Safer public transport for women in Malaysia – Loke

Safer public transport for women in Malaysia – Loke

A systematic programme is being put in place to address weaknesses in public transport facilities in order to create a gender-responsive ecosystem, transport minister Anthony Loke has said, according to The Star.

Many women had expressed worry when using public transport, not just during rides in public transport but also when travelling to and from stations, the transport minister said.

“Poorly lit and uneven sidewalks leading to bus stops and train stations are part of the problem. These are some pain points that public transport users, women in particular, feel strongly about,” Loke said at the Women’s Safety in Transit and Transport Industry symposium.

The issue of safety was also discussed in a Cabinet committee which deals with traffic congestion, the minister said, adding that the committee agreed at its latest meeting to pay more attention to such issues. “If we talk about traffic jams and for people to take public transport, these are the issues we have to address. It’s not only about infrastructure but the whole ecosystem, not just the discounts but the safety in going to the stations,” Loke said.

Safer public transport for women in Malaysia – Loke

Ladies-only section for MRT Kajang Line coaches

This committee has asked the local government development ministry to source for funds, and to integrate them together with local councils in Selangor and in the Klang Valley, according to the report. Each local council has to identify bus stations and sidewalks which need upgrades immediately, and up to 100 new or improved bus stations and sidewalks leading to train stations can be expected, the transport minister said.

On the matter of the recently introduced women’s coaches on the Kajang MRT line, Loke noted there has been criticism from male passengers, but the transport minister is holding steadfast on this decision. “I feel strongly that when something is right, I need to do it despite the criticisms. There will be no U-turn on the women’s coaches,” Loke said.

The transport minister also said that 62% of regular public transport users were female, and two-thirds of passengers aged between 21 and 30 were women.

First announced in July, the ladies-only coach on the MRT Kajang Line began trials in September, and was introduced due to increasing sexual harassment on trains.

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Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.



  • Teresa Kok on Nov 15, 2023 at 10:56 am

    Thank you Loke

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
  • Tiffany Cat Toy on Nov 15, 2023 at 11:28 am

    Kudos. A big than you from Sajat ladies club

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 6
  • newme on Nov 15, 2023 at 12:08 pm

    Where’s gender equality? Where are the “Anything a man can do, a woman can do it, even better” people?
    Feminist! Defend your honour.

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 8
    • Hantu Raya on Nov 16, 2023 at 3:26 pm

      They’re empowered and oppressed at the same time apparently.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0
  • Mat Hijau on Nov 15, 2023 at 2:17 pm

    Stupid initiative….The women still prefer to squeeze to the non-lady train making the guys have to wait for other train during peak hour.

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  • LRT User on Nov 15, 2023 at 5:23 pm

    Meanwhile senior citizens are complaining womens carriages take up too much space when females are not using it while everyone crowds into the normal trains. Stupid Loke idea. Do it only when the trains are super long. Putra LRT trains only have 4 carriage so if half the train goes to women only, how about fairness for everyone else. Think lah stupid minister!

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 6
  • RejimKejamGanas on Nov 17, 2023 at 6:24 pm

    A very stupid idea. The criticism is not only from men, as this idiot is saying. It also comes from women. As it makes other coaches in the train to be super crowded, women are forced to utilize the allocated coaches even if they do not want to. What is stopping any donkey from harassing women in those coaches? Is there any enforcement to stop that? Then if they are travelling with other family members that are not women, they still end up in the crowded coaches. Only in Malaysia we use such stupid solutions. This Madani gomen is proving to be useless day by day.

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