Fewer parking bays, congestion charges for KL in 2017

Ampang-Kuala Lumpur Elevated Highway (AKLEH)

This will be of interest to those who travel into KL on a daily basis. It appears that Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) is looking to reduce the number of parking spaces and impose congestion charges for private vehicles entering the city, come 2017.

The idea is to take a cue from world-class cities from around the world in an attempt to reduce traffic entering the city, instead encouraging citizens and travellers to use public transport facilities, The Sun reports.

Its mayor, Datuk Mohd Amin Nordin Abdul Aziz, spoke about his future plans at the opening of the 7th World Class Sustainable Cities Conference yesterday. When asked by attending members of the media as to when the new plans could take place, the DBKL mayor responded, “Maybe after the completion of the Mass Rapid Transit line.”

Also in attendance was Deputy Federal Territories Minister, Datuk Dr Loga Bala Mohan, who further elaborated on the future plans. “The government will impose plans to make it difficult for private vehicles to enter the city. This includes higher development costs for developers, or building owners to build car parks which will contribute to high parking charges.”

He continued to say the plan to limit, in a sense, the incoming traffic into the city could make it easier for people to move around, depending more on the “MRT, LRT and other public transport services.”

How do you feel about this, then?

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Chris Aaron

With an equal passion for fast cars and everyday workhorses, Chris Aaron maintains a passion for European makes, Formula 1, playing the electric guitar and spending endless hours on the PlayStation - first-person shooters and the Gran Turismo franchise are his favourites. He also finds it strange to have written this in the third person.



  • somepissedoffdude on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:06 am

    “The idea is to take a cue from world-class cities from around the world in an attempt to reduce traffic entering the city, instead encouraging citizens and travellers to use public transport facilities.”
    But does KL have the same “world-class” city transport facilites? These politicians’ greed have no boundaries at all. I bet the congestion charges won’t apply to them, they’ll come up with some company who’ll be in charge of the congestion charges and probably award themselves with contracts to “improve” the transport facilities.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 108 Thumb down 4
    • World Class Corruption on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:21 am

      We also got world class. World class stealing. Steal RM2.6 billion also can escape. That is world class. Tyhe parti also condones and allows it

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 61 Thumb down 3
      • Same L0rrrr on Oct 01, 2015 at 12:06 pm

        When the government is short of money, you will see funny fees here and there. Later you will see sleeping charges, breathing tax here and there.

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    • Harry Potter on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:32 am

      What a joke. Trying to implement the so-called congestion fee like big cities such as Paris and London without having such big cities’ extensive rail network covering almost every square inch of the city?

      You better be real government. Paris rail transit has like how many, 30 different lines and routes excluding punctual and extremely reliable city buses. And us, we have only like 2 LRT routes, 1 Monorel route and maybe 6 KTM routes right?

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  • KL Citizen on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:07 am

    Well, if it’s true, it should be okay as per most of congested cities are doing – e.g. higher parking fee, limited space, no stalls allowed on parking area… but do ENSURE the public transport are available always & on time.

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  • krs189 on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:10 am

    Congestion charge Ok but leave the parking alone

    Think about families entering the city and worse think about people ferrying disable people or autistic child. using public transport is a very challenging chore.

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  • Areyousure on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:13 am

    Please build bigger parking buildings at LRT/ MRT/ Monorail stations first.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 77 Thumb down 0
    • alldisc on Sep 30, 2015 at 2:17 pm

      already happening at bdr tasik selatan LRT/komuter interchange station.

      and is taking place at both Serdang and kajang komuter stations. multi storey car parks.

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    • Yup agreed, eg Kelana Jaya LRT parking are always full. how to take LRT to KL?????

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  • Semi-Value (Member) on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:15 am

    i call bull on this. very obvious they are doing this to make more money. world class city? got world class public transport or not

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  • pity the poor people living in the flats in KL.

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    • kzm (Member) on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:42 am

      those already in KL..this for vehicle coming to KL

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      • people living in KL also need to travel outside of KL and when they return home, wham. Kene jugak.

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        • alldisc on Sep 30, 2015 at 2:20 pm

          i believe congestion charges will take place during peak hours. motorists who contribute to congestion will be made to pay.

          it will not happen during non peak hours.

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      • Tidur Bang on Sep 30, 2015 at 1:08 pm

        Baru bangun bang? Tido balik. Jangan bimbang. Kerajaan tolong

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      • Semi-Value (Member) on Oct 01, 2015 at 8:44 pm

        hi u tau KL berapa besar x? u cuba jalan kaki dari kampong balu ke kepong balu

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  • donno on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:27 am

    Simple. Continue to use cubchais. Fuel costs per day of using motorcycle/scooters are way cheaper than using public transports currently.

    If you go to France or Italy, a lot of people still commute by scooters/motorcycle to work.

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  • azhar on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:28 am

    great if its only for weekdays…but before that, add parking bays at LRT & MRT station..it wont be enough if more people using LRT,MRT to get into KL

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  • I’m all for going green, while the rail system in KL is quite OK (not good enough), please improve your bloody BUS SYSTEM (!!!) first before you come out with such thing.

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  • George Abdul on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:31 am

    So happy because the Govt love the Rakyat not to own anymore vehicles in the future… But those ministers still can own 4-5 cars in a single house with no needed to pay excise duty tax !!! Go cronies “dignity” and keep pampered the cronies !!!

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  • Topkek. Just make it simple. Whoever wanna buy new car need to show proof of having unoccupied parking space in KL before can proceed to buy.
    Those who have KL address dun need to do so. Do we have a deal?

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  • tricycle on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:34 am


    More income for the government……….to be wasted yet again.

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  • city fella on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:35 am

    what about those who actually stay in the city?

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  • Don’t just talk and implement without having the current transportation network being improved tremendously otherwise you the local gov are just wasting corporate man days having people to take multiple public transport just to reached one destination. Wasting time is just one of the loss, effectiveness of people working and deliverables are affected.

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  • fadhli on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:36 am

    Okay less parking in the city but how about at the mrt station? the amount of parking space is still the same

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  • Wahai Orang Orang Kampung on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:36 am

    Wahai orang orang kampong, sekarang masa susah, harga semua melambung kerana GST, kerajaan yang anda cinta sangat sekarang nak ada congestion charge.

    Dari GST sahaja, kerajaan sudah collect RM50 billion dalam 3 bulan. Tak termasuk income tax lagi

    Dah lah ringgit sekerang dah jatuh banyak, tetapi kerajaan masih nak menyusahkan rakyat.

    Sedarlah orang orang kampong, sedarlah orang orang red shirt

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  • Incognito on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:38 am

    DBKL here are some suggestions you may consider:
    1. Drastic increase in car park rates. In Singapore parking at CBD areas ranged from S$2-6 per hour (RM6-18 per hour).
    2. Build more multi-storey car parks at city outskirts to promote “park and ride”. Park your car at ourskirts take LRTs/MRTs to the city.
    3. Erect ERP gantries like Singapore, but do let us citizens know what are you going to do with the money you collected.
    4. Make sure sheltered walkway at most part of KL city. No one wants to take public transport if they need to walk under the sun/rain.
    5. Improve safety, the risk of getting robbed/raped is high if we have to walk “outside”.

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  • eeeriz on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:42 am

    Prove to us the public transportation (LRT, MRT, Busses and especially taxis) are as good as SG or London, we will use it..

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  • Songlap Songlap Malaysia on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:48 am

    We don’t need congestion charge if country is well run without staling and plundering.

    One man can songlap 2.6 billion (now 3 billion) is just one news we know. What about the other times he songlap that we don’t know about? I think it runs to hundreds of billions.

    Taib songlap US$20 billion (RM80 billion) also nothing happen to him. Infact he was rewarded for his songlap and made Governor. Even given Tunship.

    What about the songlaps by the other Menteri and Government officials?
    It all runs to hundreds of billions per annum the Songlap.

    This is why we get low spec lousy cars with super high prices. Our guardians are more interested in Songlap than fighting for the rakyat to get good and safe cars that are also reasonably priced.

    Problem is, Government own all the car companies in Malaysia. It is up to Government to reduce the car prices. We are already paying 3x the global price of cars.

    Nak ketuk rakyat Malaysia lagi? Rakyat sudah susah lah!

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  • thebosssedangbercakap on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:52 am

    fewer parking bays means DBKL should stop giving out permits for high rise projects. as easy as that.

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  • Edward on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:58 am

    Good move providing they don’t outright ban Uber and Grabcar

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  • Deepspace7 on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:58 am

    Why don’t our Datuk Mohd Amin and Datuk Dr. Loga, que for a taxi and see for themselves how well endowed they will be treated. Of course, dear Datuks, do not go around with an entourage of photographers laaaa…. Taxi drivers are not THAT stupid… or are they?

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  • Add-A-Comment on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:59 am

    I kind a agree to this but:

    1. Make sure the public transport are on-time and well planned (connecting one another…MRT, bus, LRT, monorail etc.)
    2. Make sure the bus drivers are well trained, polite and not racist.
    3. Make sure the public transports are safe. Lesser pick pockets (I am not saying totally no pic pockets, as it is impossible), no harassment (yes…I am saying totally NO), etc.
    4. The vehicle is well maintained and clean…especially buses and taxi.
    5. More connecting bridge with covers/shelters.
    6. More proper bus stops with covers/shelters, bright lights and well maintained.
    7. Ladies and gentlemen…please add on to this list…I am sure there are more….

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  • the mayor should define or be more specific on which KL area to be implemented this.
    In my opinion IF we have a very good public transport infrastructures in future the congestion issue will reduce by itself because people will use them, so no need to impose this for me stupid charges etc.

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  • Why so rash? on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:03 am

    Utterly disappointing; even after the completion of MRT line, how efficient you think it’ll be in terms of strategic location, punctuality, load capacity, etc etc?

    To learn from world-class cities is good, but please measure our capabilities first. Fit enough to copy?

    And firstly, do YOU, Mr Mayor and Mr Deputy FT Minister, walk the talk? Perhaps, only when our Gov SERVANTS start walking their talk, then will citizens follow.

    Don’t just talk as if we love to congest the city. Perhaps it starts with YOU first.

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  • agree. less cars, more improved public transport. no more ugly sj /metro bus please

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  • Just come up with a viable plan first… But most importantly please make sure the public transport is efficient enough. It was the inefficient public transport that drives the public to buy cars at the first place. If you can be like Singapore, then everything’s good

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  • We support the idea! Its good for health to walk more+cleaner city air quality.

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  • Merah Kuning on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:13 am

    They should only impose this when they also have WORLD CLASS public transport. How can you expect people to use public transportation when the connectivity is still poor.

    Additionally, KL city need to be “return” back to the average Malaysians. Currently, the city mainly occupied by the PATI/ PADI class at the lower end of the spectrum, and expats/super rich class at the top end of the spectrum. Average middle income are being pushed out further out of KL city to the Klang Valley suburbans and even to townships as far as Seremban due to the rising cost. Putting an extra burden on their pockets is just unfair as they simply don’t have any other choice. As it is, we are already charged for entering the city via all the Tolls leading into the city.

    I can understand the government charging for tolls on highways that are newly built. But charges for entering the city is still not fair when there are no other viable options.

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  • Sgt Scoop on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:15 am

    We already have a shortage of parking spaces and expensive parking charges. We just don’t have the public transport option. If Malaysia had a world class public transport network, nobody would have a problem with conjestion charges but the MRT isn’t going to solve everything. Has Datum Dr tried taking a KTM during rush hour?

    They want us to pay the taxes of a world-class city without providing the world-class city.

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  • Josh Ling on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:18 am

    i think one of the most effective ways of solving traffic jam in kl is to stop all those YBs and “dignitaries” from using traffic police to open up ways for them during peak traffic hours.

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  • kapchai on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:19 am

    HA HA

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  • trafficjam on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:30 am

    Apa susah2. Not enough parking space, just double parking laa hehe, so that more congestion.
    Two things to remember…
    Our Mayor or Minister always come up with stupid ideas, and Malaysian drives are mostly inconsiderate. Conclusion… traffic jam

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  • maybe on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:38 am

    “Maybe after the completion of the Mass Rapid Transit line.”??
    A sure sign of someone talking without a concrete plan.

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  • I will definitely agree to this if all MP to take public transport to Parliament and withdrawn all govt car. In the UK, some minister actually cycle to work. Show us its workable here in Msia and I will happily follow suit..

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  • FLX Saga on Sep 30, 2015 at 10:58 am


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  • Black Dog on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:20 am

    Haha! Yesterday The Star reported DBKL giving 50% discount development charges to encourage more developers to build more high rise buildings but this article stated they might increase the charges!

    And I wonder why people pay millions to live in the city centre with all the rallies, pollution, events, traffic jams, etc etc etc almost every week! Malaysia still has plenty of land (we are not singapore or hong kong)

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  • BukaPintuBayarTol on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:22 am

    Time to move out of KL

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  • thepolygonal on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:25 am

    Towards high income city where only the rich can enter and park with high parking fees. Now going to KL to shop is for rich people only.
    I 99 Speedmart dan mydin sahajalah

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  • Gaviny on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:35 am

    After mrt complete is fair but we all know that these charges are meant to earn profit also , but they should also follow that low emission vehicles enjoy less charges like London does

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  • jinggo on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:36 am

    aku naik moto ke KL, apa susah..

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  • Bullshit, fix the parking space at the LRT/MRT/KTM stations first. Most of the stations can’t even accommodate more than 50 cars!!! And we are talking about 3.5 million of private vehicles alone in KL and Selangor.

    For instance, those people that is currently living in Puchong will need to travel all the way down to Kelana Jaya or Asia Jaya LRT station just ride the train. And to make matters worst it takes almost 2 hours during rush hour to reach the stations!!! The best part is, taking 2 hours to reach the station during rush hour is one thing, but finding parking is another thing!!!

    Now when they decided to build MRT stations at Puchong, they have forgotten in include more parking as well. Seeing the current building plans, there is no way each station can even accommodate more than 50 cars as well except for the park & ride facilities which will easily be overload with vehicles. Come back to the point, now what choice do we have but to drive??? Get your bloody brains to work and think of the consequences before implementing something. All of them are the same kind, be it opposition or the current gomen. Smua 2×5 saja, x pakai otak seblum ckap!

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  • Aniki on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:46 am

    They need to make sure they have a world class transportation before implement such system. Else people will move out from KL and make this place an empty city.

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  • Rusmah on Sep 30, 2015 at 11:55 am

    Cucuri Cucuri malaysia!
    Ayah curi, anak curi, Cucu curi.

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  • andrekua on Sep 30, 2015 at 12:58 pm

    Our ministers always say don’t compare to other countries or you better migrate there. However they were the ones comparing when they wanna carry out plan to milk more money out of the citizens.

    To compare or not to compare, you tell me.

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  • fatiha on Sep 30, 2015 at 1:01 pm

    kalau naik teksi kne cekik duit je…meter xnk pkai sembang pe

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  • Aero (Member) on Sep 30, 2015 at 1:05 pm

    Too early to put up congestion charges. They should improve KL’s public transport first. The only service which I find acceptable is the RapidKL LRT. Everything else needs to be revamped. Some of the bus services are also not too bad, but there’s too many old, smoky buses in KL. The taxis are the worst part, if they can’t fix that, then don’t ban Uber and the others at least.

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  • Ultraviolet on Sep 30, 2015 at 1:06 pm

    World class cities have a subway station on every corner, reliable taxi services and reliable bus services. World class cities have actual sidewalks for people to walk to and from their transit points.

    KL is not a world class city by any remote meaning of the term.

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    • i agree with you…frankly speaking, with current mentality of our people (including the menteri&rakyat) it will be very very very difficult for our country to achieve world class cities e.g. tokyo

      with our ‘tak apa attitude,buang sampah suka hati etc.’ i cant imagine we could achieve that.

      i’m just giving my opinion based on my 6 years experience living in Japan.

      malay+indian+chinese+PATI mentality&attitude << japanese

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  • alldisc on Sep 30, 2015 at 2:29 pm

    2017? hahaha… no lah. BN wont do it until after GE14. they will know it is not a popular decision.

    i am saying 2018. they will laugh at us the rakyat and say why you vote us again?

    we already screwed you with empty promises (car price reduced by 30% – to match opposition promises). unfortunately, mahathir is right. malaysian mudah lupa.

    and they keep finding ways how to make money from govt contracts.

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  • camtakpro on Sep 30, 2015 at 2:29 pm

    After implement, then complain car sales drop.

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  • datuk on Sep 30, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    Datuk, Could you try for a week don’t use your driver and car to go city and see whether you could manage… Then we talk again ok?

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  • 4G63T DSM on Sep 30, 2015 at 3:07 pm

    You price the middle class out of the city, now you are going to price them out of coming into the city.

    1) Where is your world class public transportation system?
    2) Insufficient parking at “park and ride” stations
    3) Poor connectivity
    4) No unified payment system (except TnG) means you can’t get a monthly unlimited travel pass for commuters. It gets really costly even to use public transportation.

    It wont work, simply because DBKL hasn’t provided a viable alternative. People will still drive in and will be forced to pay more. This is no different from putting a gun to someone’s head.

    I understand the concept of congestion charging, but why reduce parking?

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  • robota on Sep 30, 2015 at 4:03 pm

    I thought I was paying congestion fee all these while…. so many tolls leading into and exiting from KL City…

    Road tax eat already every year, toll wanna sapu..now drive into KL also want money…win liao lor

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  • MitchelJohn on Sep 30, 2015 at 7:26 pm

    I stopped reading at DBKL

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