia is a very good example, where Chery International needed to make a big splash from the get go. The Omoda 5 was chosen for its high market suitability, so Chery went ahead to launch with it first – and what an inspired choice that has proven to be! Soon, Jaecoo will attempt to penetrate the market as a separate entity, and should eventually absorb the Omoda brand back into its fold in the long run.

Confused? So are we, but that’s Chinese car brands for you. In the past years we have familiarised ourselves with the Geely group, and they now have Geometry, Galaxy, Lynk & Co, Zeekr, Radar, and Jiyue under them, just to name a few. Even BYD has expanded to have Yang Wang and Fang Cheng Bao sub-brands.

That aside, what do you think of Omoda & Jaecoo’s meteoric rise in markets across the globe so far? Can Jaecoo make as big an impact as Chery has done in Malaysia? Discuss below.

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Hafriz Shah

Preferring to drive cars rather than desks, Hafriz Shah ditched his suit and tie to join the ranks of Malaysia’s motoring hacks. A car’s technical brilliance is completely lost on him, appreciating character-making quirks more. When not writing this ego trip of a bio, he’s usually off driving about aimlessly, preferably in a car with the right combination of three foot pedals and six gears.



  • Look like no one can stop Cherry even though brake were applied and Puspakom get into picture.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 6
    • FSB = Flintstones Style Braking on Apr 28, 2024 at 1:39 pm

      How to stop when the brakes malfunctioned?

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 4
    • stoppage on Apr 29, 2024 at 11:46 am

      Seorang pemilik Omoda 5 bernama Stephanie meluahkan rasa kecewa menerusi akaun Facebook setelah komponen gandar belakang SUV miliknya itu ‘secara tidak semena-mena tertanggal‘ semasa sedang dipandu.

      Finally Cherry stop bt itself.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 0
  • Chairman Mao on Apr 28, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    Like that movie “Unstoppable”

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  • TempeKeras on Apr 28, 2024 at 9:18 pm

    Lembut macam Donat J Co

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 1
  • Forgot on Apr 28, 2024 at 10:33 pm

    Fastest but will their support and services be good or on par with japanese or will they be expensive like continental or malas like local brand?

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  • Xc90 Owner on Apr 29, 2024 at 6:10 am

    Too fast until all break loose. LOL. Never touch China made car as their quality control is really subpar even compared to Perodua. The design may able to persuade the B40 and M40, but their products quality is still not acceptable for T20. Better stick to Japanese cars for reliability.

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  • Can expend fast but cannot hire qualified welders?

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  • Squid on Apr 30, 2024 at 8:38 am

    With whats happening recently, looks like they’re gonna be the fastest to shrink as well lol

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